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Through The Fire and Flame (The Kurtherian Endgame Book 3)

Page 8

by Michael Anderle

  “I have small children running loose down here,” Michael replied offhandedly. “All my weapons are behind locked doors.” He placed his load down carefully, then selected one of the rifles and started to strip it down for cleaning.

  William added his bundle to the pile, then pulled up a stool and sat down at the workbench. “I can’t say I’m too choked up about the T-rex getting eaten, honestly. You know I thought the lizard meat was going to be too gamey to do much with.” He made a face as he grabbed the bottle of oil and one of the rags. “An old creature like that would probably taste horrible anyway. So, what’s your backup plan?”

  Michael broke the rifle over his knee and got to work with his oily rag. “I’m going to arrange a big hunt. One where everyone can get involved, and we can bring in a lot of meat.”

  “Something that big is going to take some planning.” William scratched his cheek in thought. “So it’s back to the drawing board?”

  Michael nodded. “It is.” He paused for a minute, then dropped his rag and placed the rifle on the workbench. “In the meantime, I have plans with Bethany Anne and the children. I’ll see you out; we can come back to this another time.”

  William lifted a hand to wave him off. “Go, have fun. I’ll take care of this. Give my love to Bethany Anne and the tykes.”

  High Tortuga, Space Fleet Base

  Bethany Anne took one last look around the Pit and nodded, satisfied that the preparations for Kael-ven’s pickup were in hand. She stepped into the Etheric and emerged a moment later in her kitchen.

  Addix came back with the children while Bethany Anne was in the middle of preparing a snack for the returning shopping party.

  The twins burst through the front door ahead of their exhausted aunt.

  “Mommyyyy!” they cried as one, dashing over to be swept up in Bethany Anne’s arms.

  Addix came in behind them, laden with bags of all sizes.

  Bethany Anne waved Addix in, then held her babies to her and kissed them. “Did you have fun shopping on Colonnara?”

  Addix groaned as she collapsed on the couch. “We did not remain on Colonnara for long. There was an attempt to kidnap the children for ransom—”

  “WHAT?” Bethany Anne let go of Alexis and Gabriel. “Are you both okay? Did they hurt you?” She held the children at arm’s length to examine them for injuries.

  “Of course we are, Mommy.” Alexis folded her arms and fixed Bethany Anne with her self-assured stare. “We did everything Uncle John taught us to do if anyone took us.”

  Bethany Anne ignored the way her throat constricted. “That’s because you two are brave and clever.” She smiled and ushered Alexis and Gabriel over to their table, grateful at that moment that she and Michael had chosen to prepare their children early for the life they had been born into.

  “Aunt Addix took care of the bad guys. She showed them mercy, Mommy,” Gabriel told her solemnly.

  Bethany Anne frowned at Addix in question as she bent to put Alexis and Gabriel’s plates in front of them.

  Addix shrugged. “It would not have been appropriate to make too much of a mess with the children present. They were only in the next room.”

  “I appreciate that,” Bethany Anne admitted. “There’s a big difference between roleplay in the training simulator and witnessing violence in real life.”

  “Alexis and Gabriel were resourceful and calm,” Addix told her as the twins tucked into their snack. “Unlike me. I have to admit that I panicked at first, but the children thought to activate Phyrro’s holo and drop it for me to find.”

  “We weren’t scared. In fact, we scared the bad guys!” Gabriel patted Bethany Anne’s hand. “You don’t need your red eyes, Mommy. Aunt Addix came to where they took us, and she didn’t even let us help after that.”

  “You see? The kidnappers had no chance with these two. You and Michael have trained them well.” Addix broke into a fit of hissing laughter. “Believe me, they would have fought if I had allowed it. Your daughter attempted to use her game powers on a Torcellan who insulted me earlier in the day.”

  “Well, he shouldn’t have been so mean about you!” Alexis grumped.

  “Yeah!” Gabriel cried. “It’s not okay to be mean just because someone is different. Alexis did the right thing.”

  His usually affable expression twisted into a frown, and for a second Bethany Anne saw every bit of Michael’s imperious nature in their son. It was a rare glimpse of the patriarch who slept deep beneath her son’s cheerful and easygoing exterior. Alexis had the same relentless streak, which Bethany Anne had seen in her daughter from the day she was born.

  Bethany Anne looked from one earnest face to the other and her rage faded, replaced by sheer pride in her children’s drive to protect the downtrodden even at this young age. “Yes. Yes, you did.” She looked at Addix, who gave her the short version of the events on Colonnara.

  Bethany Anne listened, tamping down her growing rage until Addix finished with the information that all of the kidnappers were firmly on the deceased list. “Okay, so I don’t need to go there and unleash hell.”

  Addix shrugged. “I shouldn’t think so. At least, not until I make certain it was an isolated event.”

  Bethany Anne raised an eyebrow at that. “You can give Michael your full report later.”

  The twins’ heads turned as one toward Bethany Anne at the mention of their father.

  “Where is Daddy?” Alexis asked. “I want to give you your gift!”

  Gabriel pushed his empty snack plate away. “Me too!”

  “Why don’t I ask him, sweethearts?” Bethany Anne brushed a strand of Alexis’ hair out of her eyes and opened the link to Michael. Michael, did you lose track of time? Our children are waiting.

  Michael’s voice held a smile. I will take it that our daughter is impatient to give you her gift. I did not lose track of time, and I shall be there in a few moments.

  Bethany Anne smiled. “He is on his way.”

  Addix got to her feet. “In that case, I will take my leave, with your permission. There are one or two things that bear further investigation before I give a formal report.”

  Bethany Anne nodded as her loyal and trusted friend turned to leave. “Addix,” she called.

  Addix turned back with her hand on the door handle. “Yes, my Queen?”

  Bethany Anne was at her side in a blink, wrapping Addix in a tight hug. “Thank you for protecting my babies.”

  Addix returned the embrace somewhat awkwardly. “It is my honor and my privilege.”

  The twins piled on to the hug, and Addix ruffled both of their heads and headed out of the door as Michael arrived.

  Michael swerved, avoiding crashing into Addix as she left calling her promise to catch up with him after she’d done her research. “Research?” he asked Bethany Anne.

  “Mmmhmm.” She tilted her face to accept his kiss. “Addix will report to you later. The children had more of an adventure on their outing than we planned for. Don’t freak, but there was an attempt to kidnap them.”

  Michael’s smile changed to a snarl in a fraction of a second.

  She held up a hand. “The children are fine.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” Alexis chided. “Mommy already did her glowy eyes.”

  Gabriel tugged on Michael’s hand. “Come help us get Mommy’s gift ready!”

  Bethany Anne laughed. “But it’s not Mother’s Day until tomorrow.”

  Alexis pouted prettily. “We don’t want to wait.”

  “It should be Mother’s Day every day,” Gabriel declared.

  “Besides, we have more gifts for tomorrow. This one is too special to wait.”

  Michael shrugged. “You can’t argue when they put it like that.” He allowed himself to be pulled away by the twins. They took the bags into the nursery, and Bethany Anne went over to the breakfast bar to wait for her surprise.

  Bethany Anne sat with her elbows on the counter, picking at a bowl of frozen berries while she turned over her fee
lings about the kidnap attempt. It was one more thing on a growing list she had to worry about right now.

  The sensible thing would be to wait for Addix to report to Michael before taking action against Colonnara. If it had been an isolated incident, there was no action to take. If she discovered that there was a wider issue?

  Whoever was involved would wish for the mercy Addix had shown.

  Michael returned while Bethany Anne was thinking about replenishing the berries. “The children are ready for you. They say you are not to look.”

  Bethany Anne walked carefully to the nursery with Michael’s hands covering her eyes. “Don’t you dare walk me into a wall.”

  Michael’s breath tickled her ear. “I would never. Just a few more steps.”

  He released her a moment later, and she saw that the children had created an impromptu theatre with Michael’s help.

  Bethany Anne clapped with delight and rushed over to hug the twins. “What is all this, my loves?”

  Alexis and Gabriel chorused. “Happy Mother’s Day!”

  They each grabbed one of Bethany Anne’s hands and tugged her over to the couch. Michael dimmed the lights and slid onto the couch beside Bethany Anne.

  Alexis and Gabriel scrambled to sit in her lap. They were getting a bit big for it but the opportunity wouldn’t last forever, so she accepted the numb legs she knew were in her future and wrapped her arms around them.

  Bethany Anne felt the excitement radiating from her children. It was a lot, even for family movie night. “What are we going to watch?”

  Alexis gripped Bethany Anne’s hand as the title frame came up on the screen. “Shh, Mommy! It’s starting!”

  The opening shot panned in on a snowy mountain. Two figures became clearer as the camera zoomed toward them.

  Bethany Anne’s mouth twitched. That scene looked an awful lot like…

  Bethany Anne’s mouth fell open when the close-up revealed Alexis and Gabriel dressed as her and Michael. Is this what I think it is?

  I believe so, my love.

  Onscreen, Alexis tossed the ends of her long dark wig imperiously. “We’ve been in these mountains for five days now.”

  Bethany Anne smiled contentedly and snuggled into Michael with their whole world held in her arms.

  Unnamed System, QBS G’laxix Sphaea, Bridge

  Kael-ven monitored the video from the surveillance drones on the secondary screens, waiting to see whether the first ships to arrive in-system would belong to friend or foe.

  He drummed his fingers absentmindedly on the armrest of his captain’s chair while ArchAngel watched impassively from the main screen and Kiel paced his nervous energy away. His eyes remained on the screen, but they did not see the eerie beauty of the cold light cast by the dying star.

  All the tension that had been building in him since the techs had discovered the substance in Loralei’s core bubbled up—and then Kiel passed by again. “Will you sit down, Kiel? You’re wearing a groove in the floor.”

  Kiel stopped and looked down at his feet, then turned again and shook his head at Kael-ven. “I just want to get out of here. This dead system is spooky.” He walked back to his station.

  “I cannot disagree.” Kael-ven sat back in his chair, his shoulders dropping as the sigh left him. “The sooner we get back to High Tortuga, the better.”

  ArchAngel sniffed. “Wishing will not make our departure happen any sooner.” The EI’s studied indifference fell away suddenly and she half-turned on the screen as if hearing a noise behind her. “Oh, would you look at that? Perhaps I was wrong.”

  Kael-ven sat forward. “What is it?”

  ArchAngel switched the drone feed on Kael-ven’s screen. “This drone is registering Gate activity a few kilometers inside the system boundary.”

  Kael-ven got to his feet in a hurry. “ArchAngel, put it up on the main screen.”

  ArchAngel raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she moved to a secondary screen to make way for the video feed.

  For a moment, the screen showed only the faint glow from the distant star. A shimmering speck appeared in the void, rapidly expanding outward until the point of bright light became a circle of shimmering waves filling the screen.

  Kael-ven heaved a sigh of relief when the ship nosed through the Gate, closely followed by the much smaller support ships. His eyebrows went up when the main bulk of the almost incomprehensibly large ship came into view. “Bethany Anne sent a superdreadnought?”

  “She did,” ArchAngel confirmed. “The Gate signature belongs to the Superdreadnought Atalanta, Captain, and we are being hailed.”

  Peter’s face and upper body appeared on the screen. “Hey, Kael-ven, Kiel. We heard you guys need a relief?”

  Kael-ven tilted his head. “Relief? I was under the impression that you were here to escort us back to High Tortuga.”

  “There has been a change of plans.” Jian stepped into view behind Peter. “We are here to relieve you and your crew, Captain.”

  Peter covered his yawn with a hand and pointed over his shoulder at Jian. “What he said. Sorry, I’m beat. My feet haven’t hit the ground for the last few days. I got back from the hunt with Michael and came straight onto this ship.”

  Kael-ven nodded in understanding. “How did the reptile hunt go? I have been anticipating the video of the battle.”

  Peter shook his head minutely. “Yeah… There’s not going to be any video. It didn’t exactly go according to plan.” He shrugged in answer to the questioning looks of both Yollins. “Let’s just focus on getting the EI onboard the Atalanta so you guys can get back to the base and decide how you’re gonna spend your R&R.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Kael-ven chuckled. “I have never heard sweeter words. It’ll probably take a couple of hours to get the core ready for transfer. I’ll contact you when we’re ready.”

  Peter grinned. “Great. That sounds like a window for a nap. I’ll see you guys in a couple of hours.”

  Kael-ven nodded. “See you then.” He signed off, and the screen returned to showing the massive ship and the support ships suspended around it in the vacuum. He turned and motioned for Kiel to follow him.

  They left the bridge and walked in comfortable silence to the elevator. ArchAngel had the doors open and waiting for them. They stepped in, and Kael-ven broke the silence when the elevator began to move. “What will you do with your R&R?”

  Kiel opened his mandibles to speak, then closed them again. “I don’t know,” he answered eventually. “I haven’t been to New Devon yet?”

  Kael-ven looked at his friend in surprise. “Really? We should find out if there’s an available transport when we get back. I’ve heard great things about the fights.”

  Kiel made a noncommittal gesture as the elevator let them out. “Maybe once the interdiction is fully up and running. It’s still not the safest place.”

  Mellor was alone when they entered the lab. He had his back to the door and was packing his tools.

  Kael-ven took note of the reassembled core on the table and pointed it out to Kiel. “Now that is what you call an efficient team. I haven’t even given the order yet.”

  Mellor turned from his toolbox and grinned. “I know who we work for, Captain. Loralei is ready for transport. She just needs loading onto an antigrav pallet. If only there were a couple of big, strong Yollins around to help…”

  Kael-ven chuckled. “That won’t be an issue.”

  Kiel peered at the blinking lights on the core’s casing. “Is she…okay?”

  Both Kiel and the captain jumped when Loralei spoke.

  “She is sitting right next to you, Commander.”

  Mellor turned back to his tools to hide his snickering. “Dammit, Loralei.”

  The EI’s gravelly laugh confirmed to Kael-ven that she was fully functional. “Glad to have you back with us, Loralei.”

  “Super-glad not to be the helpless prisoner of a hostile alien race,” she replied cheerily. “ArchAngel tells me I’ll be hi
tching a ride home with Atalanta. Have you seen her exterior defenses? Aliens wouldn’t have fucked with me if I looked like that.”


  High Tortuga, Space Fleet Base, Michael’s Offices, Vid-doc Room

  Michael looked up from the control panel and gave Bethany Anne a thumbs-up. “Alexis and Gabriel are inside the scenario. Your turn, my love.”

  Bethany Anne pulled the lid of her Pod closed and settled back into the padding. Oh, that’s comfortable. Did Eve design the interiors?

  Not just the interiors, Michael replied. Eve designed everything, and she refines the entire game system constantly. You know she insists that everything she creates for the children is the best.

  Bethany Anne smirked. True. Our children are extremely lucky to have her. Not just Eve, either. Things could have gone a lot differently on the mall world if Addix hadn’t been the one guarding them. And then she dressed up in costume for their movie!

  I thought the movie was a nice touch. Did you see how dashing Gabriel looked in that cloak?

  Don’t get any ideas.

  Michael’s chuckle was the last thing Bethany Anne heard as her vision faded to black.

  Immersive Recreation and Training Scenario: Fantasy Wars

  Bethany Anne found herself outside a cottage on a bluff overlooking the sea. She headed through the gate into the garden, hearing the unmistakable sound of Alexis bossing her brother around coming from inside the cottage.

  The children were delighted to see her.

  Gabriel tugged on her hand, drawing her inside.

  “What are we doing in this cottage?” she asked the twins.

  “This is where we get ready to start the game,” Gabriel explained. “We get our costumes on, and then we have all our abilities and skills.”

  “Who do you want to be?” Alexis asked.

  Bethany Anne tilted her head and smiled. “I’ll just be myself.”

  Alexis giggled. “No, Mommy! You have to choose which character you want to play.” She made a gesture in front of Bethany Anne and a floating menu appeared. “Because it’s your first time in this scenario, you have to choose from the list.”


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