The Countess

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The Countess Page 9

by Lisa Doughty

  “No, thank you,” he declined flatly, as Lady Drayson cheerfully said, “Yes, please.”

  Cordelia looked at them curiously. He met her stare when her eyes settled on his. The intensity in those green eyes bothered her. She smiled this time to cover her unease.

  “Brandy then?”

  He gave her a grin in return. It wasn’t a grateful grin, however. It felt like a warning. This gentleman was going to be a challenge. What could she possibly have done to upset the man on the walk between the garden and her study? She turned her head slightly so that her hat covered her eyes. Why was she letting this man get under her skin? Time to take control of the situation and end this.

  Cordelia pulled the bell next to her desk then moved closer to the door when the footman stepped in. She whispered for him to bring tea and brandy for her guests. Lady Drayson slapped her brother’s arm with her fan, and angrily mouthed something to him. He ignored her and turned his attention back to Cordelia as she settled herself in the chair behind the desk. She placed her elbows on top and clasped her hands before she spoke.

  “I am at a loss, Lady Drayson, as I said through my barrister. I do not know what more I can do for you that you cannot accomplish yourself. Yet you still insisted on coming. Why? Beyond meeting with Rodrigo, of course. An appointment could easily have been arranged without my involvement.”

  “What?” The Marquess exclaimed, shocked. She was surprised that he did not know his sister’s application had been refused.

  “Did your sister not tell you, my lord? I sent my barrister to turn down Lady Drayson’s application for my services.”

  His head snapped to his sister angrily. Lady Drayson looked at her hands, contrite.

  “May I ask why?” he asked, clearly irritated.

  “Well, she is lovely for one, in no need of Rodrigo in my opinion. And, judging by the size of your estates, I assume her dowry would attract the highest rank of suitors, which is the crux of my services. I cannot see what I can do for her that she, or you, my lord, cannot do for yourselves.”

  “Please, Lady Cromwell, I know how it looks from the outside. But believe me, I am in dire need of your services, more than most, I would think.” She sounded desparate, almost panicked. Her brother looked surprised. “It is because of those things that I need your help. I am a prize on an auction block, not a woman. I am a commodity, not a person looking for love and companionship in marriage. I have heard that your matches are between two people that have an attraction, beyond the business matters. For this reason, I need your services.”

  “Esme…,” he warned, irritated.

  “Just because you do not desire love in your life Rhys, does not mean I feel the same!” she snapped. He glared at her.

  “I cannot guarantee a love match, Lady Drayson,” Cordelia informed her.

  “I understand that, my lady, but you do introduce clients with the same…ah…mindset, do you not?”

  “That is correct, but still…”

  “All I ask, my lady, is a chance at love, so I can feel as though I tried, even if it does not come to pass. I am willing to pay your fee regardless.”


  Now Lord Roth was downright angry. Affronted. It was clear that he was unambiguously protective of his sister. Cordelia tried to put him at ease.

  “That will not be necessary, Lady Drayson…”

  “Esme, wait outside.”


  “Now, Esme!” He gave her a pointed look.

  Lady Drayson looked nervously between the two of them. Oh god, now she was going to alone with the man! Butterflies took flight in her belly. This meeting was not going as expected, not at all! Reluctantly Lady Drayson rose, curtsied and left the study.

  “Lord Roth, I assure you I…”

  “You did exactly what you set out to do, my lady. You are very clever, very clever indeed,” he snapped. She was so surprised by his statement that she almost missed his insinuation.

  “Excuse me, what are you implying?” she asked, insulted.

  “I am not implying a thing.”

  Cordelia’s heart was racing. This man was playing havoc with her nerves. Roddy had been right. This man would take anyone’s breath away. His stare stole her thoughts. Thank the heavens for her hat. She needed to break contact with those penetrating green eyes so she could think. How had she mistaken his stares as attraction? How wrong she had been!

  Now, the cad was accusing her of swindling! It wasn’t the first time, but, from him for some reason, it was intolerable. It was for the best she had refused them. He made her uncomfortable. It was best to be polite and send them on their way. Lady Drayson would do well on her own. This argument was a colossal waste of time. She stood and turned her head to break eye contact.

  “There has been a mistake, my lord. I should not have let her come. I’m sorry this has wasted so much of our time. Enjoy your evening at Middleton Park. I will inform Rupert you will be leaving first thing in the morning.”

  “That’s it? No further cajoling?” he asked, his tone flat. Could the man be more insulting?

  “I do not cajole, my lord. My clients are here because they wish to be. Your sister insisted, quite persistently, I might add, for an introduction. I take offense to any implication otherwise. You may be in the habit of insulting women, but here at Middleton Park, we do not stand for it. Now, if you will excuse me.” She started for the door.

  “That is a powerful weapon you yield, my lady.”

  Cordelia stopped in her tracks. What? She looked at him over her shoulder. It was a mistake. His eyes locked on hers and she couldn’t look away. Lord above, he was the most handsome man she had ever encountered. There was something magnetic about him, raw, masculine, and dangerous. Very, very dangerous. He gave her a dashing smile.

  “Excuse me?” she managed to say.

  “Your hat. A powerful weapon, to be sure.” He stepped forward, closer than was acceptable, but not enough to breach the security of her brim. Her heart started pounding. “It makes for a worthy advisory.”

  “Advisory?” she repeated, his proximity was making her heart race faster, her nerves started to tingle. She could smell his cologne, or was it soap? She couldn’t quite identify the scent, but it matched him perfectly, masculine yet clean. His eyes dropped to her lips.

  “Indeed,” he whispered, huskily. Desire flamed in his eyes.

  Ah. Now this was an expression that she was very familiar with. She was a widow, ripe for the plucking. As if he was the first to try! Cordelia was sure that most women fell to his feet, the ruthless cad! She gave him a shy smile, then bit the side of her lip, letting it slide through her teeth slowly. Teasing him as she had done to Lord Tilman. He watched, smiling triumphantly, taking it as an invitation and leaning forward to take his prize.

  “Then, you have already lost to it, my lord.” She turned her head quickly and cut off his descent with her brim. He leaned back quickly to avoid being hit. “Good afternoon, Lord Roth.” She suppressed a smile, then continued walking. To her surprise, he chuckled.

  “You have two days,” he said, as she reached the door. She turned back to him.

  “Two days? For what?”

  “To convince Esme that she does not need your services.”

  “And, pray tell, why would I do that?”

  “As you said yourself, she doesn’t need them. I will indulge this whim of hers until then, but no more,” He approached her. “I will compensate you for the task.”

  “I do not work like that, my lord.”

  “I care not. This situation calls for an exception. It is the only way to preserve everyone’s reputation.”

  He was right, damn it to hell! Her rejection could impact Lady Drayson’s reputation. Like it or not, this man, being a Marquess, could damage Cordelia’s reputation as well. If she did not have Roddy and Emelia to consider she would have told him to go to hell! She sighed and resigned herself to his logic. She may not have a choice but to give in to this dem
and, but she would be damned if she would take a shilling from this arrogant cad. She straightened her spine. Time to rid herself of the scoundrel.

  “I agree, my lord. Two days is all I need. No compensation is required.”

  He moved closer and put his hand on the door to prevent her from opening it. She pressed herself against it as far as she could.

  “Are you quite sure, my lady? There are many forms of compensation.” He leaned closer, his insinuation clear. He acted as if he had offered her something special. Cordelia saw red. How dare he! She narrowed her eyes.

  “I require nothing from you, my lord.”

  His eyes darted back and forth between hers, his expression unreadable. Then he pushed himself off the door and stepped back.

  “As you wish, my lady.” He gave her an elegant bow.

  She immediately turned and left, slamming the door behind her. Lady Drayson, who was pacing the hall impatiently, looked at her expectantly. What an arse! It was hard to believe he was related to this sweet, sensitive, beautiful woman. It would serve him right if she were to match her with the love of her life in the next two days. Then he would eat his words! She smiled at Lady Drayson.

  “You will see Rodrigo first thing in the morning, then Lady Emelia immediately following. I hope you are up to the challenge. We have a lot of work to do,” she barked, sounding angrier than she meant to.

  “Oh, I am, Lady Cromwell, I am! I won’t let you down. I give you my word.”

  “We will see…”

  Chapter 15

  “What an arrogant arse!” Cordelia spat as she paced in front of the fireplace, her arms crossed in front of her breasts.

  “Umm hmmm,” Roddy said, as he lounged lazily on a chair, one leg dangling over the arm as he extended his arm to inspect his fingernails.

  “He offered to pay me to convince his sister not to use my services. The nerve!”

  “The nerve of that gorgeous man!” he teased.

  “Roddy! I need you to be on my side!”

  “Oh, believe me, lovey, I am.”

  “Someone needs to put him in his place, take him down a notch,” she railed, then whispered. “Arrogant arse!”

  “And, of course, that should be you,” he answered indulgently.

  “Right! I’ll show him!” She tapped her finger on her lip as she contemplated her next move. She thought for a moment then smiled. “Roddy, I need you to fashion Lady Esme a new look. Simple but elegant, one that plays off her dark, exotic features. But very few adornments, a blank page if you will, one a man can make his own. She’s much too worldly and experienced looking. We need to tone her down, make her appear moldable, yet still sensual.”

  That caught his attention. He sat up and studied Cordi.

  “What about your cardinal rule? Bringing out their inner beauty, emphasizing their natural features to make a true match? Never present them as something they are not, and all that?”

  “This is war, Roddy. Are you going to help me or not?” she faced him with her hands on her hips.

  “Of course, but…”

  “Tell Emelia to teach her the art of…”


  “Not that! Flirting! I would never sink so low as to do such a thing.” Roddy visibly relaxed. “You have one day. Once she’s ready, call me. If she presents as I think she will, then I will invite the Duke of Hanover.” Roddy sucked in his breath.

  “You’re a genius!” he declared, with reverence.

  Roddy studied her as she sat, only to stand and pace again. Lord Roth had rattled her. He couldn’t recall another gentleman who had gotten her feathers so ruffled. War she called it! He laughed to himself. It’s about time someone caught her attention. Maybe he will be the one to finally pluck her cherry. Then she could start living in the present instead of dwelling in the past. He considered the possibility. Maybe it was a war she needed.

  He sighed. He wanted the man for himself, damn. Too bad, but the thought that Lord Roth could be used to help Cordi had a different sort of appeal. An idea sprang to mind.

  “And what of you, lovey? Are we to drive the man mad for what he cannot have? Shall I dress you to appeal to his every desire?”

  “Oh, phish! The last thing I want is any attention from that cad!”

  “Not even to torment him with what he’s denied? The one thing he will lose for all time? The fish that got away and all that? I may be a puffer, Cordi, but I’m still a man. And this I know, men covet what they cannot have above all else. There is no greater torture.”

  He could see her mind churning. He decided to sweeten the pot.

  “Pity,” he said, indulgently. “Marrying his sister off to a handsome Duke just to prove him wrong will be a victory for him in the end. The loss of the money will quickly fade. But…the anguish of never being able to have you will last a lifetime. Oh well, it was just a thought.” He picked at something imaginary in his fingernail. “Besides, it would have been fun, reinventing yourself. This look of yours is becoming quite droll.”

  He stood to leave the room and send for Lady Drayson. One…two…three, he counted to himself.

  “Alright…but keep the hats. As a matter of fact, fashion larger ones.” Roddy smiled and spun around.

  “Oh, I would love to!” He clapped his hands together in victory. “But, lovely, promise me you will try to have a little fun. After all, your new plaything is quite dreamy.”

  “Ha! Dreamy indeed! As dreamy as a mule’s arse!” she spat.

  “Careful lovey, some might say you protest too much!”

  The next morning Cordelia joined her guests on the lawn after breaking her fast. Roddy had fashioned her to perfection. She had to admit that he had done a fantastic job. She felt beautiful in the floral dress and hat that he had repurposed for her.

  Cordelia spied a small group of gentlemen keeping to themselves in a corner. She was beginning to think this group of young men were not serious about making a match. They never mixed with the young ladies. She sighed. Maybe she was losing her touch. The ladies she had picked for them did not seem to spark their interest. Where had she gone wrong? She planted a smile on her face and approached the group.

  “Gentlemen, I cannot stress enough how important it is to put your best foot forward with the ladies. Even if you have no interest in any of them, you do not want harsh gossip following you back to London, now do you? If you brand yourselves unsociable, it will not bode well with society. You must be charming, but elusive, if there no ladies here that catch your eye,” she chastised.

  “That is just the thing, Lady Cromwell. All of them pale in comparison to you, we’ve decided.” Lord Weston spoke for the group. She blushed. She hadn’t considered what affect her change in fashion would have on her male guests. Her intention to tease Lord Roth may very well backfire.

  “Ah, so you do possess charm after all. You flatter me, Lord Weston but, alas, I am not available. I am an old widow, no longer on the market. Besides, none of your parents would approve of a match with the likes of me, so I am a complete waste of time,” she said quickly, hoping to put the matter to rest.

  “I do not care, Lady Cromwell. My inheritance comes from my grandfather. I would take you as my wife without hesitation. My parents’ approval makes no difference,” Lord Maxwell stepped forward and proclaimed. Two of the gentlemen bowed to her and left.

  Cordelia sighed, stepped forward, and took his arm, then slipped her hand around Lord Weston's arm as well. They had no choice but to walk with her as she went back to the rest of the guests.

  “As much as I am flattered by your proposal, my lord, I do not wish to marry again. My purpose in life is to see to other people’s happiness. Some say it is a gift that needs to be shared. I am doing my best to share it with you.”

  “Why, Lady Cromwell? Do you not desire a family of your own?” Lord Maxwell pushed, undeterred.

  “As I said, my lord, that is not my purpose now,” she repeated, unwilling to divulge any personal information.

  “You are much too…young and ah…attractive to stay a widow for the rest of your life, my lady. Will you never consider making a match for yourself?” Lord Weston asked, hopefully.

  He drifted toward her but bumped the rim of her hat and corrected himself.

  “I appreciate both of your concerns for my future, truly. But I must repeat, I am not available. You would do well to use this undeniable charm and wit on the obtainable ladies. They would be utterly enchanted if you were to express these sentiments to them.” She slowed her pace and pulled them closer. Her hat fit nicely behind their shoulders. “Look, I see two of the most beautiful of them ahead. See if they are as charmed by you as I am.”

  Cordelia gave them a gentle shove, and they walked off with renewed confidence. She slowed her pace, letting the distance between them grow. A clapping sound came from behind her so she turned to see who would be so rude! Her stomach lurched. Lord Roth, of course, she should have known! He was wearing a sarcastic smile and was slowly clapping as he approached. What an arse! She groaned inwardly and turned away so he couldn’t see her grimace. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. To hell with teasing him! The last thing she wanted was to share company with this man. She started walking faster.

  “Very impressive, my lady, very impressive indeed. You have the art of manipulation down to a science.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm, as he followed behind her.

  Cordelia whipped around to face him. Lord Roth stopped in his tracks and stared at her in utter shock. His eyes roved over her body before settling on her face. His expression slowly changed to appreciation. Cordelia felt self-conscious and looked down shyly as he stared, she felt her cheeks turning pink. She cleared her throat and composed herself before she spoke.

  “My lord, since you insist on seeing me in such a negative light, I wonder why you seek me out?”


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