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All In With Me: A With Me In Seattle Universe Novella

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by Mary A. Wasowski

  All In With Me

  Mary A. Wasowski


  All In With Me


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  The With Me in Seattle Universe



  Other Books by Mary A. Wasowski

  About the Author

  All In With Me

  A With Me In Seattle Universe Novella

  By Mary A. Wasowski

  All In With Me

  A With Me In Seattle Universe Novella

  Copyright © 2020 by Mary Wasowski

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover Design by: Kari March

  Published by: Lady Boss Press, Inc.

  Dedicated in loving memory to the original storyteller.

  My father, Irwin Fetter.

  I never realized how much we had in common until you were gone.

  We have the same laugh and smile.

  You are always in my heart and I carry you with me in every story I write.


  “Patton James cuts it back and is able to slip away from everybody. Wow, look at this run! Patton James has unleashed what his die-hard fans call ‘beast mode’ as he is able to avoid getting tackled. Here he goes to score a 43-yard touchdown, and that will do it! The Seattle Seahawks are going to the Super Bowl, clinching the NFL Conference Championship!”

  “Patton James, tell us how you are feeling right now after leading your team, the Seattle Seahawks, to the ultimate win: getting to the Super Bowl. You were unstoppable today.”

  “Honestly, my head is spinning right now but all in a good way. I appreciate the praise, Brett, but it’s always a team effort. I’m damn proud to play with these guys.”

  “Of course. We would have to be blind not to see each and every one of your teammates kill it out there today, but let’s be honest, the final plays focused all on you and Will Montgomery. I mean, every pass was thrown right to you. Tell me, Patton, was it all about making the winning plays? Or was it more a personal Hail Mary because you weren’t sure if this was your last game as a Seahawk?”

  As I listened to the biggest douchebag on the planet interview me, I knew breaking his jaw was not an option, despite all the digs he was using to get a rise from me.

  “We don’t play favorites when we are out there. We play to win, and our team has worked incredibly hard this season, fighting with everything we have in us to get here today. I couldn’t have done it without Will and the rest of the hardworking players I call my brothers,” I answered as the crowd continued to cheer from the stands.

  “You know, I hate to be the one to ask, and I’ve never been known to shy away from the hard questions, so I’m going to ask this right here, right now. There has been a lot of speculation about you retiring after this season. It’s also no secret that for the first time in your astounding career you will become a free agent walking into the new season. So, Patton, is there any truth to the rumors? Every player wants to go out on top. The question is: will you allow the NFL to decide when the great Patton James is done?”

  I swear with the most arrogant smile one could wear, I knew what I wanted to say, but there was no way I would ever give any reporter that much power over me, even Brett. I wiped the sweat off my brow and took in a deep breath, showing great restraint before I answered his questions. I just played in the biggest game of the season, and he has the balls to ask whether I’m retiring or not? I had about fifty cameras on me at all angles and knew how to play it up for the optics.

  I stepped back and simply said, “Yeah, you are a tough one, Brett, but I’m tougher. In a matter of weeks, I’ll show you this side again when the Seattle Seahawks win the Super Bowl! You can quote me on that.” And before he could ask another question, I lifted my helmet in the air and waved to the cheering crowd.

  Just keep smiling until you are out of sight from the cameras. Giving them the big “fuck you” would not be welcomed by the higher-ups or my coach, I thought as I continued to give the reporters exactly what they wanted. Once I was alone, I punched my locker so hard that it now had an impression of my fist in it. As if I didn’t already have enough on my mind, Brett had to lay into me right after we won the game. I mean, he couldn’t have given me a few minutes to enjoy it before he covered it all in shit?

  I’m surprised I made it through the game at all after receiving a message from Taylor telling me that she wouldn’t be attending today’s game. I had been planning something special to help reconnect, but she bailed on me before I could show what I had arranged. I sighed in frustration, knowing I had to get out of here.

  I pulled out my cell phone and called my travel agent. Tabatha answered right away, and I told her to get me out of Seattle, and I mean in the next hour. I showered and dressed as quickly as I could and almost avoided everyone until I got to the parking garage.

  “Going somewhere?” I heard from behind me.

  My steps halted as he stepped out from behind the barrier. Fuck! He’s like a ninja with a sixth sense. I tossed my bag in the trunk and turned around to face my best friend, Will Montgomery.

  “As a matter of fact, I am, so see you around,” I said, turning away but not believing for a second that this was the end of the conversation.

  His hand grabbed the door before I could even get inside my car.

  “Watch it, Will. That’s your throwing arm,” I threatened.

  “It is, and it can still throw a punch to knock you on your ass, so let’s not test that, okay? What are you doing, Patton? We just won the biggest game of the season, and here you are taking off without a word to me or anyone else. Who does that? And did you once consider how I may be feeling right now? Of course not. It wasn’t you that got sacked three times today. Stop being an asshole for one damn second, and talk to me. You know you can tell me anything,” he said, appearing to be frustrated, although he gave me the space I needed before answering him.

  I wasn’t in the mood to share, especially today when I just got my ass handed to me on national television. I swear you are only as good as the last game you played. No one gives a shit about your career as a whole. He may have said all the right things to not come off like a total dick, but I know him long enough to know the compliment was total bullshit. I looked over at Will, who was still waiting for me. I wasn’t about to take my foul mood out on my friend, even though he was more than aware of the problems in my relationship with Taylor. No, I needed to calm down a bit, and taking off seemed to be the best way to do that.

  I deeply sighed and then said, “I just have to clear my head for a little while. I can’t do that here, so I’m going to my place in Vermont.”

  “It was Brett, right?” No, it’s something way more complicated than a sports reporter talking shit to boost his ratings. “Come on, Patton. You know he’s an asshole and has been getting under your skin for years now. Let it go, and come out and celebrate with us.”

/>   “I can’t, but thank you for the invite.”

  “And what do I tell the guys? We won’t keep you out too long. One drink is all I’m asking.”

  “For fuck's sake, stop pushing and just let me get the hell out of here. I can’t do this, and believe me, I am no good to anyone right now.”

  “Fine, go clear your head if that’s what you need to do. Just don’t forget what you are leaving behind. We have pre-game training that you need to get your ass back for. I swear, Patton, don’t make me come looking for you.”

  I said nothing more and drove off, leaving Will behind.

  Yup, the biggest game of the season, and I’m running for the hills because, unlike my best friend, who has someone in his life to share his night with, I am alone. Fuck my life.

  Chapter 1

  It doesn’t have to be complicated

  I didn’t give my housekeeper any advance notice to my arrival, so it was a 50/50 shot at being recognized in town while picking up supplies. My house up here was secluded, but the town itself was quaint with original town members who lived up here all year round. For the most part, no one bothered me, but occasionally I thought I heard the familiar click of a camera and knew a few paparazzi had to be hiding in the shadows.

  I should have known it wouldn’t take Will very long to follow me. I guess I should be happy that I had three days on my own to work out my problems. I knew he would show up eventually. He practically threatened me back at the stadium, and I knew there was truth behind it, because that’s what friends do for each other. If the roles were reversed, I would be there for him, even though he’s a pain in the ass.

  “Are you going to get that?” he asked from the kitchen, no doubt raiding my fridge, since the guy eats like a linebacker, as the doorbell continued to reverberate throughout my home.

  Just thinking about the last few days was getting me angrier by the minute, and that’s when I shouted, “No,” and then said, “I changed my mind. If it’s another reporter looking for confirmation of my retirement, you can tell them to fuck off and to get the hell off my property.”

  Without missing a beat, he said, “You meant to say, ‘No comment,’ right?”

  I didn't answer back and watched from the second floor as he answered my front door. I couldn't see who it was and could hear even less.

  “You can come out now. It was just a courier service. Here, looks like a letter,” Will said as I made my way downstairs to take it from him.

  “Thanks, man. It's been a rough few days when it should have been the best ones of my life.”

  “I know it has, and that’s why I dragged my ass across the country to see you, since you took off without so much a goodbye after the celebration party.”

  “I believe I said all I wanted to back in the parking garage, or did you forget? What do you want me to say? I wasn’t ready to talk a few days ago, and I’m not ready now, so stop pushing.”

  “You better figure it out, because I can’t leave until you at least give me an explanation as to why you took off. I’m not trying to be a dick here, but do I have to remind you that you are due back in Seattle by the end of next week for a team meeting. If you don’t show up, then you are not just letting your team down, but me too. Patton, it pains me to even think it, let alone say the words, but I never believed I ever had to. I know you want to be alone and hide up here, but I didn’t leave my family for this standoffishness. Now, tell me what is going on.”

  “How is Megan?” I asked.

  “She’s great and so is our beautiful daughter. Everyone is happy and well. Your turn.”

  “I have a lot going on, and believe it or not, it’s not just about football.”

  He took a seat in front of me with his arms on his elbows and said, “I’m sorry that Taylor didn’t show. Meg told me she noticed the empty box.”

  “I was hopeful but didn’t get the confirmation until I got a message telling me she wasn’t coming.”

  “I guess checking your phone at half-time wasn’t the smartest thing to do. At least it didn’t affect the way you played.”

  “Thank goodness for that, right?” I shot back, totally sounding like an asshole.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, and you know it,” he said in return.

  “I know, and I’m sorry, alright? As I said, it’s been a rough few days. I know I fucked up with Taylor, but this is me trying to fix what I broke. I love her, and I know she still has feelings for me. I mean, why can’t she let go of what happened last year? It was not a party for me either. I’ve really tried to make things right between us, but it never seems to go in the direction I want. And don’t even get me started on football,” I said as I tugged at my hair.

  “Lay it on me. You might as well get it all out.”

  “What can I say? It’s been an incredible season and an equally incredible career I’ve had, but with every good thing comes an ending, and for me, it’s my retirement in question. It always comes back to when I may retire or if I will seek out other teams. Either option pretty much sucks for me. For the past few years, it’s just been a friendly conversation, but now it’s more real than ever, and no matter what I say, I think it’s the end of the line. The Super Bowl will most likely be the last time I play in the NFL, and I’m just not ready to let it go yet. I’ve given this game everything I’ve had and made more sacrifices than any man could know. The game-winning records will most likely put me in the Hall of Fame one day, but fuck, I’m not ready yet. I’m not the only aging running back in this game. I have more yards in me to run, and with your arm and my legs, Denver is not going to know what hit them. Are you with me?”

  “You know I am, but Pat, if you continue to take the serious hits you've been doing all season, you may not wake up the next time they carry you off the field. Everyone counted you out after your injury, including management, but not me. I know how strong you are, and if anyone was going to come back from an almost career-ending hit, it was you. And now here we are. This year you have played better than when you scored the winning touchdown in Super Bowl 2009, but that was over ten years ago. A decision has to be made, or they are going to do it for you. Do you want to go out that way? Or retire on your own terms?”

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, I asked, “Could you do it? Could you just go home one day, tell your wife that you're done with it all, and leave the game behind you? The game that you have loved above anything else, well at least until you met and married Meg? You’ve had a pretty good run, and you know just as well as I do that there is nothing that compares to running out of that tunnel and hearing fifty thousand fans shouting your name. You know it’s true, and don’t even try to deny it. The game lives and breathes in all of us. It’s not so easy to just let it go.”

  “We're not talking about me.”

  “Answer the question, Will. Could you do it?”

  “Patton, yes, I love football, and I will not deny that it's a huge part of who I am, but it's not my life. It's not the only thing I have!” His voice faltered a bit, and he realized he probably said more than he should have. “Pat,” he hesitated.

  “No, it's okay, I get it. Football is not the only thing you have in your life, and you should never have to walk on eggshells around selfish assholes like me that have nothing and no one else.”

  “You know, you make it hard to be your friend sometimes, but I'm here, man, and I want to help if you will allow me to. What do you say? Will you fly back with me?”

  “Yeah, I will. Thanks, and I'm sorry for being an ass. I know you're only trying to help. I appreciate you being here.”

  “You could have fooled me, but where else would I be? You've had my back since the early days when I first joined the team. You were my mentor, and it's only fair I return a favor once in a while.”

  “Gee, thanks,” I said and then realized I was still holding the cardboard envelope in my hand.

  “You want a beer?” Will asked.

  “Yeah, that would be great,” I said and then bega
n to rip open the envelope, finding a letter inside.

  I opened the second envelope and never expected to see the familiar handwriting on it. My heart constricted as I began to read the letter.

  Dear Patton,

  If you are reading this letter, then I know my gamble paid off and it found you in Vermont. It’s where you always go when you nurse your broken heart, which I know you must have after mom stood you up when you had planned a great night for the two of you. I wish she would have been there, and then maybe this letter wouldn’t be such a sad one. I’m sorry that it is.

  Let me say congratulations on making it to the Super Bowl! I was cheering you on here at school. I wish I could have had an irresponsible moment and just went, but I knew you’d be pissed off if I did that. You always told me from day one that school comes first, right? It’s what you made me promise when you and mom dropped me off at college. I will never forget that day. It feels so far away when really it was only six months ago. So much has changed since then, and I wish I could turn back time for not just my mom, but for you too.

  I miss you, and I know mom does too, but she’s so stubborn and won’t admit it. She has her reasons and ones that she won’t share with me, but I have my own scenarios as to why she bailed. You two have been here before, so it’s up to me now to try to get you back together once and for all.

  I owe you the truth, Patton, because you always gave it to me, and in the three years I’ve known you, you’ve been more of a father to me than my real father ever was. Mom is moving to Paris at the end of February. She landed an assistant editor position with the UK’s parent company for Vogue. She will be working under the mentorship of the current editor, and once mom is ready, she will move into the editor’s spot and take over the magazine. It’s an incredible opportunity for her, but she almost turned it down because that would mean she would be leaving you for good, and I know she doesn’t want that.


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