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Untried Heart

Page 20

by Nicky Charles

  “It's lovely, Ben.” She held it up and then noticed a glint of gold where the twine was attached. Was it a... She flicked a look at Ben and he nodded.

  “Eugenie, will you marry me?”

  Before she could reply, he continued on in a rush. “It's not fancy or anything but it was my mother's and I'd like you to have it.”

  “Oh Ben, it's perfect!”

  His fingers were trembling as he took the ornament from her, slipped the ring from the cord and slid it onto her finger. “My father gave it to me before he died, saying he knew one day I'd find the right woman. At the time, I didn't believe him, but I guess he knew you were waiting in the wings.”

  Wings. She needed to tell him. “ a present of sorts for you, too.” She found the package from Michael that had somehow ended up on the counter.

  Ben opened it and then looked at her questioningly. “It's your birth certificate, social insurance card, passport? Why did this Michael guy have all your documents?”

  “I don’t quite know how to tell you this, but remember yesterday when you said I was your genie? Well, I am but not quite. And those feathers you found and kept?” She led him to the sofa and began to tell him a story about a young woman who looked after her father’s files and documents at a university in England almost a century ago, a story that, of course, ended happily ever after!


  One year later...

  Zeke returned to Heaven in a total funk. His assignment had sucked big time. He hated assignments where kids got sick and died. Life was just too unfair. In the year since Eugenie had found her happy ever after he’d been slogging away helping the families of innocents. At some point, unbeknownst to him, he’d pulled the short straw and now caught every shit job out there. Did Michael have a grudge against him or something?

  In frustration, he kicked the door of his locker. Honestly, he didn’t know why he kept the damn thing, he had a perfectly good apartment. Habit, he supposed. He opened the door and looked at his robes and halo. Nope. They could stay there. The days when he wore those, struggling to find his place, were long gone. And, feeling as he did right now, he doubted he’d ever want to put them on again.

  The door of the locker room opened and a novice GA called out to him.

  “Zeke, sir, the archangel Michael wants to see you ASAP.”

  “Yeah? Well, I just got back and need a shower. Michael can wait.”

  The angel’s eyes widened. “But you can’t make the archangel wait, sir.”

  “I can and I will.” Zeke slung his leather jacket over one shoulder and walked towards the exit. “Tell him I’ll see him when I’m ready.”

  Zeke doubted Michael would kill the messenger but the novice was probably quaking in his sandals. Poor kid. He’d learn.

  After a lengthy detour to his apartment, where he’d showered and had a large shot of whiskey, he made his way to Michael’s office. Once upon a time, actually not that long ago really, he’d been like that novice. Now, not so much.

  The door to Michael’s inner sanctum opened as Zeke approached it. A show of the archangel’s power that no longer fazed him.

  “You wanted to see me, Michael?”

  “Yes. Over an hour ago.” Michael fixed him with a steely gaze.

  Zeke shrugged, hooked a foot around the leg of a chair and pulled it forward before flopping down in it.

  Michael’s mouth tightened and he took a deep breath before speaking. “I’m glad you’ve made yourself comfortable. I’d offer you a drink but by the smell that wafted in with you it seems you’ve already indulged.”

  “What do you want, Michael. I’m tired.”

  “Yes, you’ve had a hard year. That’s one of the reasons I summoned you. I’m giving you some time off. A vacation. You can go anywhere and do anything you want.”

  “Really?” He began to sit up straighter, the news brightening his spirit, and then paused. There had to be a catch. There was always a catch. “For how long?”

  “You have one month and then I want you back here. I have an assignment for you.”

  “No more kids, Michael. Please.”

  Michael pursed his lips and seemed to be considering his words. “This past year, you’ve excelled at your job. In fact, you’ve become one of my most trusted GAs. The work you’ve undertaken has been hard but you’ve been diligent and more importantly you’ve been caring. The humans you worked with were only able to cope with their losses because of you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m all sunshine and light, I know.” He slumped in his chair once more.

  “You’re feeling bitter.”

  “How perceptive.”

  “It’s not a job everyone could do. You should be proud of your success.”

  “How can I be proud of escorting kids out of their human lives?”

  Michael leaned back in his chair. “Would you rather they were alone and fearful? Your empathy, humour and genuineness eased the transition.”

  He made a face. Yeah, someone had to do it but why was it always him? Each assignment ripped at his heart until he felt like he had nothing left to give.

  “Don’t you want to know what your next assignment will be?” Michael arched a brow.

  “You’re going to tell me whether I want to know or not, aren’t you?

  Michael pushed a file across his desk and Zeke leaned forward to take it. He opened the folder and frowned. There was no picture. No details of a person or people.

  There was just the name of a country.

  “What’s this about? A bit short on information, even for you.”

  “I know and I apologize.” Michael frowned and steepled his fingers before continuing. “To tell the truth, I’ve had several GAs working on this assignment, one after another. No one lasts more than a month or two. They burn out. However, you’re made of sterner stuff. I’ve tested you over the past year and I think you are the right person for this job.”

  “Details, please.”

  As Michael explained, Zeke felt his jaw tighten to the point his teeth ached. “You really hate my guts, don’t you?” He shoved the chair back and surged to his feet.

  “On the contrary, I have the utmost respect for you and care deeply for your well-being. Hence the vacation.”

  “Yeah. Right.” With a derisive snort, he left the room without even waiting to be dismissed. Damned Michael. One month. One friggin’ month before he had to face hell on earth. Well, he knew what he was going to do on his vacation. Get drunk. And then he was going to find a woman...or three!

  Michael watched Zeke leave and slowly exhaled. Zeke was angry with him and had every right. It was the type of assignment no GA wanted and yet it had to be done. As the head of the squadron, he had no choice but to send the young man in; Zeke was the best GA for the job. Young, confident, capable; hopefully he wouldn’t return with his spirit broken.

  He slowly reached out and picked up the folder Zeke had left behind. After tapping it thoughtfully in his hand, he put it away and swivelled his chair to look out the window. The night sky greeted him, dark and endless, broken only by the glow of distant stars. Leaning his head back, he tried to relax, to lose himself in the soothing calmness of the view and forget, for just a moment, all the decisions he had to make, decisions that impacted the future of so many...

  About to head off for a four-week binge of alcohol, sex and anything else that struck his fancy, Zeke took a short detour to check in on Eugenie. Helping her had been the turning point in his existence, changing him from a wide-eyed novice, like the GA in the locker room earlier, to the self-confident man he was today.

  It had also ushered him into the role of an independent operative. Nor more assisting other GAs, he was on his own now and it was harder than he’d ever imagined it would be. What he’d seen and done… He shook his head. The only way to survive was to build a hard shell around himself and he hated it. He used to laugh easily, be able to kick back and relax. It felt as if his youth and innocence had been stolen from
him and it left a bitterness within, a feeling of resentment towards the archangel who’d chosen the worst of all assignments for him. Damn, Michael and his smooth words about being the best GA for the job. Yeah, right.

  Zeke stood outside a window watching the tableau within the house. It was a cold, crisp evening, the moonlight causing the icicles to appear like fine crystal and the snow to seem adorned with diamonds. It was the quintessential Christmas Eve, complete with the sound of carols drifting from the house and the front door bedecked with a thick green wreath. Inside the house, a tray of cookies lay on the table along with mugs of something hot that sent wisps of steam into the air, while brightly wrapped packages sat about the room.

  He stepped closer, leaning one shoulder against the outer wall, curious to see what was happening. From the looks of things, Eugenie and her man were decorating a Christmas tree. Bright baubles and sparkling garlands adorned the evergreen and Ben was stretching to put a star on top. Once the job was complete, Eugenie flicked a switch and the tree lit up in a rainbow of colours.

  Eugenie gave a wide smile and embraced Ben. Zeke felt his throat tighten with unfamiliar emotion. Would he ever have such a relationship with another being, human or angel? He doubted it. Zeke lifted his fingers to his lips and kissed them, then he blew in the direction of the window. With a last glance, he unfurled his wings and flew off into the night. There was a host of bottles in a bar somewhere with his name on them. And, with any luck, a woman to share them with.

  Inside the cozy farmhouse, Eugenie leaned back against Ben’s chest, his arms wrapped around her waist. “The painting on the wall, your sculpture of me on the mantel, a crackling fire, and a Christmas tree; it makes this room so warm and welcoming.”

  “I’m glad your Zeke got the carving back so quickly.”

  “He promised he would and when an angel makes a promise he’s sworn to keep it.” She looked up at the tinsel and ornaments adorning the evergreen by the hearth. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a beautiful Christmas tree before.”

  “That’s what you said last year.”

  “Because each year the tree improves as we add more decorations.” She reached out and touched the hand-carved wooden angel he’d given her a few moments earlier. “This is so lovely.”

  “Just like you. You’ll always be my angel,” he kissed her temple, “in more ways than one.”

  They both laughed at his reference to the secret they shared. And speaking of secrets, she had one she was dying to tell him.

  “Ben, we really need to look at clearing out the back bedroom and moving all your carving things to the shop.”

  He turned her in his arms so he could see her face, obviously puzzled by her change of topic. “Where did that come from? It’s Christmas Eve and we’re decorating our tree.”

  “We’re going to need the extra space.”

  “Why? The house is plenty big enough for the two of—” He stopped as understanding dawned. “Eugenie, are you...?”

  “Yes.” She beamed up at him. “Merry Christmas, Daddy.”

  He caught her in a tight hug, twirling her around and then kissing her soundly. Just as things were getting nicely heated, Chip began to bark incessantly at the door.

  With a sigh, Ben set her aside. “I’d better let him out. We’ll continue this when I get back. Don’t move!”

  As Ben headed for the kitchen, she frowned, her shoulders feeling twitchy. Her angelic senses had dulled over the months of being here on earth but sometimes she still had moments of awareness. She walked over to the window and looked outside. Everything seemed peaceful enough. Maybe it had been her imagination.

  About to turn away, she caught a hint of movement, wings silhouetted against the sky. Was that Zeke? Yes, she was sure of it. But why hadn’t he stopped in? She hadn’t been in contact with him since leaving Heaven and hoped all was well with her old friend. Pressing her hand against the cold window pane, she whispered a message, hoping he could hear it.

  “Thank you, Zeke. You helped me find my happy ending. I hope you can find yours.”

  Was there a hesitation in the angel’s movements? Had he heard her? She hoped so. Being a GA was hard work and a few words of thanks could mean a lot. She thought for a moment and then added one final wish.

  “Guard your heart, my friend.”


  A Message from Nicky and Jan


  Thank you for taking the time to read our story. We hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. If so, please leave a review at your ebook retailer and feel free to send us an email. We love hearing from our readers!

  What’s next for us? Well, we have our own individual stories to write, but we are considering at least two more instalments in this series so stay tuned!

  Our Books

  Hearts & Halos

  In the Cards

  Untried Hearts

  Nicky Charles’ Law of the Lycans series

  The Mating

  The Keeping

  The Finding


  Betrayed: Days of the Rogue

  Betrayed: Book 2 – The Road to Redemption

  For the Good of All

  Deceit can be Deadly

  Kane: I Am Alpha

  Forever In Time (standalone)

  Jan Gordon

  Black Silk

  Life in the Shadows

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