All In With Me: A With Me In Seattle Universe Novella

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All In With Me: A With Me In Seattle Universe Novella Page 3

by Mary A. Wasowski

  In an equally bold move, I got up from the chair and moved closer to where she was sitting on the couch. I don’t know what came over me, but I reached for her small frame and, without another thought, pulled her close to sit on my lap. She startled at first and then remained quiet as I placed my hand on her thigh, slowly inching my hand closer to her sex.

  “It doesn’t have to be complicated, Taylor, and if you don’t have anything pending on your calendar today, how about just chilling with me? I promise I don’t bite, at least not on the first date.”

  “Who says this is a date?” she asked as I moved my hand up another inch, causing her to catch her breath.

  “Today can be whatever you want. But since I missed breakfast, how about we eat some lunch and get to know one another a little better?”

  “Just lunch?”

  “It’s a start,” I said against her neck but not kissing her, not yet. I had to pull back my need to continue my exploration, knowing if I didn’t, I would have had her pinned down and under me. She was aroused, I could smell it. Her scent alone was literally drugging me, putting me into a haze of wanton lust and desire.

  “Sure, why not,” she agreed and then slowly moved off my lap to make a call.

  I showed her to an empty bedroom, knowing she needed some space away from me. Taylor didn’t strike me as the type that does this sort of thing. Hell, I didn’t either. She returned just a few minutes later, looking a little flushed.

  Yeah, sweetheart, I’m feeling the same way, I thought silently to myself, patting myself on the back for luck. “Well?” I asked her.

  She grinned and said, “What’s for lunch?”

  Yes! She just gave me the answer I was hoping for. I called Kate back in and gave her my request for what we wanted to eat. If today panned out the way I envisioned in my mind, then the enchanting Taylor would be my dessert.

  My eyes blinked open and my head was pounding, since I drank more than just the beer. I needed to forget for just a little while, but every time I closed my eyes, forgetting was the last thing I did. It had been three years since the beautiful and vivacious Taylor Ashby walked into my life.

  How could I have done that? Just let her go without fighting for her? I’ve never felt more alone in my life as I do right now. I showered, hoping it would sober me up a little, but I didn’t want to feel any better. The only time I’m happy is when she visits me in my dreams. It’s like nothing has happened, and we’re right back there again, to times when we were happy and so in love.

  Will had been calling me since he arrived back in Seattle, but he had to know I wasn’t in the mood for talking, so then the incessant text messages rolled in and wouldn’t stop until I answered them. I sighed and began scrolling through the texts until the last one that came through made me laugh.

  MEGAN: Don’t be mad, he made me do it. He’s worried about you and so am I. Please tell me you are on the plane, so he can stop worrying. Love you, Patton ;)

  Good move, Will, using your magic weapon to make me respond. I wouldn’t take my foul mood out on Meg. No, I would save that for my friend, I thought and began to text back.

  ME: I’ll be heading out in a few hours. You can tell that husband of yours to stop worrying about me. I promise I will be there. Love you, too.

  I didn’t expect to hear anything else, and then one more message came through.

  WILL: Thank you. We have a game to prepare for, and it wouldn’t be the same without you. See you when you get here.

  I rubbed the tiredness from my eyes, knowing I was out of time and had to get ready to head home. I closed up the house, and my car picked me up to take me to the airport. I hardly slept in the days I’ve been here, but hopefully, I would get some rest on the plane.

  First Class never disappoints, and since I always book the seat beside me, I had plenty of privacy. After I ate and savored a glass of brandy, I closed my eyes and let my mind dream of Taylor and the happy times we had.

  If I was going to make it with any woman, it should have been Taylor Ashby. From the moment I saw her standing there at the bus stop, I just knew she was someone special and worth getting to know better, never knowing at that time that it would go anywhere beyond anything my dirty mind was fantasizing about.

  She didn’t fall for my charms right away and made me work for her attention every time she gave me the time of day, which only excited me more. I wanted to know this woman, and so I kept coming back until an afternoon which bled into the night when she finally let me have her.

  I took her to the stadium and gave her a tour since she’d never been. Her eyes shone like diamonds when all the lights came to life, and here was this perfect, petite angel standing in the middle of CenturyLink Field. After we left the stadium, I took her down to Pike’s Market on a rare day when it wasn’t raining. She didn’t fight it when I reached for her hand and held her close as we stopped for hot apple cider. She moaned in pleasure when she took a bite of a fresh donut layered in chocolate glaze.

  “This is amazing. Do you want a bite?” she asked.

  “I can’t. I’m training and usually save the sweets for the off-season.”

  “Sorry, I wouldn’t have gotten one if I had known,” she said with genuine sadness across her face.

  “It’s fine, Taylor, and besides, I get to enjoy watching you eat and how your mouth moves to taste the decadent treat. Oh, look, you have some on your lip. Let me get it for you.”

  Her automatic response made my cock tent painfully in the confines of my jeans. I took her mouth in a gentle kiss, licking off all the remnants of the donut, and then softness turned to increased need, with my hands tangling in her hair.

  “Hmm, you taste better,” I said. “Come, let’s walk before I throw you over my shoulder and lose any self-control I had before I decided to be stupid and kiss you right here out in the open, where I can’t do anything about it.”

  “And…? What do you think is going to happen?” Now she’s done it, using the breathy tone I’ve come to love hearing every time she utters a word to me.

  “The possibilities are endless, but all I could come up with right now is asking you if you’ll come home with me? You know, complications.”

  “Sir, excuse me, Mr. James.”

  “What?” I asked as I opened my eyes to the flight attendant standing in front of me. I looked around for Taylor and felt like an idiot, knowing she wasn’t here with me. When my senses returned, I looked up at the patient flight attendant waiting for me to respond.

  “Mr. James, will you please fasten your seatbelt? We are about to land in Seattle.”

  “Yeah. Sorry.” My mind was in a fog as my brain was flooding back with memories of Taylor. What the hell am I doing, I silently questioned. I’m about to play in the biggest game of my life, and all I could think of is Taylor, the one I shoved out of my life when all she wanted to do was find her place in it.

  I landed in Seattle just before three and headed straight to my apartment. I texted Will that I was home, and he texted back asking if he could come over to see me. I told him I needed the night to decompress and would meet up with him in the morning for a run and then we could grab a bite to eat and talk. He agreed to my plan. I was thankful that he didn’t press me on anything else, because it was a long flight, and I wanted to get home and be by myself.

  Kate met me by the door and took my bags as I walked into the apartment.

  “Welcome home, sir. How was your flight?” she warmly greeted me.

  “It was long, Kate, but I’m happy to be home, even if it’s only for a few days,” I said nothing more and walked upstairs to my bedroom, only to feel the memories of the past come flooding back.

  Chapter 2

  Surprise visitors and a wanted complication

  “Hey, old man, keep up with me,” Will called out as I trailed behind him on the last bend.

  “Old man, my ass. Let me show you how it's done,” I shouted back and sped up just fast enough to pass him and declare myself the win

  “I think you cheat and save the best for last.”

  “You wouldn’t be wrong about that, but I won fair and square. Lunch is on you,” I quipped back.

  We stopped at a local pub not too far from both our places. We missed the lunch crowd, so it wasn’t that busy. I swore off the booze until after the big game, but that didn’t stop me from wanting it. I settled for water and practically downed the pitcher.

  “I thought our run would have helped,” Will said.

  “It did a little, but I guess ever since I received Becca’s letter, my mind has been on a constant loop of the past. I’m telling you, I can’t stop thinking about Taylor. I mean, she’s everywhere. I swear sometimes I can still smell her on the linens even though I know it’s not possible. Am I going crazy here? Because my mind is not where it should be.”

  “Why don’t you call her? You can keep it light and just say hello without letting on that you know about her move to France.”

  “I can’t do that. I’ve hurt her enough, and she deserves some peace.”

  “Don’t presume to know what you believe she needs, not when Becca wrote that letter telling you otherwise. I’ve never met two more stubborn people than you and her. I mean, what are you waiting for? You were so close to New York that you should have gone to see her.”

  “It was you who wouldn’t give me a minute’s peace with the calling and texting until I finally gave in and called you back.”

  “No, you answered for my wife, not me, but I’m happy you’re back.”

  Before I could say anything further, the bartender raised the volume on the flat screens around the bar, switching the channels to ESPN, where the number one douchebag was currently talking trash about me.

  “I hate this guy,” I said to Will, who equally agreed.

  “I mean, let’s face it, the guy is nearing his expiration date. I can’t be the only one thinking it, right?”

  “You are harsh, Brett. Patton James holds so many records in this league that I don’t think you have enough brainpower to add up the stats without the use of a calculator.”

  “And you call me harsh? Tom, I’m just being real here, and I was real with Patton James when I asked him the tough questions last week. Is he going to retire? Not a hard question, but the answer is obvious.”

  “Thank goodness we are out of time, Seattle, because this debate was about to blow-up on us in the middle of our studio. Brett had his say, and now it’s my turn. Patton James, I think you are the greatest, and I have no doubt that you will lead the Seahawks in a Super Bowl victory. Until next time, I’m Tom St. Patrick, and this is the End Zone.”

  It cut to commercial, but not before I could watch the two commentators’ converse with Brett wearing a dumb as fuck smirk on his face.

  “Ugh! I hate that guy,” I said again, and then our food arrived, with me stewing over the bullshit I just heard. I forced my meal down, although all I wanted to do was put my fist through Brett’s face.

  Will was right. This was his job, and the viewers loved watching a good sparring fight over different opinions. In Brett’s case, he seemed to have many about me, but I’m going to prove him wrong on game day. I’ll get to walk off the field with a Super Bowl win, and he will still be an asshole. This thought made me laugh, and it was enough to get me through the rest of my day.

  For the next few days, all I concentrated on was working out, watching tape, and having meeting after meeting with the Offensive and Defensive coordinators. My week finished with a team meeting, and then at night when the day was over, I was faced again with the memories.

  I ate the prepared meal Kate left for me and then decided to give Becca a call. I knew it had been a while, but her letter opened the door for me, and I actually wanted to hear her voice. After several rings, I believed I would get her voicemail, but then in a rushed tone, she answered.

  “Hello, hello, don’t hang up,” she said as I heard fumbling in the background. I smiled and waited for Becca to talk again. “It’s about time you called me!” she shouted into the phone, but it was with an exasperated tone.

  “I received your letter. Thank you for your kind words.”


  “And what?”

  “Ugh! Between you and mother, I am changing my major to Psychology, and I’m just going to get paid and paid well for my great advice that seems to be wasted on the two of you.”

  “Your letter meant the world to me, and you know I will always care about you and your mother.”

  “Sure, okay, but what about loving her? Do you still love her? Because I know she loves you, but you two have danced this dance for over three years now. It’s time to come clean with the other and just be honest about how you feel.”

  “You sure seem to know a lot about your mother’s and my relationship.”

  “I pay attention, and I know what misery and loneliness look like. I love you, Patton, but it’s time to step up and show your hand or watch my mother permanently walk out of your life to begin a new one in Europe. The choice is yours.”

  “Yes, I believe you mentioned those same words in your letter.”

  “Well, I’ll say just about anything right now to make you open your eyes and see what’s right in front of you.”

  “She’s not in front of me, and that’s one of the many problems between us. She’s on one side of the country, and I’m on the other. You have to know this is not what I want.”

  “No, actually I don’t, Patton, and neither does my mother. I don’t have time right now to give you a recap of your past with mom, but you have been a ghost the last several months, even letting the holidays pass you by without a word to either one of us. I’m not a mind reader and I will not presume to know how you feel, but I can tell you about me and my mom. You hurt us by your distance and very loud silence. It’s lucky for us that you made it through to the end of the season, because at least we get to see you on television, which mom still watches by the way, even though she denies it. I have to go. I’m late for a lecture. I love you, Patton, and I hope you do the right thing.”

  I was stunned by her admission and had about fifty questions to ask her, but I never got the chance when her roommates called out for her. The call ended, and after she spilled a lot of truth, my heart ached to where I physically felt pain.

  All the voices began to sound off in my head from Will, Meg, and now Becca, all telling me to go get my girl before it’s too late. Is it? Do I really have a chance at winning back Taylor’s heart?

  I opened a new bottle of bourbon and downed a couple of shots before putting it back on the bar and going to bed. I knew this wasn’t the answer, but the burn of the alcohol helped my exhausted brain and body fall asleep and take me exactly where I wanted to go—to dream about my woman.


  I can honestly say that spending time with Taylor this month has been one of the best of my life. She’s like no one I’ve ever met before. She’s not only beautiful, but she’s incredibly smart and can play a mean game of poker. Now the goal is to get her on board with football, and then she would truly be my dream woman.

  “So, inviting her to the game on Sunday…bold move, if I say so myself,” Will continued to needle me as I ran my last mile on the treadmill.

  “What of it? I’m taking a page from your playbook. Wasn’t it you who invited Meg to a game along with your family early on in your relationship?”

  “I did, and it blew up in my face. I nearly lost her, because I screwed up in the name of protecting her.”

  “She forgave you and it all worked out for you, so give me a break and allow me to have the same chance.”

  “Sorry, so defensive. Come on, Patton. You know I’m only messing with you. I would like nothing more than for you to settle down with someone you can see yourself sharing a future with. Hey, it happened to me, and I know it can happen to you.”

  I grabbed the hand towel to wipe the sweat off my face and tossed it into the bin. I got off the treadmill
and hoped he was right. I don’t do relationships. I have no idea how to stay in one, but for Taylor, I’m willing to try.

  “Thanks, see you later,” I told him.

  “What, no comeback?”

  “Not today, I’m all talked out.”

  I left the gym and went home to clear my head. After the sauna and a long shower, I called Taylor, asking her if she had plans for dinner tonight, but I reached her voicemail and hung up. Oh, this girl has me tied in knots, and all I want to do is spend the free time I rarely have with her.

  I knew she was on several deadlines for Vogue and Elle Magazine, but a woman had to eat, right? I wasn’t lying when I told her that I knew my way around a kitchen. My mom taught me from an early age that cooking was a life skill, and everyone needs to learn it. My father didn’t agree, since he always believed my mother’s talents were best suited for all the workings of successful home life. Secretly, she yearned for more. She didn’t get those chances to experience anything beyond the walls of our home, so she made sure I would.

  It’s crazy to believe she was the one that encouraged me in football. Most fathers spend countless hours on the field with their sons, but not my dad. He was a teacher and believed in education, and when he wasn’t teaching in a classroom, he was teaching in our home. Failure wasn’t an option, and he always expected me to get above-standard grades. If I didn’t, then there would be no football to play.

  My mom secretly tutored me on the harder subjects but never shared it with my father. She knew how demanding he could be and wanted me to enjoy the game that I loved. Clearly, it was a great plan, because here I am on a team that I love. It’s every player's dream to reach the Hall of Fame one day, and at 36 years old, I’ve paved the way for that dream to come true. I wish my mother could have lived to see how my career began and the day when it reaches its end, but sadly, she got sick with an aggressive blood disorder that eventually took her life.


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