Safe Haven

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Safe Haven Page 5

by Brenda Trim

  “Listen, I talked with Ryan. I will announce my title as Alpha at the brunch. It’s time to step up and take control before personalities clash and things get out of hand,” he said as he ran a hand through her silky locks.

  “Thank you for telling me. I said it before. I stand behind you and support this decision. You will be a powerful leader. I know it,” she said and tenderly kissed his lips.

  “I don’t want you standing behind me, Liv. I need you beside me, understand? You are human, but that doesn’t mean you are less important,” he professed, meeting her gaze.

  “Okay. I admit it’s a bit intimidating, but I’ll do my best. I want you to be proud of me,” Liv said as she palmed his cheek. “I love you,” she added.

  “Mmm, I love you, babe. Now, let’s get cleaned up. I’d like to speak to the female privately before brunch,” he declared and kissed her again. Sweet lemon burst across his lips, and he couldn’t resist.

  Lawson devoured her mouth. Desire sparked in the next breath as she wrapped her arm around his neck, deepening the kiss. “Need some help in the shower,” she murmured against his mouth.

  “Absolutely,” he replied and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the bathroom.

  Liv watched as Lawson lifted a hand to knock on the door of the first-floor bedroom. She was very curious about the woman that saved his life. She hoped she could adequately put words to the heartfelt gratitude she felt.

  “Come in,” a female replied, and Lawson turned the knob and entered the room.

  A tall blonde approached them, smiling. “You certainly look better than the last time I saw you,” she stated, her gaze fixed on Lawson.

  “I feel better, too, thanks to you. I’m Lawson Scott, by the way,” he introduced and offered his hand.

  She extended hers and replied, “Kristi Marsh. Nice to meet you.”

  “And this is Olivia Kimbro,” Lawson added and looked to Liv.

  Kristi’s blue eyes met Liv’s and narrowed. “Is this your other half?” she quipped and cocked her head, eyeing Liv from head to toe.

  Liv immediately felt uneasy. This woman didn’t like her. Was it because she was human? She remembered Lawson’s sisters acting the same way when she met them.

  “Not in the sense you mean, but she is mine in every way that matters,” he countered and grabbed Liv’s hand.

  “I see. Nice to meet you, Olivia,” she responded.

  “Please call me Liv. Everyone else does. I want to thank you for saving Lawson. I don’t know what I would’ve done if something happened to him,” she admitted honestly.

  “It’s what shifters do. We take care of our own,” Kristi remarked, and Liv didn’t miss her condescending tone.

  Winning Kristi over would take some effort. Maybe once she spent some time with their group, she would see how deeply Liv cared for Lawson and the others. She might not be a shifter, but that didn’t mean she cared any less.

  “About that. How are you doing? I know what it’s like to lose your parents? Were you able to contact your mother?” he asked.

  Kristi immediately teared up and began to cry. Lawson went to her and offered his comfort. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed.

  Under any other circumstance, Liv’s heart would break for the woman’s suffering, but she didn’t sense Kristi’s grief. She got the distinct impression the woman was using her situation to garner Lawson’s attention. And it worked.

  Kristi looked at Lawson and muttered, “I wasn’t close with my mother. Haven’t seen her in about fifteen years. But my dad and I were very close. Watching what they did to him,” she said then fell against Lawson’s chest, sobbing again.

  Lawson was chivalrous to the core. If he could help Kristi through this, he would. It was one of the reasons Liv fell in love with him. He stroked the woman’s hair and soothed her until she stopped crying.

  “If you ever need to talk, I’m here. I do know what you’re going through,” Lawson said and released Kristi.

  Kristi wiped her eyes. “Thank you. I appreciate that more than you know.”

  “I’d like to talk to you later when we have more time. I want to know everything you can tell me about the Ravin,” Lawson said, changing the topic.

  “Okay. I’m not sure I have much to tell. Would you like to talk now?” Kristi asked and made her way to a nearby sofa and sat down.

  The standard rooms weren’t very big. They consisted of a bed, a small desk and chair, a dresser, a sofa, and an adjoining bathroom. Liv was thankful they were in the area with the suites because this room seemed cramped to her.

  Lawson glanced at his phone. “No, the brunch starts soon. We can discuss it later. Would you like to walk down with us?” he offered.

  “I’d love to. Just let me put on something warmer. It’s rather chilly in the hotel,” Kristi said and sashayed past them to a closet inside the bathroom.

  The woman was beautiful. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, legs for days, and overly enhanced breasts. Liv wondered if shifters underwent surgery to improve their bodies or if they were naturally blessed.

  Liv noticed Kristi left the door cracked even though she claimed she was changing. Maybe she was grabbing a jacket. Through the small opening, Liv could see her removing her t-shirt. She was standing in her jeans and bra, her lush bosom on display. What the hell? Was she waiting for Lawson to look?

  Liv quickly glanced at Lawson to see if he noticed but his gaze remained fixed on her, and he was smiling.

  “What?” Liv asked and couldn’t help but smile back.

  “I’m still thinking about your mouth and what you did earlier. Damn, you know how to treat a male right, sunshine,” Lawson whispered.

  Her thoughts about Kristi vanished as she stared at her sexy wolf. “Well, be a good boy, and I’ll reward you later,” she murmured as Kristi exited the bathroom, donning an oversized sweatshirt.

  The wide neck slipped off her shoulder, and Liv noticed she wasn’t wearing her bra. What was this woman trying to pull?

  Yeah, he isn’t paying attention to you, girlfriend. Get over yourself, Liv thought.

  “Lead the way,” Kristi spouted and locked arms with Lawson.

  He reached his hand out to Liv and pulled her to his other side. “Well, I’ll say this. All the males in the place will be jealous when they see me walk in with you two,” he confessed then leaned down to place a kiss on Liv’s cheek.

  They walked out, and Lawson escorted them to the large dining area. Multiple tables were set up with linens and fresh sunflowers to brighten the room. There was a long table against the far wall with a buffet. Ashley had outdone herself because the place looked incredible. Each member of the hotel was present and seated. Lawson showed Liv and Kristi to an empty table and held out a chair for Liv then Kristi before turning to address the small crowd.

  “Thank you so much for coming. I realized we haven’t come together as a group for a meal. We’ve all been extremely busy these past few months, but I’d like us to make a point to eat together once a week. I’ll put together a calendar, and will post it in the kitchen,” Lawson began, and Liv’s heart pounded with excitement. He was assuming his role, and she couldn’t be more proud of him.

  “Now, I’m sure everyone heard about my encounter yesterday. I’m happy to say my injuries were minor, thanks to a certain female,” Lawson said and looked at Kristi.

  The female beamed at his attention and Liv bit back her jealousy. She had no right to feel anything but gratitude towards Kristi’s intervention on Lawson’s behalf, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t like the connection she saw between them.

  “It was recently brought to my attention that we need a formal announcement regarding the role of Alpha at Safe Haven. I am officially declaring the title. Is there anyone present who wishes to challenge my authority? If so, speak now so that we may move onto the battle phase,” he commanded, his deep baritone echoing through the room.

  Liv wasn’t sure of the exact meaning behind his words, but
she had a sinking feeling she wouldn’t like it. She silently prayed that no one challenged him. Several seconds passed, and Lawson made eye contact with each man in the room. Liv watched as each bowed their head in submission.

  “Very well. It is duly-noted that there is no challenge at this time,” Lawson confirmed and picked up a glass of water to take a sip. Liv saw the slight tremble to his hand and wondered if he was as nervous as she had been moments ago.

  “Let me begin by saying that my father, Jacob Scott, was a formidable leader for the town of Dunlap for many decades. I learned a great deal from him, and I promise that I will do my best to protect and guide each of you. My expectations are simple. Work hard and treat one another with respect and kindness. If you can do that, I promise this will be a community that makes you proud,” he declared before cheers erupted and clapping echoed around the room. Liv was certain she clapped the loudest. Her cheeks hurt from the smile stretched across her face.

  Lawson waved his arms. “Now, stop. You’re making me blush. In closing, I’d like to introduce everyone. My brother Ryan and my sisters Haylee, Hannah, and Brenlee,” he announced and they rose from their seats and bowed to the group.

  “Some of you already know Jay and Dawn Anderson, and their son Luke. They were members of our Dunlap pack, and I’m thrilled they decided to make this their new home,” Lawson added.

  Liv looked to the Andersons as they stood and waved their acknowledgment. Young Luke was the sweetest kid she’d ever met. She wished there were some other kids his age because she guessed he was bored, having no playmates.

  “And, Chad and Lori Hall are also longtime friends,” he added, and the quiet couple raised their hands and said hello to the group.

  “I certainly can’t forget my good friend, Knox Pierce, and the incredible female that made the delicious meal you’re about to eat. Miss Ashley Reyes,” he said, and another round of clapping followed. Knox stood and bowed as if it were him they were cheering and Ryan and Brenlee threw their napkins at him.

  Lawson laughed, “Yeah, they know who’s to blame when the food is burned.”

  Ashley turned bright red and buried her face in her hands. Knox kissed her on the cheek and raised his glass of juice to the crowd. “You’ll get no apologies from me.”

  “I know everyone is ready to dig in. Just a few more introductions. Our newcomers are Devin Clark, Tyler Trim, and Kristi Marsh,” Lawson said, and each raised their hand as he called their name.

  Kristi smiled towards Lawson and didn’t bother looking to the others in the room. Could she be any more obvious about her interest? Liv shook her head and glanced at Devin and Tyler. She would have to go and introduce herself to them after Lawson’s speech. She wanted everyone to feel welcome and comfortable.

  Devin was a nice-looking guy with light brown hair and a kind face. She could see him fitting in nicely with their group. Tyler, on the other hand, stood with his beefy arms across his chest like he was the bouncer at a nightclub. His jet-black hair was combed straight back, and his deep-set eyes scanned the room as if searching for the weak link. Suddenly, he met Liv’s gaze, pinning her with his stare. Guess he found it, she surmised and looked away.

  “Please take the time and get acquainted with each other. I want us to feel like family, and that will only happen if everyone makes an effort. I will meet privately with each of you to see where you can contribute and assign tasks accordingly. Now, please enjoy your meal and the rest of your day,” Lawson concluded and made his way to sit between Liv and Kristi.

  “Baby, I’m so proud of you,” Liv exclaimed and leaned over to press a kiss to his lips.

  “Thank you, sunshine,” he replied.

  “Yes. Congratulations, Law. I knew from the moment I saw you that you were Alpha material. You ooze it,” Kristi purred, staring at Lawson. And where did she get off calling him Law, like they were lovers or something?

  “Thank you, Kristi. I hope I meet your expectations,” he responded with a smile.

  “Oh, I do not doubt that,” Kristi countered and sat up straight, pressing her chest out.

  Liv didn’t miss her hard nipples pressing against the fabric of her sweatshirt. Yeah, for someone who said it was cold in the hotel, seemed she would’ve kept on her bra. Liv wasn’t buying her act for a second.

  If Lawson noticed her advances, he didn’t show it. He kept his attention on Liv, grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles.

  “I’m going to make my way to the buffet. Would you like me to make you a plate, Law?” Kristi asked as she stood.

  “No thank you,” he answered, without looking her way.

  Kristi walked away, her hips swinging to and fro. Liv couldn’t help but roll her eyes and huff.

  “What’s wrong, beautiful?” Lawson asked.

  “Seriously? You can’t see what she’s doing?” Liv countered.

  “Who? Kristi? What?” he asked, apparently confused. Men. They were so dense sometimes.

  “Law, I hate to be the one to tell you but that woman is making a play for you,” she said as she sat back and crossed her arms.

  “No, I think you misunderstand. Kristi’s trying to find her place in a new pack. It’s very common. She feels closest to me because I’m the Alpha. Give her some time, and I promise it will fade. Besides, I only have eyes for you, sunshine. She doesn’t even come close,” he said as he leaned over and nibbled on her ear.

  That fast, arousal rushed through her body. Lawson trailed kisses along her neck, torturing her. “You keep doing that, and I’m going to embarrass myself,” she confessed as she clenched against the burning need.

  “Mmm, sounds exciting,” he husked and bit the flesh of her neck.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Kristi staring at them. Liv met her gaze and smiled. That’s right. He’s mine, Liv thought as she claimed Lawson’s mouth, hoping the woman got the message.

  Chapter 6

  Liv snuggled closer to Lawson, trying to keep warm. Fall nights were cold in Tennessee, and as soon as the sun dropped, the temperature followed. He wrapped his arms around her and wedged her body between his legs. She loved being with him at their favorite spot, gazing across the lake. This spot was their place. Somewhere they could escape and forget about the troubles of the world.

  “This is perfect. Thank you for bringing me here tonight. I needed some alone time with you,” Liv admitted, twining their hands as she rested against Lawson's chest. She could feel his warm breath on the back of her neck, and it tickled.

  “I like being here with you,” he murmured, nuzzling her hair.

  “When you told me you would take on the role of Alpha, I didn’t realize it would be a full-time job. It’s going to be a challenge to get you alone,” she replied as she listened to bullfrogs croaking nearby.

  It was a selfish comment, but she couldn’t help it. Her job was demanding, too, and there would be fewer opportunities for nights like this. Their summer romance was coming to an end too quickly.

  “It will be hard at first, but things will settle down once we find our groove as a pack. I’m not going to let this come between us, Liv. Trust me, sweetheart, I need time with you as badly,” he admitted as he kissed the flesh at the base of her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

  “How did it go with your one-on-one meetings today?” she asked, needing a distraction. Her lust immediately went into overdrive when Lawson was near.

  Admittedly, Liv was most curious about his visit with Kristi. No doubt the woman took advantage of her time alone with Lawson.

  “It was good. Devin is going to be a great asset. He’s a plumber, and that will no doubt come in handy. He says he knows his way around computers, as well. I like him a lot. Very down to earth,” he explained.

  “And Tyler?” Liv inquired nervously, recalling his death stare from the brunch.

  “Yeah, he’s a little different. He didn’t offer a lot of background, or personal information. He did mention he was a jack-of-all-trades, so we’ll see. I can
see him leaving soon, in search of another pack,” Lawson said as his hands slipped beneath Liv’s sweater to caress her stomach. She loved the feel of his hands on her flesh.

  “Won’t hurt my feelings if he leaves. The guy creeps me out,” she stated and turned in his arms, so they were facing each other. “What about Kristi?” she asked and bit her lower lip.

  Lawson leaned down and grabbed her lip between his teeth and pulled. “I’m the only one who should bite that,” he murmured against her mouth. God, what the man did to her. Her nipples hardened and moisture pooled between her legs from the simple act.

  She wrapped her arm around his neck and replied, “You’re ignoring my question,” she muttered and kissed the corner of his mouth.

  “No, I’m not. I’m more interested in your body right now,” Lawson responded as his hand trailed up to palm Liv's breast. His thumb slipped inside her bra, and Liv moaned when he rubbed the turgid tip.

  Suddenly, his head snapped to the side, and Liv looked over to see Tyler, Devin, and Kristi walk around the barn and head their way.

  “So much for time alone,” Liv said as she straightened her sweater and turned to face the approaching group.

  “Hi, you two. We aren’t interrupting, are we?” Kristi spouted and smiled. She was in the same clothes from earlier and Liv couldn’t help notice her large breasts bouncing beneath her sweatshirt as she skipped towards them. Didn’t feel the need to put on a bra, of course.

  “Yes, but that’s okay. What’s up?” Lawson asked as he protectively wrapped his arms around Liv. She felt safest in his stronghold and wriggled closer.

  “So, we were at the house talking, and the subject of hunting came up. It’s been forever for the three of us, and we were hoping to shift tonight and go for a run. You know, check out this incredible property the right way,” Kristi announced as she plopped her butt in the sand beside Lawson and Liv.


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