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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 9

Page 10

by Yukiya Murasaki

  Just as Diablo thought that all the free food would be better if it weren’t so loud out, a small shadow jumped toward him from a nearby alley.


  “It’s meow!”

  The moment he heard the voice, he stopped his Tonnerre Empereur mid-swing.

  “ that you?”

  It was hard to tell through the darkness, but this was the Peace of Mind Inn’s poster girl and idol, Mei.

  “Yes♡ It’s Little Mei☆” she said, making a cat pose.

  “What were you doing there?”

  “I was waiting for mew, Diablo! I thought you might get in trouble if you returned to the Peace of Mind Inn like this.”

  “Explain yourself. I’ll allow it.”

  “I will, so follow me,” Mei said, looking left and right restlessly. “This place is no good.”

  He was suspicious, but Diablo doubted this was a trap. He followed Mei into the back alley.

  “Is this acceptable, Master?” Rose asked.

  “Even if it is a trap, if it’s anything more dangerous than the Demon Overlord, that’d be entertaining in its own way.”

  Rose bowed and took a step back. Edelgard was following them silently. If it were Rem or Shera, he’d normally leave the negotiations to them, but...

  Once they got away from the tumult, Mei parted her lips to speak.

  “The people meow-ndering outside the inn are actually all here for you, Diablo.”


  “There’s a rumor you defeated the Demon Overlord.”

  “It is no rumor, it is fact.” Rose nodded. “Rose’s exalted Master reduced the Demon Overlord to dust.”

  “Whoa... Really, meow. Well, anyway, everyone got excited and gathered here to see you.”


  It didn’t feel too bad. Maybe he should show his face after all.

  “At this rate, it’d take until morning to receive a word of thanks from each of them.” Mei shrugged her shoulders. “I thought you could do without getting hugs from all those old men.”

  Little Mei, you’re a godsend!

  It wasn’t visible from Diablo’s disinterested expression, but his heart was full of gratitude.

  “And, because of that...” she said, leading them through the zig-zaggy alleyway. “Ta-da☆ The Peace of Mind Inn - Hideout! A secret inn, reserved for special customers mew-nly!”

  It was behind the residential houses and didn’t have a sign. Its door was plain and without any decorations, so even if one were to pass right in front of it, they wouldn’t guess this was an inn.

  “...Isn’t this a residential home?” Rose asked with a cold voice.

  “Th-Th-That’s nyot true! It’s a Peace of Mind Inn, service guaranteed!”

  “This is fine. I’ll allow it.” Diablo nodded grandly. “I dislike noise and rowdiness. Let’s stay here.”

  Diablo asked for Rem, Shera, and Klem to be shown here when they arrived at the Peace of Mind Inn - Twilight.


  The interior of the place looked just like the normal Peace of Mind Inn. Mei handed them a set of keys.

  “Rose and the new girl get this key! Klem and Edelgard get this one. I have a room ready for Rem and Shera, too. You guys have the Hideout Inn all to yourselves, Diablo!”


  He’d gotten used to everyone sleeping huddled together on one big bed, but he was still more relaxed when sleeping alone.

  “Ah, Diablo, could you wait for a second?”

  “Hm? Rose, go ahead and put Sasara in bed in your room.”

  “As Master wishes.”

  Rose ascended the staircase, dragging Sasara along. Edelgard took her key as well and retreated to her room. It was just him and Mei now.

  “Did you need something of me?”

  “Well, hmm... Diablo, here’s the key to your room.”

  It was a silver key.


  “It’s proof you’re a special client of the Peace of Mind Inn... It’s a lifetime invitation to stay for free♪ From meow on, feel free to think of this city as your hometown☆”

  He’d found himself staring intently at Mei’s face.

  “Ehehe... Do you like it?” she asked, her cheeks becoming rosy.

  “Yes, it’s not bad.”

  “That’s a present from the owner. And this is a present from Little Mei.”


  Mei stepped aside, climbed on top of a specially prepared platform, then stood further on her tiptoes.

  “Mwa♡” Her lips touched Diablo’s cheek.


  Mei hopped off the platform with a small thud and made some distance between their bodies.

  “Mrooow...” Her face was bright red. “I’m sorry if mew didn’t like the present. But that was a local idol’s first kiss☆”

  Diablo was speechless.

  “Diablo, thank mew for protecting all of us!”

  The sight of her striking a pose to hide her embarrassment was somehow exceptionally innocent and adorable.


  When he entered his room, he was faced with Rose, the top of her uniform removed. She was topless, her boobs fully exposed!

  “Holy bejeezus, my life has a genre problem!” he’d found himself exclaiming aloud.

  Somehow he’d gone from a sappy romantic scene to an erotic scenario that would fit right in with one of his porn games.

  “Rose is prepared, Master,” Rose said with an indifferent expression that looked like nothing out of the ordinary was going on.

  Well, good for you, because my heart sure as hell isn’t!


  “Of course, for Master to pour Master’s...into Rose.”

  “Magical energy! My magical energy!”

  He rather wished she’d stop saying the most important words in a low, inaudible voice.

  “Yes, for Master to spill Master’s thick, abundant, syrupy...inside Rose.”

  “...Are you doing this on purpose?”

  She tilted her head with a genuinely quizzical expression. It felt like pointing it out any more clearly than that would be like willingly walking into quicksand.

  “...Ah, is today too hard for Master? Is Master tired?”

  He was indeed tired, but saying, “I’m tired so I’ll just sleep for tonight” was more “overworked salaryman lameness” than “Demon Lord coolness.”

  “Hmph... Who do you take me for? Fighting an opponent of that level doesn’t even begin to tire me!”

  “Aaah, as impressive as ever, Master!”

  “I’ll pour out all the magical energy you’ll ever need!”

  “Thank Master very much. Rose is so overwhelmed with gratitude, Rose detects an inexplicable shivering throughout Rose’s body.”

  Having a half-naked girl bow her head so low before him that her exposed back was visible felt like he hadn’t fallen into a world based off of Cross Reverie, but some other type of game that would be best left unmentioned.

  “A-Anyway, sit down. Ah, no, forget that...”

  Rose’s body was as heavy as a fully armored knight. She didn’t bust through the second story floor, but that was owing to the building’s hefty construction. If she were to sit on a bed or chair, she’d likely crush the furniture.

  Guess we’ll have to do this standing..

  “Rose’s apologies.” Rose turned her back to him. “Rose requests Master provide her with magical energy in regions that are near the points that were damaged.”

  “Very well.”

  Her back. Finally, this conversation was feeling a little less over the top.

  “Extend Master’s hands from behind to Rose’s chest, please.”


  “...Hmm, Rose does not mind if Master is rough.”

  As he stood there with his mouth agape, her hands clasped Diablo’s. He’d just talked a big game, saying he’d pour out all the magical energy she’d ever need, but despite that, he c
ouldn’t do something as cruel as shake off her hands in this situation. She did wish for this, after all.

  He felt his hands squish against Rose’s large swellings.

  Ah, that’s soft!

  “Ahn!” Rose’s body shivered.

  “D-Did that hurt?”

  “...Uu... It was, nothing. Rose was simply overcome with joy.”

  “So you shivered?”

  “Rose reports Rose has climaxed...”


  “Does that mean your charge has gone over the limit? Is this enough?”

  “Rose’s first magical energy tank is filled. There are more tanks, however...”

  “I see. So I just need to send over more magical energy?”

  “Yes... Ah... Nnn... Y-Yes, over there...”

  “Wh-What? I didn’t do anything...”

  He didn’t intend on doing anything, but contrary to his timid heart, his instincts ran wild. His fingers were very much moving by themselves.

  W-Whoa?! They’re just sinking in...

  He could feel his fingers sinking into her soft chest. The small protuberances wedged between his middle and ring fingers were becoming increasingly hardened. He pinched and rubbed them with his two fingers.

  “Aaahn?!” Rose wiggled her body. “Nn... Nnnn... Master... Over there, is...”

  “What is it?”

  “Aaah... Rose’s... Rose is, going crazy... Aaahn?!”


  Diablo’s sense of reason was on the verge of going berserk. He groped and teased her breasts. He kneaded, rubbed, pinched, pulled, and eventually tried pushing them in.

  “Hiyaaaaaa!” Rose jolted again and again in his arms, her back writhing. Her shoulders spasmed slightly.

  “D-Did you climax again?” Diablo swallowed his spit.

  A full charge of magical energy, of course.

  “Erm... Master...” Rose shook her head gently.


  “Don’t just, tease me there... You need to pour your magical energy in, too...”


  He was so caught up with toying with the tips of her chest that he’d forgotten to send in any magical energy! Which meant what they just did here didn’t have any sort of magical energy charging. He was just fondling her breasts!

  I can’t believe myself!

  Perhaps fighting the Demon Overlord had drained him a bit, which made his thinking less crisp than usual.

  “A-All right! This time for sure!”

  Diablo once again focused his will on his hands and let magical energy flow through them just like when he was casting spells.

  “Mm... Nnn... Master, that’s good. Master’s magical energy is...flowing in... Haa... It’s wonderful... Aaah, Ahn.”

  It felt like her skin was adhering to him more tightly than before. Regardless of her being magimatic, her skin felt sweaty. It was like the boundaries between their skin were becoming muddled, and his hand was sinking into her bosom.

  “Like this?”

  “Aaah! Aaaaaah!” Rose screamed louder than before. “Master, Master, Masteeer, it’s amazing... Nnng... Incredible! So strong! More... More... Deeper... Ah! Ah! Hiyaaaaaa!”

  Her voice was so loud it surely had to have reached outside.

  Won’t Rem get mad at me again if she hears this?!

  He was pouring out his magical energy like he was casting a grand spell, hoping to get the charging period done faster. Rose’s body would go on to spasm so hard Diablo had to wonder if he broke something in her...


  Rose was lying on the floor with a satisfied expression, as topless as she was before. Normally Diablo would put her in bed, but, given her weight, that was a complicated task. Since looking at her like this was problematic, Diablo covered her with a blanket. He sighed as things had finally settled down.

  “Phew... I’m kinda tired...” he muttered to himself.

  There was a knock on the room’s door. Rem and Shera weren’t back yet, and if they were, they wouldn’t have knocked.

  “Hmph... Who is it?” Diablo asked, straining his expression. “If you do not fear audience with a Demon Lord, dare open that door.”

  “H-Hmm... It’s just me...” The voice behind the door sounded like a man’s, one which rang oddly familiar. Just as he was bad with remembering faces, Diablo couldn’t recall people’s voices all that well.

  “Come in, I’ll allow it,” Diablo ordered the man.

  “E-Excuse me!” His guest was a soldier clad in armor.

  “Ah, you’re...” Diablo finally remembered him.

  “I’m Boris.”

  Right, he was a soldier defending the Bridge of Ulug.

  Then Diablo thought about something. “How did you know about this place?”

  “Ah...that’s because you and your group are being tracked. I didn’t know which room you were in, but the military and Adventurer’s Guild are at least aware of where you’re staying.”

  Sylvie had mentioned something like that once before, where Klem was being tracked by multiple organizations. Still, the thought he’d never noticed was embarrassing.

  “Aaah, you mean those annoying flies.” Diablo shrugged. “Tell them to keep their distance. If they become too much of an eyesore, I may just burn them to ashes.”

  “Y-Yes sir!” Boris reacted in an overtly serious manner, even saluting.

  “Well, what did you come here for?”

  “Ah... I, Boris Marks of the kingdom of Lyferia’s Thirteenth Faltra Defensive Regiment, have been ordered to invite you, adventurer Diablo, to a celebratory feast!”

  “Celebratory feast?”

  “Yes, a feast to celebrate the subjugation of the Demon Overlord and the successful defense of Faltra.”

  “But isn’t the barrier still down?”

  The Fallen hadn’t retreated yet; it was too soon to assume it was all over. From what he knew of Laminitus, she wouldn’t make such a careless suggestion.

  “It’s, erm...the city council.”

  “City council?”

  “The city of Faltra is run by the governor, but there is a council of influential nobles separate from him. They’re in charge of commerce and agriculture, and on top of the local tax, they also levy a trade and agricultural tax...”

  “Matters of the government do not interest me.” Diablo waved his hands horizontally. “Keep politics out of your squabbling.”

  “I-I apologize. Essentially, the important people of the city are planning this feast, and it’s not related to the governor or Lady Laminitus. Therefore, they ask for your presence, as the greatest contributor and hero of this battle.”

  Won’t they ask me to make a speech on top of a stage if I do go?

  Just the thought alone made his spine feel like it had turned to ice.

  “You intend to summon me to such a petty gathering?” Diablo glared at him.

  “Yes, I thought you might say that... From what I know, you don’t like these sorts of things. Before, when the army of one hundred Fallen marched on the Bridge of Ulug, it was only said that they were ‘repelled with cooperation from the Adventurer’s Guild’ and nothing else.”

  “Was it now?”

  “I’m sorry. I just thought someone should at least inform you.”

  Sure enough...

  He’d never go, but if they were to hold a celebratory feast without informing Diablo, the one who’d beaten the Demon Overlord, that would be infuriating in its own way. But Boris still came, knowing Diablo would refuse... The soldier had taken on this role.

  “You never change, do you?”

  “Ahaha... Well, seeing as I did inform you of the event, do take this, at least.” Boris handed him an envelope. “It’s an invitation.”

  “Hmph! I’ve no need of...”

  “It includes the money, in coins, needed to cover your expenses.”

  “...I will accept it, in light of your efforts.”

  Diablo’s group was constantly running out of money, Kle
m’s hunger being the primary cause.

  “I will report you won’t be attending.” Boris saluted. “Diablo... Our generation grew up on our fathers and grandfathers telling us the story of the hero Alan. But, from now on, I’m sure we’ll be talking about the exploits of the hero Diablo. Seeing you fight with my own two eyes will be a memory I’ll treasure for the rest of my life.”

  “Huh...” The sudden praise left Diablo speechless.

  Boris left the room swiftly with a final, “Excuse me.” Diablo fell back onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling. Before long, his eyes fluttered shut...

  Chapter 4: The Lonesome One


  Someone had called his name. Who could it be? he wondered. He thought it might be Shera, but another girl came to mind.

  Rem, maybe?

  “Diablo, please wake up.”

  Yeah, that was definitely Rem’s voice just now. But what floated into his sight was...

  “Eh?! “

  It was, without a doubt, Rem. But what she was wearing wasn’t her usual Gemstone Gambeson, but something like a white wedding dress... Or rather, it was something that looked like one, but was far too transparent to be called as such. What she was wearing looked to be more like alluring lingerie.

  Next to Rem was Shera, who was wearing a similar outfit. She leaned her chest on top of the bed, her body leaning toward Diablo.


  Wh-What are you...doing...?!

  “Ooh... Aaah...”

  His mouth couldn’t form words. His Demon Lord role play was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment.

  “...This is all your fault, you know,” Rem whispered into his ear.

  “That’s right, it’s all your fault, Diablo,” Shera added.

  I’m responsible for this?!

  Diablo wondered what exactly he could’ve done, but nothing in particular came to mind. It was this lack of confidence that made him develop a communication disorder in the first place. If he had to apologize for doing anything, being born into this world felt like the most probable answer. Looking back on his life, everything seemed like a sequence of failures, regrets, setbacks...and escapism...


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