The Countess

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The Countess Page 10

by Lisa Doughty

“I…I apologize for my assumption, my lady. I assumed that, in your line of work…”

  “My line of work? What do you think my line of work is exactly?”

  “You are a matchmaker, are you not? You profit from convincing people they are in love with each other, correct?”

  Cordelia cringed at this. How she hated the title and the way he described it. It sounded cheap coming from his lips.

  “I prefer to think of myself as an ambassador, my lord. I solve social interaction problems and bring like-minded people together for a common goal. It just so happens that their goal is a relationship. Why do you take such offense to my work? I hurt no one, nor do I force anyone into anything they do not wish for themselves. Can the same be said for most fathers or guardians, my lord?”

  “That may be so, but my sister is my only concern. I will not stand for her emotions to be trifled with,” he stated, defensively.

  “If you think she is in danger of being trifled with, my lord, I would remind you that neither of you are prisoners here. You are free to go whenever you wish.” With that, she lifted her skirt and turned to walk away.

  Was there no end to this man’s arrogance? She’d be damned if she would to stand there and take his insults or innuendos! She stormed away quickly, but he soon caught up to her and matched her stride. She glanced at him warily but continued to move away.

  “Lady Cromwell, I believe I have made an arse of myself. I would offer my apology.”

  “Accepted. Now, if you will excuse me…,” Cordelia said quickly and continued walking.

  “Can we start over? Please?”

  “I can see no reason…”

  “We have every reason. Whether you and I like it or not, my sister is beyond enchanted with you. As I am wrapped around her little finger and am a chronically overprotective big brother, it looks as though I must eat crow to make things right between us.” When she remained silent, and did not slow her pace, he tried again. “Or I can eat your hat since it looks as though crow is scarce in this part of the country.”

  Cordelia looked at him sideways, a smiled escaped, then couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. She slowed her pace a tad, softening the tiniest bit at his wit. When he smiled at her butterflies took flight in her belly, and she quickly looked away. Why did he have to be so handsome? It made her uneasy and off balance.

  “You would eat your greatest adversary, my lord?” she teased in return.

  “I would eat the weapon if it would give me even the slightest advantage,” he joked, and the silly statement made her giggle.

  “I sorry to inform you that I have an endless supply of weapons, my lord.”

  “I have no doubt, my lady, and they seem to be growing. I’m trying not to take it personally. Tell me your newest creation did not get bigger on the chance we would have an encounter today.”

  Cordelia turned her head to shield her face from him. How had he known? Was she that obvious? At first, she was embarrassed, then irritated. He was nothing but a self-absorbed arse! Of course, he would assume as much, even though it was true, his arrogance was irritating.

  “You flatter yourself, my lord. You think quite a lot of yourself to assume a woman would dress differently because of you,” she exclaimed. She tried to act affronted but could tell he didn’t believe her in the slightest. He knew she had worn it for him.

  “Of course not, or at least not the entire ensemble.”

  Cordelia decided to stay quiet since the conversation was making her even more uncomfortable. It was then that she noticed that they had strolled quite a few yards away from the others and reached the end of the path. She turned around to retrace her steps, but he blocked the path, forcing her to look at him. Ugh! Butterflies attacked her stomach again. Why did this man affect her so?

  “Did you?” he asked quietly. “Wear a bigger hat to keep me away?”

  “No,” she said, her eyes locked on his. “I wore it to irritate you.”

  His lips lifted into a rakish smile. Cordelia tried to stop her eyes from drifting down to them but failed.

  “It worked,” he whispered.

  Before she could guess his intent, he covered her mouth with his. She gasped in his mouth and tried to step back. He slipped his hand around the nape of her neck, holding her captive. His lips were warm and soft sending shivers down her spine. She grabbed his forearm, intending to push him away, but pulled him closer instead. He rubbed his tongue against her lips invitingly. She froze. He pressed harder with his lips and tried again. This new sensation made her body tingle, and her lips involuntarily relaxed against his. Her mouth parted slightly in a soft sigh. He slid his tongue into her mouth and white-hot heat flashed at the invasion. When his tongue brushed against hers, she shivered again, leaning into the delicious feeling. She was not sure what to do, but she wanted more. A moan escaped. He pulled back to look at her, his expression full of desire.

  Once he broke contact, her eyes widened in realization. She stepped back and slapped his face.

  “How dare you!”

  Chapter 16

  Cordelia tried to dart around him, embarrassed by her reaction to his kiss. How could she have let that happen? Oh, my god, she had enjoyed it too! She wanted to run, to get away from him fast.


  He moved further in her path. She pushed his chest.

  “Wait! Stop.” He pleaded, confused.

  She backed up and looked at her feet unable to meet his gaze.

  “Did I misread your signals, my lady? Are you saying that you did not enjoy our kiss? Are you not attracted to me? It seemed as though you were.” He sounded angry, straining for control.

  “I…I did not give you leave to kiss me.”

  “Leave to kiss you? You led me to the end of the path and flirted with me…what is your game? Are you teasing me? Do you mean to punish me because of what happened in your office?”

  Oh god! She didn’t know what to do, or say, for that matter. How had she gotten herself into this predicament? She hadn’t paid attention to where they were walking, so she couldn’t blame him for being confused. Yes, she could! He was so damn handsome and distracting. This was all his fault!

  “No…I’m sorry…I didn’t realize,” She looked away to compose herself. “I apologize, my lord, it’s just that I am not available.”

  “Do you often lead men on when you are otherwise engaged?”

  “Of course not!” The cad! And to think she thought him handsome and his kiss, ah, interesting! “If I gave you the impression I was interested, my lord, it was completely unintentional. Now, if you do not mind, I suggest we leave this behind us and…”

  He pulled her to him again and covered her mouth with his again. This time, his hands were around her waist, trapping her against his body. His kiss was insistent, willing her to respond. He cocked his head to the side. She moaned at his onslaught. His lips felt good on hers, too good. His tongue was soft and warm as he coaxed her to open her mouth. Warmth swirled between them, making her body tingle. She opened her mouth, and he took full advantage. He rubbed his tongue against hers, sending another round of shivers through her. His tongue retreated, and she followed it, wanting it back. As soon as her tongue entered his mouth, he sucked on it. Sensual ripples flowed through her body, and she pressed herself against him, wanting more. His hand slid up to the nape of her neck. He moaned as he ran his tongue back and forth as he sucked on hers frantically. It was so erotic. She never wanted it to end.

  Slowly, he eased his grip and pulled back just enough to look at her. She felt weak, as if she would fall if he let go. His deep breaths were hot on her lips.

  “Just how unavailable are you, Lady Cromwell?” he whispered, then pressed his lips to hers again before she could answer. The heat started building once more as their tongues danced. She felt herself buckling. “You should be mine,” he whispered.

  “Yours?” she repeated, as he kissed his way down to her neck.

  “Yes, is it serious?”

“Ahh...” A moan escaped as he sucked on a sensitive spot, and she lost track of the conversation. “Is what serious?” she asked, confused.

  “Your current affair.”

  His lips slid lower, teasing the tops of her breasts. She arched into him, captivated by his touch. Did he say affair? Affair! His question finally penetrating. He thought she was having an affair with someone! Oh god, what was she doing? She tried to pull back. He didn’t let her go but stopped his onslaught to look at her.

  “I do not understand you. One moment you are slapping me, and the next you are melting in my arms.”

  “Please let me go,” she pleaded, pushing against his shoulders. He let go abruptly, and she stumbled backward. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

  “You didn’t mean to?” Now he was angry. “I am not one of your young pups, my lady. I know as well as you when someone responds to me! What game do you play?”

  She decided to use flattery, which would not be hard to do at the moment. His lips were beckoning even as he stared at her angrily. She wanted to jump on him and kiss him again. This man was dangerous.

  “You are quite irresistible, my lord. Please forgive my moment of weakness. It will not happen again.”

  “Why not?”

  “As I told you, I am not available. We should return to…”

  She started to walk by him, but he gently grabbed her arm to stop her.

  “You are foolish to think I would give up so easily. Do not underestimate me, my lady.”

  She looked at him sideways. Damn, if she didn’t hate arrogant men! He might have been interesting if he wasn’t so self assured and irritating! As it turns out, he was just like the rest of them, thinking of her as a possession, something he can’t have because she belonged to someone else. She was disappointed, and let it show in her expression. Her eyes drifted down to the hand holding her arm, then back up to his stare. He let go.

  “Do not waste your time, my lord,” she said, and walked away. She would have to be infinitely more careful around this man!

  After checking on her guests and leaving them to luncheon, she decided to sneak away to speak to Roddy. He would know what to do about Lord Roth. Roddy would know how to dissuade him from his pursuit. She could not think of anyone better to consult, except Emelia. Unfortunately, Emelia would probably encourage the affair, even more than Roddy. The last thing she needed was a lecture on opening herself up to new experiences. If they were anything like todays had been, she would not have the fortitude to survive them!

  Cordelia saw Rhys leaving Roddy’s suite as she approached, and quickly ducked into a nearby alcove. What was he doing in there? As soon as he turned the corner, she rushed into Roddy’s room and closed the doors behind her.

  “What was he doing here?”

  “What do you think? Asking about you of course.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “What you wish me to tell everyone. That you are not available,” he said, with a flamboyant wave.

  “Oh, thank god!”

  Roddy watched her carefully. She looked pensive and rattled. And very relieved. If they were both coming to him, something must have happened. She looked out the window, scanning the crows below. Was she looking for Lord Roth? Something had happened, or she would have dismissed the gentleman as she had countless others.

  “Alright, tell me, what happened? And don’t even try to lie. I know you too well. I’ll see right through it, and you well know it!” As her shoulders slumped he exclaimed, “Ah ha! Something did happen! Tell me!” he demanded.

  “Fine! He kissed me, that’s all.”

  “That’s all? That’s all! Your first kiss and all you can say is that’s all?”

  “It was hardly my first kiss.”

  “You cannot count that stable boy’s chaste peck as a kiss! And, just looking at the man, I’m guessing he didn’t administer the same closed mouthed tap you are counting as one. Tell me! Tell me all! I want every last wet detail!” He grabbed her hands and pulled her to the settee. “Everyone out!” he ordered. With a wave of his hand he dismissed everyone working on various projects about the room. Once the last person had closed the door, he looked at her, expectantly.

  She was bursting to tell him. She let the big smile she had been suppressing come.

  “Oh Roddy, you said it would be exciting but, oh my… it was…it was…my whole body tingled!”

  “Ha! What did I tell you? Now that you’ve had a taste…”

  “Oh no, no, no…NO!” She rose and went back to the window. This time she saw him crossing the lawn, walking with purpose toward his sister. “He took me by surprise. That man is dangerous, and I will not let it happen again!”

  “What? You cannot possibly be satisfied with that little taste…”

  “Roddy! I am not interested in an affair, especially with a known womanizer like Lord Roth…”

  “They are the best ones for an affair, lovey. They like their liaisons short, sweet, and are typically experienced in the art of lovemaking…”

  “I will never do that for a man again Roddy!” She looked at him angrily, then away. “Never again.”

  Roddy sighed. A wave of sadness hit him as he watched her recoil into her memories. Damn the Earl of Cromwell to hell for his perversions! May he burn in hell from the scars he left on this innocent girl. She might never trust another man. She was much too young to be so cynical. And alone. There had to be a way to get through to her. For someone to get through to her.

  “Lovey,” he started gently. “All men are not the same. Not all men will treat you as the Earl did. You must trust me on this.”

  “I do not care. I will never let anyone own me again or even believe they could own me.”

  “That’s the beauty of your situation, Cordi. You set the rules now. You decide what happens or how far it will go. And, you can end it anytime you wish. For once, you are in control.”

  “In control of what? I do not know anything about love play, Roddy. He thinks I know, but I do not. He was confused at my reaction to his kiss. There is no way to explain my past without divulging…well, everything. And that can never, ever, ever be discovered. It would ruin us all.”

  “Emelia could prepare you for what you do not know and…”

  “He would see right through it.” She looked at the guests mingling on the lawn. “Then everyone would know what a fraud I truly am.”

  “You are not a fraud, Cordi. You have made viable matches. Your inexperience with lovemaking has nothing to do with your work.”

  “Ha! Do you think they will continue to believe in me if they knew? I dare say they would not!”

  “Mayhap not in the same way, but your reputation precedes you and…”

  “Which means nothing if tarnished. Roddy, I cannot afford to be trifling with a man like Roth, especially since he sees me as an opportunist. Besides, I have vowed to prove him wrong. Once I have matched his sister, I intend to retire from this profession. We no longer need the income, and you will do well on your own. You are already the most coveted designer in London. Emelia can take over the business if she wishes, but I am through pretending to be something I am not! Please, help me, and stop pushing me into something that could prove dangerous for us all.”

  “And what will you do, then? Shrivel up and die in this crusty old estate? All to preserve your esteemed reputation? Oh, phish! And for what? You would do better tupping half of London. At least you would have a life!”


  “He is perfect, and you know it. And, don’t even try to lie and tell me you are not attracted to him! I can see it on your face.” He walked over, picked up a pair of scissors, and approached her in a huff. When he pulled the ribbon from under her cheek and cut it, causing her hat to fall unceremoniously to the floor. “You do not need these anymore. If you will not help yourself then I will do it for you!” He pulled her sleeves off her shoulders, showing more cleavage. “No more hiding. If you can act this role so well, then you
can act experienced, too!” He pushed her to the door. “Now, go have some fun, for once!” He shoved her out the door. “Send my people back in, I have a lot of work to do!” Then, he slammed the door in her face.

  “Fraud, indeed!” he shouted. Now Roth would have his help whether he needed it or not! If Cordi pushed him away, then he would encourage him in another way. One way or another he would help the man break down her defenses. Somehow, someway, he would see her happy.

  “She won’t give in if you push her. She’ll just push back harder. She’s frightened,” came a female voice from behind him.

  “Emelia! Good lord, you frightened me! How long have you been here?”

  “Long enough to tell that she isn’t going to do what you wish her to do.”

  Emelia sauntered in quietly. Roddy respected Emelia immensely. He had never met a woman more resilient than she. She was beautiful, even though she was older by society’s standards. One would never know by her demeanor that she had been the toast of the ton until Lord Hampton ruined her reputation. Her brother rescued her only to beat her self-esteem to the depths of despair. If it weren’t for Cordelia, she would still be hiding from society and the cruel remarks said behind her back. Instead, Cordelia had convinced her to teach their female clients how she had used her undeniable charms to seduce the elite members of the Ton. Emelia felt rewarded by her work and was slowly coming out of her shell.

  Roddy couldn’t believe this quiet and prim lady could have seduced the staunch members of the Ton until he wagered that she could not so much as piqued his interest in her. Before he knew it, she had completely charmed him, and even had him thinking about her in a sexual manner. He would have done anything to make her continue her seduction. Even now, his cock twitched at what she had promised, without even uttering a sexual word. It was her manner, the way she moved, the subtle looks, and innuendos that made him think that she could please him like no other. It was amazing. She was the only woman he had ever thought to… well, at least she had been in the right mind to stop the game before it had gone too far.


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