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To My Brother's Cocky Best Friend

Page 5

by J. S. Cooper

  "Yeah. And I said that to him and then he dumped me."

  "Well, then, obviously he didn't really love you."

  "Yeah, but he still dumped me, and that hurt. I lost my boyfriend. I was heartbroken for months."

  "I know you were heartbroken, but would you rather have lost your virginity to him, knowing he only wanted you for one thing?"

  "Well, not really, but it's not like the guy I did lose my virginity to was any better."

  "Oh, yeah?" I didn't really want to hear about her college boyfriend. I knew Olivia had been in love with him, and I knew that their relationship had been semi-serious, and I hated it. I hated him and I hated the relationship, and I didn't want to hear about him, but I wasn't going to tell her that. "Well, you know what? We all have bad relationships, Olivia. That's life. One day, you'll have a good one. And that will be the person you're with for the rest of your life."

  "Do you really believe in true and everlasting love now?" She laughed loudly. "I don't believe that. You never believed in love."

  "I always believed in love. Why do you say that?"

  "Because you never had a serious girlfriend. You always used every single one of them."

  "I didn't use them, Olivia. I had some fun. Lots of guys do. But I never lied to them. I would never do that."

  "Uh-huh. You think I don't remember all those girls that would always be calling the house for you and Derrick, crying, and asking me if you had other girls? That was absolutely awful. I even had girls trying to pretend to be my friend, just so they could get information from me."

  "Well, I'm sorry about that, but I'm sure that was more about Derrick than it was about me."

  "I don't know about that."

  "Hey, Olivia." I touched her gently on the shoulder, not able to resist the urge to be closer to her anymore.

  "Yes, Tyler?"

  "You know, I wanted to let you know that you've blossomed into a really beautiful woman."

  Her mouth twisted in a cynical smile. "So, what are you trying to say? That I was ugly when I was younger?"

  "No, you were a very beautiful teenager, too. I'm just saying that, you know, you are amazing now." I was practically stumbling over my words. I wanted to curse myself. Why did I sound like such an idiot? I'd dated many beautiful women in my life. There was no need for me to feel so nervous talking to Olivia, not when she was someone I'd known for almost all my life.

  She looked taken aback at my sudden seriousness. "Okay. Well, thanks, Tyler. I mean, you look great, too."

  "Well, thanks. I always love to hear that. So, you're going to introduce me to your hot friend Birdy, then?" I regretted the words as soon as they came out of my mouth.

  "Oh, my gosh. Really, Tyler? Is this what that whole conversation was about? You just want to meet my friend Birdy?"

  "Sure. Whatever you say, Olivia," I lied.

  I had no interest in meeting Birdy. Well, I didn't mind meeting her, but I didn't care about meeting her to have sex with her or anything like that, though I knew Olivia wouldn't believe it. The reason I wanted to meet her friends was because I wanted to see the sort of people she had around her. I wanted to make sure that they were good people, people that would look out for her because neither Derrick nor I were here, and we were the ones who had always looked out for her her whole life.

  But maybe that was why she'd moved. Maybe she didn't want us in her life like that anymore.

  "Hey, Tyler, why do you look like that?" she asked me, her gaze concerned.

  "Look like what?" I chuckled, trying to my sentimental train of thoughts.

  "You looked really sad just now. You okay?" She touched the top of my forehead as if she were checking my temperature and something in me flipped. I was fed up with being treated like some sick invalid.

  "Yeah. I was just thinking that it's been a really long time since I've had some pussy." I was crude and I didn’t care.

  She snatched her hand back. "What did you just say?"

  "I said, it's been a really long time since I've had some pussy. You know what I mean?"

  "You know what, Tyler, I'm going to bed. I've had enough of this. I don't need to hear you talking like that. That's disgusting."

  "My bad. Should I have said it's been a really long time since I've had sex?"

  "That sounds slightly better than talking about the P-word."

  "Are you a 27-year-old woman that can't say pussy?"

  "You know what, Tyler? That's enough. You don't really need to keep saying it to me." Her voice was getting louder, and I enjoyed seeing her so riled up.

  "Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy!" I sing-songed, enjoying the opportunity to irritate her once again. She wasn’t looking at me like I was some lost little sick boy. She was looking at me like the man that I was.

  "Okay. That's it. I will absolutely kill you if you say it one more time."

  "Pussy. What are you going to do now?"

  She punched me in the shoulder. "That is a disgusting word. How dare you use that in reference to a woman's vagina?"

  "So you'd rather I say vagina instead of pussy?"

  "I'd rather you not say either of them in front of me, thank you very much, Tyler."

  "Oh, my gosh. You must be an absolute joy to date, Olivia."

  "I'm sure I'm more of a joy to date than you, Tyler."

  "Oh, yeah?"

  I pushed her down on the couch, holding her arms back, and then coming down and looking into her face. "Do you really think that you're a better person to date than me?" She looked up at me. Her nostrils were flaring, and her eyelids were fluttering. I could see the pulse in her neck beating, one, two, three. I wanted to kiss it, wanted to feel her heartbeat against my lips. But I didn’t want to scare her off.

  "What are you thinking?" I looked down at her as she stared up at me, lips trembling. Would she let me kiss her? Would it be okay?

  "I'm thinking that you are absolutely disgusting," she said, but her words were nothing more than a whisper.

  I was sure she could feel the chemistry between us. It had always been there, something that we'd never acted upon but both felt. I was almost confident of that fact.

  "Huh." I touched the side of her face gently. "I've been thinking about you a lot recently … in many disgusting ways."

  "What have you been thinking, Tyler?" she said, with that little attitude that she always had, though I knew that she was wondering what I was thinking because there was a light in her eyes that was questioning me and seducing me at the same time.

  "I was wondering if you've ever had a really good kiss."

  "What?" she said, as my mouth came closer to hers.

  "I said, I was wondering if you've ever been kissed like the world was about to end."

  "That's not exactly what you said."

  "Okay, well, I changed the words a little bit, but have you?"

  "Have I what?"

  "Oh, Olivia, stop playing dumb. I want to know, have you ever been kissed like the world's about to end?"

  "I don't know what it's like to be kissed when the world's about to end because the world hasn't ended yet."

  "Yeah, but have you ever been kissed so well that you think if the world were to end right then and there, you would have wanted for nothing in your life?"

  "I don't know," she said softly, as my lips came even closer to hers.

  "Have you ever been kissed and thought to yourself, 'If I die right this moment, I will remember it for all eternity’?'"

  "No," she said with a whisper, and before I could stop myself, my lips pressed gently against hers, my hand cupping the side of her face, stroking gently. I pressed my lips down on hers and slipped my tongue into her mouth. She kissed me back passionately, her arms wrapping around my neck and her fingers sliding through my hair. I couldn't believe that the moment had finally arrived. Her lips felt soft, and I just wanted to melt into her. I didn't want to stop kissing her; she tasted so sweet and so warm. She ran her fingers through my hair, tugging slightly and ma
king my scalp tingle. I was grateful that it had grown back recently, and it was as thick as she remembered it. I wasn't sure what she'd think if she'd seen me with the buzz cut that I'd had recently.

  I could feel her breasts pressed against my chest, and I wanted to slip my hand up her shirt, but I didn’t want to risk moving too fast. I didn't want to scare her. I just wanted her to know that I wanted her. I shifted on top of her, my erection pushing into her hipbone, and she gasped. I could feel her sucking on my lower lip, and I ground my dick into her.

  We kissed for a couple more seconds, and then she pushed me off of her. "What are you doing, Tyler? What are you doing?" She looked at me, her huge brown eyes wide with shock.

  "I just wanted to give you a kiss. Didn't you like it?" I said softly, licking my lips.

  "Tyler. We can't do that. We can't kiss. I'm not one of those women that you can just play around with." She looked up at me, her eyes big and serious. I’d never wanted anyone more than I wanted her at that moment.

  "I didn't say I wanted to play around with you, Olivia. I just thought we could have some fun. We're both two adults, right? What's wrong with two adults having fun?"

  "You know Derrick wouldn't like it if we did this."

  "If we did what? Is a kiss really that much? I've kissed more people playing truth and dare and spin the bottle than I can count. Haven't you?"

  "Tyler …" She looked at me and shook her head. "I don't know what's going on, but we can't do this."

  "I think we can do it if we want to," I said quietly. "I know that I want to, don't you?" I took a step towards her, but she put her hands up to stop me.

  “Not now, Tyler.” She shook her head. “I think you better go to sleep now. Let me get you a blanket and some pillows.”

  She got up and walked slowly to a closet and then she cocked her head around to look at me. I could see from the way her lips were trembling that she still wanted me. And I still wanted her, but I would be patient. I’d waited years for this chance and I wasn’t going to mess it up now.

  Chapter 7


  * * *

  Dear Tyler,

  Did you hear me singing “You’re so Vain, by Carly Simon” in the shower this morning? It’s quite apropos because I bet you think that song was about you! And let me clarify when I sang it this morning, it was about you because we both know you’re the vainest, conceited, arrogant, pompous guy out there. And no, I have no interest in coming to Florida to watch you play basketball with your league next week. Haven’t you heard white men can’t jump?


  * * *

  Hey Olivia,

  So, what you’re saying is you’re singing songs about me and for me? And you like to watch old movies that stereotype hot men like me?


  P.S. Come to the game and I’ll show you all the things I can’t do.

  * * *

  Dear Tyler,

  You mean like spell, articulate well, sing, cook, and kiss?


  * * *


  Give my lips five seconds and I’ll show you who can’t kiss.


  * * *


  Give my feet two seconds and I’ll show you who can’t kick.


  * * *


  What I’m getting from that statement that you’re longing to touch me.


  P.S. I knew this sexual tension would finally get to you.

  * * *


  You’re infuriating. Leave me alone. I have work to do.



  I have work for you to do as well.


  P.S. And it includes finishing off what we started last night.

  * * *


  I’m going to show my brother these emails and he’s going to be pissed off. I hope your pretty face is ready.


  * * *


  I’m always ready for you.


  P.S. I’m with your brother right now and he’s laughing.

  * * *


  And he knows exactly what you’re writing and what you said to me last night??


  P.S. Let him read these emails and see if he’s still laughing.

  * * *


  Maybe not. You haven’t given me an answer to my question yet.

  Your brother’s wonderful, hot, and incredibly intelligent best friend, Tyler.

  * * *

  To My Brother’s Cocky Best Friend,

  You will never get an answer from me other than no.


  * * *


  So, I’m taking that as a maybe?

  Big Cock Tyler

  * * *




  * * *


  See you in two hours.

  BC Tyler

  * * *


  No response?

  BC Tyler

  * * *


  Too busy dreaming about this BC, huh?


  * * *


  {This photo of a huge penis has been blurred from your screen}


  * * *


  That was a huge cock. You’re just a cock-a-doodle-doo.


  * * *


  I’ve officially been cockshamed. See you at dinner.


  P.S. I still think you won’t be disappointed.

  Chapter 8


  * * *

  I smiled at the last emails I had gotten from Olivia. I'd almost forgotten how much fun it was to tease her, to banter back and forth with her. I was about to send her another message when I saw Derrick heading my way. I quickly turned off the phone and put it in my pocket. The last thing I needed was for him to see the emails between his sister and me. I might've pretended to Olivia that I didn't care, but there was no way that I wanted Derrick to see that I was sending his sister a message about my big cock.

  "Hey, hey, Tyler, my good man. How's it going?" Derrick approached me and gave me a high five.

  "Hey, what's up man? Where's Tiffany?"

  "Oh, she had to go to work. You know how these things go."

  "So, it seemed you guys got on really well last night. How'd it go?"

  “Let's just say that daddy was very happy."

  "Oh, come on, man. You do not call yourself daddy, do you?"

  "Hey, that's not what I call me. That's what the women call me."

  "What women? I saw one woman last night."

  "Well, yeah, you know, one is enough. Tiffany can call me big daddy anytime she likes. So how was it staying over at Olivia's? What's her place like?"

  "It's actually really cute. It's small, like she said. I can understand why she didn't want the both of us to stay there. There really wouldn't have been any room."

  "I don't know why she got such a small place. She knows that we're going to visit from time to time."

  "Dude, she's not going to get a big place just in case we visit once or twice a year. This is San Francisco, remember? I don’t think she could afford to get anything more than what she has now."

  "Yeah, I know. I don't think she's making that much money." Derrick sat down at the table in the seat across from me. "Well, are you hungry? I'm starving."

  "Yeah, I could eat. What do you want to get? A burger or something?"

  "You're talking my language, man. That's why we're best friends."

  "Ha ha. So yeah, are you going to see Tiffany again?" I wondered if he really liked her or if he just wanted her for one night.

  "Hey, you know, she's no
t a bad girl. I think I'll see her again tonight."

  I frowned. "Tonight? I thought we would hang out.”

  “Dude, you don't cock block when one of your friends has a girlfriend."

  "A girlfriend? You literally just met up with her again last night. You haven't seen her in ten years. She's not really your girlfriend."

  "Well, you know, man. Sometimes there's instant chemistry and instant connection, and well, things are going fast between us."

  "Um, what do you mean by fast?" I asked him slowly, studying his face. This didn't sound good.

  Well, I just mean that she could be the one."

  "The one meaning ...?"

  "You know, the one."

  "I know what most people mean when they say the one. Are you sure you're saying that with the same meaning about Tiffany?"

  "Yeah. Why?" he looked at me with narrowed eyes. "You got something against her?"

  "No, I don't have anything against her. I just don't think that she's necessarily the right girl for you."

  "And why is that?"

  "She's ditsy, dude. Come on. Like, I know this can't be news to you."

  "Oh, no, she's fine. She was just drunk. She was just excited. She's cool. She’s not a ditz."

  "If you say so."

  Derrick let out a huge grin. "Trust me, dude. She's cool."

  "Derrick, I'm not talking about cool in the bedroom. I mean—"

  "Tyler, my main man, you know me. I'm cool. I'm good. She's good."

  "Well, I don't know what Olivia would think about you being in a serious relationship with her."

  "Olivia has nothing to do with it."

  "Yeah, but you don't care what your sister thinks?"

  “Of course I care what my sister thinks, but I'm not going to make any decisions based upon that."


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