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Something To Prove (TNT Force Cheer Book 7)

Page 7

by Dana Burkey

  “Wait, Connor has them too?”

  “Yup,” Emma grinned. “I decided they needed some decorating. We have more sharpies if we want to decorate the rest too, but I wasn’t sure what to put on all of the girls.” She paused before adding, “Jackson seemed to really like the idea when I told him about it.”

  “Oh,” I managed, not trusting myself to say anything else.

  “Did you two finally kiss?” She gasped, thankfully keeping her voice low enough that no one near us could overhear anything.

  “No. He almost did last night though. But I don’t know.” I let out a long sigh, not sure how to put everything into words. “It’s still just weird. I know it shouldn’t be a big deal, but now that we’ve had so many missed moments it’s like there’s added pressure almost. What if Jackson wants to break up with me if I don’t kiss him soon?”

  “Don’t be crazy, Max,” Emma grabbed my shoulders for emphasis. “Jackson knows he’s your first boyfriend and would never pressure you at all.”

  “That’s the other thing,” I frowned. “What if I finally do kiss him and it’s not as good as his last girlfriend?”

  “Okay, now you’re worrying for nothing,” she said, her voice even more intense then even a few minutes ago. “Jackson cares about you more than anyone on Nitro, in the gym, and honestly likely more than anyone he’s ever met, let alone dated. And I’m sure making him wait for your first kiss is going to make it even more amazing whenever it does come. Whether it’s in a day or a month or even after that.”

  I nodded, knowing she was right. I also took a deep breath trying to calm my sudden emotions. When I walked into the gym I wasn’t expecting to suddenly have this conversation with Emma, but then again girl stuff like that always snuck up on me since I was never really ready for it. Sure, I wasn’t quite as big of a tomboy as I was when I first started at the TNT Force gym, but I was still a long way from being anywhere close to a girly girl.

  “Thank Emma,” I told her, stepping closer to give her a hug. “I think all the stress of this week is really getting to me.”

  “You and everyone else,” she agreed. “Now come on. You better get a mask on before TJ sees you and makes you do extra conditioning for breathing on people.”

  Practice ended up going a lot better than expected for the first half. We spent two hours running our skills, breaking down each element of the routine, and really making sure Lexi was feeling confident in everything. Nick left the mat a few times to throw up, and didn’t perform any of his tumbling or his part in the dance, but it worked out okay. He still managed to hit all of his partner stunts, elite skills, and his part in pyramid. Other than that, everyone else who had been sick was performing as usual. Connor wasn’t throwing his tumbling thanks to his back. Although, his early morning doctor's appointment revealed he had just overworked his muscles and would be good to tumble as soon as he was feeling up to it. This of course meant TJ wasn’t going to let him push it too hard, so until at least Monday he had to mark all tumbling skills, and also had lines of KT tape on his back for extra support.

  “Quick water break then I want everyone ready to start running full outs with Bomb Squad and Detonators,” TJ instructed us after we had spent almost half an hour running our stunt sequences. Lexi had it down, and was honestly looking like she had been on the team all season.

  “Water?” Jackson asked, coming to my aid as I slowly made my way off the mat.

  “You’re the best,” I told him, my words a little muffled thanks to the medical masks we were all still wearing. I lowered it to take a long sip of water then put it right back in place so I didn’t get any more comments from TJ like I had during the last break. “You’re still feeling okay, right?”

  “Just tired,” he nodded. “I didn’t sleep great.” I thought about my own restless night but didn’t mention anything. “I’ll be okay now that we can rest a little.”

  “You really think we're going to just sit and watch the other teams?”

  “No,” he agreed with a bit of a laugh. “But if they’re performing, that’s a whole two and half minute break. Double if both teams perform before we have to get on the mat again. That’s going to feel real nice after a full out instead of running things again.”

  “True, but I don’t know if that’s quite what they have planned for us,” I said honestly. “I mean, I don’t think all three teams would have practice together just to watch each other.”

  As the morning of practice continued, we were all called to the center mat with the other two teams. It was a sea of hot pink, teal, and lime green practice wear, with glittery bows and rhinestones throughout. I said hi to a few of my friends on the other teams as I took a seat between Lexi and Juleah, just as Tonya started explaining what we were going to be doing for the next two hours of practice.

  “We are all heading to Florida in just four days, and as much as we’ve practiced and put in the work, there are going to be things that we can’t foresee that will come up. As Nitro is currently learning, people can get sick. Someone could sleep in and arrive late to the arena. Or any one of a hundred other things could go wrong or go different then we are anticipating.” She paused for a minute to let it all sink in. “So today we are going to do some full outs with different hindrances. The hope is that by dealing with some of these things on the fly, you will be more prepared for them if they happen when we get to Worlds next week.”

  “But good news,” TJ announced, cutting off Tonya. “We got this sweet new prize wheel so it’s fun, right?”

  Watching TJ wheel a massive spinner wheel out of the office, I couldn’t help but laugh. Some people around me were also laughing, others let out groans, and some even began commenting about the words they could already read on the wheel. Glancing behind me I raised my eyebrows at Jackson, who shook his head in reply. I instantly knew he was feeling the same way I was: that this was going to be a long afternoon.

  Long didn’t entirely cover it though. It was also strange, at times frustrating, and all around grueling. Each team took turns spinning the wheel before performing a full out with the landed on consequence in mind. I didn’t think they were necessarily consequences, or wouldn't have given it that title at first, but over time saw them as such much more. For Nitro’s first full out we had blocks from the foam pit thrown at us throughout. That was something we had done before, so it wasn’t a big shock. But then we had to do a full out without music, and then again while everyone on the team was barefoot. Not having music was our hardest challenge, but it still looked easier than when Detonators had to perform with both their mix playing as well as the music for both Bomb Squad and Nitro playing as an added distraction.

  It was hard to accomplish each new task, but the teams were doing a good job getting through them all. Partly because of a whole season of hard work, and also because we had two other teams watching us every time we took on a new style of full out. There was something about knowing more than just our coach was seeing us drop a stunt or have a tumbling bust. Sure, Bomb Squad and Detonators weren’t just other teams, they were our friends and even teammates in past seasons. But still, the idea of having bragging rights about doing well or even doing better than another team that landed on the same wedge of the ‘prize wheel’ was suddenly a big deal.

  “Alright, Nitro,” Scott, the coach of Detonator, called out as his team left the mat. “Your last spin of the wheel for the day. Let’s see what you get.”

  Emma stepped forward to spin, while myself and the rest of the team slowly stood up and got ready to take the mat. There was a nervous feeling as well, each tick of the wheel spinning only adding to the anticipation. Finally, the wheel came to a spot on a wedge simply labeled ‘silence.’

  “What is that?” Emma asked, looking as worried as she was confused.

  “What that means is silence,” TJ began, talking loudly over all the people trying to figure it out on their own. “No talking on the mat, no counting, no music, and nothing from me. Silence.”
br />   “That’s not that hard,” I heard someone say as I found my spot for the start of the routine.

  “Yeah,” Jackson nodded. “We know this routine well enough to do it blindfolded, let alone silent.”

  “I’ll count you in, then you take it from there,” TJ instructed, a smirk on his face. “Ready Emma?”

  “Ready,” she nodded, then addressed the team once we were all in our opening positions. “Nitro! 5-6-7-8!”

  “PROVE IT!” we all shouted, then stood waiting for TJ’s cue to start.

  “No talking!” TJ called out as we went into pyramid, the farthest we had made it in the routine after three attempts.

  Counting in my head I tried to focus on both what number we were on, and also what line in the music would be playing if it were allowed. Usually during a performance I relied on both to help me stay on track. Usually the counting came from my bases while I was singing along to the music, allowing my facial expressions to match the intensity of the lines. But that wasn’t all that was missing. As I performed the up and over in pyramid I realized I was missing Jackson telling me “I got you” as I was caught once the move was done. Jade also wouldn’t be able to tell me “almost done” as we went into dance. It was the little things that were leaving my performance flat.

  “Okay, freeze!” my coach called out, stopping me as I stood high in the air holding a scorpion pose. “The whole side of pyramid fell. You aren’t focusing.”

  “We are,” I heard Nick say, which caused most of us to go silent and freeze in shock. No one talked back to TJ and didn’t live to regret the moment. “We just have too much to focus on, not just the count.”

  “Is that so?” TJ asked, looking much less angry at the back talk than expected.

  “Yeah,” Nick tried again. “Not having the music is one thing since we can count in our heads, but we need more than that. We rely on each other for mat talk and encouragement. Plus if we need to adjust things in a stunt we talk about it. When we can’t tell each other to rotate or push or hold tighter then we drop.”

  “I hope you all heard that too,” Tonya said, turning to look at the athletes of Bomb Squad and Detonators. “Sure, these challenges are fun and different, but they are also lessons. Things will happen next weekend that we can’t foresee. That we can’t plan for. You need to work together as a team to get through it all.”

  “Let’s give Nitro a little break,” Coach Scott suggested. “We want each team to hit zero once. No stumbling blocks or challenges or prize wheel. Just a full out. Detonators you’re up first.”

  Letting out a long sigh of relief I began walking with the rest of my team off of the mat. We were all a little defeated, as to be expected after three terrible runs of a routine we knew so well. As much as I wanted practice to be over, I was also glad for the chance to perform it one last time so we could finally get things right and prove that we had it in us. Taking a seat amongst the athletes of Bomb Squad, I wiped the sweat off my forehead then turned my attention to the mat as Detonators started their run.

  “Your tumbling looked good,” Jackson whispered, leaning in close so we didn’t get in trouble for talking. “But let’s not mention that first run of the elite section.”

  “Deal,” I agreed simply. “If our music goes out at Worlds we should be fine. But if I don’t have you cheering me on it’s like I just can’t get the job done.”

  “Same,” he nodded. “I didn’t know how much I relied on mat talk. Especially from you.”

  Catching a glare from TJ, I ended my conversation with Jackson before we got yelled at officially. A look was bad enough when it came to TJ. So, I did my best to cheer on our fellow Worlds teams, calling out encouragement and counting nice and loud when they got to pyramid to help keep them on track. Without the added rules and punishments, I found that I was getting into everyone’s performances a lot more than usual. Watching Detonators and Bomb Squad got me more excited for Nitro to take the mat, knowing how much more energy was in the gym. Enough energy that we performed our best run of the day, according to TJ at least.

  “Grab some water then find your team,” Scott instructed, the clock on the wall already well past the planned ending time for practice.

  “How are you doing?” I asked Connor as we headed to where Nitro was gathering. As we left the mat I saw the way he was massaging a spot on his back after doing all of his stunts and dance so many times.

  “My back’s just a little tight,” he assured me. “I have some Icy Hot and plan to rest and stretch it a lot this afternoon. If I was able to make it through today in one piece I think I'll be good to get through whatever else comes my way this week.”

  “Well, if you need a hot tub mine is open,” I offered. “I’m hanging out with Tonya today, but my dad will be home and would totally let you soak as long as you need.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Reaching an arm around me, he gave me a quick side hug. I returned it and then focused on TJ who was starting to get everyone's attention. As he did, Jackson thankfully appeared at my side with my water bottle.

  “Today wasn’t easy,” TJ started, his voice muffled slightly from the face mask even he was wearing. “But you all pushed through and I’m really proud of what you put on the mat. In fact, I think if we gave an MVP award at practice today I would be hard pressed for who to give it to. Although we all need to take a second and recognize Lexi’s progress for sure.” Our coach paused as we all cheered for Lexi who accepted the praise with only a little blush to show her embarrassment at being called out. “I’m really proud of everyone and how we’re looking, but I also don’t want us to just stop here and rest. We only have some conditioning and stunt practice for tomorrow morning since the gym is booked solid, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still be working on things like tumbling and stretching. I expect to see updates and home workout photos in the group chat just like we did on Friday. Champions don’t take a day off, even when we don’t have a full practice. Got it? ”

  We did a quick hands in, with a lot more energy than expected after our long hours in the gym. I had a feeling it was at least a little bit due to the fact that we were finally about to be done for the day, or maybe that was just how I was feeling. The final full outs had gone great, but more than that I was excited for a fun evening planned with my friends.

  “Do you think practice will really only be an hour long tomorrow?” I asked Jackson as we walked over to our backpacks.

  “If not I have a feeling TJ will end up on a few people’s bad side,” he said, then quickly added, “You have incoming.”

  “MAX!” my name was accompanied by a hug that almost knocked me to the ground. Thankfully the person who made contact also picked me up just enough to keep me from losing my balance fully.

  “Hey Gwen,” I laughed, instantly knowing who it was without even seeing her face.

  “I didn’t get to talk to you at all today,” she began in an extra whiny tone, setting my feet on the ground and untangling her arms from around me. “How’s everything going?”

  “Oh you know, just living the dream.” I joked, wiping sweat off my forehead for emphasis. “You guys looked really good today.”

  “Thanks,” Gwen said, her silly tone from a moment ago gone. “So I have to get going in a second, but I wanted to make sure I said hi. Oh, and we better get to do some park time together in Florida.”

  “Of course,” I agreed easily. “We can’t miss out on going on all the best rollercoasters together one last year.”

  Gwen gave me a funny look then, like she was about to say something, then decided against it. Instead, she let me know her ride was probably leaving and took off across the gym. I watched as she ran, her silver hair flying wildly around her cheer bow. She was one of the taller girls in the gym, and for sure the best base on Bomb Squad. I had met her in a stunt class my first year at the gym, and knowing she was about to be graduating and moving on from cheer was a bummer. But, as she finally left my view, my eyes
settled on Tonya and I remembered that I had a ride to catch as well.

  “Oh man, what time is it?” I asked, pulling out my phone. I wasn’t too surprised to see practice had gone over by almost two hours. But, in doing so, it meant my salon appointment was fast approaching.

  “Everything okay?” Jackson asked me, noticing the look on my face.

  “Yeah,” I sighed. “I just have less than an hour to shower and get ready for Tonya to pick me up.”

  “Oh, right,” he said simply. “I almost forgot about that. Well, maybe you can ask her to change the appointment?”

  “Maybe.” I slipped on my backpack then turned to Jackson. “I better go ask. I’ll text you later.”

  “Perfect,” he grinned, then pulled me in for a quick and extremely sweaty hug.

  Thankfully Tonya was easily able to move our nail appointments back. It meant we weren't going to make it to the hair salon, but considering I had been thinking about growing my hair out finally I wasn’t too worried. Instead I focused on getting showered and changed so I would be ready to go. My salon days with Tonya were a tradition we started my first year at the TNT Force Cheer gym. She actually took me to get my first real haircut after years of going with my dad to the barber instead. Then, helping to fill a big sister and almost motherly role, we also got our nails done, and even went shopping. Since then, we always went before big comps like NCA and of course Worlds, as well as any time we really needed a girls day. It was one of the reasons Tonya and I were so close. Well that, and the fact that she had been there for me when I first joined the gym and almost quit before I even performed a single 8 count in front of an audience.

  Once I was done showering and drying my hair I chose my outfit knowing Tonya was no doubt going to be rather dressed up as usual. Slipping on jean shorts and a charcoal v-neck shirt, I took the time to do more makeup than my usual mascara and lip gloss. I added in a few more products like some bronzer and eyeliner, hoping it was a nice middle ground between nothing and a full face of cheer makeup. Finally, slipping on some basic white flip flops I headed outside to wait for Tonya just seconds before she pulled up in her silver Jeep.


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