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Alpha Ascending

Page 7

by Alicia Montgomery

He didn’t even deny it. “What would you have done in my place?”

  “I’m an officer of the law.”

  “And you thought to threaten me without a warrant or any real evidence.” His hand snaked out to grab her wrist in a movement so fast she barely saw it. She was too distracted by those eyes, she decided. His palms were warm and much rougher than she would have thought for a man who spent his days in an office. She was average height, but he seemed to tower over her, his presence overwhelming. There was also that electric shock that shot up her arm, but she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her struggle so she remained still. At least, that’s what she told herself.

  “I wasn’t threatening you.” She turned her face away, wanting to escape that gaze.

  “Weren’t you?” A finger tipped her chin, forcing her to face those mesmerizing eyes again. “You were trying to shake me up. See if I would react. Did I perform to your satisfaction, Detective?”

  Much to her horror, she felt a warm surge of desire in the pit of her stomach and her core clenched as an image came to her mind of the many ways he could perform to her satisfaction. When his nostrils flared, she thought for a moment that he had peeked into her head. Ridiculous. “I could have you arrested for assaulting an officer.”

  He let go of her wrist. “Apologies.”

  “You will stop having me followed by your lackeys.”

  “And you will stop looking into things that don’t concern you.”

  “Are you telling me to stop doing my job?” Would he offer her some type of bribe now?

  “Of course not,” he said. “But why do you insist on pursuing this? Thomas Dixon was a lowlife ex-con.”

  “Thomas Dixon may have been the scum of the earth, but he didn’t deserve to die like that.” This was one of the few times she truly hated her job. “He still deserves justice.”

  He gritted his teeth, but said, “And I hope you find it. But I’m telling you; I didn’t murder him.”

  “And what about Kevin Hall?”

  His face darkened, and once again, the air around her seem to contract, making it difficult to breathe. “Stick to your job, Detective.” His voice had turned Arctic. “And I’ll leave you alone. But if you keep digging up the past in an attempt to harm me or those close to me, you will regret it.”

  It didn’t sound like a threat. No, it was a promise.

  Chapter Six

  The blood in his veins turned to ice at the mention of that name, but as soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it. His wolf snarled at him, the animal making its displeasure known.

  An unknown pride surged through him when she didn’t react. She didn’t back away, flinch, or even blink. No, Sofia Selinofoto was not affected by his words. She was strong as steel, beautiful as a blade. He was disappointed, however, that the arousal he detected earlier no longer tinged her delicious scent.

  “Mr. Anderson?”

  They both turned toward the source of the voice. Reyes had appeared behind them and looked at them with his intense eyes. “I’m sorry it took me longer to check on that other matter.” His gaze flickered at Sofia. “Is everything all right, sir?”

  Even a perceived threat to Lucas could set him off and Sofia wouldn’t be a match for the Lycan’s strength and speed. “It’s fine, Reyes.” He looked back at Sofia. “The detective was just leaving.”

  Her slate gray gaze intensified at the dismissal, but she didn’t say anything. She pivoted on her heel and walked away, heading straight to her vehicle. Whether it was on purpose or not, she moved with a sensuality he had never seen in other women. Even dressed in a shapeless blouse and slacks that did nothing to flatter her body, he couldn’t stop looking at her. It wasn’t until she drove off that he turned to Reyes. “Let’s go back to the townhouse.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He slid into the back seat of the town car, sinking into the soft, buttery leather seats. As the car drove through the streets of Manhattan, he found himself thinking of that name he hadn’t heard in a long time.

  Kevin Hall.

  So, the detective had looked into his past. Grant Anderson had used all his powers and cashed in every favor to make sure no one knew the truth. But, that damn civil suit hit them out of nowhere, and though they were able to settle out of court before there were any hearings, there was no way to remove the knowledge from public record.

  Only he, Zac, and Adrianna still knew the truth of what happened that night, but if anyone were to ask him, Kevin Hall and Jeffrey Smith both deserved it. For what they did to Caroline.

  His wolf reared up again, the fog of anger clouding his mind and had him releasing the tight control he usually held. A growl ripped from his throat. No! When he looked down, he saw the leather seats had ripped to shreds underneath his claws.

  Shock made him startle. The wolf had gotten close to the surface again, closer than it had ever gotten, and he didn’t even realize it this time. A pain ripped in his head.

  Ground yourself. Use the good, Lucas. Keep him in control.

  “Sir? We’re here.” Reyes looked back at him his face inscrutable.

  The battle between himself and his wolf ended. For now, at least.

  “Thank you, Reyes.” He opened the door and slid out of the car, then headed inside the dark, empty townhouse.

  Damn his wolf. Damn it to hell.

  Last night, it had been testing his patience and control. The fact it had gotten close enough to the surface to make itself physically known should have made him angry enough. But, no. Now the damned animal wanted to control his thoughts too. Making him think of orange blossoms and olives. Of sensuous curves moving with a cat-like grace. Of claiming sultry lips made for kissing and a body shaped for making love.

  Making love?

  His wolf really was going mad. Lucas never made love. No. He had sex. He fucked. But never, ever, made love.

  “Lucas? Lucas! Are you all right?”

  He’d been so consumed by his inner battle that he didn’t see or hear his younger sister enter his office. “Julianna,” he greeted, getting up from his chair. “How’ve you been? How’s Jersey?”

  She stepped into his open arms, and he breathed in her familiar scent as they embraced. Crisp, cool ocean breeze. Similar to his, and their father’s. His family were the only people he would let in this close, whom he would let himself be so vulnerable with. And that’s why he fiercely guarded them and would do anything to protect them.

  “Are you okay?” She stepped back and glanced up with him, her mismatched eyes just like his except mirrored. Most people said she looked more like a female version of their father than their mother, with her stubborn chin and angular face made even more prominent by her severe, chin-length haircut. His middle sister always had this seriousness about her, and right now, she was gazing up at him like a concerned grandmother.

  “I’m fine,” he assured her. “To what do I owe this visit? I thought you’d be staying in Jersey for the time being?” His twin sister, Adrianna, had moved there over the weekend to begin taking her place as future Alpha of the territory to replace their mother, and Julianna went with her to help along with the transition.

  “You know all about what’s happening over there.”

  His jaw clenched. “I do.” And it had pained him not to help out his twin sister, but he knew better than to get in her and Mama’s way, or worse, act like some white knight coming in to rescue them. “I don’t like that she and Mama may have enemies we don’t know anything about.”

  “Did she tell you that one of them has been assigned to be her bodyguard?”

  “What?” That he didn’t know. “What happened?”

  Julianna relayed to him the story of how Anatoli Corvinus had somehow convinced Mama to take on his nephew, Darius, as a bodyguard for Adrianna. “And now he’s around all the time.”

  “Do you think he’s going to hurt her in some way?” His wolf surfaced again, this time, out of concern for its twin.

  “He w
ouldn’t dare,” Julianna said. “But I don’t like the way he’s always staring at her when he thinks she’s not looking. Besides, you know I can take care of her.”

  “I know you can.” His sister had been part of the Lycan Security Force for years. It was an unusual position for the daughter of two Alphas, but he knew how it suited her and how much she loved it, especially with her fiercely protective nature. “I’m glad she has you with her.”

  “And you?” Julianna’s sharp gaze turned to him. “Who’s going to watch out for you?”

  “I can take care of myself. I’m not alone here.”

  “If I could rip myself in two, I’d be watching out for both you and Adrianna.”

  That made him smile. “I’m the future Alpha of New York, I have lots of people protecting me.”

  “But not family.” She stressed the last word.

  “You’re not the only member of our family here.”

  “And what? Isabelle’s supposed to protect you?” She rolled her eyes at the mention of their youngest sibling. “What would she do if a mage attacked you? Throw one of her Louboutin heels at them? Whack them with her Chanel purse?”

  “Julianna,” he warned. Most people thought Isabelle Anderson was about as deep as a wading pool, but Lucas saw in his sister something no one else did. An intelligence she hid behind that vapid facade and a kind heart she masked with vanity. Why she preferred people see the surface was a mystery to him.

  His thoughts turned to another person who was like a puzzle he couldn’t solve. Sofia Selinofoto was an enigma that both angered and frustrated him. His reaction to her was disturbing. One moment, he wanted to crush her under his heel like a bug for daring to threaten him and the next, he wanted to bite those lush lips and have her under him, naked and writhing with pleasure.

  “Will you tell me what’s wrong?”

  The question caught him off guard. “Why do you say something’s wrong?”

  Julianna looked at him wryly. “I’ve never been able to sneak up on you, and yet you didn’t notice me coming in here. And now, it’s like you just … left. Your body’s here, but your head’s someplace else.”

  “I have a lot on my mind.”

  “What?” She placed a hand on his arm. “You can tell me.”

  “It’s nothing.” He flinched away from her touch, and he didn’t miss the hurt in her eyes. “Julianna, I swear I’m fine.”

  She let out a sigh. “If you won’t talk to me, will you at least talk to Adrianna? She’s your twin, so I know there are things you’d rather talk to her about.” She held up a hand when he tried to protest. “No, it’s fine. I understand. You guys have this special bond. I just … I care about you, you know that, right?”

  “I do. And I’ll talk to Adrianna.”

  That seemed to satisfy her. “Good. I have to go see Mika and Aunt Alynna and report to them. I couldn’t come here and not say hi to my favorite brother.”

  “I’m your only brother,” he reminded her, getting a chuckle from her, and it seemed all was right with them again.

  She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you around, Lucas.”

  “Take care, Julianna.”

  As his sister left his office, he walked back around to his desk. Julianna was too perceptive for her own good, which is why she was so well-suited to being part of the Special Investigations unit of the Lycan Security Team. He knew she had good intentions, but this was something he had to deal with himself.

  He raised his hands, turning them over to examine his palms and fingers, imagining them tipped with razor-sharp claws. His wolf was getting bolder, possibly stronger. It was all these memories and the past coming back to haunt him. Thomas Dixon. Kevin Hall. Caroline.

  And it was Sofia dredging this all up. Turning his animal against him. If she really knew what he was, she would stop digging into his past. Because if he lost full control, there would be consequences.

  Chapter Seven

  Julianna must have returned to New Jersey that same day, because that was the only explanation as to the numerous missed calls and messages he got from Adrianna. He hated to ignore her, but he told himself it was for the best. Adrianna had her own problems to deal with. With her naturally nurturing nature, she would put all her worries aside to help him.

  But, if he were to be truly honest with himself, he didn’t want to face her because he knew that she could read him like a book. They shared a womb, after all, and all his twin had to do was look at him to know what was bothering him. And frankly, he wouldn’t be able to lie to her.

  So, he did his best to ignore her calls and messages. After all, he was busy with running a worldwide conglomerate. His father was still technically CEO and Alpha, but with the title coming to him soon, Lucas had already assumed many of the responsibilities of both positions. His father was traveling currently, trying to go to the various offices and partners around the world to give his final goodbyes and soothe any worries with the upcoming transition.

  He thought he could continue to brush off his sister, but then her last message hit a nerve.

  Mike’s Diner, 6 p.m. Be there or not, I’ll be waiting.

  The words made him flinch. Adrianna was taking out the big guns. She was apparently concerned enough that she would not only defy their parent’s orders that they not be in the same place together, but she would choose a place that meant something to both of them.

  He had no choice but to go there and see her. But, if any of the Lycan Security Team found out where he was going, they’d report him to Nick Vrost or his father. They were under strict orders to guard him at all times. How could he possibly get away from his shadows?

  The solution to his problem came in the form of his future Beta and his best friend. Zac was the one person who understood why he couldn’t just ignore his sister. He was trying to help him find a way to go there without alerting anyone when Astrid walked in and asked what they were doing. Zac, of course, couldn’t lie to his wife.

  “We’ll take you,” Astrid offered.

  “We will?” Zac frowned.

  “Of course,” Astrid said matter-of-factly. “It’s the only way. We can tell Nick that Lucas wants to have dinner with us in private regarding clan and Fenrir matters. The team is already working double shifts, having to protect the Alpha while he’s abroad, the Lupa while she’s going back and forth from Jersey, and trying to figure out where the mages are hiding.” As Beta-in-training, Astrid was privy to all this information. “Reyes can go home to his wife and kids, and Lucas can go see Adrianna.”

  Lucas thought it was a brilliant plan. “Excellent solution. Make it happen.”

  He had to admit he’d made the right choice in picking Astrid as his Beta. He meant what he said before, about her being the best person for the job because she wasn’t afraid to go against him if necessary; after all, an Alpha needed someone to balance him out, someone who would help him look at things objectively and not be afraid to do the necessary work to protect the clan. But now he saw Astrid’s craftiness and intelligence in action. He had no doubt she would be a great second-in-command in the next couple of decades.

  At five that afternoon, he met them in Fenrir’s basement parking lot. He had one of his personal cars taken out and insisted on driving them, since he didn’t usually drive himself around. Besides, it was a tradition of sorts for him to drive to Mike’s Diner. When he and Adrianna first got their licenses, they had driven to Jersey by themselves and stopped at this rest stop in the middle of nowhere, the diner the only place to get a bite. The food was terrible, but it was the memory of that first time they stopped there that made them keep coming back each time they drove to Jersey. Adrianna had chosen the place because of its meaning to them, and because she knew he wouldn’t be able to say no to her.

  With traffic, it took them thirty minutes to arrive. He pulled into the closest parking spot and then turned to Zac who sat in the front passenger seat. “Coming?”

  “Eww, no.” Astrid piped in
from the back. She was frowning as she looked at the screen of her smart phone. “Reviewers gave this place a one-point-oh rating. And that sounded generous, based on the pictures. I know I’m pretty much indestructible, but I have doubts whether the True Mate pregnancy powers can withstand those mashed potatoes.” She gave an exaggerated shudder then took out a paper bag from her purse. “Good thing I brought snacks.”

  “We’ll stay here,” Zac chuckled. “You go and see Adrianna.”

  “And tell her we said hi,” Astrid murmured through a mouthful of what appeared to be a brownie.

  “I will.” He slipped out of the car and headed inside. It was exactly six o’clock when he entered and spotted the back of Adrianna’s head as she sat at their usual table. She was not alone, though. Seated across from her was a silver-haired man. At first, he thought it was some old timer keeping his sister company, but as he drew closer, Lucas realized that he was not much older than him. He was glancing around, as if assessing the place for danger.

  “Adrianna?” He stood right beside her when she looked up.

  Adrianna’s face lit up as soon as their eyes met and she quickly got to her feet to embrace him. He breathed in her scent—like freshly-baked pastries Nonna used to make—and wrapped his arms around her.

  “You came.” There was doubt in her voice and he hated himself for making her think he wouldn’t.

  “Of course.” He pasted a smirk on his face. “You didn’t give me much of a choice. Though I’m glad I did. It’s nice to see you.” He looked over to her companion, who was now peering up at him with cobalt blue eyes. His wolf went on defense, sensing the other Lycan’s animal. He could feel it, its hackles raised as well, but there was something about it that was strangely familiar. Like finding a kindred spirit. “Who’s this?”

  “Oh.” His sister’s voice was breathy. “This is Darius.”

  He didn’t need the introduction of course, as who else would be here with her.


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