Safe Haven

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Safe Haven Page 6

by Brenda Trim

  “Sure, go for it. It’s incredible. Your animals will love it here. We’ll get out of your hair and let you have some fun,” Lawson said as he got to his feet, pulling Liv with him.

  “But you have to come. You are the Alpha. It’s your duty,” Kristi urged as she stood and tugged on his arm.

  Liv’s eyes bulged. Surely, Lawson wasn’t going to accept. He refused to allow Liv anywhere near his wolf. The last thing she wanted was for him to shift and run around in wolf form with the likes of Kristi.

  Lawson opened his mouth to say something but then closed it. Liv could see he was struggling with an answer. Probably trying to find the right words so he wouldn’t hurt Kristi’s feelings. Lawson was too nice in Liv’s opinion.

  “Can you three give me a moment?” he said then grabbed Liv’s hand, walking toward the barn.

  They made their way into the small building that had become the metal shop, and Lawson flipped on a small table lamp. The soft glow illuminated his handsome face. Gray eyes met hers.

  “I’m going to go for a quick hunt with them. She wasn’t lying when she said it’s my duty,” he shared and grabbed her hands. “Take the four-wheeler back to the hotel, and I’ll come find you later.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Are you serious? I’m just supposed to step aside while you go gallivanting with Kristi. This situation is insane, Lawson,” she blurted and jerked her hands free of his. It was stupid to be jealous and hurt by this, but she was. Shifting and hunting was something she would never share with Lawson and it burned that he was going to share it with Kristi.

  “Liv, I realize you don’t understand the shifter way, but I’m their leader. Their first run should be with me. It’s about their wolves submitting to me,” he explained.

  Her head snapped up. “Submit how?” Liv gritted. If it was what she was thinking, no fucking way.

  “It’s not sexual. It’s about me establishing dominance. If I’m not there, the animals will seek the dominant one in the group and follow their lead from now on. I can’t allow that. It’s only the one time. After that, I don’t need to be present for every hunt. Please try and understand my position,” he pleaded and reached out to stroke her cheek.

  Liv relaxed into his palm, enjoying his warmth. Bottom line was if she was going to be a part of this man’s life, she had to accept every facet. He was as much wolf as he was a man. And he was Alpha. He took his title seriously and wanted to be the best. She wouldn’t love him if he were any other way.

  She sighed then smiled. “I understand. It’s getting cold anyway. I’ll be inside by the fire when you get back,” Liv told him then turned to leave.

  Strong hands grabbed her and pulled her back. “Don’t think you’re getting out of here without a kiss,” Lawson murmured then claimed her lips in a kiss that warmed her entire body.

  “See you later, Outlaw,” she quipped then made her way to the four-wheeler.

  Liv turned the key, and the engine roared to life. She wanted to stay with him and be a part of the hunt more than anything. But she wasn’t a shifter. She didn’t belong in this part of his life. Could this work between them? Was she okay knowing Kristi, or some other female, shared this with Lawson when she couldn’t.

  She shook off her negativity. Lawson accepted her, knowing she was human. He didn’t judge or point blame. It was only fair she did the same in return.

  As she drove away, she heard the howl of four wolves, and she gunned the accelerator, refusing to look back.

  Lawson’s wolf howled again, feeling invigorated. There was nothing more gratifying to his animal than the hunt. He snorted and pawed the earth beneath his body. His snout lifted, taking in the surrounding scents.

  Fallen leaves, acorns, and various wildflowers permeated the air. All that paled to the scent of the animals stalking nearby. Lawson turned his head, taking in the three wolves.

  One was black as night and massive. Tyler. He was as formidable in his wolf form as he was in his human body. Good thing Lawson’s wolf didn’t cower to anything. In fact, his hackles raised at Tyler’s aggressive stance.

  A sandy brown wolf approached, its head lowered. When it reached Lawson’s side, it knelt and showed fealty. Devin. Lawson nodded his acknowledgment.

  To Lawson’s right stood a golden blonde wolf, smaller than the rest. This one was Kristi.

  What her wolf lacked in size she made up in presence. He knew she was dominant from the first time he saw her. Even her wolf had an air of authority that he had to admit, was incredibly appealing. She strutted to his side, nudging his snout with hers. He growled in warning. When her tongue lapped his mouth, he bared his teeth then snapped. He wasn’t playing this game with her.

  She turned and stalked off, her tail high in the air. Lawson got a whiff of her scent. She was in heat, he realized. Typically, wolves experienced one cycle per year, during the winter months, but because of their human counterparts, shifters went through several cycles. Unfortunately, this resulted in fewer babies. A wolf’s litter on average was five pups, but shifters had one or two at most for each pregnancy.

  If Lawson could smell Kristi, so could Devin and Tyler. His animal responded, wanting to claim her wolf. It was instinctual, and Lawson had to fight the urge to take her. As Alpha, he could claim as many females as he wanted while in animal form. It was completely acceptable. In his opinion, the strongest wolves found a way to ignore their need. His father never claimed any wolf except his mom and was highly respected for it.

  Lawson wondered what it would feel like to mount another wolf. It was something he’d never done. Sex with a female was one thing, but to shift and claim an animal was something sacred. Meant for the one sharing his life force.

  If he chose Liv, he’d never know the connection between two wolves. His father said there was nothing like two animals sharing a life force. Did that matter to him? He didn’t think so. His feelings towards Liv were like nothing he’d ever experienced, and he wanted her with him always. He didn’t care that she was human. He loved her.

  Tyler’s wolf approached Kristi’s and stalked her. His snout pressed underneath her tail and she turned and snapped at him. Lawson would have to keep an eye on the group and make sure the males didn’t take her by force. Maybe it was best to run off the excess energy, he concluded and took off towards the woods.

  The others followed and, as a group, they charged through the forest. Lawson pushed harder, taking the lead. His paws pounded the dirt, and the wind blew across his snout. He felt alive.

  The wolves behind him howled, and he answered in return. This group was his pack. He wished his brother and sisters had come along. They needed this time to bond as a unit. Next time he would arrange a hunt with all the wolves. He wished Liv knew this part of his world. Words couldn’t describe his true nature.

  They gave chase to several small creatures as they ran to the edge of the property. Rabbits, a coyote, and a little doe fell victim to their attack. When they reached the outer boundary, they stopped. Lawson loped to a nearby tree and marked it with his scent. The others did the same. Claiming their territory was essential. It kept the unwanted at bay.

  The rippling of water pricked his ears, and Lawson lifted his head, searching the direction of the water. It was nearby. He followed the sound until he reached a small stream. He turned to see the others bringing up the rear.

  He lowered his head and lapped at the cold liquid. Kristi’s wolf came to his side and lowered her head to drink. Her wolf glanced sideways, eyeing him as they continued drinking. Her gaze held him trapped, and he felt her intense need. Then again, her wolf was in heat. This behavior was normal, he told himself.

  He drank his fill then lifted his head, sniffing the area. Kristi’s wolf stepped closer and rubbed her head against his neck. His wolf reacted to her attention and Lawson had to fight the urge to jump on her back and claim her. She was testing his willpower, but he would not succumb.

  Without warning, Tyler’s wolf pounced onto Kristi’s back, pinning he
r wolf beneath his. He quickly mounted her, preparing to claim her. Lawson’s wolf lunged, knocking the animal to the ground. Lawson’s jaw bit down on Tyler’s throat and growled. The wolf resisted, and Lawson bit harder until the creature yelped its surrender. He understood Tyler’s actions. A female in heat with a group of males was bound to end in disaster.

  Suddenly, he caught the scent of another wolf and took off towards the smell. He would deal with Kristi when they got back to the lake. Up ahead, he saw movement and forged ahead. A shift in position told him it wasn’t a wolf. It looked more like a man, standing on two legs. His vision sharpened and details came into focus. Long claws at the end of its hands and an elongated snout. Fuck, he mentally cursed. There was Ravin on their property.

  Hell no. Ravin's weren’t welcome on his land. Lawson’s wolf burst forward and picked up speed, trying to catch the creature. As soon as he got close, the beast took off, vanishing within seconds.

  Their speed was incredible. Lawson’s wolf looked everywhere but saw no trace of the Ravin. He turned to make his way back to the group, and when he spotted them, he howled and took off towards the hotel.

  Several minutes later, they were shifting back to their human forms. Lawson turned his back to Kristi’s wolf, allowing her privacy to transform and dress.

  “The next time a bitch in heat goes hunting, don’t even try and stop me from taking her,” Tyler barked, getting in Lawson’s face. “That’s fucking bullshit, and you know it. Do your job, Alpha, or I will,” he shouted then stomped over to Kristi. “You’re lucky I didn’t fuck that sweet ass of yours. Next time I’ll take it,” he sneered before he stomped toward the hotel.

  “I’m going to head back, as well. I know the night ended on a bad note, but it was still a great run,” Devin said and walked off, disappearing into the blackness.

  “I, for one, thought it was an incredible hunt,” Kristi said as she pulled on her boots and walked up to Lawson, placing her hand on his chest.

  Lawson grabbed her hand and gripped it firmly. “You know better than to bring your wolf to a hunt while in heat. What the fuck were you thinking?” he spat.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know, I swear. I haven’t shifted in a long time. I realized it after it was too late. And, don’t worry, Law. I can handle males like Tyler. My wolf would eat him alive,” she countered and jerked her hand from his grip. She cocked her head and smiled seductively. “You have to admit. Your wolf is interested in mine. I say let’s shift back and finish what we started,” she purred and licked her lips.

  “I’m not finishing anything, Kristi. And don’t ever pull that again or you’ll be looking for another pack. Got it? Stay clear of the males in the house until your cycle ends. I’m not kidding,” Lawson growled then stormed off, leaving Kristi standing alone in the woods.

  He was invigorated from the hunt, and his beast roused. All he wanted was a hot shower and his sexy redhead.

  Chapter 7

  Liv stood by the stainless-steel counter, going over the menu with Ashley for the upcoming Halloween party. She wanted everything to be perfect, and food and beverage were a top priority. Plus, she needed the distraction. Thinking about Lawson and the hunt was eating at her insides.

  “So, I think a taco bar is a great idea, Ashley,” Liv stated. “Add a few dips, like guacamole and queso, and we’re good to go. Of course, margaritas are a must, and let’s have some craft beers, as well,” she added.

  “Si, señora. I will get everything together. When you have the guest list, let me know the approximate head count. Now, what are your plans for decorations?” Ashley asked.

  “Don’t worry about that. Cassie and I will handle it. I’m so excited about this party,” Liv replied as she nibbled on a carrot stick.

  “What are you going as?” Ashley inquired.

  “Oh, no. Not telling. It’s a surprise. You are dressing up, aren’t you?” Liv asked.

  “Absolutely. Knox and I are looking forward to it. Should be a fun night,” Ashley answered just as the back door swung open.

  Tyler stormed past them without glancing their way. His arms and face covered in blood and his dark eyes blazed with fury. Liv didn’t dare ask him what was wrong. Devin stepped inside after him, stopping to greet them.

  “Is everything okay?” Liv asked as she eyed the man. He too was covered in blood.

  Devin noticed she was staring and looked down at his shirt. “Oh, yeah. We killed a few animals. Had a slight problem toward the end of the hunt but, all in all, it went well. I’m sure Lawson will fill you in. I’m heading to my room to clean up. See you ladies tomorrow,” he quipped and made his leave.

  Ashley glanced at Liv and shrugged before turning back to the industrial-sized stove. Liv eyed the back door, wondering why Lawson and Kristi hadn’t returned with the others. She didn’t like the idea of them alone together.

  In the next second, Lawson burst through the doorway. He was a filthy mess, covered in blood, as well. Steel gray eyes met hers, and she shuddered at the conflict she saw behind his gaze. What the hell happened on their hunt?

  Three strides towards her and Lawson grabbed Liv in his arms. His lips crashed against hers in frantic need as he squeezed the life from her with his tight embrace. He was possessive and demanding, and she could taste blood on his lips.

  Liv quickly broke the kiss, searching his eyes. “What’s going on? Did something happen during the hunt?” Liv asked as she cradled his face in her hands, trying to read his expression.

  Lawson relaxed against her touch. “I don’t want to talk about that right now. All I want is to get clean and then make love to you. Sound good?” he ordered more than he asked.

  Liv squirmed until he released his grip. “Lawson, I can taste blood. What happened?”

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. We killed a few animals. Let me get cleaned up before we continue this,” Lawson husked, his silver pools filled with desire.

  “Right now I’m finalizing the party plans with Ashley. Go shower, and I’ll be right there,” she replied.

  Something happened, and it was big if he was ignoring the issue. Liv couldn’t help but wonder if it was about Kristi.

  He leaned down and muttered, “Don’t take too long.” It sent a wave of arousal through her veins and Liv shuddered again for a different reason.

  Lawson turned and left the kitchen, making Liv more confused than ever. “I’ll never understand these shifter men, Ashley. Does Knox drive you insane?” she inquired and looked over at the woman.

  “That man drives me beyond crazy but mostly in a good way,” she said with a wink. Liv smiled. She agreed with that sentiment most of the time, but something was up tonight.

  Kristi walked through the door at that moment. She was as bloodied as the rest of the group. Liv needed some answers but had a feeling she wouldn’t like Kristi’s version.

  “Hey, Kristi. Everything okay?” Liv stated as she eyed the woman.

  “You might want to keep a shorter leash on that wolf of yours,” Kristi blurted as she walked over to stand in front of Liv.

  The female was a couple of inches taller than Liv, but it was her domineering presence that made Liv uneasy.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Liv asked, refusing to back down to the woman’s intimidation.

  “Let’s just say I thought your man was going to mount me. His wolf must love my scent with how much he was sniffing my ass. He’s quite the Alpha, in every way. I don’t think my wolf will resist if he decides to claim me. And given I’m in heat, my need is as high as his,” she said with a leer.

  Liv’s jaw dropped. She was astounded and didn’t know what to say. She stood there, staring at the blue-eyed female. Kristi spoke of claiming and heat like they were nothing but animals. Liv understood their wolves were an integral part of them, but surely it wasn’t like what she described. Was Kristi telling the truth? Was that why Lawson seemed so lecherous? Because he wanted Kristi’s wolf. Did he not have control over his actions when in
animal form? She recalled the one time she encountered Lawson’s wolf.

  She was sunbathing nude by the lake when his wolf approached her. From her experience and what Lawson told her afterward, it was hard for him to control his animal but it wasn’t impossible. He forced a shift and kept his wolf from experiencing Liv in every way. And from what she remembered, she wasn’t opposed to his wolf getting to know her better.

  However, Liv didn’t believe for one second that Kristi refused any advances. She was practically begging for Lawson to mount her when in public so she could only imagine how she acted after they shifted. The bigger question was if Lawson would succumb to Kristi while in wolf form?

  “You know, Olivia. Lawson is more than just a man. He’s a wild beast that needs to feed all his desires, including those of his wolf. How do you plan on doing that when you’re human? He might be fascinated with you for now, but how long before he seeks someone that can satisfy every hunger?” Kristi taunted.

  Liv refused to cower to Kristi’s bullying. This woman was trying to form a wedge between her and Lawson, and she wasn’t about to allow it. Liv stepped closer, so their bodies were practically touching.

  “I hate to break it to you, but Lawson is very satisfied. Just because I can’t shift doesn’t mean I don’t know his wolf. In fact, his wolf knows me very well. My scent and the taste of my body. And I know the feel of his fur and how his rough tongue feels on my flesh. You will never have that,” Liv countered and watched Kristi’s stance slouch. It was Liv’s turn to dominate over this female for a change.

  “I guess time will tell,” Kristi said with a tilt of her head.

  “I guess it will,” Liv replied with narrowed eyes. Her clenched fists itched to throat punch the woman.

  “I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me,” Kristi stated then turned on her heels to take her leave.

  “Might I suggest a cold shower,” Liv called to her retreating back.

  “I don’t like that woman. She has a negative aura surrounding her. It is a muddied red and green. She’s bad news,” Ashley interjected as soon as Kristi left the room.


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