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Searching for the Answers

Page 11

by Paige Orr

  When the aftershocks of my orgasm begin to fade, Tae gently sets my leg down getting to his feet, and steps towards me, pinning me to his chest as Gale steps away. I rest my head on his shoulder, while his hands roam down my back until he’s gripping my ass, and all I can hear is my thundering heart beat as Gale strips behind me. Once he's fully naked, Gale returns to his spot at my back, and the heat of both of their chiseled bodies against me sets me ablaze all over again. I look down to find Tae gripping his hard length, and I’m entranced watching as he begins to slide it between my folds teasing my clit with each stroke, causing his cock to glisten with my wetness.

  I let out a shocked gasp, as Gale sheaths himself in my sopping cunt, stopping once he’s fully seated inside me, and he lets out a groan in my ear, as his hands land on my waist in a tight grip. I'm left reeling from his sudden entrance, as my pussy flutters around his twitching member. He pulls himself out of me, replacing his cock with his fingers causing me to moan in frustration, until he whispers in my ear. “Don’t worry babygirl, that pretty little pussy will get exactly what it needs soon enough, but unless you want that pretty little arsehole of yours to be sore I need to lube it up somehow.” I can feel his saucy grin against my neck, as I whimper in desire from his words.

  He pumps his fingers a few times, then brings them to my tight bud, applying a small amount of pressure, causing my muscles to tense. “Relax for me babygirl, let me get you nice and ready for my cock.” I let myself relax in his arms as Tae hooks one of my legs over his bulging arm, slipping the tip of his length into my core as he reaches down, pinching my clit before massaging the sting away. “That’s a good girl, kitten! We know you can’t wait to have us both buried inside you, I can feel that pretty little cunt of yours clenching just at the thought.” By now I’m panting as Gale breaches my tight bud, slowly lubing me up with my own juices, taking his time to stretch me out in preparation for his cock. He does this for a few moments, before positioning his head at my virgin entrance. "Now babygirl, what I want you to do is, take a nice deep breath for me, then slowly release it until you can't anymore. That will loosen you up for me so this doesn't hurt, got that babygirl?" I nod my head doing as he says taking in a big breath, and as I'm letting it out I feel my muscles relaxing, and he slowly pushes himself inside me.


  Gale and Tae make eye contact with each other, while I'm overcome with the fullness of them both deeply seated inside me, and nod their heads. I've never felt anything quite like being stretched by two cocks before, but it's fucking delicious, and it only gets better when they both begin to thrust at the same time. They take their time, letting me adjust to them, while they slowly make love to me. Tae tilts my chin up, looking me in the eye. “Are you ready kitten?” I nod my head at him, unable to get the words past my lips.

  They both begin to thrust harder, as my eyes roll into the back of my head, it's almost too much pleasure for me to take, but at the same time I wish this would never end. Tae brings his hands up to my nipples, circling around them, as Gale begins to tease my clit bringing me to a whole new height of ecstasy. Tae leans down, capturing one of my nipples between his soft lips, nipping me with his teeth before lavishing it with his tongue. I can feel my orgasm building slowly, as they take their time, taking their pleasure from my body.

  Tae hooks my other leg lifting me up, and leaving me floating between them, causing them both to hit deeper inside me. Gale leans into my ear, groaning. “That’s it babygirl, you look so fucking beautiful, the way you’re taking our cocks is amazing. You love how it feels, having us both inside you, don't you? Playing with your pretty little pussy and this tight little arse. You’re so fucking tight, gripping our cocks like you were made just for us to fuck.” His seductive words have my eyes rolling into the back of my skull, as tremors take over my body.

  They begin to pick up their pace driving me insane with need, and I reach out for Tae bringing his lips to mine in a heated kiss, as I drag my nails down his back causing him to hiss in pleasure and bite my bottom lip. I feel absolutely adored between them, knowing that they need me just as much as I need them, as Gale clamps his teeth down on my neck making me cry out in bliss. By now we are a mess of sweaty limbs, grasping hands, and moans of gratification.

  They begin to thrust hard and fast, as we all rush towards our own completion, and their thrusts soon grow sloppy. They both grab a breast each tweaking my nipples, as Gale rubs at my clit faster, and the feeling of their cocks swelling inside me causes my mouth to part in a breathy moan. I fall apart in their arms, my pussy spasming around them as I cry out their names in heaving gasps, with them following me with their own release.

  We all stand there for a few moments, trying to catch our breaths, before Tae slowly lets my legs down and they both slide out of me. My mind is completely blown at how much I enjoyed that, and I'm glad that it was these two that eased me into it. They both rest their heads on my shoulders, as I try to speak through my gasping breaths. “That was… wow… just wow!” They both chuckle at my speechlessness, before Gale steps away to gather our clothes. He goes to hand me my shirt, but noticing the cum slowly running down my legs, he hands me his t-shirt with a grin of male pride. I give him a teasing look, causing him to give me a teasing look, as he swats me on the ass.

  Sliding his shirt over my head, I feel my cheeks heating at the thought of what we just did together, as I clasp my thighs together. I'm not embarrassed really, I'm more shocked that I'm not, but it's fair to say that I could really get used to my men sharing me. Tae steps up behind me, surprising me when he scoops me into his arms, and holds me against his bare chest. I relax myself in his hold, happy to be close to him, and I loop my arms around his neck, as he begins to carry me back towards the cabin with Gale trailing closely behind us.

  We banter back and forth together, enjoying each other's presence, and the afterglow from our time together. I really do love these men, and I can't wipe the silly grin from my face, as we joke between each other. When we get to the cabin, Tae gently sets me down to get dressed, while Gale comes up behind me, tickling my sides. I squeal, running towards the cabin door, laughing at his silly antics, and trying to hold his shirt in place. When I burst through the door though, I stop in my tracks at the pensive expressions on the rest of my guy’s faces. When Gale and Tae join me, they turn serious, as they walk towards the others. Whatever happened while we were out can't be good, and after we take our seats, Tae begins to question the guys.

  “What happened, we weren’t gone for more than an hour, and we come back to find you all like this! Someone’s going to have to explain, before I start thinking all sorts of shit!” I watch as Aziel looks to the others before sighing, and explaining what has them all in such a somber mood. “While you guys were out, Gabriel called me. It turns out that Aiden, the fucking idiot he is, told him who our mate is. To say he wasn’t very happy is a fucking understatement! I won’t get into all the gory details of the things he said to me, but we should probably watch our backs for a while. He didn’t straight out say he was gunning for us, but he insinuated it, and a war with Gabriel is something we really don’t want right now. He’s a fucking sadistic motherfucker, and he really doesn’t like people going against him, so the fact that we're protecting the one person he hates the most in the world puts us at the top of his shit list!”

  I feel my heart drop into my stomach, as his words slowly start to sink in, and I try my best not to let them get to me. I already knew that Gabriel hates me, but the way Aziel just said that made me feel like he's blaming me for putting them in danger, even if I know he didn't mean it that way it still stings. The others sit staring into space, as Tae begins to curse up a storm, using words I've never even heard before. “Why in the fuck would you draw attention to Lilith like that, don’t you think we have enough shit on our plate with Xilas and his bullshit, without you fucking adding to it! You fucking idiot!” Aiden scratches the back of his head, looking at me remorsefully knowing he fucked up
, but we can't really blame him for the way Gabriel thinks.

  I turn to Tae, knowing that fighting between ourselves is the worst thing possible right now, and I'm probably one of the only people who can calm him down right now. “Tae Tae, baby. There’s no point arguing with Aiden. We really don’t need to be falling out right now. I know this shit isn’t exactly what we were hoping for, but Gabriel was bound to find out at some point, it was inevitable. What we have to do now, is stay fucking calm, and figure out what the fuck we are going to do about it.”

  As his shoulders relax, I feel fucking proud of myself, for once I ain’t freaking out, instead I’m actually being fucking helpful. Now I just need to keep my shit together, so I don’t end up being a burden to the guys while they try to protect us all. They don’t need me being weak, and getting in the way.


  While I’m still calming Tae down, D’s phone starts ringing, and a rush of dread runs through me when his expression shutters at the name he sees on the screen. Deep down I know it's more bad news, and my stomach twists as my mind jumps to the only other thing it could be. We all turn to him, waiting to see what’s going on. I begin to bite my bottom lip, dreading what we're about to find out, but knowing there's no escaping it either. He answers the phone, replying to who’s calling with one word answers, then his face turns to stone, and he closes his eyes rubbing his hand down his face in agitation. He tells whoever is on the other end goodbye, before hanging up, and turning to Tae. They both share a look that speaks a thousand words, before D faces the rest of us, and I can see that he's not happy, making the sinking feeling I have that much worse.

  “That was the security back at the house, well those of them that are left I should say. They had a couple of updates for us that couldn't wait till later, there's both good news and bad news, I’ll start off with the more pressing matter. When one of them went down to feed Xilas, he was only pretending to still be tied up, and attacked his guard. He killed half of the security team before escaping, and when the others went into his cell to investigate, they found his ties had been chewed by a rodent of some kind. It also smelled like shifter, but since Xilas is a shifter, they can't fully identify if he had help, though there is a strong suspicion that he did. In other news, a short time after that, a vamp turned up at the house, saying he had something he would like to return to us. They found where Michael was keeping Klaus and Frederick… they’re alive, barely. The vamp brought them home to us, and apologised on behalf of their leaders, for all the bad eggs that slipped through the net and went unpunished. Basically they're trying to sweep what Michael did under the rug, and hoping we don't punish them for their major fuck up.”

  We all sit in silence, stunned that everything is happening at the same time. It feels like everything is closing in around me, knowing that we are in danger from the angels, and that Xilas has already escaped is just too much to process. Sure I’m glad that their guys were found, but the rest of it is a complete shit show. I remember the guys telling me that they upped security, so knowing that half of the team was killed by one man is fucking terrifying. I hate that people are getting hurt because of me it’s horrible, and I can’t help but think of the families of the ones who’ve been killed, to be honest I feel fucking guilty. I never thought my life would turn out this way, and even though I never asked for any of this, I can’t help but feel responsible. These people are looking to me as a leader, and I can barely keep my own life together, I really don’t know how I’m supposed to do any of this.

  I can feel my brain working overtime, and I can feel everything becoming too much, so I get to my feet heading into the kitchen. Leaning against the countertop, I rub my hands across my face in annoyance, feeling resentment towards Xilas and his sick obsession with me. Why the fuck does bad shit consistantly follow me around like a bad fucking smell?! I’ve seriously got to have the worst fucking luck imaginable. Now I have to worry about some fucking psyco who my dad have dealt with a long time ago, plus my crazy fucking granddad who has some fucking deep hatred over what I am! It’s not like I asked my mother to be a fucking whore, and spread her legs for everything that walks! I’m getting really fucking sick of everyone blaming me for the actions of my parents, all I’ve ever wanted is to be normal, and instead I’m supposed to be everyones saviour,how is any of this fair!

  I can feel the anger and frustration slowly building inside me at the thought of all this bullshit happening at us, It’s like someone doesn’t want me and the guys to have any peace and fucking quiet, all I wanted was for us to have a little break from all the crazy before it started back up again. I really don’t think that’s too much to ask for, this is seriously too much for any one to handle, and I’m at my wits ends with it all. Turning, I stomp to the coffee maker, switching it on barely having the patience to wait for it to be ready. This bitch ain’t nice without her fucking coffee, and at this rate I’m going to need two cups just to be fucking civil.

  As I’m pouring myself a cup, I hear footsteps behind me, and turning around I find Aiden standing in the doorway. Giving him a really unladylike grunt, I throw my first cup back like a shot before refilling it, bringing it to my nose and inhaling its beautiful scent. I swear, coffee is life! I open my eyes, seeing Aiden staring at me curiously, before making his way towards me. I hope he’s not expecting me to be pleasant, if he had come to me half an hour ago when I was still filled with joy after my time with Gale and Tae, then I’d have probably flung myself into his arms, but right now I’m fucking pissed at the world and don't feel like being nice. What did being nice ever get me, apart from fucked over, and treated like fucking shit.

  He stops in front of me, pulling me against him by the waist. “Are you okay little dove? I know we just got a whole load of shit dumped on us, but you know you can talk to us if you need to.” I give him the best smile I can muster. Placing my cup on the countertop behind me, I then bury my face in his chest, looping my arms around his middle. I really want to do what I do best and push everyone away, but they don't deserve to be treated like that, I'm just not in a very kind mood. Letting out a deep sigh, I take a brief moment to compose myself so I don't bite his head off, before replying to him.

  “Thank you, I know I have you guys, I just needed to let it all sink in. Honestly it feels like my life is stuck on fastward, and there’s fuck all I can do to stop it. It was only like two weeks ago, that I found out that the supernatural world even existed! In that time I’ve found out that I’m a angel-demon hybrid, theres a fucking prophecy about me, I was kidnapped by a pshyco rogue vampire. I have seven mates, six uncles and a scumbag of a grandfather who all want me fucking dead, and to top it all off there’s some creepy fucker my dad locked away for years who wants to do god knows what to me. Thats alot to take in when you’ve only just learned you weren’t fucking human!”

  He strokes his hand gently down my hair, making soothing noises, as I let it all out, finally feeling like I can breath again. Bottling shit up never works, but when all of this has happened in the space of a couple of weeks, you don’t exactly have time to dive in and dissect it all. I really don’t know what I would have done without these guys by my side. One things for sure, I’d probably be a fucking mess right now, I never did do well in difficult situations, but having these guys in my life, and having all of this shit thrown at me has made me a stronger person. It’s about time I stopped being fucking scared of my own shadow, I refuse to let these fuckers keep backing me into a wall, so from now on they won’t be dealing with nice Lilith!


  Hearing Lilith in the kitchen venting to Aiden, sets my fucking teeth on edge, she shouldn’t need to deal with all this bullshit. She’s been put through so much in her life already, and now when she finally has people that give a shit about her, it’s like the whole fucking world is against her. She’s such an amazing person inside and out, and she deserves the fucking world. I really wish she didn’t need to go through any of this, but that stupid fucking prophecy is
causing her hell, and because she’s so powerful, men are so drawn to her they easily become obsessed. I’ve been thinking about this a lot since Michael, and I think that her natural succubus appeal is boosted to unusual amounts, basically trapping those that are weak to their own vices in her thrall. If it really is as simple as that, then maybe we can help her find a way to tone it down so she doesn’t have to live the rest of her life with the fear of being kidnapped and used.

  I turn to the others, hoping someone has an idea on how to handle this shit, because all I really want to do is rip fuckers apart. I find Tae looking my way, with a determined look on his face, and with a nod towards me he turns to the other’s, ready to deal with this shit before it’s too late. “Alright guys, there’s a lot that we have to cover. Most pressingly is what to do about Xilas? Now, we knew when we left him in his cell that he was most likely going to escape, but we really should have spent more time figuring out what to do when he did. We know that he wants to get his hands on Lilith, for whatever reason that may be, so we can use that to our advantage. She will be the person that he tries to approach first, so from now on one of us will be with her at all times, while the rest of us set up security measures. Aiden is with her now, so that gives the rest of us time to plan.”

  He looks between us all with a viscous look in his eyes, before the finally land on me. “D, I don’t want her being so unprepared this time, so your job is to teach her how to get out of different situations and how to fight to protect herself. You have the most experience teaching self defence, and with her being part succubus she would probably take to learning from you better. If we can’t protect her, then she needs to be able to handle any situation, while staying calm. We need to figure out exactly what powers she has, so she can learn to control them, if the worst comes to worst. Surely if she was born to be able to deal with Archangels and Archdemons, then she’s gotta have something in her arsenal to stave the fucker off long enough for us to surround him.”


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