Book Read Free


Page 7

by D. Kelly

  “It seemed like you and J were cozy at Christmas. If that’s the case, why are we sitting here with Ty tonight?”

  Oh hell … these are his friends; I’m not getting in the middle of this.

  “J and I are just friends.”

  Darren’s gaze locks on mine. “Bullshit. Try again.”

  I look to Belle for help, but she shrugs. “Sorry, I’m totally curious too. J couldn’t keep his hands off you last week. What gives?”

  “I just got out of a six-year relationship; I’m not looking to rebound with anyone. Besides, Jordan and Ty have a good thing … I think.”

  “He and Ty have a thing, but it’s not necessarily good,” Darren corrects.

  “Well, I wouldn’t know because we’re still getting to know each other. There’s also the issue of him being my boss. That’s just asking for trouble.”

  Belle’s beaming like only a woman in love can. “Mel works for Noah and the band and look how well that turned out. And I work with them on some articles and look at us.”

  “Nice try. Can I get you guys anything before I go? Jordan is going to jump my shit if I stay here talking to you much longer.”

  Speaking of …

  “Come on, Allie!” he barks from across the bar. “We’re getting slammed over here. Start delivering these drinks!”

  “Sorry, girl, get back to it. If Ty dishes any details in your favor, I’ll share them.”

  “Thanks, Belle, but it’s not that serious. Really. We’re just friends.”

  By the time I make my way down to Jordan, my anger flares. He doesn’t need to yell at me when I’m tending to his friends.

  “About time,” he snaps. “Sasha already took your drinks. I need you to go in the back and tell Paul to come refill all the cherries and olives and shit. He can’t hear me when I call back there.”

  Not wanting to spend any more time in his proximity, I make my way to the back and can’t find Paul anywhere. There is no way I’m going back out there empty handed, so I pull the stepstool over to the shelf on the back wall where I know the cherries live.

  I’ve just about got them in my hand when the door slams open. Losing my footing, I come down hard on my ankle.

  “Jesus, Allie! Are you okay?”

  Jordan crouches beside me in an instant, and a dam of tears bursts open because I’m so over this night. And maybe because my ankle is throbbing too. “I’m fine,” I sputter and try to push him away, but he won’t have it.

  “Let me help you up.”

  As soon as I put pressure on my foot, I know I’m in trouble. “Shit!”

  Jordan scoops me into his arms and walks me to the nearby desk. “I’m going to take off your shoe and take a look.”

  My foot feels better once the shoe is off, but the way he shakes his head tells me I’m in trouble. Looking down, I can already see the redness and bruising. “This is not the way I wanted to start the new year.”

  With an exhausted sigh, he pulls up a chair and sits but continues to elevate my leg. “Me either. Why were you up there?”

  “Because I didn’t want you screaming at me again. Your friends were giving me the third degree about us, not the other way around. I was just trying to get back to work. When I couldn’t find Paul, I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of your rage again, so I thought I’d at least bring back some cherries. I would’ve been fine if you hadn’t slammed into the room like a caveman.”

  He reaches forward and wipes away a stray tear. “I’m sorry I’m stressed. It’s a big night, and you’re my best waitress. Well, you were. I don’t think it’s broken, but you’re going to need an X-ray to confirm.”

  “It’s not broken. I’ve broken the other one ice skating. I’m just going to need ice and alcohol. Tomorrow, I’ll get it double-checked.”

  “Well, you’re in the right place for alcohol,” he answers with a sullen tone.

  “Good. I’m assuming my drinks are on the house tonight since I can’t drive myself home.”

  “I’ll get Mac to take you. He owes me a favor or two.”

  The twinkle in his eyes tells me more than I need to know. “You and Mac too? Should I start making a list?”

  “It was a weekend fling. Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.” He slightly moves my foot, and I hiss.

  “Look, Jordan, I don’t want to spend the night alone. Can you just prop me up with two barstools in a corner, give me some ice and a few drinks? Maybe some nachos so I don’t throw up? I’ll pop some ibuprofen, and whoever leaves first can take me home.”

  “You got it. I’ll make sure you’re taken care of tonight. I promise.” Jordan scoops me into his arms and carries me back to the bar where Sawyer and Darren quickly arrange their stools against the wall in the corner where no one can bump into me.

  Within minutes, I’ve got my leg in a box with a hole cut out, padded with towels and surrounded by bags of ice. It’s actually pretty comfortable considering the situation.

  Sasha places a plate of nachos in front of me. “Poor Allie. I can’t believe Jordan made you fall.”

  Jordan flinches and hands me a vodka tonic.

  “It wasn’t his fault. It was an accident,” I reply, graciously accepting the drink.

  Darren reaches over and snags one of my chips. “You sure you don’t want us to take you to the hospital?”

  “I’d rather not be in the ER tonight when I can go to the urgent care and get an X-ray tomorrow. It’s just a sprain.”

  Tyler walks over with two extra chairs to replace the ones I’m now occupying. “Here you guys go. I can take you later if you want to go. Jordan is going to be here cleaning up until the wee hours of the morning.”

  Why does he have to be so nice?

  “Thanks, but I’m really okay. Jordan and Sasha, please stop hovering and get back to work. You’re down your best waitress, remember? You can’t afford to be slacking off.”

  Sasha bumps hips with J. “You told her she’s your best waitress, huh? Was that before or after she fell?”

  “Shut up and get back to work, Sasha,” he mutters and walks away.

  “I’m going to go down there and keep him company,” Tyler announces.

  “Like we care,” Darren mumbles under his breath.

  Sawyer and Belle snicker, and I suddenly feel like I’m part of a mean clique in high school. “He seems nice. Why don’t you guys like him?”

  Belle holds up her arms in a surrendering pose. “I don’t know him at all. I’m just laughing at these two goofs.”

  Sawyer leans closer to me. “Because my brother deserves someone who makes him feel wanted. Someone who will run after him when he decides he’s not worthy of love. He needs someone who, instead of giving him space when he withdraws, will remind him it’s better for him to be here with them, in the moment. Tyler’s not that person. He appears for a few months and then disappears for a few months. Nothing has changed between them in ten years.”

  “Oh …”

  Darren leans in on my other side. “Yeah, oh. Not only that, but in those ten years, Jordan has never brought Tyler home for a holiday. In fact, that’s usually their downtime.”

  “What do you guys want me to say?”

  Sasha drops off another drink as Sawyer asks the big question. “Do you like him?”

  “Even if I did, his mind is elsewhere, and he’s still my boss.”

  “Fucking the boss is hot. Talk about spicing up a romance.” Belle fans herself, and I can’t help but laugh at her.

  Sawyer nudges my arm. “I think you like him, and I think he likes you. And I already know I like you better than Tyler. So what’s stopping you?”

  Suddenly, the bar erupts into a ten-second countdown to the new year. As couples all around us begin getting closer and kissing as the clock strikes twelve, Sawyer and I watch from our corner as Tyler and Jordan kiss in the new year. When the cheers finally die down a bit, I turn back to him.

>   “That’s what’s stopping me. I won’t come between that kind of love; I’m just not that kind of woman.”

  Sawyer nods and clinks his glass against mine in a toast. “The two of us have a lot in common. You see, Allie, I’m not that kind of man either. That’s why I’m here tonight instead of where I’d rather be. Fucking sucks to be on the right side of karma, doesn’t it?”

  He can say that again.


  “What put that kind of smile on your face? Did you hit the lotto?” Sasha hops up on the bar and waits for my reply.

  “Noah and Sawyer’s tour got interrupted because of a tornado and the band is on their way home. Except for Noah and Mel; they’re off on a romantic getaway.”

  “That’s awesome. Maybe I’ll get a booty call.”

  Allie catches my eye as she bends over across the bar to pick something up from the floor. I’m completely distracted as I reply, “That’s my brother, Sasha.”

  She snickers. “Try that argument when you aren’t basically imagining yourself pounding into my sister’s ass.”

  Damn. She’s got me there.

  She moves in closer. “What’s the deal there anyway? Her six-month hiatus is up, and you and Ty are still riding the same merry go round as usual.”

  “We work together.”

  She snorts. “Please … like that matters. No one here is going to revolt if you date an employee. We rule the roost and the rest of them are our humble little servants. That includes Allie. She’s your best worker aside from me, and everyone here already knows it. Besides, it’s not like everyone in this bar isn’t hooking up left and right anyway. Give me a real reason, Jordan.”

  “I don’t want to hurt her.”

  “Then don’t. Next excuse.”

  “My office, Sasha, now.”

  The last thing I want to do is get into this in the middle of the bar where Allie might hear. Sasha follows behind me, closes the door, and places a hand on her hips.

  “I’m waiting, J.”

  “Allie is my friend. We hang out, my cat fucking loves her, and ever since I made her fall on New Year’s Eve we’ve grown close. It’s fun, and it’s easy. I don’t want to complicate that.”

  She perches herself on the edge of my desk and nails me with an all-knowing gaze. “Bullshit. You’re just using Allie as an excuse not to make any real decisions about Tyler. You’re going to have to shit or get off the pot at some point, Jordan. You and Allie have something special, and I think you know that’s true.”

  “And Tyler and I don’t?” That was probably the wrong question to present to Sasha because she doesn’t sugar coat anything.

  “Jordan, I love you, and I have been holding off saying this to you for years because you’ve never shown an interest in anyone except Tyler. If what you and Tyler have is so special, wouldn’t you be married by now? Maybe have some kids running around? You know I don’t want any, but my uterus is yours for the taking anytime.”

  “Sasha …”

  She shakes her head and pulls me into a hug. “Just think about it, J, please. I’m your best friend, and it kills me to see you light up around her and then clam up. You look at Allie with a measured amount of longing and desire. It’s sexy as fuck. You look at Tyler like a good friend, but there’s no lustful intent in your eyes when he enters the room. Not anymore at least.”

  “You know it’s different with Ty. We’re long past the new relationship lust. We’ve been through a lot together, and he knows my history. I don’t have to pretend with him.”

  Sasha releases me and shakes her head sadly. “You wouldn’t have to pretend with her, either, if you’d let her in. It’s your past, J, and I’d never share it out of turn, but you’re never going to settle down if you continue to hold it in.”

  “Says she who disappears every year at Christmas and still won’t tell me where she goes.”

  “Fair enough, I’ll tell you, but because you’re my best friend and you have a right to know. Not because I need to share with anyone else. If I ever want to settle down, I’ll tell my sordid little tale. Every year, I go to Ohio and visit my mom in the state penitentiary where she’s serving a life sentence for murder. I probably hate her as much as you hate your biological father, but on that one day a year, I go to remind her I’m still alive and I’ll never let her forget why she’s there as long as she lives.”

  “Damn, Sasha …”

  She brushes her skirt down. “It’s fine, J, it’s my life. I know you’re thinking it’s a sad way to spend Christmas, but that one day brings me happiness. Trust me. Knowing I make her as miserable as she’s made life for everyone keeps me sane.”

  “Does Allie know?”

  “Yup, she knows the whole sordid tale, and someday, when I’m exceptionally drunk, I’ll tell you too.”

  My phone rings on my desk. Sasha smiles when she sees Sawyer’s face, and I nod. “Go ahead and answer it. I know it will make your day.”

  Sasha pushes the speaker button. “Do I get to suck your cock tonight?”

  It sounds like Sawyer spits something out of his mouth. “Fuck Sasha, I wish. Way to answer the phone though.”

  “Can’t say I’m not disappointed, but it was worth a shot.”

  “What’s up, Sawyer?” I interrupt before this gets more X-rated.

  “A shitload, actually. Can you leave Sasha running the bar for a couple of days? I need you at my house within the next two hours.”

  Sasha eyes me quizzically, but her guess is as good as mine. She nods her agreement.

  “Yeah, Sasha can take over. What’s going on?”

  Sawyer exhales loudly. “Noah ran off to Vegas to get married. Luckily, Mel felt guilty and spilled the beans. Wedding is tomorrow, so we have to sneak into town tonight.”

  “The fuck?”

  “Exactly! He’s my twin, for Christ’s sake. What was he thinking?”

  Man, I can hear the hurt in Sawyer’s tone. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes … no … hell, I don’t know. Ask me again tomorrow after the wedding.”

  “Do Mom and Dad know yet?”

  The sound of a baby crying echoes in the background, and I hear a door close, drowning it out. “Nope, they’re my next call. Eli, Diane, and Rory all are on their way over. Everyone else was here when I got the call.”

  “Need me to do anything? Bring anything?”

  “Tequila. I’m out, and I need to be drinking for this one.”

  “You got it. I’ll be there soon.”

  Sasha turns off my phone and passes it to me. “Nothing like a wedding to bring a family together.”

  “God help us all. You sure you’ve got things here? I know tomorrow was supposed to be your day off.”

  “Jordan, I’ll be fine. You’re making me manager soon, remember? You’ve been training me on all the intricate details for months. Go. We’ll figure out a way to live without you for a few days.”

  Sasha grabs my arm as I turn to leave. “On second thought, can Allie crash at your place while you’re gone? I won’t have to go see your bastard cat, and I can have some freaky sex in my own bed for a change.”

  “You don’t have sex if Allie’s home?”

  She winks at me. “I do, but it’s mild in comparison to what I’d do if she weren’t.”

  “Let your inner freak out. Allie can stay at my place. Fat Bastard will love it.”

  The wedding passed in an instant. We landed in Vegas in the middle of the night Saturday, and the wedding was later that afternoon. By Sunday night we were all on a plane back home. As I watched my brother and his bride say their vows, I felt envious. I’m not even sure why.

  Then, when Sawyer and Belle gave their respective toasts at the reception, something kept nagging at me. I haven’t been able to get Sasha’s words out of my mind. Is she right? If Tyler and I had something special, wouldn’t we know it? Wouldn’t I know it?

  When I think in the abstract to the future, an
d if I could see myself spending my life with Tyler, I think I could. We’d be comfortable and easy. When I think about Allie in the same respect, excitement jumpstarts my heart. I’m not sure if we could have a life together, but I know I would never get tired of waking up next to her beautiful face. And I also know if I don’t get out of the starting gate with her, I’ll never have my answer.

  Allie’s car is in my driveway when I pull in. She must have worked the early shift today. I grab my bag from the back of my truck and let myself into the house. She’s curled up on the couch with her feet beneath her and FB in her lap. I’m pretty sure that cat loves her more than anything, including me.

  “Hey,” she says, greeting me with a sweet smile. “I didn’t know you were coming back tonight.”

  There’s a box of pizza and an empty bottle of wine on the table. “Yeah, we decided to come home a day early. There’s nothing to do in Vegas except drink and lose money.”

  “Strip clubs,” she offers.

  “Not my scene.”

  “You’re a strange man, Jordan Weston, but I like you.”

  I incline my head toward her lap. “And my cat loves you.”

  “He does. I think he’s my soul mate. He just wants someone to feed him, hold him, and love him. I’m down with all of that.”

  I kick off my shoes and tuck them under the table. “Are you looking now that your six months are up?”

  She quirks a brow at me. “My six months? Oh, wow, I haven’t even thought about it.”

  “Really? I thought you wanted time to reset and think?”

  She grabs the remote and pauses her movie. “I did. When I was laid up for six weeks after New Year’s Eve, I think I did about six months’ worth of reflecting.”

  I still feel bad about that. Allie’s foot was badly sprained, and she ended up on crutches. “I’m so sorry, Allie.”

  She places her hand on mine. “I know, J, and you need to get past it. I have. The whole six-month thing was stupid. I was reeling from leaving home more than I was about Evan. Honestly, I was pissed at myself for giving him that much of my time.”


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