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Wanting Jordie

Page 5

by Fel Fern

  “The lube’s under the sink drawer,” Jordie added. He knew werewolves didn’t catch anything, so there wasn’t a need for protection, and, God, did he love the prospect of being ridden bare-back. The cum on his face, and Matt eventually filling his ass with his seed made Matt all territorial and Jordie loved that about Matt—his possessive nature— because he truly wanted to be his.

  He heard Matt walking out of the shower enclosure and coming back. For a couple of moments, Matt didn’t move or say anything. Feeling Matt run his huge, callused hand over Jordie’s spine and down the curve of his buttocks made Jordie more aroused than ever, like Matt was appraising what rightfully belonged to him.

  “You’re so fucking sexy, baby. Mine.”

  “Yes,” Jordie whispered, for the first time believing the words.

  Matt positioned himself behind, nudging Jordie’s legs wider. Jordie groaned, feeling Matt’s slick finger prodding his hole. Pushing one finger in him, Matt curled, and Jordie gasped as Matt found his prostate.

  “Going to make you fly soon, baby,” Matt said against his ear. Jordie shuddered when Matt teased the side of his neck with the slightly pointed ends of his teeth—it was a promise, because Jordie knew it meant he was Matt’s forever. As for Zack, Zack would understand. He had to, because Jordie was an adult capable of making his own decisions. Zack could accept Matt and Jordie being together after seeing how well they were made for each other.

  Putting a second finger in his hole, Jordie squirmed as Matt widened his entrance for his access.

  “Matt, you’re really big. Can you fit in me?” Jordie couldn’t help but ask, and Matt kissed him between the shoulder blades.

  “I’ll go slow and careful, pet. Don’t you worry.”

  “I’m not. I trust you.”

  Matt seemed to still at those words. “You don’t know how much that means to me, Jordie.”

  After lubing his entrance, Matt grabbed hold of Jordie’s hips. Matt rubbed his slicked, puckered hole, teasing before finally pushing in. True to his word, Matt entered him slow and steady, but Jordie felt every inch. Matt finally buried his dick all the way in, heavy balls brushing against Jordie’s ass.

  “Breathe, pet.”

  Jordie willed his inner muscles to relax. He was ever aware of Matt growing steel-hard inside him, branding him. The initial burn of Matt’s entry began to fade the moment Matt started to move, replacing pain with pleasure. Jordie groaned as Matt pounded into him, slow strokes at first before picking up speed.

  “Matt, take me fast and hard,” Jordie pleaded.

  “My fucking pleasure.” Tightening his hold on Jordie’s hip, Matt began to piston in and out of him. Reducing both of them to panting animals, Matt went faster, deeper, seemingly breaching Jordie’s most intimate places. Groaning, wanting something to hold onto, Jordie clawed at the tiles. Matt must have changed angle, because he hit Jordie’s sweet spot at his next thrust. A whimper tore out of Jordie’s mouth, and more gasps as Matt hit the spot over and over.

  He felt Matt reaching for his prick, beginning to pump him again.

  “Matt, fuck. I won’t last long,” Jordie confessed.

  “It’s okay, baby. Give it to me.”

  Matt stroked his prick faster. Head reeling, waves of pleasure assaulted Jordie as he exploded all over Matt’s hand and the wall. Matt pushed into him a few more times before reaching climax. Growling out his pleasure, Matt emptied his warm, sticky seed inside Jordie’s ass. Matt pulled out his softening prick, hugging Jordie close.

  “That was amazing,” Jordie whispered, recovering.

  “We’ll do it often then,” Matt said beside his ear before turning the shower on.

  They helped soap and wash each other, getting a second round of sex in before washing themselves all over again. By the time they dressed and came back to the kitchen, breakfast had gone cold. Jordie complained to Matt about taking too long, but Matt only laughed.

  “It’s fucking worth it, pet. Don’t you think?”

  Jordie couldn’t disagree with that. Hesitantly, he touched Matt’s hand, stopping Matt from removing the food from the baggie. “Matt, it has to be tonight. I can’t keep doing this with a guilty conscience.”

  “Tonight,” Matt said with a confidence that blew Jordie away.

  Would they really be all right?

  Chapter Six

  Frowning at numbers on the computer, Jordie was about to look at previous reports when he heard the commotion outside the break room. Close to midnight, the restaurant closed its doors to diners half an hour ago. Michella told him to go home and rest, but Jordie choose to stay and wait for Zack. Matt got worried when Zack didn’t text back earlier, so he went with the Beta and two other wolves to check.

  Jordie rubbed at his eyes. Working helped take his mind off the worry. Christ, being a human among shifters was never easy. Back in college, he worried, but he could rely on the other werewolves to update him about Zack. In the thick of the action, Jordie couldn’t help but to worry about his brother. Abandoning the accounts, Jordie left the break room.

  His heart nearly came to a stop, seeing three badly injured wolves brought in. Matt was beside a huge wolf with light brown and white fur Jordie recognized as Zack, and he rushed over.

  “Zack! What happened?” Jordie asked Matt as he laid Zack down on a pile of blankets someone brought out. Zack looked like he’d been badly mauled. Claw marks raked his ribs and sides, although Jordie was relieved to see the even rise and fall of his chest.

  “The werehyenas crossed the line and attacked a family of tabby shifters. Zack and the others intervened, but they were outnumbered. Good thing we came along,” Matt said in a low voice. Doc, the official pack healer, finished tending another wolf and made his way to Zack.

  “Make way,” Doc told Mark and Jordie, who wisely stepped aside.

  “Will he be fine?”

  “Of course,” Matt quipped and Jordie noticed for the first time Matt hadn’t had the chance to put on some clothes after shifting. Biting his lip, Jordie reached out, touching the blood on his chest, but Matt gripped his hand. “I’m fine, pet.”


  “I’ll heal.”

  Glaring at him, Jordie turned back to his brother to find Zack’s yellow gaze on him. “Zack, can you hear me?”

  Zack let out a weak growl when Jordie touched his ears. “You said you’d take better care of yourself,” Jordie accused. Zack let out a whine, tongue lolling out to lick his hand.

  “The scratches will heal. No broken bones,” Doc said, moving on to the next injured wolf.

  “Sergio and Alessio are pissed,” Matt whispered to Jordie. Rubbing his brother’s muzzle, Jordie ignored Zack’s snarl to see the Alpha and Beta arguing in one corner, and Michella standing between them, arms crossed, clearly unhappy by whatever they decided.

  “Zack’s not going back there if they decide to get rid of the outsiders, right?” Jordie asked Matt.

  This time, Zack attempted to bite at his fingers. Jodie knew his brother would never hurt him. A withering look from him silenced Zack.

  “You took care of me, but it’s my turn to take care of you,” Jordie told Zack simply, making Matt chuckle. “You’re not scot-free either, bastard. Why don’t you let Doc see to your wounds?”

  “I’m healing, and besides, there are others who need his help more.”

  “Stubborn werewolves,” Jordie muttered under his breath, deciding to sit cross-legged on the floor so Zack could rest his head on his thigh.

  When Zack started sniffing him, Jordie froze. Wrinkling his nose, Zack looked at him then at Matt. For a second, Jordie couldn’t breathe. Wolves had an excellent sense of smell. Could Zack smell Matt on him and vice-versa? His heart began thumping hard in his chest. Matt and he spent plenty of time together as friends. Would Zack be able to tell the difference? Matt noticed, too.

  Thank God, Alessio’s voice silenced the wolves in the room. “This is unacceptable. We’ve tolerated these outsiders lon
g enough. It’s time to remind these bastards whose territory they’re fucking around with.”

  He asked for volunteers and Matt instantly raised his hand. Before joining the others in the hunt, Matt gave his shoulder a squeeze. Zack had fallen asleep on Jordie by then. “We’ll tell him together when I come back.”

  Worried, Jordie grabbed his hand. “Be careful. I mean it, Matt. These hyenas aren’t to be taken lightly.”

  “I know. I’m touched you care so much, baby.”

  Jordie batted his hand away. “Just be on your guard.”

  He was surprised when Matt leaned down to kiss him on the mouth, right in front of everyone there. Without another word, Matt walked over to the hunting team. By the time they left, the restaurant returned to its usual quiet. Most of the injured wolves were taken home by partners, family members, or friends. Only Michella and a few of her enforcers were left to take care of matters. Jordie spotted her briefly talking to Sergio, the man nodding to Jordie before he turned and left.

  “Stay here as long as you like.”

  Jordie glanced up to see Michella. “Really?”

  “Let’s take Zack somewhere comfortable though. The floor’s cold.”

  “He’s heavy,” Jordie added, and she laughed.

  “I’m a werewolf, too, did you forget?”

  “Well, it’s kind of embarrassing to see a girl smaller than me easily lifting my brother,” he admitted, making her laugh. Together, they lifted a sleeping Zack to the couches in the break room.

  “I noticed Sergio didn’t join the hunt,” Jordie remarked after placing a blanket over Zack.

  “His mate is pregnant, so Alessio’s doing most of the heavy duty lifting for now,” she explained, collapsing on the couch next to Zack. Jordie remembered seeing her moving around the injured and talking to the other pack members.

  “Must be tough, huh? Calming everyone down like that.”

  “I don’t mind. I’ve always known where my strengths lie.” She regarded him for a couple of seconds. “It’s not easy, being different from others.”

  “You can’t understand how frustrating it is, being the only human among wolves. First, there’s Zack to worry about. Now, there’s Matt, too.”

  “Being human doesn’t make you weak, Jordie. You’re the glue holding your family together. Be proud of that.”

  Jordie felt a little guilty unloading his frustrations to the pack Gamma like that. After all, it was Michella’s job to watch over her brash older brothers as well. He gave her a wary look. “Why do you always sound older than you really are?”

  That got a laugh out of her.

  “Matt’s going to be fine, right?”

  She nodded. “There’s no helping it. We’re only protecting our own and defending our territory. In a full hunting group, everyone knows their roles. Matt will be back in no time. I take it you haven’t told Zack?”

  Jordie stole a quick look at Zack, who started to snore on the couch. Even in animal form, Jordie could tell Zack was exhausted.

  “Soon,” Jordie promised. His stomach grumbled, making Michella laugh.

  “There’s plenty of food in the kitchens. Help yourself. I’m going to check on the others. If you need anything, Dino and Raul are around.”

  Jordie nodded, relieved. Dino and Raul were Michella’s two enforcers. She never went anywhere without them and Jordie liked the two quiet, but reliable, wolves. Knowing his brother would be safe in the break room, Jordie headed to the kitchens and raided the fridge. Snatching a couple of pizza slices, he headed out back for some night air. In the back of the restaurant, only a couple of feet divided the concrete road and the woods. After pack meetings or when full moon season came, the pack would head right out to the forest for a run.

  It was wistful thinking, hoping Matt would appear. Nonetheless, Jordie looked out for Matt’s distinctive reddish orange fur among the darkened trees. He paused, hearing movement from the foliage, and an unfamiliar dark-brown wolf, more slender than huge, padded out, looking right at him with unfriendly yellow eyes.

  “Hi, I don’t recognize you. Are you from the pack?”

  Jordie’s spine tingled when the wolf neared him, baring its teeth, clearly not here to make friends. He couldn’t risk a glance behind him, because if there was one thing he knew growing up with werewolves, it was never to take his eye off a predator who was capable of killing him in a second. The wolf moved and Jordie nearly stumbled, whirling, but the animal only made sure their positions were reversed, so his back now faced the woods, not the restaurant.

  His mouth felt dry. Should he shout for help? But the wolf would lunge at him if he did, and while the beast was smaller than most, Jordie wouldn’t stand a chance. The stranger began to change forms, and Jordie recognized Mack instantly.

  “Matt is mine.” Mack sneered. “Are you going to scream for help? Zack is too injured to help you. Hell, everyone is too busy to look out for the poor little human.”

  Jordie’s back hit the trunk of a tree. Both Mack and he knew they were too far from the restaurant.

  “What do you want?” Jordie didn’t feel as brave as he sounded. His mind worked fanatically. How the hell would he extract himself from this situation?

  “Can’t you answer that? I want you dead, Jordan Simmons. Everyone’s better off with you gone.”

  “Cocky werewolf.”

  Mack’s canines started to lengthen again. “I’m going to have plenty of fun, hunting you down and tearing you to bits.”

  “Zack and Matt won’t stand for it.”

  “They wouldn’t know it was me. The poor, stupid little human ran right into the woods and got torn apart by hyenas. By the time I found you, there was nothing left. Oh, don’t worry. I’ll comfort Matt. Hell, even Zack’s hot if Matt rejects me.”

  Anger seeped into Jordie’s voice. “You’re disgusting and pathetic. You don’t really like Matt. All you want is a mate to leech on.”

  “What can I say, little human? In this world, the strong eats the weak. You call me pathetic, but what can you say about yourself?”

  Jordie swallowed. The asshole had a point, but Michella recently reminded him being human hadn’t exactly been a bad thing. Even when they were alone, Matt always told Jordie never to change, because Jordie was his, and Zack’s anchor to humanity.

  “I’m not such bastard, Jordan. I’m giving you a head start before I shift so tick-tock.”

  Jordie didn’t waste another second. He turned on his heel and sprinted right toward the woods, into the dark unknown. Heart racing, breaths short, his sneakers crunched on uneven ground and broken twigs. He might not be a werewolf and the forest at night seemed more foe than friend, but back in his childhood, Zack and he spent plenty of time camping out in the Darkfall woods.

  Zack and Matt’s wolves considered these trees and soil their second home, so Jordie couldn’t hate it. Still, he tripped on a branch once or twice. The third time, he cursed, ignoring his bruised and bleeding knees. Above him, the moon shone, full and bright. If he were a damn werewolf, he wouldn’t have trouble seeing in the dark. Hell, he’d take on Mack and even the odds, but he was only human.

  Somewhere in the distance, a series of sounds erupted. Sweat coated his front and back. Every muscle in his body was taxed and stretched, but he froze. Those weren’t wolf calls, but a strange kind of cackle.

  “The werehyenas,” Jordie whispered, recalling Zack going over reports a couple of nights before.

  The herd that took residence in the borders between the Darkfall woods and the neighboring Northfield forest were spotted hyenas who emitted high-pitched cackles when frightened or excited. Well, they were certainly the former. He swallowed, hearing movement. A pair of brown eyes stared back at him from the nearby bushes.

  Scooting back slightly, Jordie didn’t move when one made a low-pitch growl. The first beast padded out. Smaller than wolves, it had rounded ears, a spotted mane, and a strangely bear-like appearance. More brown eyes appeared. Oh God. They were more than
Jordie anticipated.

  Jordie’s back hit something soft. Fur. He didn’t need to glance back to know Mack had found him. Entirely forgotten, Mack let out a snarl behind him. The coward whined and turned tail, apparently deciding Jordie wasn’t worth the effort. Shapes flew by Jordie, and he still didn’t move as he heard the pair that chased after Mack make whooping noises, clearly excited.

  A beast larger than the others approached Jordie, started sniffing at him and wrinkling its nose. Jordie wondered if it smelled wolf on him. The animal showed Jordie its impressive row of teeth, apparently deciding he was edible after all. On his hands and knees, Jordie scrambled backward. Nearby, he heard Mack let out a last whine of terror. It was followed by vicious ripping noises.

  “Oh fuck. I shouldn’t have gotten pizza,” Jordie muttered.

  Damn it all. What would Zack and Matt do without him? Both men would be crushed, he knew, and it was all his fault, landing himself in this stupid mess. A howl tore out from somewhere, making the hyenas turn their heads as more growls followed the first. The pack, Jordie realized, drawing his knees to himself. One wolf ran right into the line of fire, its pelt red and orange.

  “Matt,” Jordie whispered. The hyena leader glanced at him and he wished he hadn’t said a thing.

  More wolves poured out, and Jordie could even recognize some of them by the color of their fur. Claws, teeth, and fur tangled. Jordie had never seen the pack fight before, but it took his breath away, seeing them work like a disciplined fighting force. The biggest wolf and acting Alpha, Alessio, led them. A hyena made a move toward Jordie, leaping right at him, but Matt’s figure blurred, planting himself between Jordie and catching the attacker mid-leap.

  His heart beat hard against his chest. This was no place for a human. Jordie needed to find a place to hide until the battle was over. He searched for hiding places, not seeing the leader of the werehyena crew until it was too late. Crying out, Jordie felt teeth hooking into the back of his shirt, but rather than sink its teeth into his neck, the leader began to run, taking him hostage.


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