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Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs

Page 36

by Neely Dobbs

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  Immediately after confirming that the Wasp was truly safe, “housekeeping” chores had been assigned.  As tired and worn as he was, Agriel had ordered— noting sardonically that “rank hath its privileges"— that only senior crew stand duty until the remaining crew could rest and resume their stations. All remaining Wasp personnel were ordered to quarters for a minimum of four hours rest before returning to duty.  The senior section officers remained at their stations for skeleton-crew duty; Vick assigned himself the task of trying to decipher the signal transmitted by the Colossus.

  After the initial euphoria over the “rescue” had worn off, there were hints of growing concern and worry over the origin and intent of the vanished Colossus.  The immediate crisis had been resolved, though not because of any specific actions by any Alliance personnel. Although Jazon, Sabanda and Kyell had deferred all participation in public speculation, they now sat at the mess table, privately discussing the turn of events.

  “So you don't have a clue what it was or where it came from, either?” Kyell asked Jazon.  “I was really hoping you might have an inside scoop.  Man, I thought I was overwhelmed when I first saw ADIZ's ship on Earth, but…”  He gazed vacantly toward the wall as his fingers slid through his hair, then added softly, “This ‘mystery ship' is about 50,000 times larger.”

  "And, even as much as you love your trusty shotgun," Sabanda teased, "I doubt you would have dared shooting at this ship!"

  "Well... I might dare to," Kyell laughed shakily, "but I wouldn't even know where I should aim! Any damage I might cause would be about the same as if I just sneezed at it."

  Jazon, shook his head and blew out a breathy whistle.  “And we thought the mysteries of the universe would be solved when our masks were removed.  Instead, they just keep getting bigger and more puzzling!  If that thing had been hostile…”

  “Jazon, weren't we ordered to belay speculation?” Sabanda quickly interjected, poker faced.

  Startled, he turned a puzzled frown on Sabanda and asked, “When…by who?”

  “It's ‘by whom,' dear,” she corrected.  Struggling to keep a straight face, she answered, “Earlier, by the Admiral.”  As she saw the light dawn in Jazon's eyes and the lines smooth on his brow, her smirk broke into full laughter.  First Kyell and then Jazon joined in, finally releasing their bottled tensions.

  “Besides,” Sabanda continued, “there's much more to be thankful for than the fact the Colossus demonstrated no hostility.  It provided a tremendous service to us.  The Alliance could not have rescued the Wasp in that way…we have no means of quickly moving anything that big.”

  “Do you mean the Wasp or the Colossus?” asked Kyell.

  Jazon answered for Sabanda, “Flip a coin, Kyell.  Either one of them fits the description.  But since we don't have that level of technology, who does?  And where does it come from?  The way it simply appeared and disappeared reminds me of the SDs.”

  “Do you think they could be related?” asked Kyell.  “And, if so, did the Intruder send the Colossus?  Or has someone joined our side in the battle to stop the SDs?”

  “As they say on Earth,” Sabanda responded, “that is the question.”

  “Well then,” said Jazon, “we’ll just have to ferret out the answer.  In the meantime, we have some work to do.  Kyell, please coordinate with the Wasp on its schedule for Kepren approach and orbital insertion.  Then get on the visuals of this whole incident.  See if you can make any sense out of them, or if they can give us clues to a any possible connection with the SDs.  And, unless the two of you have got more sleep than I did, we all need to take some downtime soon.”

  “Jazon, I'll get all of us squared away with quarters here on the command level.  Kyell, when you're through reviewing the visuals, check with ADIZ for your berth assignment; I'll make sure your things are waiting for you.”

  “Thanks, Sabanda.  I'll see you and Jazon after we've rested…say about 0630 Hours?”

  Jazon groaned and rubbed his neck.  “Let's not pin it down for now.  I need to tie down a few loose ends, including issuing orders for the missiles to be deactivated. But once I get to sleep, I don't want to wake up until I have to.  The Wasp won't reach orbit for several days. Wake me up then if I'm still asleep.”

  “Aye, aye, Admiral,” Kyell laughed.  “You and Sabanda get some rest and get reacquainted.  All sensors are on full alert status, and I'll have ADIZ notify me of any other complications.  If any come up, I'll handle them…or call you if it requires a minor miracle.”

  "Thanks, Kyell." Jazon scrubbed at his face again. "But the truth is that I've been little more than an observer during today's events. We have to find out who— or what— has pulled off this miracle."


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