The Countess

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The Countess Page 4

by Lisa Doughty

  “Judging by your expression, my lord, it is you that is displeased, not I.” He snickered at her response.

  “You have spunk, I see. Why did you hide this fact from your father?”

  “I hid nothing from him. He did not care to know me, so how would he know if I had spunk or not?”

  She looked over her shoulder at her husband who had stopped behind her. He was staring at her derriere. He licked his lips. Hunger showed in his eyes and something else she did not recognize. Lust?

  “It is a wonder that I am here. I assume it was you at the rectory a few weeks back? Why did you petition for my hand if you were displeased with what you saw?”

  “Quite the contrary, wife. I was beyond pleased with what I saw then and what I see today. You are worth every schilling I gave up to have you,” She turned to face him, and he stared hungrily at her breasts. “Yes, you will do nicely for my needs.”

  “Needs? We are not to be husband and wife?”

  “You will serve me as a wife, yes,” He let the statement hang before he continued. “This is my sister, Emelia. She will train you.” He waved in the direction of the other woman. The abrupt change of subject confused her.

  “Train me?” she asked, confused.

  “Yes. You will learn everything you need to know from Emelia,” Suddenly, he grabbed her face forcefully pinching her cheeks against her teeth violently. The unexpected viciousness surprised and frightened her. “You will serve me well, or I will see you returned to your father, ruined. Understand this, you are a business arrangement, and certain expectations will be met. Swanstone gave me his word that you are ready. He better be correct or you will not like it, understand?” he warned, and pushed her as he let go. She stumbled backward. He looked at Emelia. “Send her to me when she’s ready, not before. Do not disappoint me.” He turned and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Cordelia fell to her knees. Every dream she had ever had about her future shattered into a million pieces. How could she have let herself hope for such things? Her father had never loved her. Why did she think for a moment that he would make a fairytale match for her? At that moment, she realized Hadley had been right, she was but a commodity to be bought and sold. Her life was to be a loveless nightmare that never ended. Despair swamped her and self-pity took hold.

  “It is not as bad as all that, dear,” Emelia said softly.

  “Who…who are you?” Cordelia asked, not looking up. Did he say she was his sister? She could not remember, with her mind reeling as it was.

  “I am Emelia. I am Harvey’s younger sister. I am here to teach you what you what you need to know about society and the Earl’s ah…particular needs.”

  “I am not a slave bought to do his bidding. I am his wife!”

  “That is true. Harvey needs you to be his wife. The Earl needs you to be a lady… his countess. He also needs you to be innocent. Come, let me help you up and I will explain,” Emelia said softly and reached down to help her.

  “Leave me be!” Cordelia swatted her hand away with disgust. “I do not care about his needs! I do not care about him…or you!” Cordelia rose to her feet and smoothed her skirts. She needed time alone, a moment to think. “If you wouldn’t mind, please have someone show me to my room. I am weary from my journey.”

  “Of course, dear, as you wish,” Emelia said sadly, and backed away. “We can discuss this further once you have rested.”

  Emelia pulled the service bell. Cordelia had had enough of being told what to do! This greeting was not at all what she had expected. She had endured a week of traveling, being poked and pinned for her trousseau, barked at by the curt maid Ruby, only to find out her new husband was a bitter old crone who hated the sight of her. She felt used, discarded and worthless. All she wanted to do is shut the world out and cry!

  When Rupert came to answer the service bell, Cordelia cut Emelia off before she could say anything to the butler.

  “I would like to be taken to my room now,”

  “Of course, my lady,” he said with a bow.

  She followed the staunch servant up the curved staircase and down a long hall to a set of double doors. They opened to a suite covered in pink and red rose wallpaper. The decor was beyond gaudy, but the furnishings were in better shape than the parlor. She moaned. How could anyone relax in this room with such chaotic surroundings?

  “Whose rooms were these, Rupert?”

  “The former Countess of Middleton, my lady. She was very fond of roses.”

  “I can see that.”

  The young maid who had been introduced as her lady’s maid came running from the other room. She ran to Cordelia enthusiastically and dropped into a curtsy.

  “This is Tilly, my lady. She will see to all your personal needs.”

  “And Ruby?”

  “She sees to his lordship’s sister, Emelia.”

  “I see. Thank you, Rupert, that will be all for now.”

  “I did not expect you so soon, my lady. I have not had time to unpack all of your trunks and…” Tilly looked worried.

  “Tilly, is it?” At her nod, Cordelia continued, “Please calm yourself, there is no reason to be vexed. I am very accustomed to taking care of myself. I have never had a lady’s maid before. Except for Ruby, of course, although she was more like one of the sisters at the Abbey, minus the switch. Although at times I swear she wished she had one.” They both chuckled.

  “Ruby can be quite stern.” Tilly agreed.

  “I need to get this corset off! If you wouldn’t mind helping me with the buttons and laces?”

  “It would be my pleasure, my lady. Shall we go into your dressing room? I have already unpacked your robe and sleeping gown.”

  “I would rather change into a day dress if you can locate one. I want to explore the estate before I lie down. My mind can be my worst enemy at times, and I’m afraid this is one of those times. Laying still would surely drive me mad.”

  Cordelia followed Tilly into another room, this one had more green than pink, but continued the same rose theme. She held onto the post of the bed as Tilly undid the buttons down the back of her dress then unlaced her corset. She took a deep breath once it was released.

  “I hate those things!” Cordelia exclaimed, as she stepped out of the offensive pile of clothing. “We did not wear them often at the Abbey. I will have to get accustomed to them.”

  “You hardly seem as though you need one, my lady. Your waist is so slim. If you can keep your spine straight, no one would know you are not wearing one,” Tilly stated, as she picked up the pile of clothing and retreated to the dressing room. She returned with a light blue day dress. “Will this do, my lady?”

  “It’s perfect, thank you.”

  She let Tilly slip it over her head and buttoned the front herself.

  “Tilly, did you know the former countess?” she asked, curious about the woman who was so obsessed with roses.

  “Not personally, my lady. Lady Rose died before I came to Middleton Park. I only know what the staff says of her.”

  “What do they say?” Cordelia asked, confused.

  “Nothing flattering, my lady.”

  Chapter 6

  “Nothing flattering?” Cordelia related, curious.

  “No, my lady. It is my impression she was quite…needy.” She nodded, as if Cordelia should know what she meant. But when Cordelia continued to look at her puzzled, she whispered, “She was hard to satisfy, carnally. Understand, my lady?” As her meaning sunk in Cordelia gasped.

  “You mean she was unfaithful to the Earl?”

  “Yes, and was, ah, quite blatant about it. She entertained many different men while his lordship was away on business.”

  “And they stayed here?”

  “Yes, sometimes multiple guests at the same time. She expected the staff to serve them as if they had been invited by the Earl. The servants did not like it, I dare say.”

  That would explain part of the Earl’s statement earlier. Is that why the Earl
had married her? To do the same? Entertain his noble friends? Well, she didn’t care what kind of business arrangement the Earl had made with her father. She would never become a whore for anyone, ever! Anger surged through her. How dare he, how dare they! Cordelia had to get out of these rooms. She suddenly felt suffocated. How she wished she could ride her mare and escape this reality for a while!

  “Can you show me around, Tilly? I desperately need fresh air.”

  “Of course, my lady.”

  “I want to see the courtyard first.”

  “The courtyard? No one goes into the courtyard, my lady.”

  “What? Why?”

  “His lordship locked it up tight when his wife died. He built it for her, you see, so that she could grow her roses year-round. When she died, he forbade anyone to go in there or touch anything.”

  “He must have loved her very much,” Cordelia exclaimed.

  “No, actually he was very angry with her. He hated her once her behavior was exposed. The pox got her in the end. You may know it as the French disease. Eventually, she went mad and died a horrible death,” Tilly whispered, and looked around the room nervously. “She gave it to the Earl, my lady. That’s why he hates her so. He has been unable to be with a woman for years, or so I’ve been told.”

  “Then why did he marry me? Does he not need an heir? What could he want with a wife if he cannot…be intimate?”

  “I do not know, my lady. All I know is that he cannot touch you…in that way.”

  A small measure of relief overcame her. Her husband couldn’t be intimate with her? At least she did not have to worry about him forcing himself on her. But now she was more confused than ever. What did he want from her if he could not perform his husbandly duties?

  “Now I have to see this courtyard. There must be a way to get in.”

  “Yes, there is. The cook uses a small corner of it to grow herbs. We can get in through the kitchen. But we will have to sneak in. She’s protective of her little garden.”

  “Well we will just see about that.” She started toward the door.

  Over the next few days, Tilly showed her around the entire estate inside and out. Unfortunately, she had not been able to view the courtyard as she had wanted. When confronted, the cook would not let her through the locked door without permission from the Earl. Cordelia did not intimidate the older woman in the slightest.

  “I am the mistress of this house now, I remind you! You will open this door!” Cordelia demanded, with as much bravado as she could muster, but the older woman had all the airs of Mother Superior.

  “Yes, my lady, you may be the current mistress of the house, but I am under the direct orders of his lordship. Not until he permits it will I open the door. I suggest you consult him instead of disrupting my kitchen,” she retorted boldly, crossing her arms in front of her full bosom.

  “We shall see about that!”

  She did her best to act indignant before she walked off. The problem was that she had avoided her husband and Emelia since she arrived. Emelia had come to her rooms to talk with her twice, and she had refused her entry. Never would she succumb to her husband’s wishes to turn her into whatever he wanted. He may think of her as fodder but she was not. It meant nothing to her that her father had sold her! Instead, she stayed away from everyone, preferring long walks around the garden and the pond with its lush greenery. If she had but a small amount of authority she would turn this area into a lovely rolling lawn that would end into a long path that meandered around the pond. It could be beautiful.

  “Why have you refused your lessons with Emelia?” the Earl hissed angrily from behind her. There was no mistaking the fury in his tone.

  She whirled around, surprised. Harvey looked even older in the sunlight. His gray hair was thin on top. He grew it long on one side and combed it over to help hide the bald spot, but it only drew more attention to the deficiency. His tall collar only partially hid the clusters of boils on his neck, proving that Tilly had told her the truth. He was suffering the effects of the pox. Cordelia stepped back, disgusted by the man.

  “I will not be a whore for you, my lord. No matter what arrangement you made with my father,” she managed to say with a small amount of bravado. She lifted her chin in defiance.

  “Whore? Whore! Bloody hell right you will not whore yourself to anybody! If I ever hear of another man touching you…” He closed his eyes, as if trying to quell his temper. When he opened them, Cordelia saw rage just below the surface. “My last wife was a whore, and she damned us all! I will not have it. Do you hear me? I will kill you before I let another…”

  Cordelia’s eyes widened in fear. His eyes glazed over, and his face twisted with madness. She took another unconscious step back. He righted himself and quickly regained his composure.

  “You will do your duty by me, my lady, or you will pay the consequences,” he threatened.

  “What…what do you want from me?” she asked frightened.

  “To be my Countess. To delight and entertain the noblemen of the ton, so they wish to come to Middleton Park. I will do the rest. I need a hostess madam, one that all wish to see and perhaps feel as though they may…have a chance to, well you seem like a clever girl who can read between the lines.” He smirked at her.

  “You wish for me to be…you want me to…to tease them? To be the bait?” she said, appalled.

  “I want you to be more than that, my dear. I want you to be every man’s fantasy. Irresistible, incomparable in beauty and charm, the consummate hostess. But also, the damsel in distress, married to an old man, in need of saving. I want them to think they can save you. But if you ever let them touch you…”

  “For what possible purpose could you wish me to do this?”

  “That is none of your concern. You will do this, and you will learn to fulfill my…needs. Emelia waits for you. She once was the epitome of what was considered the crème of society, so learn from her. I have gone through a great deal of trouble to get you here. You will do your duty by me, or I swear to you, you will suffer the same fate as me. I will exercise my husbandly rights. I trust you understand the consequences…,” she sucked in her breath. “Ah. I see that you do. Do your duty by me, and I will see you cared for after my death. You are young, wife. There will be a life for you after my imminent demise.”

  “You want me to be a hostess for you? That is all?”

  “Almost all, dear wife, learn from Emelia. If you agree to this arrangement, I agree to leave you Middleton Park and I will not…touch you. I give you my word.”

  “And if I do not? You will send me to my father?”

  “Yes, but only after I consummate our union. I will ruin you and your father. I have, well, shall I say, information that would be devastating to both of you.” He cackled. It was an evil laugh, one that made Cordelia shiver. There was madness in his eyes. It frightened her. She was trapped. If he gave her the pox, what would become of her? Her father would surely cast her out. She could not go back to the Abbey either. What choice did she have?

  “I can see you have come to your senses,” he quipped, triumphantly.

  “I will not whore for you, understand? Never!”

  “Then we understand each other perfectly.”

  Chapter 7

  “You look perfect, Cordelia. You are ready,” Emelia boasted as she stepped back to admire her from a distance. “You are beautiful.”

  “Yes, lovey, you are a masterpiece,” Roddy said with pride. “You are my masterpiece.”

  “You are amazing, Roddy, it is unbelievable,” Emelia complimented him. “If I’m any judge of fashion, you are sure to become very popular after tonight.”

  Cordelia looked at herself in the mirror. Who was that woman staring back at her? Had she changed so much that she didn’t recognize herself? She turned to the two sets of eyes looking at her with reverence.

  “I do not know if I can do this,” she said, meekly, worried that she would let them down.

  Emelia put her hand on
Cordelia’s cheek affectionately.

  “You are ready, Cordelia,” she said softly, with confidence.

  Cordelia felt five years old again. Sister Lynette had said similar words to her when she took her to join the other children for the first time. You are ready, child, go and try playing with them for a little while. That day had been a disaster and tonight would surely be the same! She fought back tears. How had her life dwindled down to this? She was to face the ton, and the Earl expected her to charm her way through the evening in the hopes of reviving the Middleton name.

  At least the earl had kept his word and left her alone. Other than a few confrontations with Emelia, she had hardly seen him. Cordelia looked at Emelia’s face. There was something about her. She had a motherly quality, but also something else, something utterly enchanting. The woman was impossible to hate. And, how Cordelia had tried to hate her! The more she worked with her, the more she could not resist her charm. The woman was captivating. It was easy to see why she was once the crème of society. She had a subtle way of flattery that drew you in. She made you feel good about yourself with a look or a comment that endeared you to her. But there was a sadness lurking in the background. Cordelia often wondered why she was not out in society anymore. Emelia was young and beautiful and could surely marry again. She knew from Tilly that there had been a scandal, one so horrific that she had had no choice but to return to Middleton Park to recover. Whatever it was, it was enough to scar the Middleton name, almost to the point of ruin.

  Eventually, Cordelia came to admire Emelia, and let her defenses down. Now she relied on her entirely. Emelia had become her teacher, friend, and constant companion. Emelia even managed to charm the cook enough to let them into the courtyard. There wasn’t a single person the woman could not seduce. Cordelia would rather be drawn and quartered then do anything for the Earl, but she would do anything not to disappoint Emelia.

  Emelia had no hopes or dreams of returning to society. She often told Cordelia that she was to be her protégé from now on, and that if she could not revive the Middleton name, then none could. Her pride and confidence in Cordelia were unwavering. Between Emelia’s scandal and rumors of the late Lady Rose giving the pox to the Earl, Middleton had become all but ostracized from society. The invitation that they received to tonight soiree was long in coming. It was paramount that Cordelia make a good impression.


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