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Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs

Page 45

by Neely Dobbs

CHAPTER 35:  Alliance

  A day and a half had passed since the in-depth meeting had yielded clues about both the Wasp's rescue and the system disappearances, Jazon had come up with no further clues to who caused the SDs, or why.  He tossed restlessly on his sleeping mat.  He unfolded the now thoroughly wrinkled scrap of villium and again scrutinized the letters, “HOGA.”  Was the word “HOGA” repeated so many times simply at random?    And why in Morse Code? Could it refer to something completely unknown, or does it have some significance we just haven't grasped?

  He sighed and turned to Sabanda, “How do you think Vick feels about his return to the Wasp?  While he did accept it without complaint, it may seem to be awfully tame duty after this recent escapade.”

  “I'm sure he isn't ecstatic about it,” she agreed.  “He probably has mixed emotions.  He commands the only facility that can perform every vital communication service that Kepren and the Cluster need.  Still, he has been at that post for over three years and, once the Wasp settles into orbit around Kepren, resuming his routine responsibilities on the Wasp surely will seem anti-climatic.  My best guess? He's probably hoping for quick reassignment to something more exciting and challenging.  Vick did perform well during the crisis, Jazon, and there others on the Wasp who are qualified to take over his duties.  Tomorrow starts a new year.  Maybe it’s time to make the change.”

  Jazon was about to discuss that possibility when the door chime sounded.  Before he could say “enter,”  the door opened.

  ADIZ moved just inside the room and stopped.  A voice they had never heard before issued from ADIZ's speakers.  “Admiral Ozier, we are Hoga.  Our voice originates from a most distant place.  Your AIDD has been taken temporarily into our service.”  ADIZ's head turned and nodded slightly, as though meeting Sabanda for the first time.  “And you are his wife.  Lovely!  Oh, yes! Quite lovely.”

  Jazon's voice betrayed annoyance and alarm, “She is Vice-Admiral Sabanda Ozier, second-in-command of the Kepren Alliance!  Who….  What….”

  The door behind the robot closed, apparently without cause. The voice spoke with calm authority.  “It was we who orchestrated the Wasp's rescue.  We have perceived that you have interpreted the message transmitted from the vessel which saved the Wasp… and your home world, Kepren.”

  Jazon's mind raced.  Could this be a hoax?  Improbable.  Even if some twisted wit had conjured up this unbelievable scenario, ADIZ could never be persuaded to participate in such a horrid practical joke.

  Hoga paused, seemingly waiting for Jazon to reach this exact conclusion, then continued.  “You may rest assured our mission here is no hoax.  We came because you show signs of promise. Despite our great distance from you, we are now communicating with you in what you would refer to as ‘real time.’  However, we also have taken the liberty of imprinting your AIDD's circuits with detailed instructions which can be carried out in our absence.  If our instructions are followed, you shall have demonstrated that you merit our further attention.”

  Hoga's voice stopped.  ADIZ nodded briskly to Jazon and Sabanda. Then he emitted a static click and gave a sharp twitch.

  “ADIZ?” Jazon ventured. "Are you back?"

  “Yes, Admiral.” 

  He gratefully recognized his AIDD’s familiar voice. “Have your circuits really been imprinted by this ‘Hoga'?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He nodded tightly.  "Do any of these imprints contradict or compromise your prior programming regarding the safety or security of the Kepren Cluster or any of its citizens?“

  ADIZ's reply was immediate. "No, Admiral. It was made clear that the imprinted information is limited to what is required to establish your contact with Hoga."

  Only partly relieved, he pushed further, "ADIZ, did this… communication… originate on Kepren?”

  “No, Sir.”

  Jazon felt an icy chill trickle down his spine. “Did it originate in the Kepren Cluster?”

  “No, Sir.”

  "Where did it came from?” Sabanda blurted, unable to contain the thought. “Do you know, ADIZ?"

  “Yes, Vice-Admiral.  It came from Hoga.”

  “Shazz!” Jazon swore.  “We know that!  But can you identify from what location the transmission originated?”

  “My apologies, Sir, but I am unable to say.”

  Sabanda probed further, striving for clarity, “Unable because you don't know, or for another reason…and, if so, what would the other reason be?”

  “Again, I must offer my apologies.  I am unable to provide that information.”

  "But you do have further information for us from Hoga?" Jazon queried.

  "Yes, Sir. Both specific information and an additional message."

  Reluctantly, Jazon whispered, “Give us his message.”

  Immediately came the now familiar lilting voice, “Admiral Ozier, we are Hoga, of the planet Cronul.  The perception of time by your people makes it difficult to adequately explain the urgency of our meeting.  However, it is vital to your personal safety and to that of Kepren and the Wasp that you trust our message. We must urge immediate action.  Unresolved elements remain regarding the crisis of the Wasp.  If not addressed, these issues could reintroduce the peril you think is now past.

  “If our instructions imprinted on this AIDD are followed precisely, it will most assuredly result in our meeting. When we meet with you, we can offer facts which are important beyond resolving the Wasp's continuing danger. Our intention is to render you aid in understanding and resolving your larger problem of the troubling disappearances, both of the Alliance's systems and of the planet Chadalmencondra. 

  “ADIZ will accompany you, Jazon.  You, however, are the sole key to resolving those problems.  We have great hopes you may prove capable of playing a special role in our program of peaceful resolution.”

  Hoga's voice fell silent. ADIZ stood motionless.

  Jazon asked, “ADIZ, when did this message become known to you?”

  “During the break taken during your group's meeting about the Wasp, SDs, and the transmitted code, Sir.  My instructions included waiting one day to allow you to rest, then waiting until you were in private before disclosing this message.  In addition to the message I have communicated to you, I have been imprinted with binary code giving detailed instructions on travel to Cronul, and further information on how to locate Hoga after we arrive.

  "Sir, I sincerely regret my inability to reveal that information until now. However, since no attempt was made to compromise my security protocols, I could neither resist nor countermand Hoga's instructions.”

  Jazon thought furiously.  This Hoga apparently knew many specific details about both him and the affairs of the Alliance.  He…they…whatever it was, Hoga had been able to gain access to and establish a specific non-threatening level of control of ADIZ. And why had Hoga's invitation been conveyed to the conscripted robot in binary?  Did the Hoga speak binary? Whatever the case, on a deeper level, he had managed to imprint the robot with complex directives and instructions.

  As unsettling as those issues were, the possibility of continued peril to the Wasp and Kepren was worse.  What did the Hoga know about the SDs?  And was the message that had been received really an invitation…or a politely veiled command?

  Can I refuse?  Of course.  But our knowledge about both the rescue of the Wasp and the SD problem is so limited, it might as well be non-existent.  It would be naive not to consider that it could be an elaborate trap.  Could Hoga, in fact, be the Intruder who is taking our systems?  That doesn't matter.  Even if this Hoga is the Intruder, if there’s any chance he can provide real answers, I have to go!  But how do I convince Sabanda?

  “ADIZ, if I should decide to meet this Hoga, how soon could you have a ship ready to depart for the meeting?”

  “Sir, a ship is currently provisioned, on standby in Bay Five, and ready for departure on your order.  Its timely preparation and activation were part of Hoga's instructio
ns." ADIZ paused to allow Jazon to process these new facts.  "Sir, may I offer my opinion?”

  His suspicions were aroused by ADIZ's use of the word “opinion,” but he simply responded, “Granted.”

  “Admiral, I believe this meeting with Hoga is both urgent and vital.  I must recommend that you to go.  I also choose to state that while this opinion is heavily influenced by the nature of my contact with Hoga, nothing in his actions or instructions compels me to urge you to go.  With this understood, you should know my recommendation stands. I await your orders.”

  Jazon swallowed his surprise, feeling almost as if his decision had already been made by ADIZ.

  He turned to Sabanda.  He couldn't find the right words, but his look said it all.  He could see in her eyes that she knew he would not— could not— refuse.  They both recognized that Hoga's name was the message sent by Wasp's rescuer. That could not be a coincidence.  The possibility of learning how to solve the SD problem was too compelling, and the connection with the rescue at least offered some reassurance.

  Without a word, she embraced him.  He gave her a lingering kiss and whispered, “You know I’d rather spend New Year’s Eve with you. But I guess that just isn’t going to be possible.  Happy New Year, my love.” 

  She nodded sadly and kissed him again. He reluctantly turned away to put on his uniform and prepare for the trip.


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