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The Cowboy's Forbidden Bride (The Blushing Brides Book 4)

Page 6

by Tayla Alexandra

  “Do you love him?”

  Tears welled in her eyes. She wanted to tell him emphatically that she didn’t but she couldn’t. The truth was, she was falling in love with Ezra McCain. She nodded silently and wiped her tears.

  Cole put his arm around her shoulders. Something he didn’t usually do. “We’ll figure it out. And for what it’s worth, I think he’s an okay guy. It’s just that, I feel like―”

  “Danger follows him. I know. But he’s had a bad life. God still does miracles, doesn’t He Cole?” For the first time in her life, she didn’t feel like the big sister anymore. She wanted desperately for Cole to give her the answers she sought.

  “Yeah, sure He does.” He squeezed her shoulder. “But you don’t. You can’t go trying to change a person into who you want them to be.”

  “But we can help him, can’t we? Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? Be a light to the world?”

  “Sure. Yeah. But you’re not just being a light. You’re falling in love. Dad said we cannot be unequally yoked, that means―”

  “I know what it means, Cole. But how can I stop what I feel? You know what I’m talking about. I’m sure you feel the same way for Samantha.”

  “Samantha is a Christian, though.”

  “But what if she wasn’t, Cole. What if you fell in love with her and she wasn’t a Christian? Could you stop loving her just like that?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers, and I’m not telling you to turn off your feelings, just be careful. God can do anything. But a person has to be willing.”

  “When did you grow up? A couple of days ago you were carrying frogs in your pocket and eating smiley face pancakes.”

  Cole laughed heartily for a moment. Then he became serious. “When Dad died, I knew I had to step up. I was too young to take his place, but I felt the burden all the same. We’re going to make it, Charlie. I know we will.”

  But will Ezra?

  He was her heart’s desire. She could be happy spending the rest of her life with him. “Yeah. We will.”

  “Hey, I didn’t come out here to get on your case. I actually came out to tell you that we have riders this evening. Got the call right before I came.”

  “That’s great.” She tried to sound upbeat but couldn’t seem to muster the excitement. Riders were what kept them above ground, paid the electricity, and fed them. Things hadn’t gotten complicated in her heart until Ezra had shown up.

  “Let’s go. We need to get the horses ready.” He patted her back and stood. “Things will work out how God intends them to.”

  “Right.” But God didn’t always work the way she wanted Him to. If He did, she’d still have her parents instead of the heavy burden she carried. She’d be a vet, caring for other people's animals, not struggling to keep her head above water. God had a purpose, that she had no doubt, she just didn’t understand it.

  Charlotte stood warily and mounted Samson. She’d just have to trust God.

  Chapter 9—Ezra

  It had been three weeks since Ezra had been living with Charlotte and Cole, and though he’d vowed to leave after only a couple of days, the news that Garrett had been arrested had brought him a small amount of peace.

  Cole and Ezra had finished grouting the bathroom tiles and installed the toilets. They had gotten three of the five rooms ready, one of which he insisted on living in. He didn’t like the way Cole watched his every move around his sister, but Ezra didn’t blame him. He’d earn his keep, and at the first sign of danger, he’d be there to protect them.

  “We have our first lodgers,” Charlotte said as she walked behind the store where he was sanding down another dresser for the fourth room.

  “Oh yeah? That’s great. When do they arrive?”

  “Well, that’s kind of the problem. They’re coming tomorrow, and they want three rooms. It’s a group of people.”

  “No problem. I can take one of the unfurnished rooms.”

  “Are you sure? You’re welcome to sleep on the couch.”

  “No. It’ll be fine. I don’t want to impose on you.”

  “I don’t think the hard floor will be great on your shoulder.”

  He was still having trouble with arm movements, and a bit of pain here and there, but other than that, it seemed to be healing fine. “It won’t be a problem. This dresser will be finished soon, and I was thinking of grabbing a cot from the bunkhouse.”

  “Those things are probably old and rotted. Who knows what disease they may carry?”

  “I looked at them, and you’re right, they’re too small for the guests, but the base is actually a plastic mesh, and the frame is fine. It’ll be fine for me. With a couple of blankets, I’ll sleep like a baby.”

  Charlotte gave him a hesitant look and then nodded her agreement. “I guess so.”

  “Hey, you have to set a good example for your brother, right?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, he said you agreed to allow his girlfriend to come and stay for a week.”


  “Then, it’s only fair that if she has to stay in a guest room, then so do I.”

  As soon as his meaning hit her, she blushed. “Wait . . . you're not . . . are we―”

  He laughed as she tried to speak her mind, only it seemed as though, she didn’t know what that was. Over the weeks she had grown on him, and by the way, she’d stammered, he had a feeling he was growing on her, too.

  Recently, she’d been keeping more of a distance from him. After their talk about God, Ezra understood her hesitance. They’d spent a good deal of time getting to know each other then suddenly it stopped. No more evening walks. The intimacy they’d shared had been converted into something of a friendship. Not for him, he still cared for her deeply. But she was going through some kind of inner struggle, and he allowed her to it. He cared for her too much to push her into something she didn’t want. There were times that he was so down, he couldn’t see the light through the darkness. That was no way to live. He refused to bring her down with him. She deserved so much more than he had to offer. He wanted to be brave like those men in the movies, who did what was best for the girl and left. He had to find a way to be that man. To leave her because he loved her.

  “Seriously, though. I think it may be dangerous for me to stay here at all. Garrett―”

  “You said it yourself, he’s in jail. Ezra, you’ve been so much of a help here. We couldn’t have gotten those rooms ready without you.”

  Garrett wouldn’t be in jail for long. He never was, and when he got out, he would come after him. But this, he couldn’t tell her. So instead, he gave her another truth. “But you could use the extra room for guests. I don’t want to hinder your sales.”

  “It’s not even ready yet. And you more than earn your keep.”

  Ezra stared at her for a moment, wishing he were braver than his words. “I’m sorry, Charlotte. As much as I’d like to stay, I have to be moving on. It’s just something I have to do.”

  The sadness in her eyes just about killed him.

  “I understand. When will you leave?”

  “Soon. But while I’m here, maybe you could teach me a thing or two about the ranch?”

  Charlotte turned away but not before a tear slid down her cheek. “Yeah, sure.”

  “Hey, don’t cry.” He took her hand and pulled her toward him.

  She slipped into his arms easily and laid her head on his uninjured shoulder. “I just don’t want you to leave. I feel so safe with you here.”

  He lowered his head to her strawberry-blond hair. A waft of flowery scent tickled his senses, reminding him of how much he stood to lose by staying there. Holding her at arm's length, he wanted to tell her he’d never leave, but to keep her safe, he had to. “One day, I’ll get all this worked out, and I’ll come back.”

  Charlotte turned from him and headed up the dirt path to the stables. It crushed him to see her leave.

  A valiant knight, he was not. But for the f
irst time in his life, he wanted to do what was right.

  Chapter 10—Charlotte

  Charlotte brushed Samson down as her thoughts spun around in her head. She understood why he thought he had to leave, but she didn’t want him to go. How would he be safe out there? His shoulder was healing better than expected but where would he go? What would he do? Her feelings were growing for him each day, and she feared that if he left, he would never come back.

  The stable door opened and Charlotte looked back. Ezra stood in the doorway, his long shadow almost reaching her.

  He walked toward her. With each step, she thought her heart might break. When he was so close to her that she could feel the heat from his body, he spoke. “How about that lesson?”

  “What’s the point. You’re leaving, right?” She couldn’t help sounding upset. She was.

  “Not right now, I’m not. You said you’d teach me about the ranch. I want to learn.”

  “For when you come back?”

  He took her chin in his hand and lifted her head to his. “I will come back, Charlotte. That is if you want me to.”

  She didn’t believe him. Once he was gone, he’d stay gone. But still, she obliged him. “Of course, I do. What do you want to learn?”

  “Can you teach me how to ride?”

  With that, she smiled. “I don’t know if you’re ready for that. Your arm―”

  “My arm is fine. Hardly feel any pain at all. Teach me to ride, Charlotte.”

  “You asked for it.”

  She decided on Noel, a Morgan that was born on Christmas morning many years ago, for Ezra to ride. She was a very tame and gentle horse. One she usually used for the kids because she was older and needed very little instruction. She bridled both horses and handed Noel’s reins to Ezra. She took Samson’s, and they led the horses outside.

  “Grab the third saddle and blanket,” she said pointing to the bench just inside the stable door.

  Charlotte looked for signs of weakness in his shoulder, and she noticed a slight wince as he lifted the saddle and brought it to her. She had no intent on damaging his shoulder anymore, but something inside nagged at her. If he were hurt, he wouldn’t leave. She set that awful thought aside. Was she that desperate she'd wish him hurt just to make him stay longer? Besides, there was still the matter of his lack of belief. She couldn't entertain a life with him if he were not a Christian. Not that it made him less valuable, but it was important that they share the same beliefs.

  She showed him how to place the saddle correctly on top of Noel and then grabbed Samson’s saddle.

  Ezra’s face flushed as if being that close to a horse terrified him.

  “You sure you want to learn?” she asked. “Noel is one of our gentlest Morgans.”

  “Yeah, of course, I do,” he answered, but his face didn’t send the same message.

  “Okay then. First lesson. You’re in charge of the horse. If you show fear, Noel will sense it. She's a good girl, but some of the others, like Samson here, if he thinks for a second he can get away with acting up, he will.” She patted Samson on the neck. “So, you’re the boss.”

  “Got it.”

  “Okay, then. Lesson two ― how to properly secure a saddle,” she said.

  Charlotte explained in detail what each part of the saddle was for and the importance of each.

  She secured Samson’s saddle instructing Ezra to do the same. “Make sure you pull the cinch strap tight,” she said as she secured Samson. “But not too tight. She still needs to breathe.”

  Ezra did as told.

  “Now link it through the ring and tie a T-knot.”

  As if he’d done it all before, Ezra pulled it through and tied the knot perfectly.

  “Fast learner. Ready to ride?”

  Ezra’s Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped visibly. She pretended not to notice.

  “Put your foot in the stirrup like this, and heave your other leg over the saddle.” She climbed on top of Samson with little effort. She’d been riding all her life.

  Ezra lifted a leg and Noel moved. Ezra backed away. “I don’t think she likes me.”

  “Nonsense. Noel can sense your insecurity. Remember. You’re in charge. Approach her with confidence.”

  “Confidence?” Ezra let out a laugh. “Give me a second, I have to find it.”

  Charlotte giggled. “Let me help you.” She got down from Samson and came around to Noel. “Hey, girl. This is Ezra,” she spoke into the Morgan’s ear. “He’s okay.” She gave Noel a carrot to distract her. It was very unlike her to be anything but gentle, but Ezra’s fear was so strong, she could smell it herself.

  “Maybe we should switch. I don’t think she likes me.”

  Charlotte laughed again. “She barely moved, Ezra. Give it another try.”

  Ezra put his foot in the stirrup and lifted himself on top, this time without effort. He let out a huge grin as if he’d accomplished a significant task. She clapped and cheered for him as he sat in the saddle.

  “Now put both feet in the stirrups and hold the reins,” she said, steadying Noel as she would for a small child.

  Ezra did as she told him. She gave him instructions on how to lightly prod the horse forward with his feet and how to pull on the reins when he wanted her to stop. Once satisfied, she got back on Samson.

  “The trail is plenty big to ride side by side. Just keep Noel next to Samson, and he will do most of the guiding.”

  Ezra nodded, but as Noel moved forward, the saddle began to slide sideways in her direction. Before she could acknowledge the fact that the saddle was not on tight enough, the entire saddle slipped further. She jumped down as the seat flew to the side and Ezra hit the ground. Spooked, Noel’s foot nearly came down on top of his chest. Noel backed away smartly.

  “Are you okay? I should have checked your saddle before you mounted her.”

  Ezra let out a groan and held his damaged shoulder. “I think I’m okay.”

  She helped him to his feet. “Are you sure? Maybe we should save it for another day.”

  “No, I’m fine.” His face showed that he was in pain, but he was acting tough.

  “Are you sure?” Guilt immediately hit her for her earlier thought. She didn’t want to damage his shoulder more. It was only an instant thought she’d brushed away quickly.

  “Maybe you should tighten the saddle this time.”

  Charlotte looked at him for a long while as he dusted himself off. Her instinct was to tell him no, the lesson was over, but her experience told her that the only way to conquer fear was to get back on. “You sure you’re not hurt?” she asked.

  “A little pain, but I don’t think it did any damage.”

  Charlotte resaddled Noel making sure everything was completed properly. Grabbing the saddle horn, she pulled on it to make sure it would not slide again. Kicking herself for not checking it before he’d mounted the first time, she rubbed Noel’s muzzle. “Sorry about that, girl.”

  “You’re telling her you’re sorry? I’m the one who fell.” He chuckled.

  “He’s an amateur, Noel. Don’t listen to him.”

  Ezra laughed harder. “You got that right.”

  “Okay. You ready to try again?” Charlotte searched for pain in his eyes but found nothing but amusement.

  “Let’s do it. Me and Noel are thoroughly acquainted.” Ezra placed his foot in the stirrups and climbed back on.

  Charlotte shook her head and mounted Samson. Together they took the trail. After a while, Ezra seemed to enjoy the ride more than she expected. The fear she saw earlier was nowhere around. He was a natural. Confident and cool. Of course, Samson and Noel knew the trail by heart. They’d walked it many times over and took every turn with a nice leisurely pace.

  “What do you think?” Charlotte asked.

  “I like it.” He patted the nape of Noel’s neck. “I think we’re friends.”

  They rode the trail to the end and dismounted to let the horses drink from the river. Ezra walked arou
nd shaking out the noticeable stiffness from his legs.

  “I think they’re stuck this way.” He tried to straighten his legs.


  Ezra put a hand on her shoulder. “A little. But I’d endure anything just to spend more time with you.”

  Charlotte’s heart felt as though it were breaking into pieces. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  He kissed her gently. “I don’t want to go. I don’t.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I’m happy here. Happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Here, with you, I feel at home.”

  “Then stay.”

  “I want to. I really do, Charlotte. But I have to protect you. And every day I’m here, I’m putting you in danger.”

  Chapter 11—Ezra

  At the sound of horses whinnying and hooves vibrating the ground, Ezra sat up straight in bed. He wasn’t trained in horsemanship, but since the time he’d been there, he’d never heard such an uproar. The sound of voices and the distinct crack of a whip had him rushing to the window.

  “What the . . .”

  It was pitch-black outside, but Ezra could make out the movement of horses along with that of men. Barefoot, Ezra ran out the door to see what all the commotion was. Before he reached the stable, a horse galloped out, raising his front legs, whinnying wildly. Behind him, a man swung at him with a whip. Ezra backed up and hid behind the store wall as the whip made a connection, and the horse reared up his legs.

  “Ezra! Come on out! I know you’re here!” A man called.

  Ezra stared out into the darkness unable to see anything but shadows. Even so, he knew it was Rhett, one of Garrett’s men. He’d recognize that accent anywhere. The horse fled away with several others as the men laughed. The time had come to give himself up.

  “Yah!” Rhett yelled scaring the horse into a trot. “Get out of here.”

  “That’ll teach her to go shacking up with outlaws,” another man spoke. The voice was surely Bart, another of Monroe’s men. “He’s probably in there shaking in his boots like the coward he is.”


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