Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs
Page 71
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ADIZ received instructions from Kepren Command and duly reported them to Dr. Dristane as he ate. He was offered the choice: return to sleep or report to Kepren and be “put to work.” Kirq quizzed ADIZ at length and gained the overall, if somewhat sketchy, picture of what had happened while he was in hibernation. He chose to go to Kepren. Transport was available immediately, and he saw no reason to delay. He had no personal possessions; they were all in storage on Kepren. He headed for departure bay on the upper levels.
He had learned the purpose of his own revitalization: the time-travel question. He had received the message from the Vice-Admiral, and judged it to be quite dismissive and less than properly respectful to a man of his intellect. Kirq was further piqued that Admiral Ozier would not be there to receive him personally, especially since it was the Admiral who had ordered him to be brought out of hibernation. Still, ADIZ had hinted that the cause of the Admiral’s absence might be quite serious.
The carrier reached the ship and Kirq boarded with the self-assured thought, It is obvious that, until the Admiral returns, I should be allowed to resume my research. A wave of irritation swept over him. Obvious to me, but— as with most lesser intellects— the Vice-Admiral will surely need to be dazzled and convinced. So, I suppose, I should prepare a brilliant presentation for the Vice-Admiral and her underlings, detailing the vital importance of my work and the unarguable necessity of completing my experiments. Once they recognize my unparalleled ability, they will, have no choice but to let me return to my research.