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Twist (Off Balance Book 4)

Page 40

by Lucia Franco

  "When did all of this happen?"

  "Yesterday morning and today."

  My heart pinched at his response. I asked, "Why didn't you tell me this last night?"

  "I planned to after dinner, but then…"

  But then I’d flipped out.

  "I'm sorry."

  I drew in a breath, feeling the blood drain from my cheeks. I couldn't believe how far she'd gone to keep Kova in her life. I had no words. All I could do was listen in silence.

  "Adrianna, I did not have sex with her recently enough for her to be pregnant. I have only been with you. The night when your father called me with your diagnosis, yes, I fell into a state of mind I did not know how to climb out of. The thought of you not being in my life is not something I ever want to imagine, but I did not know how to deal with it either, especially since I could not talk to you. I had to stay quiet and it was killing me. So I fucked off with writing in the notebook, which I am trying to barter with her to get back, and pulled out my old anxiety medication my therapist had given me. I think the shit was expired. I took a couple anyway and opened a bottle of aged vodka. I am not making excuses, but I blacked out that night. Still, I do not think I ever had sex with her. What man forgets when they have sex?"

  I stared up at him speechless.

  "That is not my baby, but that baby is my way out," he said.

  We were breathing heavily, our chests thrust together.

  "You're lying," I whispered, my heart racing so fast. "You always lie to me."

  He shook his head, his eyes pleading with me. "I told you I would not lie to you anymore. I am telling you the truth. Why do you think I ran over here so fast to tell you everything? I surrendered to the blackmail because I had no choice. Your future was at stake and I was not going to risk it, but there is no way I will put up with this too. Was she going to act like some stranger's baby is mine for the rest of my life and never tell me? That is cruel and heartless. What about the real father? Would he never know? Come Monday, I am filing for divorce. I want her off my hands and out of my life for good. This is… How do you say, the cake's icing?"

  I chuckled a little at his words, understanding what he was trying to say. "You mean the icing on the cake?"

  His lips twitch, and he continued. "I know what I have done with you is wrong, but this is… I have no words for it."

  I had a lot going through my head and I didn't know what to start with first. My stomach was starting to toss, the usual morning sickness I had every day bubbling to the surface.

  "Say something," Kova begged. "Please."

  Exhaling through my nose, I said, "Get off me."

  His face fell. I knew it wasn't what he wanted to hear, but I was about to throw up all over him if he didn't move. Kova released his hold on me and I shoved off the bed and ran to the bathroom, making sure I locked the door behind me. My knees slammed to the floor and I vomited the moment I looked at the toilet water.

  God, I hated this. There was no way I could handle nine months of this. I'd wither away to nothing. My throat tasted like acid and my stomach was already empty to begin with, and now it felt like a dry sack of nothing. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, then stepped out to find Kova sitting on my bed with his head dropped between his shoulders. I could feel his guilt from where I stood and I felt terrible.

  I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He leaned his head into my stomach and wrapped an arm around my butt to pull me closer to him. He wouldn’t meet my eyes, but I knew he needed me, was seeking support, and I was more than willing to give it to him. His pain was too overpowering to ignore, not that I could ever do that to him anyway.

  Kova was suffering and it was bleeding into me. He looked up, and the vulnerability in his gaze was too much to handle.


  There was no way I could tell him about the baby when he looked utterly defenseless after learning how deceitful his wife had been. I knew it was wrong, but he was a man devastated, torn, and at odds with his life, trying to find which door was the right one. I wasn't going to beat him down further.

  "I'm sorry," I said. My fingers were in his hair. "Everything you told me just made me sick to my stomach and it was a lot to process." Not necessarily a lie, but it wasn't the full truth either. "I don’t know what to think, okay? She's so deceitful it's appalling. It just got to me, especially hearing Joy was involved the way she was. I actually spoke to my dad about that a couple of weeks ago, but Joy hasn't told him any of it. I guess it's just really upsetting to see someone go to the lengths she has. I'm already a ball of nerves, you know?"

  He nodded, his hand playing with my long hair against my back. "I did not mean to upset you."

  "I know," I said softly. "I might have something that could help you. My dad told me whatever Joy has she won't go public with it. She never showed him, but he said she's too concerned about her image to ruin it, and he's right. She won't go to the police because she'll get dragged through the mud too, no matter how hard she’d try to prevent it."

  "Why did you not tell me this sooner?"

  I shrugged. "I didn't know what she had until you told me. My dad thought she was making it up, and I did too. We had nothing to go on. But now that I know exactly what she has, she'll never tell anyone besides my dad if she really wants to ruin me. It's too damaging to go to the authorities, and I really don't think she ever would."

  Kova stared up at me with so much hope that I smiled. Placing my hand on his chest, my fingers spread out. "When will you tell her you're divorcing her?"

  "I am not going to tell her, I am just going to file. Let her get served. I am fairly positive she will go back to Russia." He paused. "Although, she really wants her citizenship, so I am not entirely sure. I do not know what she will do about the baby. What I do know is that Katja is no longer my problem."

  I swallowed hard, feeling my emotions rise, and threw my arms around his shoulders. I climbed over him, forcing him to lie back onto my bed. Our bodies pressed together and we both sighed like we'd been waiting for this moment, when he would no longer be tied to her. Kova's hands guided me, finding their place on my hips as I leaned down and kissed him hard. Fingers digging into my skin, his body fitted to mine as I melted at the touch of us joined.

  I had to wonder if he would still wait for me after I told him about the baby.

  "Where is Katja now?" I asked, breaking the kiss.

  He blinked like he was trying to process my question.

  "Home, I think. I am not sure now. After our second argument this morning, she told me to go fuck myself and that she would not be home tonight."

  "Did you say anything else to her?"

  "No. I wanted to, but I have already done enough damage and felt like walking out was enough." Kova grinned. "I did turn off access to my bank account and her credit cards. Let her use the money Joy gave her."

  I gave him a little kiss. "I know you like to put on a strong front, but I think in here"—I tapped the left side of his chest—"you have a bigger heart than you let on. You care, you're just guarded a little more than others."

  He looked at me with a puzzled smile on his face.

  "I know what you did for Holly and I think it's the sweetest thing ever," I said, my voice low, and I swear his cheeks deepened in color. "She told me everything you did for her and Hayden, the stupid dating rule and all, the scholarship. Yes, she knows about us, but she will never say anything." Kova froze and I couldn’t blame him. I continued. "She won't say anything. Trust me."

  "Ria…" he warned, but I placed a finger over his lips. He tried to bite it.

  "She was legitimately concerned. She told me what happened with her previous coach and was worried that was happening with me. I assured her it wasn't. I explained what I needed to, of course not going into detail, but she will not say a word," I reiterated. I kissed him again, then changed the subject. "Does this mean I get you to myself this weekend?"

  Kova's eyes lit up with desire. Sliding his hand

up my back and into my hair, his nose touched mine. He pulled the hair tie out, dropping it to the bed, and my hair enclosed us.

  "When you are around me, please wear your hair down." He threaded his fingers through the hair at my nape and tugged, causing my back to arch and my chest to push into him. "You are breathtaking," he whispered, pressing a hand to the small of my back. A blast of desire shot down my spine and my body relaxed on his. "I do not know what to make of this, of us, but in my heart it is right. God, I sound like such a sentimental fuck." He chuckled, his breath tickling my neck.

  My teeth dug into my lip. "You're totally sappy right now, but it's cute."

  Grinning, Kova pressed his lips to mine. My heart felt full seeing him so happy and at peace. He flicked his jaw and slipped his tongue into my willing mouth and devoured me. He kissed me deeply, slowly, with hunger. I moaned, arching my back and pressing my chest to his. I needed to be closer, to feel him everywhere, even though I was already as close as I could be. I widened my hips, shifting to feel more of his erection. He groaned into my mouth and pressed his lips to mine harder, causing a flow of moisture between my thighs.

  My hands slid down his shoulders and I dug my fingers into his rigid muscles. My blood was heating, and I suddenly felt like I was wearing too much clothing. Kova wrapped his tongue around mine and tugged on it. I whimpered, nearly crying out as need curled my toes. He ground his cock against me, provoking a response. Wetness coated my panties and I rolled my hips seductively into him. A groan vibrated deep in his throat. His body was warm to my touch, inviting me into his world. Pleasure bloomed through me, my need for him something fierce.

  Fisting his shirt, I whispered for him to take it off. I sat up, straddling his hips as Kova arched his back and pulled off his shirt. His hands immediately found my hips, tugging off my panties. My gaze traveled the cut of his abs, loving how each muscle caused a shallow indent, down to that sexy dip by his hips to his groin. This man, with his honey-colored chest that led to strong, curved shoulders, and the letter I had carved into him, was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. My eyes skimmed lower to the bulge in his pants as a seductive smile pulled at my lips. He was always hard for me and I loved that.

  My fingers tentatively traced down his chest, down his sternum, and around his dark nipples. He flexed under me, sucking in a breath through his teeth, watching my every move. His green eyes were filled with desire. Our gazes stayed locked as my hand trailed lower, over his taut stomach to the elastic waistband of his shorts. I dipped my fingertips inside and rimmed the fabric, feeling the hair at his mound. His nostrils flared and he shifted his hips around, his Adam's apple bobbing slowly. Leaning forward, I licked my lips and pressed them to the carved A on his chest. My tongue slid out and lavishly licked the scar, feeling the grooves. Kova's hand came up and gently cupped the back of my head, I could feel him breathing heavily on me. Making my way up his body, I peppered him with kisses until I reached his mouth.

  Without asking, I lifted my hips and reached between us to pull out his cock. He was already so thick and ready. He gripped my hips as I positioned his swollen tip at my wet entrance. Looking into his eyes, I sank down on his length slowly, feeling myself stretch wide to fit him. His fingers dug into my skin, his palms hot to the touch. Once he was fully inside me, he tugged off my shirt, his eyes fastening on my breasts. I was throbbing, needing to widen a little more before I could start moving or he was going to tear into me.

  His brows bunched together, and he reached for my chest. "Your breasts are bigger." The pad of his thumb traced a circle around my areola and I purred in the back of my throat. My skin prickled with desire, my nipples hardening. "Even here, they are larger."

  I glanced down, they did look a little bigger, but I knew why. Emotions clogged my throat and I sucked them back, wondering if we would have this after if he found out the truth.

  Placing my hands on his stomach, I let the sensations take over and I began a slow ride, needing him so bad. "Oh," I sighed.

  "Lean back and place your arms on my knees."

  I did as he asked and let my head fall back as I rode his cock at my pace. It was hot and slow and sexy and just perfect, like a lazy Sunday morning.

  "Yes, like that, Ria," he said through clenched teeth.

  I glanced down. His finger found my clit and I shuddered, taking him how I knew he liked as I climbed higher from the orgasm that was already climbing. He carefully spread my pussy lips apart and watched as I took his cock. His eyes glowed with a craving so dark my clit throbbed.

  "I'm very close," I said breathlessly.

  His cock twitched and he grabbed my hips, speeding up the pace as he thrust into me hard. Our bodies slapped together. We moved faster, needing more, my breasts bouncing, my long hair falling over them. They were so tender and the loose strands grazing my nipples tickled a little.

  "More," I begged, my eyes closing.

  Kova lifted his hips slightly so my clit would hit the base of his cock. It was a different angle and it was exactly what I needed.

  Little sounds escaped me and Kova growled. I orgasmed like it was the most amazing high of my life. I never held back when I was with him. Pleasure consumed me and I greedily took all he had to offer. His hand reached up and grabbed my neck. I panicked for a split second and grabbed his wrist until I remembered how much I loved when he did this. Kova took control and wrapped his fingers around my throat and shoved me down roughly, squeezing. Stars exploded in my vision, making me feel like I was coming out of my skin. He released, then squeezed again.

  "Don't stop," I whispered.

  "You are stunning like this. Take my cock for as long as you like. I am yours."

  And I did. Even when our pleasure subsided and he pulled out, we stayed where we were. I rubbed my swollen pussy along his soft dick until I came once more. He loved it.

  Kova secured me in his arms. My chest grew with hope and I thought maybe one day we could have more. What we had was more than love. This was a devout connection only two people could share.

  I looked into Kova's green eyes and studied his gaze. To have someone behind me, pushing me, seeing and helping me achieve my dream, and more importantly, wanting to be there along the way was special.

  But to have someone love me the way he did? There were not enough words in the dictionary to describe that feeling.


  A knot sat in the pit of my stomach as we exited Alligator Alley.

  Worry plagued me with impending dread as Kova drove us to the next town. Something wasn't right, but I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was that bothered me exactly.

  The pregnancy was heavy on my mind, and I one hundred percent planned to finally tell him tonight. The conversation was a delicate one, but that wasn't it. This felt different. I think the unease came from the fact that I'd never been alone with Kova outside World Cup or our homes, and it stressed me out a little, especially since I knew Joy had hired a private investigator in the past. I had no idea if she was still using one after all the damning evidence she had, but I learned to put nothing past her. I never got the notion someone was following me, which only amped up the anxiety even more.

  Kova parked his car, then leaned over to press a kiss to my lips. He stepped out and walked over to the passenger side as I rummaged through my purse for a pair of sunglasses. Opening the door, he offered me his hand. Kova looked utterly delectable. Dressed in a pair of distressed dark jeans that hugged his fine ass and a stark white plain T-shirt that accented his biceps, he was simple but insanely appealing. His aviator sunglasses held my reflection and his hair was styled back. He looked delicious. I stepped out and Kova laced his fingers through mine, then lifted his arm to wrap it around my shoulders and tugged me tightly to his side. I rested my cheek on his chest, and he dropped a kiss to the top of my head. We started walking side by side.

  Too many emotions hit me all at once while we walked down the boardwalk taking in the salty air. Boats were docked, and peopl
e strolled aimlessly like we did. It was a cloudy day but luckily not too humid. We grabbed lunch by the water and chatted about gymnastics, then shopped in some of the small stores. Kova refused to let me buy anything. He paid for lunch and anytime I mentioned I liked something, he purchased it. I fought him tooth and nail on it.

  "Stop," I urged, yanking a heavy candle from his hands.

  "Stop what?" he looked at me, puzzled.

  Kova reached for the glass jar but I pulled back, and said, "I broke it when I threw it at you. You're not replacing it."

  He grinned, remembering our fight.

  "You threw more than a candle at me, if I recall."

  I pursed my lips together, fighting a smile because he looked so damn hot.

  "Ria, do not be foolish. It is just a candle. I know how much you love them, so let me get it."

  I angled my head to the side and pointed to his hand. He was holding three bags of items he’d bought me throughout the day.

  "That Tommy Bahama bag has more than just a candle in it. So does the Sephora one."

  "So?" He appeared truly confused.

  "So? So stop buying me stuff. Just because I say I like something doesn't mean you have to buy it. That's a lot of money right there, and now you want to add more?"

  His eyes softened and he gave me an amused smile. "Give me the candle, Ria."


  "I like buying you things. It makes me happy, now give it to me," he said, but I stood my ground. "I will buy every single candle in this store if you do not give it to me." He waved his fingers for me to hand it over. His eyes glistened with humor.

  I held it behind my back and Kova stepped toward me. "I don't even like it."

  "You are such a damned liar—a horrible one at that." He chuckled, his eyes gleaming. I loved the playful look on his face. "Just give it to me."

  Kova placed the bags on the floor then leaned in to me to reach around my back. I arched, trying to keep it out of his reach, and he pressed a kiss to my exposed neck. I tried to act firm on my decision, but my giggle gave me away.


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