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Magnolia: Hidden Realms of Silver Lake (Four Sisters of Fate Book 4)

Page 6

by Vella Day

  Magnolia wanted to lean back against him and have his arms around her, but what if they ended up… Stop it! A few staid objections flew across her mind, but she decided to ignore them for once. There was no reason not to enjoy Josh. After all, he was her mate.

  “Sure.” She swung up onto her knees, twisted to the side, and sat in front of him facing the fire.

  “That’s better.” Josh threaded his arms around her waist and then placed his chin on the top of her head.

  Whether it was from Josh’s chest pressed against her back, the flickering fire, or the wine, all of her excuses for why they shouldn’t be together melted away. This was where she needed to be—or rather, where she wanted to be.

  She picked up his hand, brought his fingers to her lips, and kissed the tips.

  “What was that for?” he asked. From his light tone, he had figured out what she wanted.

  “I wanted to say thank you for everything.” Needing to talk to him face to face, Magnolia turned around and sat on her heels.

  “Any dragon would have done the same.”

  She cupped his face. “I wasn’t just talking about you saving me. I meant how nice you’ve been since then. You didn’t have to call the cleaning crew, take me to the fair, or bring me here. I know your eyesight is not an issue at night.”

  He pressed his lips together, clearly fighting a smile. “Caught me. Are you mad that I kind of tricked you?”

  “I wouldn’t call it tricking me since I knew what you were doing.”

  “Is that so?”

  She nodded.

  “Kiss him,” said that now familiar voice.

  Not one to go against one of Fate’s commands, Magnolia leaned over and pressed her lips to his. The next thing she knew, Josh was on his back with her on top. Oh, my.

  He cupped her face. “I can’t begin to tell you how much in the last two days I’ve wanted to do this. We belong together, Magnolia.”

  His words of acceptance seeped deep into her soul. She hesitated only a moment before dipping her head and kissing him again. His lips were soft yet demanding, a combination that stirred her insides and made her arms glow. She could no longer deny that this man was why her body kept lighting up.

  When he ran his tongue along the seam of her lips, it was as if he put a spell on her. Her body sizzled, and her pulse soared as Magnolia welcomed him in. He delved into her mouth and then rolled her to the side so that they were now facing each other, her back to the fire. His knee slid over her thigh, and the added touch made her even more desperate for him. She grabbed a hold of his shoulder as the pleasure from his taste and touch rippled through her.

  Josh wasn’t tentative. He probed and explored, urging her to do the same. The world shrank, and she let herself enjoy what he had to offer.

  “I really want to make love with you, Magnolia.” His chest expanded, but he didn’t exhale.

  “I want that too.” Never in a hundred years did she think she’d ever say those words, but Josh had changed everything for her.

  He let go of the breath he’d been holding, followed by a grin that spread across his face and lit up his eyes. “Is it me, or is it hot in here?”

  She laughed. “Really?”

  “Too corny?”


  He winked. “But it worked, right?”

  How did this man manage to always say the right thing? “Totally.”

  Magnolia sat up and removed her shoes. She wasn’t quite sure if she should undress herself or wait for him to do it for her. Taking off his shirt however would be a dream come true.

  Josh ditched his boots and socks, undid his jeans, and then slipped them off, all in a matter of seconds. He stuck a hand into his pocket and pulled out a three-pack of condoms. “I was hoping we would need these.”

  Magnolia placed a hand on his warm chest. “I didn’t picture you as a ladies man.”

  “I don’t keep a stack of them in my bedside table, if that is what you’re thinking. I had to stop at the store before I picked you up.”

  That made her feel special. She was over a hundred years old and wasn’t sure if she could conceive, but since he’d gone to the trouble of buying protection, she’d use one.

  “Let me help with your shirt,” she said. “Raise your arms.”

  “Anything you say.”

  They both sat up, and she was able to admire how the light from the fire danced in his eyes. Sliding her hands under the material, Magnolia took her time dragging her palms up his warm skin. Wanting to see his naked chest sooner rather than later, she lifted the shirt up and then off. “Whoa.”

  Josh flexed one pectoral muscle and then the other, alternating sides. She laughed.

  “You’re easy to please,” he said.

  “What would please me more is if you reciprocated.” Oh, my goddess. She had changed. Josh for sure had put a spell on her. It didn’t matter that he would deny it. Or had it been Fate who made her say such racy things in an attempt to loosen her up? Regardless of the reason, she wasn’t going to squander this opportunity to be intimate with him.

  “You didn’t have to ask, though I’m not sure where I want to begin. Hmm.”

  Probably because she’d lifted off his shirt, he took her pullover off. She wondered if her fingers scorched his skin, like his were doing to her body. Why she’d worn her fancy white lacy bra and matching panties this morning, she didn’t know, but she was glad she had.

  Josh lowered his gaze to her breasts, and from the way his beautiful sandalwood colored eyes turned teal, spikes of need were shooting through him too. He inhaled. “You are so beautiful.”

  She’d been tempted to say something practical but then refrained. “I think you’d enjoy the view better if you took off my bra.”

  Okay, that was once more totally out of character, but she was beginning to like the new her.

  With a swift pinch, the back unlatched. Using only his thumbs, he lowered the straps until the cups cascaded over her hardened nipples. “Oh, Magnolia.”

  He ran his tongue along his slightly sharpened teeth, and she yearned for his lips to be on her breasts. She also desired to touch and taste his cock, but she’d let him take the lead.

  Josh pressed her onto her back and then straddled her, his knees on the hardwood floor. With a quick tug, her jeans and panties were history. The only piece of clothing left between them was his briefs.

  She slid her thumbs under the waistband and tugged, but the material was caught on his cock.

  “Here, let me help you,” he said.

  In the blink of an eye, his briefs joined their jeans. Between the warmth of the fire and the light bouncing off his slightly glistening cock, she became entranced with him. She dragged a finger up its length. “It’s so big.” That might have been a stupid thing to say, but it was the truth.

  “I’ll be gentle.” He reached over and picked up the condom. “Want to do the honors?”


  She took the condom from his fingers, ripped it open, and lifted it from the foil. Oh, shit. Magnolia had never put one on before, and as such had no idea what to do. But dammit, she was a goddess. How hard could it be?

  She found out soon enough—impossible if one started with it upside down.

  Josh flipped it over. “Just roll it down.”

  Trying to be gentle, she unfurled the condom but was unable to put it on completely. “You must have bought the wrong size.”

  “You are good for my soul. Let me.” A second later, he’d managed to cover himself.

  “You have magic fingers.”

  He chuckled. “You have no idea.”

  Josh crawled on top of her, supporting himself on his elbows. The kiss that followed proved she’d been living life all wrong this past century.

  “Fate, why didn’t you bring him to me sooner?” she silently asked, even though Magnolia didn’t expect an answer.

  Josh threaded his fingers through her hair and kissed her hard, desperation pouring out
of him. Their tongues danced, retreated, and teased, all with flirty affection. His sharp teeth scraped her tongue, and he broke off the kiss. “Sorry. I got carried away.”

  “I have no problem with passion.”

  “You would if I shifted. I’d blow the roof off.”

  She loved when he teased like that, though a fifteen-foot dragon would not fit very well in this small space. “That would be a problem!”

  Josh slid lower and captured a nipple. When he tugged on the tip, a swell of lust pooled between her legs. Oh, my. Josh then did something quite unexpected. He dipped a finger into her opening, causing a flood of pleasure to swamp her.

  “Oooh. Yes.”

  “Do you like that?”

  Magnolia clasped his shoulders, ready to hang on for a wild ride. “I think my glow should tell you all you need to know.”

  “I do love your light.”

  Josh went back to exciting her more than she thought possible. When he pressed on a particularly sensitive spot and swirled his tongue around her nipple at the same time, a crashing wave of glory descended. Her internal glow formed a halo around her as her climax exploded.

  She released the pressure on his shoulders. “That was incredible.”

  “I have something bigger that will take you even higher.”

  Her breaths were already coming out too fast. “I don’t think it can get much better.”

  “Oh, my sweet goddess. You have no idea.”

  Before she could even think, he slid into her, and she was shocked at the intensity filling her. To say she was merely turned on would be an understatement. Affection for this man filled her, but she wondered if it was too soon to call it love yet.

  Wanting his skin on hers, Magnolia arched her back and pressed her breasts against his chest.

  Josh held still for a moment before easing out, but she didn’t want him to go slow on her account. “I’m good,” she whispered.

  Josh dipped his head and nuzzled that sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder. For a moment, she thought he might mate with her, but he merely dragged his lips across her skin, causing goose bumps to form.

  Magnolia ran her hands down his arms and then slipped them around to his back. Dragon shifters were such powerful men, and she was thrilled with the way his muscles flexed with every breath. As he pumped into her, she met him thrust for thrust.

  “I can feel your light,” Josh panted.

  “I can feel a lot more than that,” she said.

  “Kiss me.”

  When their tongues met once more, dancing to the rhythm of their lovemaking, swells of desire raced and rippled across her skin. It was so overwhelming that all she could do was hold on for dear life. When he lifted his head and grunted, his cock expanded and pulsed, stretching her wide. He pulled her close and then hammered in once more. The heavenly combination of being one with him tossed her over that orgasmic cliff a second time. Stars burst on the back of her lids as every cell in her body craved more oxygen. Just as she opened her mouth to breathe, his cock detonated, filling her completely.

  Then, as if they were each other’s lifeline, they held on until their bodies calmed.

  “You are amazing, Magnolia Faiten. I’ve never experienced anyone like you.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. No one had reacted to her like that before. “Me neither.”

  The fire crackled and more heat surrounded them.

  After relaxing in each other’s arms for a while and saying nothing, Josh finally slipped out. “I’ll be right back.”

  Magnolia couldn’t believe being with a mate could be this fantastic. No wonder the Guardians would go to any length to save those they loved.

  Chapter Eight

  While Josh was happier than he’d ever been, the fear in his gut kept festering. If he told Magnolia who he really was, she might decide to hell with Fate and say she didn’t need him. That would cause his dragon to implode.

  Tomorrow, he’d take her on a nice boat ride on the lake, talk about her work, and then he’d fly her home. He’d have to play it by ear whether she’d want him to stay the night, but regardless of her response, he’d figure out a way to broach the topic of his secret identity.

  “Another glass of wine, or do you want to hit the hay?” he asked, not really knowing if she’d ever spent the night with a man before.

  “While I’d love another glass, I want to be able to sleep, and wine messes with my head.”

  “I get it.” Josh had heard his phone beep an hour ago indicating he had a message. He grabbed it now and checked the screen. “It’s the repair company. The foreman texted that his team will repaint the workshop walls tomorrow, and then they will leave the windows opened a crack to air out the place. All that’s left to do is to paint the outside wall. He said by tomorrow afternoon, you should be able to get back to work.”

  “That is wonderful news.” She clasped his hands. “I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “I hope you never have to find out.” Yes, that was a bold statement, but he meant it. “Ready for bed?”

  “Very much so. It’s been an emotional day with so many new things to digest.”

  “I agree.”

  They returned the cushions and pillows to the sofa. “Bedrooms are down the hall.” When they reached his room, he faced her. “Do you want your own room, or do you want to try sleeping with me? I don’t think I snore.”

  “If I didn’t need the sleep, I’d say I’d share the bed with you.”

  Josh planted a hand on his chest, trying to act indignant. “What are you implying? That you’d want to ravish me all night long if we sleep together?”

  She grinned. “Exactly.”

  He doubted she would have. He probably would have been the one to lose control and make love with her again. And again. “Fair enough, but I won’t put up with this needless separation for long.”

  She smiled, just as he’d hope. Magnolia stood on her toes and kissed him. “Thank you. Now about that nightshirt.”

  After he gave her one that would cover her butt, he showed her where she could wash up before he headed to bed. Even though Magnolia wouldn’t be sleeping next to him, he’d be dreaming about her.

  Josh actually slept better last night than he had in a long time, which surprised him considering he’d been both a bit anxious and excited about today. He wanted to show Magnolia how to relax and enjoy life—something he didn’t do often.

  The shower was running when he awoke. He slipped out of bed to have coffee waiting for her when she finished. He had planned to run to the store before spending the weekend here, but he’d been interrupted—pleasantly, he might add. Because there was little food in the house, they’d have to go to town and eat at the Egg Platter café.

  When Magnolia entered the living room, her hair was wet and her face freshly scrubbed. She looked so beautiful. “Sleep well?” he asked.

  “As a matter of fact, I did. Someone tired me out yesterday.”

  He bit back the retort about offering to help her out every night. “I’m glad. I made coffee. Help yourself while I clean up. I’ll be quick. If you finish before I return, go out the door at the end of the hallway. I have a little deck that overlooks the lake. But wear a sweater. Mornings can be cool. I’ll join you in a minute.”

  “Sounds divine.”

  While she fixed her morning brew, he stepped into the bathroom and removed his clothes. Knowing she’d used his towel had his cock hard in seconds. Josh brought the terrycloth to his nose, inhaled, and then groaned. It was pure Magnolia. His decision to relax and enjoy her for the day was a sound one. Tonight, he’d come clean about who he was.

  Not wanting her to sit outside by herself for long, he showered quickly and then dried off. Once he dressed, he grabbed a cup of coffee from the kitchen and joined her outside. Magnolia was sitting on one of the chaises with her knees drawn into her chest and both hands hugging her warm mug.

  She looked over at him. “This is amazing.”<
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  The fog was floating a few feet above the glassy lake water. “It is. There is no place like this cabin to center my soul. Because I can fly here, it makes for a quick weekend getaway—assuming work doesn’t call.”

  Because he too could teleport, it was even quicker, but he’d reveal that special talent later. Josh sipped his coffee, reveling in the quiet.

  They talked about the seasons in Hearndon and what his favorite time of year was. When she finished her coffee, she set the mug on the side table. “If I recall, someone mentioned something about a boat ride?”

  Josh grinned. “I did. How about I take you for a tour of the lake and then we can stop at one of the diners in town for a late breakfast or early lunch?”

  “I’d love that.”

  In case there was a chill on the water, he gave her one of his jackets to wear over her sweater. She zipped it up and spun around. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  Happiness surged through him. He thought it would be months before he saw her so happy. “We’ll go out the back and walk down to the lake. Ready?”

  “You bet.”

  They exited the back and took the dirt path to the lake where he’d built a small dock. Attached was a rowboat. “I used to have an engine on the back, but it kind of ruined the peacefulness of it all.”

  Magnolia grabbed his arm. “I couldn’t agree more. And as long as you’re doing the rowing, it will be perfect.”

  He laughed. “I enjoy the workout.”

  He helped her into the boat. When she was seated in the back, he stepped into the boat at the bow. Once he untied the rope from the dock, he pushed off with his oar. Josh never liked that he had to face backward when rowing until now. He could face Magnolia and see the tension lines disappear from her face the farther out they went.

  With smooth strokes, he took them to the middle of the lake where the fog tended to accumulate. Magnolia waved her hands in front of her to disperse it. “This is so cool.”

  “I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of amazing things in your lifetime. You could teleport anywhere in the world or even go to Earth to see a lot more.”


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