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Deviant Sin: A Dark College Romance (Cruel Desires Book 1)

Page 13

by Lee Piper

  I shake my head. “Liar.”

  He yanks my jeans open, thrusting his hand inside. “You’re more than an exit strategy.”

  Anger, sadness, and arousal war within me. Biting the inside of my mouth until I taste blood, I push the emotions back, desperate for control. “You’re lying. You’re always lying.”

  Sin pumps two fingers inside me. “You’re more than a convenience.”

  I resent him for every wave of pleasure he elicits. “I hate you.”

  His eyes flare, flashing with possession. “No, you don’t. You’re a shit actor, babe, and I can see your truth.” In quick movements, Sin tears our clothes from our bodies, not stopping until his wet, naked skin is flush with mine.

  Goose bumps pepper my skin, shivers wrack my limbs, and my lips are blue. I want to move but can’t because everything is locked in place.

  “I see what you’re thinking, and it isn’t hate.” Sin rolls his hips, the bell-shaped end of his cock sliding between my folds before hitting my clit. “Hate would be easy. It’d be the perfect excuse to fuck off somewhere else and blame the world for the hand you’ve been dealt.” Picking me up, he slams me against the cold tiles.

  Air leaves my lungs on a sharp exhale, and with it, the falsehood I’ve been holding onto like a lifeline. But even though we both know how much he means to me and how hurt I am by his actions, I’d die before admitting it. “I hate you.”

  “If this is your hate, I’ll take it every day of the fucking week. You keep spouting venom, babe, but it won’t change the fact that you want me.” He takes my nipple in his mouth. “Or that I want you.”

  My head rolls back, and my eyes flicker shut as his tongue laps me. Damn, he feels so good.

  “Your body doesn’t lie, even if your mouth does.” He bites my pebbled peak. “You’re as far from hating me as you can get.”

  I hiss, my fingers diving into his hair and twisting the soaked strands.

  Sin’s right, I don’t hate him. I want to, but I can’t. A broken part of him calls to a damaged part of me, and it’s impossible to ignore. If I left, I’d be leaving a half of myself behind. It would be the most integral piece, one I never thought existed.

  Sin showed me that I’m capable of love. After everything I’ve experienced, I didn’t think it was possible. He’s shown me that to be brave is to feel, to be powerful is to practice vulnerability, and intelligence stems from experience.

  This could all go to hell. I could be left even more alone than when I started. But I know fear is talking, not truth.

  My truth is right here, before me.

  Which is why, when Sin adjusts the temperature of the water until steam fills the room, I stay where I am.

  “I’m going to fuck you,” he murmurs, claiming my mouth in a searing kiss. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life balls deep inside your cunt, even though you’d sooner kick me in the nuts than take them in your mouth.” Wrapping one hand around my neck, he tips my head back until our lips brush. “You’re the woman I want.” In one fluid shift, he slams me down on his cock. “Accept it, Temple.”

  I cry out, his name on my lips.

  He buries his face in my neck, my name on his.

  We move in unison, our bodies adapting to each other and eliciting sharp, raw pleasure.

  “Sin,” I gasp, my nails scratching the back of his neck.

  He groans. “Fuck, babe.”

  Sin sets a dizzying pace, pumping into me like he’s trying to prove a point. And I get it, I know what each thrust is saying, because my answering moans repeat the same promise.

  I’m yours.

  You’re mine.


  Sin devours my mouth, his tongue dancing with mine. When he shifts his hips, hitting my sweet spot, sensation transforms from electrifying to earth-shattering.

  I moan. “Sin, I’m going to come.”

  His fingers slide from my ass to the inside of my thighs. He yanks them apart, widening me for him. Over and over again he slams into me, each thrust connecting where I need it most.

  Head back, mouth slightly parted, my body tenses, coiled and on the verge of orgasm.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” Sin murmurs against my wet skin. “And so fucking mine. Say it, babe. I want to hear the words.”

  He rubs my swollen clit, pushing me over the edge.

  “I’m yours.” My voice bounces off the walls, echoing back louder than before. Torrents of pleasure flood my body, leaving me breathless.

  Sin’s movements turn brutal as he chases his own climax. With a final stroke, he fills me with his seed, excess cum dripping from my opening.

  Minutes, hours, possibly days pass as we hold each other, our breathing uneven, heartbeats erratic, and souls inexplicably aligned.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I stare at the ocean. The waves appear purple in the dawn light, the tips of them a rich golden color as they reach for the rising sun before crashing into shore.

  I know how they feel.

  Since making love with Sin, I’m irrevocably changed. It’s like I’m invincible. Nothing can touch me because he owns my heart and I own his. Only, I also know it’s a fallacy because The Collector is dead, Saint is still with his deranged cousin—beaten, likely starved and tortured—and Dad’s garage is a pile of ashes.

  Sighing, I raise the cup of coffee to my lips, take a sip, and grimace. “Yuck, it’s cold.” Emptying it down the sink, I wash and dry the cup before putting it away again.

  I’m not thirsty anyway.

  Two strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into a warm, bare chest. “What are you doing up so early?”

  A small smile chases across my lips before falling away. “I couldn’t sleep.”

  Sin presses his lips to my shoulder. “He’s going to be okay, babe. Saint’s been in worse shit than this.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  He skims his nose along the column of my neck. “Because he’s blood. I know what he’s made of because I’m made of it too. He’ll survive.”

  Still, I can’t shake the feeling that we’ve made a terrible mistake. “But what if he’s in serious trouble? What if you made the wrong decision and it should have been me who—”

  Sin spins me to face him, his expression serious. “I made the right choice. Saint knows it too.”

  “How can you say that?” I’m shocked that this strong, intelligent man would choose me over his twin brother.

  “Because it was his idea.”

  “What?” My eyes dart between Sin’s, searching for an answer I can’t find. “Are you telling me that he willingly put up his hand for this?”

  Sin glances over my shoulder. For one heartbeat, and then two, he stares unseeing at the ocean. “Saint and I knew the chances of everyone getting out of Club Red alive were shot to shit the moment we stepped inside. Dad would never let us leave. To prove a point, he’d fuck with us somehow.

  “A week ago, Saint said he’d figured out another way. He wanted to offer himself up as bait without making it look obvious—Dad wouldn’t buy into it otherwise. He said it was a way to infiltrate the ranks from the inside and put in motion an idea we’ve been working on for a while.”

  He pauses. “It was either him or you. You’re the only two who know when to fight. Angel’s decent but would lose his shit and screw everything up, Eve doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing, and I’m not leaving you unprotected. It had to be Saint, so I agreed.” Sin’s jaw tightens. “But I told him, if he ended up getting killed, I’d bring him back to life so I could do it again. Dude swore he’d be fine, and I believe him. He knows how to take care of himself, and I’d know if something happened to him.”

  “What about Snow White?”


  “The girl on the balcony of The Collector’s office. Dark hair, pale skin, red lips. Was she a part of it?”

  “Never seen her before.” Sin takes a strand of my hair and runs it through
his fingers. “She’s his type, though. Hot to look at but cold to touch. I bet Saint figured she was a way in. He would have blown his load at the chance.”

  “I wonder what her role in all of this is,” I muse.

  “I don’t know.” He tucks my hair behind my ear. “Saint will figure out a way to get her on side. He’s good at making chicks do what he wants while making them think it was their idea.”

  “True.” My small smile disappears. “What’s going to happen to the garage? My whole life literally went up in smoke. I’ve got nothing to fall back on.”

  “You’ll be fine.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I looked into it. There are government grants you can apply for that’ll cover the costs of a decent rebuild. With the profits, you can buy out your old man and the place will be yours. You’ll stay here, finish your degree, and won’t fucking think about moving east.” He cups my face. “That shit won’t fly, babe. Social workers are needed right the fuck here.”

  My gaze darts between his. “Are you for real?”

  He kisses me, slow and deep.

  “You’ve got it all figured out, huh?” I murmur against his lips. The fact that Sin went out of his way to research a way I can be financially independent from my father means a hell of a lot. “Thank you.”

  He shrugs.

  Wanting him to see that he owns my soul and I’m okay with it, I press my lips to his. “I’m serious, big guy. Thank you.”


  But there’s something that’s niggling at me. “You haven’t asked about my dad. It’s strange, because yours loved talking about it, but since we’ve been back, you haven’t said a word.”

  “Figure if you want to talk about it, you will. You’re not the only one who keeps quiet about shit.”

  “How do you mean?”

  He swallows, looking past me. “Dad killed Mom. I was there when it happened three years ago. He hit her with his cell in his hand. She cracked her head on the side of the countertop and died.”

  “Holy shit,” I gasp. “Sin, I’m so sorry.”

  For a moment, he’s silent. “Dad said he’d kill me if I said anything. The phone he was holding was covered in her blood, and knowing him, he wouldn’t trust anyone to get rid of it.” Sin meets my gaze. “He went to his office straight afterward.”

  Finally, it all falls into place. “That’s what you were looking for. His cell phone.”

  He nods. “And I got it too. I found it in his desk.”

  “What are you going to do with it?”

  His expression turns deadly. “Use it for leverage.”

  “Against who? Your father’s dead.”

  “We’ve got more than one enemy, babe.”

  Mind whirling, I try to process it all. “Biological families can be so messed up. I always thought if I ignored what happened to me, it wouldn’t hurt. Like, the past would erase itself because I locked it away. But I was lying to myself. It never leaves you, not really.”

  Sin takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger, lifting my gaze to his. “The past is there for a reason, babe. Don’t ignore it. Use it to your advantage.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. All I can do is move on. It’s pointless looking backward. Until I focus on what’s ahead, it’s always going to haunt me. What about you?”

  Sin’s eyes are dark yet full of warmth. “You and me are going to make this world our bitch.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close. “Yes, we are.”

  “I love you. Want you to know that. If I have to burn down every garage in the country and break into a million offices to prove it, I will.”

  My heart stops, pulses, then pounds against my ribs.

  “I knew you were something special the minute I saw you at the garage,” he murmurs against my neck. “You’re smart, brave, hot as fuck. You call me out on my shit and make me want to be a better man. You’re everything, babe. My everything. I’m never letting you go.”

  “Promise?” I whisper, throat tight and tears blurring my vision.

  Pulling back slightly, he nods. “Promise.” Then he claims my mouth, proving home is in his arms.

  “Good, because I’m not letting you go either.”

  “Fuck, yeah.” Our kiss deepens.

  This is how it’s meant to be, our lips brushing, our bodies pressed together, and hearts beating in tandem.

  I never knew loving someone could be so easy yet fraught with such danger. For years I thought relationships were toxic, poisonous traps that only served to corrupt the weak. But I was wrong. True love is the opposite. It inspires, heals, and encourages people to be the best version of themselves. With Sin, I am that person. And he, in turn, is too.

  It won’t always be easy. We’ll fight, hurt, and possibly question what we’re feeling when life gets too real. But the second we touch, our insecurities will fade, because there’s no fabricating the truth.

  He’s mine.

  I’m his.

  And there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.



  Temple’s head rests on my chest, her arm wrapped around my torso and leg hitched over my waist. She’s snoring. It’s soft, but I’m going to tease the fuck out of her in the morning. With any luck, she’ll fire up and throw shade my way. Then, I’ll punish her sweet ass until she screams my name.

  Watching her climax is fucking phenomenal. Head thrown back, mouth parted, tits bouncing—she’s perfect. And afterward, when she looks at me like I’m hers…. Jesus. It slays me.

  I push her hair away from her face and twist it around my finger. Never get tired of touching her. Now that she’ll let me, I’m not going to stop.

  Didn’t think being with a woman could feel this good. Using chicks was my MO for so long, I forgot there was another way.

  Until Temple.

  She didn’t let me treat her like a pawn in my game. Made me rethink my strategy and earn her trust. And now I’ve learned her backstory, I know why. She deserves better than a worthless dick who’s going to use her. My woman spent her life fighting because no one else had her back.

  It ends now.

  The rest of my days will be spent putting her first. I’ll treat her like a damn queen, put her so high on a pedestal she’ll get vertigo. Angel, Saint, even Eve will watch out for her, too. I’ll make sure of it. Real family isn’t forged in blood, it’s built from loyalty.

  My cell vibrates with a message on the nightstand. Careful not to wake Temple, I unlock the screen. It’s so fucking bright, I have to blink a few times.

  Green light, motherfucker!

  Grinning, I put the phone back without replying. Saint will see that I read it, my way of telling him it’s time to fuck shit up. He might give off carefree vibes, but he’s a deadly sonofabtich.

  Best part is, Storm won’t see it coming until it’s too late.

  Temple stirs, brushing her lips against my chest. “Are you awake?”

  My cock’s instantly hard. “Yeah.”

  “Is everything okay?” She looks at me. Even in the dark, her doe fucking eyes pierce me in half.

  I cup her face with my hands. “Better than okay. I’ve got my woman naked and in bed with me. Couldn’t ask for anything else.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “Really? So there’s nothing else you want?” Her small hand wraps around my shaft.

  I grunt, because damn, she knows how to get my attention. “Fuck, babe.”

  “That’s the plan, big guy.” With a teasing smile, she straddles me. Leaning forward, she bites my bottom lip. “Unless you’ve already got what you want. In which case I could—” She goes to climb off.

  “Not a fucking chance.” I roll Temple onto her back, my forearms barricading her on either side of her head. “You’re where you belong.”

  Her smile softens. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Good, because that’s how it’s going to be.”

  She brushes her lips again
st mine. “I love you. So much.”

  And fuck if I’m not the luckiest asshole in existence. “Love you too, babe.” Since it’s impossible not to, I claim her mouth in a long, slow kiss.

  She whimpers, wrapping her legs around my hips and rubbing her wet heat over my cock.

  I bite her tongue, then thrust inside her cunt. She’s hot, soaked, and so fucking perfect I want to do it all over again. So, I do.

  Throwing her head back, Temple moans, her mouth parting in pleasure.

  I’ll never get tired of the sight, the sound, the feel of her. She’s everything I never knew I wanted. Temple’s mine, and no one, not even Storm, will destroy that.

  * * *

  Thank you so much for reading DEVIANT SIN! I hope you love Sin and Temple as much as I do! Find out what happens when Saint meets his match in CRUEL SAINT—the chemistry between him and Eden is off the charts!

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  Click HERE and start reading CRUEL SAINT!

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  Don’t forget about the other hot standalones in the Cruel Desires series! Have you read them yet?

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  Cruel Desires Series

  DEVIANT SIN—Temple and Sin’s story

  CRUEL SAINT—Eden and Saint’s story

  BAD ANGEL—Eve and Angel’s story

  VICIOUS STORM—Storm and Ariella’s story

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  Have you read the hot standalones in the Rock Me series?

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  Rock Me Series

  ALL OF ME (Now FREE!)—Tilly and Kai’s story

  LIE TO ME—Shiloh and Reid’s story

  END OF ME—Willow and Zeke’s story

  SING TO ME—Harper and Drake’s story (Book 1 in the On Tour duet)

  SONG FOR ME—Harper and Drake’s story (Book 2 in the On Tour duet)


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