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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 9

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by Yukiya Murasaki

  The story so far—

  In the MMORPG Cross Reverie, Takuma Sakamoto was overwhelmingly powerful, and was able to role play so well that his performances were more boss-like than the actual bosses of the game. For this reason, he came to be known as the “Demon Lord.”

  By defeating the Demon Lord of the Mind, Enkvaros, faster than anyone else, he obtained the super rare item, the Demon Lord’s Ring. It was one of the ultimate pieces of equipment in the game, able to reflect all types of magic.

  Then, one day, Takuma found himself summoned to a world that looked exactly like Cross Reverie! Having performed the ritual magic at the same time, the Pantherian, Rem, and the Elf, Shera, fought over which one of them was his Summoner:

  “...I am the one who summoned him. Your magic was a failure.”

  “You’re wrong! He’s mine!”

  But thanks to the Demon Lord’s Ring he wore, the magic was reflected, so the Enslavement Collar meant for him had clamped onto the two girls instead!

  Faced with Rem and Shera arguing, Takuma was at a loss of what to do. While he may have been a superior player back in the game, he couldn’t talk with other people if his life depended on it. After struggling over what to say, the words that came out of his mouth were from the Demon Lord role play he had used in the game:

  “Cease your pointless squabbling. You are in the presence of Diablo.”

  The three of them have since made the town of Faltra their home base. As it turned out, Rem held a great secret: Within her body was sealed the soul of the Demon Lord Krebskulm. Trembling with fear deep down, Diablo’s Demon Lord role playing led him to promise he would find a solution to her plight.

  Diablo soon after found himself foiling an invasion of one hundred Fallen, led by a Fallen named Edelgard, as well as an attack from within itself at the hands of the Fallen, Gregore. Diablo then later found himself the recipient of a quest from the governor of Faltra, Galford. Prince Keera of the elven kingdom of Greenwood had demanded Shera be returned to him, threatening open war with Faltra against the country of elves should compliance fail. The details of Galford’s quest were simply to find a way to avoid the war. The bespectacled, straight-and-narrow Imperial Knight Alicia was assigned to the group as an observer to watch over their actions.

  Using the Marionette’s Flute, Keera manipulated Shera and unleashed a forbidden Summon called the Force Hydra—yet Diablo still managed to rescue her.

  Prince Keera was eventually killed by Galford, and his remains were returned to the elven kingdom by Celsior, an elite elven warrior, and his cohorts.

  After her rescue, the group set off to resurrect the Demon Lord Krebskulm trapped inside Rem. But, in the process, Krebskulm had lost a portion of her memories as a Demon Lord, being reduced to a biscuit-loving young girl, who was then nicknamed “Klem.”

  Peaceful days passed by...

  Suddenly, Alicia betrayed the group! Now awakened as a true Demon Lord, Klem went into a destructive frenzy. But thanks to one of Diablo’s ultimate spells and the sound of Rem’s and Shera’s voices, Klem was subdued and reverted to her biscuit-loving form. To ensure Klem would never go berserk again, Diablo bound her with the same enslavement magic afflicted upon Shera and Rem.

  Through a string of coincidences, or perhaps God’s own guidance, Diablo found himself rescuing Lumachina, a holy woman, from the Paladin Gewalt. Being a High Priest, Lumachina was the highest ranking member of the church. However, due to her attempts at ridding the church of corruption and avarice, she was nearly assassinated. Still seeking to reform the corrupt church, Lumachina sought the help of the Paladin Captain Batutta, setting out to meet him in Zircon Tower.

  Located in the perilous expanse of the former Demon Lord’s domain, Diablo’s group of Adventurers accompanied her as bodyguards. After a long journey, they arrived at their destination, and were greeted by Batutta.

  While there, Diablo claimed back his own dungeon, gained many pieces of helpful equipment and items, and fought off the new Demon Lord’s army, gaining new allies in the process: the grasswalker, Horn, and the magimatic maid, Rose.

  Diablo and his group then made their way to the Royal Capital, where they stormed the Grand Cathedral and faced off against the Cardinal Authority and the paladins. Lumachina’s unshakable faith made Diablo’s plans go off course, but they had still somehow cleared the church of its corruption.

  Shortly after, Horn decided to change classes and study to become a sorcerer, leaving for the magic academy.

  The group, minus Horn and Lumachina, then headed for the dark elves’ village, seeking to remove what remained of the Demon Lord’s soul within Rem’s body. After some hardship within the dark elves’ secluded dwelling, they got the chief, Rafflesia, to join their side. Thus they successfully removed the Demon Lord’s vestiges from Rem’s body.

  But they could not celebrate, however. Having been informed that the elven king, Shera’s father, had passed away, the four traveled to her homeland where Shera was already engaged to a pig-faced elf called Drango (for the sake of the country, of course). Diablo attempted to prevent the wedding, but it was all interrupted by Rafflesia, whose body had been subjugated by the Demon Lord of the Heart, Kardia.

  Forced into combat with not just Kardia, but the servants of the Demon Overlord Modinaram, Diablo just barely achieved victory. These battles forced Diablo to recognize that he would need to level up to face the challenges ahead, so he declared:

  “I think I’ll try my hand at becoming a warrior.”

  Returning to Faltra for the first time in a long while, Diablo and his group reunite with Klem, who has taken a great liking to the races’ cuisine. Right away, they join her in stomping out a mafia that had been extorting Faltra’s eateries, and doing so earns Klem the townspeople’s gratitude.

  Afterward, to prepare for his upcoming battle with the Demon Overlord Modinaram, Diablo set out to meet the legendary swordmaster and level up as a warrior, only to find (to his great surprise) that the current swordmaster and heir to the previous is none other than a dwarven girl called Sasara.

  The previous swordmaster, revealed to be Sasara’s stepfather, Graham, sought to master the blade with such zeal that he transformed his body into that of an Oni. But, despite his efforts, Sasara struck down Graham, proving once and for all her overwhelming prowess.

  The following day, with hardly any time for rest, the news broke about how the Demon Lord’s army had appeared in Faltra.

  On this 24th day, year 164, 12th month, of the Lyferian calendar...

  The Demon Overlord’s expedition, led by the Demon Overlord Modinaram, had invaded the races’ territories, appearing right before the citadel city of Faltra.


  His feet touched down on the ground with a wobble. As the light of the teleportation spell dispersed, he felt like he was about to topple over, but he braced all his strength into his abdomen and kept his feet firmly on the ground.

  Diablo was a Demon Lord...or at least, that was the role he was acting out. No matter the situation, he couldn’t be seen crawling on the ground pathetically.


  Scoffing with feigned confidence, Diablo looked around. The place was surrounded by walls that looked like eerie animal entrails, with a magnificent throne reigning over the room.

  “Ugh!” The black-haired pantherian girl that clung to his right arm, Rem Galleu, covered her mouth with her hands. “I... I really do...hate teleportation.”

  She was bad when it came to traveling by methods that didn’t involve walking on her own legs and was incredibly susceptible to motion sickness. Though, she seemed to be fine with large ships that hardly shook o
r carriages that moved slowly.

  “Whoa, this place is kinda nostalgic,” said the elven girl, Shera L. Greenwood, hugging Diablo’s left arm snugly.

  The Demon Lord’s Labyrinth... This was a place Diablo had designed in the MMORPG Cross Reverie, and where he’d faced off against many challengers.

  That was all in the game, but, by some odd consequences, the dungeon was pulled into this other world just as Diablo was. Would he ever learn the reason as to why he was sent here?

  The last time Shera and Rem had visited Diablo’s self-made dungeon was nearly six months ago, around the middle of the seventh month. Of course, there was no guarantee this world’s calendar operated on twelve months, but whenever anyone discussed the date, it was translated into numbers and terms Diablo could understand. The same held true for units of distance and weight; the people of Lyferia most likely used whatever units of measurement this world employed, but in Diablo’s mind the numbers were converted to meters and grams. The logic behind it all wasn’t entirely clear to him.

  I can understand what they’re saying, but can’t read their language. This half-assed translation mechanic just makes it feel all the more unnatural...

  Whatever the case, this self-made dungeon felt like home to Diablo. It felt like he’d finally come back to his humble abode.

  “Whoaaa... This place is very...unique...” The third girl with them, Swordmaster Sasara Graham, looked around nervously. She had a tufty tail and triangular dog ears. She was a dwarf, and as such was granted short height and a plentiful bosom. She had a longsword sheathed at her waist, as well as another sword and a spear strapped to her back.

  “Amazing, ain’t it?” Shera boasted proudly, puffing up her chest. “Diablo made this place!”


  While hiding the embarrassment he felt at Sasara’s shocked gaze, Diablo spoke confidently. “Something this simple is child’s play for a Demon Lord such as myself...”

  In reality, he’d just fiddled with the game’s map editor to make this place. Not to mention that, in this world, he was hardly capable of digging a hole in the ground, much less making a massive dungeon.

  “Um, this place seems rather dangerous... What did you make it for?” Sasara asked.

  “This is my base of operations.”

  “Your base of... You mean, this is your house?”


  “But it’s so creepy...?”

  Agh?! I think it looks cool...

  Shera laughed. “It is creepy, huh. But I got used to it.”

  “...It’s disgusting.” Rem nodded, still holding her mouth.

  Argh?! Diablo flinched internally.

  If he’d have been talking as his true self, the shock of their words would’ve surely caused him to shut himself out even further. That said, this dungeon was made based on his Demon Lord role play, so it was supposed to look scary and ominous. It was perfectly acceptable as it was.

  They can say whatever they want because this isn’t actually me! This is fine!

  “Heh...” Diablo’s lips curled upward. “I am a Demon Lord, after all! A symbol of death, destruction incarnate, annihilation made flesh... ‘Tis only natural for all that lives to feel awe and terror at the sight of me!”

  “Aah?!” Sasara made a terrified expression.

  It was a cute reaction. Rem and Shera, on the other hand, seemed perfectly used to him by now, and were walking to the other side of the room on their own.

  “Let’s go! Everyone’s waiting for us.”

  “...We should hurry, Diablo.”


  He was feeling rather mixed about this, but...

  I suppose it’s better than them still acting frightened of me after all this time...

  And they really were in a hurry. They’d been informed the Demon Overlord Modinaram was on his way to Faltra. Every second counted. But Modinaram wasn’t an opponent Diablo could rush at without ample preparation; if he lost, all would be for naught.

  The Demon Lord’s Labyrinth contained the many items and pieces of equipment Diablo had gathered in the game. But he had another important objective in coming here...

  Shera opened the inner door leading to the treasure vault, only to be met with a blade an inch away from her nose.

  “Bah?!” Her easygoing smile froze over with shock.

  A girl in a maid uniform appeared on the other side of the door, a double-edged sword in her hands.

  “All those who dare rob Master’s vault will be met with the most gruesome of deaths imaginable.”

  With her emerald eyes shining ominously, the girl swung the blade toward Shera.

  “Aaaaaah, w-wait, wait, Rose, it’s me, it’s Shera!”

  “What of it?”

  “Aren’t we friends?!”

  “Rose has no friends,” Rose asserted.

  Rem shrugged her shoulders. “Not even Diablo?”

  “A shameless implication. Master is a subject of worship for Rose. Master is a precious presence to be guarded and protected.”

  “There you have it. Say something to pacify this troublesome maid of yours, won’t you?”

  With the situation now in his hands, Diablo nodded gravely. “I’ve kept you waiting, Rose. Now, put your sword away.”

  “Ah!” The murderous intent directed at Shera dissipated with the blink of an eye, along with Rose’s double-edged sword.

  “Welcome home, Master.” Rose gave a perfect bow. “There were zero intruders until today. However, three have been detected just now.”

  Rem and Shera grimaced at Rose’s words, and Sasara pointed at herself quizzically, wondering if she was counted among them.

  “I’m not an intruder though...?”

  “...At times... No, more often than not, Rose can be rather unreasonable,” Rem explained. “She obeys Diablo’s orders without question, though, so she’s harmless so long as you’re careful.”

  “Huh? So she might not be harmless if I’m not careful...? How scary...”

  Rose glared at Sasara as the dwarf girl cowered. Diablo suddenly realized that this was these two’s first meeting. Diablo gave Rose a slight push on the back to make her step forward.

  “She’s the swordmaster. Her name is Sasara, a level 200 warrior.”

  “Level 200?! I-Is that right...”

  Perhaps owing to her nature as a magimatic, or maybe it was the influence of her role as a maid, Rose’s feelings rarely came across from her expression. Right now, however, she was visibly depressed by Diablo’s words.

  “What’s the matter, Rose?”

  “Rose has... Last time Rose fought, Rose was shamed in her failure to beat a Fallen.”

  “Yes, that was a tough one for sure.”

  Diablo thought the Fallen to be a small-fry at first, but they were given magical energy by the Demon Overlord and were surprisingly hard to beat. This Fallen was actually the reason Diablo decided to level up as a warrior. If he couldn’t even see his enemy’s attacks coming, it didn’t matter what powerful magic he cast—he’d still lose. During that same battle, Rose had damaged her right arm, and came to the Labyrinth for repairs.

  “Is your arm better now?”

  “Thanks to Master’s magical energy, it has been completely restored.”


  “However...Rose is now unnecessary, no?”


  “If there is a level 200 warrior present...then Rose is outdated hardware. Dismissed. Out with the oversized garbage on the third Friday of the month.”

  “No, no, no... Ahem! What are you saying? I am a Demon Lord. Having a large host of servants is only natural for me!”

  “I-In that case...R-Rose still has a place at Master’s side...?”

  “Of course you do! Would I have come all the way here to call for you if you didn’t?”

  “Rose thought Master came to inform Rose of Rose’s disposal...”

  I wouldn’t do something that awful!

  But saying it kin
dly wasn’t very Demon Lord-ly.

  “Whatever happens, you are forever my belonging!” Diablo declared haughtily. “I will not allow you to speak of disposal or worthlessness any longer!”

  Rose returned to her usual, expressionless face, characteristic of magimatic maids.

  “Rose’s apologies, Master. Rose will etch Master’s venerated words into Rose’s non-volatile memory and replay them every morning for the rest of Rose’s continued existence.”

  Talk about heavy...

  But, if nothing else, Rose seemed to be over her bad mood.

  “Rose, it is true my objective in coming here was to regroup with you. Though, I did have something else in mind as well...”

  “Speak and it will be done, Master.”

  “I plan to face the Demon Overlord Modinaram in battle, and intend to use my anti-Demon Lord equipment.”

  “By Master’s will.”

  Guided by the magimatic maid, they made their way into the treasure vault. This space contained all the items and equipment Diablo had gathered and upgraded in Cross Reverie. Despite being underground, the Labyrinth extended like a void with no end in sight. Countless pedestals filled the place, holding every item Diablo ever stored there, down to the most mundane and useless ones. If he were to look through all this on his own, it would take him days to find what he needed.

  Thankfully, Rose was here to handle this for him and showed him the right way to what he needed. These were the pieces of equipment and items Diablo had used in Cross Reverie when facing raid bosses. Incidentally, raid bosses, as the name implied, were powerful enemies that required the cooperation of groups of players to beat. In other words, they were extra powerful boss monsters built around the premise of fighting a larger than usual group of players.

  I faced them all on my own though.

  Joining a single party was too much for Diablo, so fighting alongside several was an impossibility stacked on top of a paradox...

  “...Diablo, is this all rare equipment?” Rem asked curiously.

  “Half of them are. The other half are the sort of things people in the city probably have.”


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