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Page 7

by Kirkpatrick, S.

  “And how did that work out for you? How did I not know about any of this?” I ask sarcastically.

  “She didn’t talk to me for months unless you were around. She said it wouldn’t be fair to you to deal with our shit when you already had so much on your own plate, raising her when you didn’t have to.”

  I close my eyes, admiring my sister’s loyalty and compassion to me. I wish she would have known that I would have personally kicked Dex’s ass for that. Stacy Logan was one of those girls I wish I would have paid another kid money to go kick her ass, just so she would leave my sister alone. She was always jealous of Bree’s beauty and the fact that all the guys chased after her. She acted like a raging bitch to Bree because of it.

  “So what changed?” I ask.

  “Stacy got drunk at a party we were all at one night. I walked into the kitchen to grab a beer and saw that she had Bree cornered in the kitchen, pinned against a wall. She was talking all kinds of crazy shit about being in love with me, blaming Bree for the fact that I wouldn’t return any of her calls. She was balls to the wall fucking crazy, that one.”

  I grit my teeth as he tells the story, pissed about how much happened in my sister’s life that I didn’t even know about. Angry that neither she, nor Dex, ever told me.

  “I lost my shit when I saw her raise a hand at Bree. I ran over and shoved her off, accidentally pushing her to the ground. I told her Bree was ten times the woman that she would ever be. I lied, telling her I was drunk when I fucked her, that I would never do that in a sober mind. I told her I regretted ever touching her. All of which was true, but I was just being a dick to get her anger directed at me and not Bree.”

  “And she forgave you for that?”

  “Only after she slapped me.”

  I laugh, not at all feeling bad for him. Idiot deserved it. You don’t fuck with a Cooper and walk away from it unharmed. We hold our own.

  “Good.” I tell him. “You said you almost told me, but you didn’t. What changed?”

  “She stayed with Collin. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her happiness, even at the expense of my own. So I kept my feelings buried, convincing myself that seeing her happy at all was enough for me.”

  “But what’s bringing this up now?” I ask, confused.

  “Now that we’re back in Deacon Hill, I was going to take her to the fair again this year. Now I’m scared that I won’t be able to…” He trails off, unable to hold back his emotions any longer.

  For the first time since the revelation of their feelings, I put my own aside. I take in the man crumbling beside me and realize that he’s probably the only person on the planet who is willing, capable, and eager to understand and love my sister in a way that she deserves.


  Once Dex opened up to me, I told him about my call with Shane. It’s the first time we’ve had any kind of lead, any kind of hope, since the girls were taken. It was the kind of spark we both needed to push us out of the house for the day, going to the shop like we promised Ryan and Brody. Time to break the news to our clients.

  I hate that I am having to tell so many people who have invested their money, possessions, and trust in us that we aren’t able to finish what we started in the time frame we gave them. That’s not how shit was supposed to go down for DRAB. Rob has once again taken something from someone that wasn’t his to fucking take.

  Before I make my way to my office, I take some time to just look around the shop. The only thought I have is that this is the place where I failed both my sister and my girlfriend. This is supposed to be my sanctuary, the place I get to live out my dreams. But as I look around at the bays filled with parts and the custom bikes parked all around the front... I just feel empty. There are already too many bad memories here and I just want the girls back so we can drown those out with happier ones.

  My gaze drifts over to the main wall of my station. It’s where the painting I bought of Max hangs on full display. Her fight, her determination, her fearless attitude, they’re just a few of the many reasons why I fell in love with her. This painting captures them in the most exquisite way. Anytime I am having a rough day and I feel like shit is going wrong, I look at this painting of my little feisty girl and I know if she live through hell and back, then I can pull my head out of my ass long enough to push through whatever problems I have going on at the time.

  When Kat made the painting, she titled it ‘Rebirth.’ Such a fitting name for everything it represents. Seeing that titled slashed across the bottom of the painting fuels my need to find them. It ignites my determination and my alpha personality to protect what is mine! And mark my words, I will find them. Even if it’s the last fucking thing I do. Rob will pay for what he’s done. In one way or another, he will pay.

  The last call I have to make is to Big Tony. He’s a member of the local BACA Chapter and also happens to be the man that ultimately saved mine and Bree’s lives when we were younger. I’m grateful, knowing I have one person who will truly understand the situation.

  “Abel, my man. What’s up?”

  “Hey, Tony. Look, I got some stuff to tell you.” I tell him everything. About me and Max, about her past, the twins, Rob, the DVDs, the abductions, everything. I don’t hold back.

  Tony is the closest thing I ever had to a father growing up, and the reason I fell in love with motorcycles in the first place. There’s a certain ease that comes with talking to him. I know I can bear my soul to him and not be judged for it.

  “Well fuck, that’s a heavy burden brother. I can understand why you’re putting off the shop, I would too. I’m happy as hell for you and Max. I know you’ll make a great Dad, man. You already took care of Bree like a dad would, so I know you’ll do just as much for these two. I can’t wait to meet the little hell-raisers when they get here. What are you doing about the girls though?”

  As much as I want to get lost in the many dreams I’ve envisioned of my unborn children, I can’t right now. It hurts too fuckin’ much. Right now I have to focus on their mom and aunt.

  “I can’t do a fuckin thing, man. The cops want me and Dex to stay out of it. And I told you, they’ve had shit luck with all their leads so far.”

  “Well, have you thought about making flyers yet? Putting all three faces on there so people know who they’re looking for?”

  “No, actually I hadn’t even thought about it yet. But that’s a damn good idea.”

  “Tell ya what, how about you make a shit ton of flyers today and paper all of Deacon Hill with them. I would even suggest going to the surrounding cities and doing the same. Maybe the reason no one can find him is because he may not be in Deacon Hill. You and Dex do that and I will reach out to my chapter and see what we can do to get involved and help out.”

  “Damn, thank you, Tony! That means the world to me man.”

  “Well, to thank me maybe you’ll consider naming one of your twins Tony if it’s a boy.”

  “Not a chance in hell, man.” I laugh, my spirits lifting at the opportunity to something rather than sit on my ass and wallow in despair.

  I’ve never been one to sit back and watch shit unfold. No, I jump in headfirst and get shit done. It’s about time I find a way to do the same thing now.

  “Now get off here and go talk to the chapter and let me know. I’m gonna start on the flyers. I owe you, man. Again…” I tell him honestly.

  “Just find the girls and we’ll call it even.”

  When Dex joins me at the front of the shop, I tell him all about the flyer idea Big Tony came up with. It’s the first thing he and I are actually able to do to help so we’re both eager to get it underway. I call Shane and tell him our plans, he agrees to send me the photo of Rob that the police have on file so we can add it to the flyers. We head to the closest FedEx to use their industrial printers and start working on the design.

  “No, man put the girls up on the top. Yeah like that. We want them to be the focal point. They’re the ones that are

  “Shane said we should add a physical description next to each photo. Like height, weight, eye color, hair color, shit like that. So I will add it next to each photo.”

  “Why would you need to put the hair color and the eye color if you already have a picture?”

  “I don’t know man, maybe to help someone who is color blind?”

  “Well if he’s color blind why would it matter? He won’t be able to tell when he sees them anyways.”

  I know Dex is just being his normal self and analyzing every situation to death, but I just can’t fuckin’ take it. It enrages me that he wants to focus on that and not adding anything beneficial to this project.

  “I don’t fucking know Dex!” I scream. “This is the love of my life and my sister we are fucking talking about. A woman you claim to care about. Shane said put it on there, so we’re gonna put it on there. He could tell me to sprinkle fuckin’ fairy dust on it to help find them and I would.”

  “Calm down man, I know. I’m just trying to lighten the mood.”

  “Well don’t. It’s impossible to lighten up this dark grotesque cloud hanging over me right now okay? My entire life; past, present, and future is on the line here. You either help or get the fuck out of my face.”

  Dex swallows with an audible gulp but doesn’t actually respond. I know I’m being a dick and that he’s just trying to get me out of the fucked up headspace I’m in right now, but it’s too much for me to handle. A part of me feels the need to apologize, the other part of me acknowledges the fact that I’m right and shouldn’t have had to explain anything to him in the first place.

  Instead of acknowledging anything at all, we both get back to working on the layout without saying another word. We’ll talk about this a different time. A time when I’m not hanging on by a very thin thread that could snap at any moment.

  An hour, and one hundred thousand copies later, Dex and I have the flyers ready. For each of the girls, there’s a photo with a physical description, the date they went missing, and their names. The police suggested that we not mention the fact that Max is pregnant just in case Rob doesn’t know. If he sees one of the flyers and finds out, it could mean bad things for Max and the twins.

  For Rob, we included a photo, a physical description, and his criminal history laid out for all to see. I want everyone on the look-out for this crazy dick. At the bottom of the flyer we also added contact information for me, Dex, and Shane, and of course the DHPD. This way if anyone sees Rob or the girls, one of us can start looking into it right away.

  Now we’re ready to cover Deacon Hill and all the surrounding cities with these. Hopefully, they help generate some leads. I hop in my truck and make my way to the edge of town where I can start hanging up the flyers. If this is the one thing I can do to help, then I’m gonna do it like it’s my fuckin’ job. If I have to paper the whole state to find that one person who can help us find some kind of information, then that’s damn sure what I’m gonna do.

  I hit the highway, fueled with determination when Shane calls.

  “So the police are on their way over there now. They’re taking SWAT with them in case he’s got some kind of contingency plan in place.”

  “Sounds smart. Where are we on all of this right now?”

  “Same place we’ve been, Abel. It doesn’t matter how many rocks we kick over, he’s covering his tracks.”

  “Well then kick over every fucking one! He’s not getting away with this, Shane. He’s slipped up already, he’ll do it again.”

  “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that actually.”

  “About what?”

  “Abel, I don’t think anything we’ve found out so far has been an accident or luck. I think it’s all intentional. I think he’s leaving us little breadcrumbs of his choosing. He’s playing with us.”

  “Care to explain what you mean by that?”

  “I’m saying, I think he intentionally let himself be seen on the ATM footage and I think he intentionally left those syringes behind. Letting us know loud and clear that it was him. This is how he’s letting you know that he’s in control.”

  “Well then do your fucking job and take back control! This isn’t a game Shane, its life or death. Get off the phone and find my fucking family!”

  I end the call and toss the phone on the seat beside me.

  I’m pissed!

  I grip the steering wheel until my knuckles turn white. I’m not a violent person, but I feel like I need to hit something, or rather someone, to ease the burn of the anger rolling through me right now. This asshole has been out of prison for a month.

  One. Fucking. Month.

  How has he managed to pull one over on every cop in Deacon Hill? It doesn’t make sense to me. It’s like we’re constantly two steps behind him.

  ‘He’s playing with us.’

  That comment was like a slap to the face. As if the situation wasn’t bad enough as it is, now I have to keep going, knowing that this fucker is just toying with us. He has all the control in this. And it makes me sick to my stomach.

  We’re stuck playing these sordid games until we find the girls. He’ll slip up though. They always do. Between our friends, Shane, the cops, and hopefully BACA, we’re not going down without a fight. And if I know my girls, they aren’t either.

  Chapter Six


  Seeing Bree suffer at the hands of Rob has got to be one of the most brutal experiences of my entire life. Rob wasn’t kidding when he said this would be my punishment. The sound of her screams, the tears falling from her eyes, the blood everywhere…. This is torture. Literally.

  I wish I could switch places with her to save her from this. I would do anything to stop her pain. And to think, I am the one that brought this all to her life. I know if Abel could hear my thoughts right now he would tell me that it isn’t my fault, that Rob is held accountable for his own actions, no one else. And although that part may be true, I still can’t help but feel responsible. Had I not entered their lives, they would never have been subjected to this brutal torment.

  I have been forced to sit by, helpless, as Rob cut Bree’s stomach, sliced her on the elbows, above her kneecaps, and right along her breast line. All places that will cause maximum pain and discomfort, but not high amounts of blood loss. The fact that he even knows that at all is just downright disgusting.

  Looking at her contorted face has my eyes burning with tears. Her nose is visibly broken, one eye is bruised and swollen shut, the other has a gash on her brow bone. Her top lip is busted and her bottom lip is swollen and bruised. She’s unrecognizable. If I hadn’t been forced to witness these vile acts, I wouldn’t even know it was really her.

  “Well, that was fun. She’s a tough little slut. I’m surprised she lasted that long before passing out.”

  Fun? Right, because this is just a game to him.

  “Maxine, have you learned your lesson yet? That you belong to me and no one else?”

  I don’t respond. I just close my eyes and try to visualize anything besides Bree’s mangled body. I try to think of her laughing and dancing around at Henry’s. I try to think of her giving Dex a run for his money at the pool table. I think of her just… being her.

  But Rob doesn’t allow that for long. He flies over to me and grabs a fistful of my hair so hard that it feels like he’s ripping it out of my scalp. He forces my face towards him, his voice like a growl of anger.

  “I asked you a goddamn question, Maxine. I ensure you that it is your best interest, as well as hers, that you give me the answer I am looking for.”

  I give him what he wants and open my eyes, answering his question with a nod. Even though I know it’s a lie, he’s demented enough to actually believe it. Whereas I am just trying to save mine and Bree’s lives.

  And the twins.

  He’s still pulling my hair, still not content with the amount of physical pain he’s inflicted so far today. He’s like a d
ark, evil cloud lurking overhead. Diminishing any light that he finds, refusing to allow anyone to be free from his grasp.

  “Soon, very soon, you and I will be able to leave here together. Then we will go away. Far away where no one can find us. Not even him. And we can be together without any more interruptions. Nothing will be able to get to us, Maxine. How does that sound?”

  I feel a tear fall, joining the millions of other tears that have drenched my face, my clothes, my goddamn soul.

  “Tears of happiness. You’re so perfect when you cry. The most beautiful you’ve ever been. I think you’ve had enough punishment for one day. I will let you rest and then wake you later for dinner.”

  Without another word, he dismisses our ‘talk’ and makes quick work of grabbing his jacket off the floor and stalking his way to the door. I exhale a sigh of relief when I hear the locks click in place behind him.

  When I know I am free from his lurking, I start sobbing. I hate that man. I hate everything about him, everything he represents, for everything he’s getting away with. And the fact that he gets off on my tears... That puts a physical knot in my gut.

  He’s so demented. He needs help, but I know he’ll never get it. That thought does nothing to help the knot growing in the pit of my stomach. My fear that Bree and I will never walk out of here alive is the final piece of dread that my mind holds on to as my body gives way to mental and emotional exhaustion and I pass out.

  We are happy. I look around and that’s all I can see.


  Abel and I are sitting on a blanket under the shade of the largest oak tree at the park. This is the tree that the twins like to be under the most. They get to watch all the squirrels scurry around on it, chasing each other, and looking for food.

  It fascinates them to no end. They’re sitting in their Bumbo chairs, eating the puffy stars that they love so much. Their chubby cheeks are going a mile a minute, just munching away. They’re currently prepping for their first teeth that are bound to break through any day now.


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