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Christmas Night Bear (Silvertip Shifters Books 7)

Page 6

by J. K Harper

  Holding her breath, she waited. But it seemed Wyatt hadn't been law enforcement for years, not to mention a boy who'd grown up with a man who didn't show much affection or emotion over anything, to not have learned things. Instead of telling her, he neatly turned the tables on her.

  “Tell me first,” he said in an equally careful yet firm voice, “about what you saw that night that made you run away from me. The real reason.”

  Darn it. She fidgeted under his unwavering blue stare. He'd called her several times after their unexpected dinner date and kiss the other night, asking what had happened. Texted her, too. She'd hung onto her annoyance that he'd lunged after that random guy who'd wandered too close and stared at her too long, using it as an excuse to not call him back.

  But now she could no longer hide behind the excuse of his temper being the reason to not tell him the truth. Taking a breath, she walked over to the window of his living room. It looked out onto the street, where more snowflakes were just beginning to fall. Up and down the cute little street, Christmas lights twinkled merrily from snug little houses just like this one.

  Turning back around from the window, she looked at Wyatt. "I've never been happy being a reindeer shifter. You've always known that."

  He nodded, his eyes shadowing.

  "The expectations on us, they always made me kind of crazy. I mean, in concept, it's so sweet. But in reality? I hated having been born to something that I'd never asked for.” She always struggled to describe it. Everyone else thought being a reindeer shifter was so cool. Especially this time of year.

  "I know." Wyatt's voice was as soft as Brynna's. "I remember hiding out on Christmas Eve with you so many times growing up. I think my dad whupped my butt a few times because we got the whole town riled up, out looking for you. And I was the one hiding you."

  She couldn't stop the huge smile that burst out for his acknowledgement that he remembered just as much of what she had said as she did about him.

  Holding his gaze, she continued. "Standing on the riverwalk with you the other night, feeling you touch me, hold me, kiss me, it all just felt—so right. So right, Wyatt." She could hear her voice going kind of dreamy as she replayed what happened that night, but kept her gaze firmly locked with his. "The breeze, the moonlight, the smell of you."

  His mouth quirked and he raised an eyebrow. She let a slow, appreciative smile unfurl on her lips.

  "Your scent is of deep forests and big ancient trees. Like the wild night itself." Just describing his scent, which naturally she could smell right this moment, Brynna felt shivers whispering over her skin. Wyatt's eyes darkened even more.

  "It all blended, and intensified. It felt like when we were together before. And I knew you had just moved back here, and you got this great job, and you bought a house, and you were happy. And for just a moment, it felt like maybe I'd made a mistake before. Leaving you five years ago, when you tried to give me that ring. And I said no." She couldn't stop the shake in her voice. Shame, sadness, loss. It suddenly felt almost overwhelming.

  He stood unmoving, but listening intently.

  "And then I was standing there with you, wrapped in your arms, being kissed just like you always used to kiss me before—"

  Wyatt's scent deepened into something wild and hot that was beginning to make her dizzy. In a very good way.

  "—and then suddenly I just knew what was going to happen.” She paused to swallow hard before going on. “You were going to lead me to your home, to this place actually, and take me to bed. It was going to blow my socks off." She could hear her own voice dropping as she spoke, could feel the delicious chills of anticipation billowing through her now even as she shared her vision of what should have happened but that she had stopped so that it would never exist. Her and Wyatt, together. Happy in a little house with a picket fence, maybe a dog, living in a little town that had expectations of her.

  "I could practically see every single second of it. Then I imagined that you would bite me. On my neck. That you would claim me, without asking me first. And I got so mad at that thought, the thought of someone trying to control me yet again, like being a reindeer shifter has controlled me all my life, that I just got pissed. And then you almost went after that guy that night.” She jerked her shoulders in a shrug. “It made me so angry, Wyatt.”

  Swallowing a few times against her suddenly dry throat, she went on. “I know we're mates. I know we are. But—" She broke off, because saying out loud to Wyatt the things she’d already acknowledged to herself was pretty damned hard.

  Wyatt spoke, his voice low and gravelly and brimming with the molten heat. That, and an emotion she couldn't quite pinpoint. "Tell me."

  She took a deep, shuddering breath. She blinked once but still didn't take her gaze from him. "I never wanted to be a shifter, but I was one. And you were my mate. And it made me so angry to not have a choice about that, like I didn't have a choice about being a reindeer shifter, that I just decided to run away. Because I was too terrified of facing the truth. I was too darned young, Wyatt. I didn’t really understand what I was letting go of."

  She looked right at him as she said all that. He just looked right back at her, holding her gaze but letting her speak without interrupting.

  Her voice barely above a whisper, she added, “I knew you were going to propose that night. Slade let it slip that he went ring shopping with you weeks before. Between that and my family getting so mad at me again, on Christmas Eve, that I just didn't want to be a fucking reindeer shifter pulling a damned sleigh all night long, that I panicked. I found the job in Florida, and left.”

  She'd felt almost smothered, and the only thing she could do was run away.

  “I just pulled away and ran from you. I'm so sorry I did that,” she whispered, meaning it with every part of her. “Wyatt, I’m so sorry I ran. I never should have left.”

  Wyatt shook his head, his eyes suddenly shining something more than just his bear. "I’m the one who’s fucking sorry. I never should have let you go. I should have gone after you and told you we could handle anything, as long as we were together. But I panicked too. So I didn't go after you, but I should have. Because you're my home, and I'm yours."

  The words rolled through her with unshakeable certainty, settling deep into her very bones. Into her soul.

  She took a step toward him, but he held up a hand. Puzzled, she stopped.

  “Bryn, we still have to talk about one more thing.”

  She swallowed hard, her gaze on his so unblinking her eyes were starting to feel dry.

  He took a deep breath, and she suddenly realized he was just as nervous as she was. “You love your job. I know that. And you’re good at it. You told me as much the other night at dinner.”

  Yes. She did love her job, and she was good at it.

  “I would never keep you from that. So,” he took a deep breath, “I’m giving my notice at the sheriff’s department. I know Miami doesn’t have deputies, they have cops, but I could be a cop. I’m qualified.”

  He stopped talking, though he didn’t look away from her. Brynna finally blinked, because now tears were beginning to well in her eyes. “You—you’d leave Deep Hollow? For me?” Her voice cracked. “But you love it here, Wyatt. And you would hate Miami. You’ve never liked big cities.”

  The corner of Wyatt’s mouth turned up in a rueful smile as he shook his head. “No, I don’t like big cities at all. Too many people. But that doesn’t matter. You would be there. And you’re all I need. Wherever you are is my home now, Brynna Darby. I mean that.”

  Holy shit, open the floodgates. Tears tumbled down her cheeks as she stared at him. He groaned, almost moving toward her, but he stayed put. “Tell me you want me to go with you. I won’t do it unless you really want me there.” His voice roughened with intensity. “This time, we’re making sure that we’re each honoring what the other wants.”

  Shaking her head, Brynna choked out, “N-no way, Wyatt Webber. I’d never want you to live somewhere you hate. You
wouldn’t be happy there, even with me.”

  His eyes darkened. “I’ll be happy anywhere in the world with you.”

  A smile pushed its way through her tears. Wyatt’s eyes darkened even more, but she quickly said, “Hold on. My brilliant sister came up with a plan. One I think is perfect. Wyatt,” and now it was her turn to take a deep breath, “I’m staying in Deep Hollow. With you.”

  He rocked back on his feet. “What? No. You hate it here more than I’d hate Miami.” Despite his words, she saw the hope flaring in him.

  Her tears retreated as her smile grew. “No. That was never really true, though I thought it was. I hated feeling controlled here. Constricted. But that was my issue. It was never Deep Hollow’s fault. And I’ve realized it now. Deep Hollow never held me back, and neither did you.” She made a regretful sound and shrugged. “I did that all to myself, and I realize that now. So here’s how I can stay here with you but still be true to what I want and need.”

  Her sexy bear looked at her, his entire heart in his eyes as he waited for what she had to say.

  She took another deep breath, her heart hammering. “If my company will let me, I’ll live here and travel to their offices a few times a year, but otherwise I can fly out from Durango to still do tours.” Deep Hollow was too small to have its own airport, but luckily Durango wasn’t that far away. “And I won’t do as many, but that’s okay with me. Honestly, I was getting a little tired of nonstop travel. I wouldn’t mind slowing down some.”

  Wyatt’s expression was guarded yet wildly hopeful. “Will they let you do that?”

  Now Brynna’s smile exploded over her face as she told him the best part of what Alina had thought up. “I hope so, because they’re a good company to work for. But if not, it’s still okay. Because I have so much experience now, and so many good contacts all over the world, I could start my own global guiding company from right here in Deep Hollow. A small one, but a solid one. I don’t need clients to come to my office, I’d just meet them at whichever destination anywhere on the planet. Everything is planned online and by phone. I could do it, Wyatt,” she whispered. “I’d do anything to be with you and to keep us both happy. Happy together, here. At home.”

  Silence ticked through the room for long moments as he stared at her and she stared right back at him. His eyes glowed bright with his bear, his face open and vulnerable as he took in what she’d said. Finally, slowly, a smile matching hers spread over his face.

  “Your sister is smart.” His voice rumbled through the room, setting her nerves on delicious fire.

  “She is.” Her words came out breathy as her heart still walloped inside her.

  “Well then. I guess it’s true that mates will always find a way to be together eventually.” Wyatt’s eyes blazed on hers as he said that.

  “Yes.” Brynna’s voice was a whisper by now.

  He added in a low voice that was almost rough with its certainty, “I know something else that’s true, Bryn.”

  The zap of electric tension sizzled between them, making her skin tingle.

  “You're my mate. I know that to the center of my being. We both do. Since you’re staying here and we’re going to be together, there's one more thing I know for sure."

  She swallowed at the sudden, sweet hunger on his face. “What's that?” she whispered, her voice rattling in her throat with a building excitement.

  He took a short step toward her. Close enough that she could almost feel the heat radiating off his body.

  “That you, my beautiful little deer,” he closed the last bit of distance between them, “really do want me to bite you and claim you as mine. Don't you?” he whispered, the heat of his body right on hers, making her skin hum with desire. “That's the gift I have for you. My Christmas gift to you. But only,” he added fiercely, “only if you want it. I would never take that without asking you, Bryn.”

  Her knees shook as she nodded, joy exploding through her entire body. “Yes, Wyatt,” she whispered. “Yes. That’s exactly what I want. I’ll never, ever run from you again. Claim me as yours. Claim me as your mate.”

  He caught her chin in his big hand, tipped her head back, and kissed her like a drowning man who'd just found salvation.


  Everything in Brynna's body hummed with a deep knowing that this was right. That this was what she wanted. Oh, this man. This sexy, hot, strong bear shifter. All hers. He pulled back, looking at her hard, a question in his eyes.

  Still mesmerized by his brilliant gaze, dazed by the kiss she could feel all throughout her body, she silently nodded. Without another word, Wyatt growled, reached forward, and scooped her up in his strong arms. She couldn't stop her startled squeak. Geez, what a girl she was being.

  Geez, how she didn't care about that right now.

  Holding her tightly to his chest, he took swift steps toward his large bed. Gently setting her down, he stepped back to look down at her in sheer worship. "You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, Brynna. Inside and out.” He said the words with such truthful devotion that all girlish squeals died in her throat as she stared up at him with wide eyes.

  Without even a moment's hesitation, he added into the hush, "I'm going to show you right now how beautiful you are. Every single inch of you. I've been dying to do this ever since our last kiss."

  Brynna gaped at him, feeling the warm hum of anticipation skitter through her entire body. In her head, she flashed right on the images of exactly what he probably was going to do to her. Do with her. And what she would do with him. The decadent thoughts made her blush so hard in mingled excitement and awe that Wyatt's sensual mouth curved into a grin. “Oh, yeah,” he murmured.

  Oh, yeah, was right. This was exactly what she wanted right now.

  “Come here to me.” She reached her arms up to him as excitement shivered through her.

  “As you wish.” His grin now edged with a feral arousal, her wild, sexy Wyatt quickly obeyed her. The bed creaked slightly as he settled onto it, his weight a welcome feeling against her every nerve ending.

  “Too many clothes. Off now.” His voice was a focused mutter as he reached down to tug off her shirt, then help her shimmy out of her jeans.

  She helped him as much as she could, wiggling and shifting and lifting her butt off the bed. When he momentarily lost his concentration as she thrust her hips up off the bed, it was so flat out sexy her breath caught in her throat.

  Wyatt was her man. Her bear.

  Her mate.

  Or not quite yet. For that to happen, he had to officially claim her. Just the thought of that, of what it meant, sent pleasure skittering up and down her spine, radiating out through her limbs in tingles. All that mattered was that she wanted to connect with him. Right now, in every way possible.

  She'd thought about this moment off and on for years, subconsciously using Wyatt as the perfect fantasy man to whom no others could hold a candle. She could admit it now. Especially now. The breathless reality of the moment was even more thrilling than she'd ever imagined possible.

  "I've pictured this for a long time." Wyatt's voice crackled with desire. "It's shaping up to be even better than I ever dreamed."

  Brynna’s entire body felt alive as she watched the sexy man above her quickly stripping off his clothes. "I was literally just thinking the same thing. I guess that means it was fated to be." She said the last part somewhat teasingly, lips curved into a smile. But Wyatt's expression turned serious, although it didn't lose any of the hunger.

  "Yes." His voice was slightly hoarse. "I never thought it could be, but yes."

  She felt a ripple of something deep and powerful inside her as he said that. It was like every cell in her body yearned toward him, urging her to get close to him. "Hurry, love." Her voice also edged into a low hoarseness as she lifted her arms to him.

  He wasted no time, kicking off his pants and surging toward her.

  "Wait. Wow." She wanted to enjoy this first moment of seeing him naked again in year
s. It was like looking at the most perfect male specimen ever. Every muscle in his body was chiseled, from washboard abs to muscular thighs. But the most important, most exciting thing to her, was that he was Wyatt. Her Wyatt. Knowing she was with him turned her on more than she ever had been in her life.

  He stood still for her inspection for mere moments before shaking his head. "Enough. If I don't touch you right now I might explode." With that, he closed the last distance to her on the bed, half nestling with her and half hovering over her, supporting his upper body on his forearms.

  "Gotta kiss you again," he said so softly it felt like butterfly wings across her skin.

  He did exactly that, his mouth taking hers with a strength that was as tender as it was fierce, as wondering and exploring as it was also familiar. It was as if they'd been doing this their whole lives, yet it was also so stunningly new that Brynna shivered. Wyatt abruptly broke off the kiss, pulling back to study her.

  "Is this okay? Am I being too rough?" He sounded genuinely concerned, but she sensed the longing as well.

  She shook her head, lifting a hand to touch his face. “No," she whispered. "I love it. Kiss me again. Everywhere."

  With a groan, he complied. His long, hard body stretched out on top of hers, sinking onto her more. He fisted one hand in her hair, gently holding her head on the pillow. His other hand cupped the side of her face and neck. He kissed her so long, so deep, it seemed as if she could feel their souls joining already.

  "You taste incredible," he murmured against her face, turning his head to kiss his way down her cheekbone.


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