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My Sweet Songbird: Requested Trilogy - Part Three

Page 14

by Sabre Rose

  Looking into his eyes, confusion washes over me. “I’m coming to the party with you?”

  He laughs, throwing his head back with a carelessness I haven’t seen before. He’s devilishly handsome tonight. Somehow, the tails of his jacket soften the harshness I’m used to seeing in his expression.

  “Why else would I instruct for you to be all made up like this?” He strokes a finger gently down my cheek. “Here,” he pulls away and points for me to take a seat. “I’ll put these in for you.”

  I stare at my reflection in the mirror as Sebastian threads the hooks of the earrings through my ears. A flutter of excitement beats in my chest. Maybe there will be someone at the party I can talk to. Maybe there might be someone there who will recognize me and alert the police. The diamond teardrop-shaped jewels catch the light. The girl in the mirror stares back at me curiously, her eyes sparkling with the faintest glimmer of hope.

  With his hands resting on my shoulders, Sebastian bends down low. “Aren’t I good to you? Such pretty things that I give to you. Look at all those dresses in the closet. Look at all these jewels.” He runs his hand through the jewelry box, sparkles dripping from his fingers. It’s almost as though he thinks I should be grateful. As though showering me with pretty things makes up for the fact that he’s keeping me here against my will.

  There’s a knock on the door and Sebastian’s head jerks impatiently to glare at it. “What?” he barks, his anger barely controlled. I can feel the tremor of his fingers as he grips the back of the chair.

  There’s no answer, just another knock. Sebastian lets out a groan of frustration and stalks over to the door, ripping it open. “What?” he spits out, then his stance relaxes and he lets go of the door, allowing the visitor to walk through.

  “Are you ready for your big night, hmm?” Katriane Atterton rotates her gaze around the room, focusing on the décor and the extravagance before settling back on her son. She doesn’t acknowledge my presence. I am less than the furniture.

  Sebastian merely scowls as a response and she pats his cheek affectionally. Then she walks over to me, her eyes focusing in on the sparkling jewels dangling from my ears. She strokes her fingers over them, and my mouth dries as I imagine her ripping them from me.

  “Is there some whore’s party going on that I don’t know about?” She turns to look at her son, her expression blank.

  Sebastian’s jaw bulges as he grits his teeth. “I want her to look her best for tonight. I want everyone to see what is mine.”

  Katriane laughs. Then she blinks. “Oh, you’re serious?” Gliding back over to her son, she pats his cheek again, though this time Sebastian jerks away from the affection. “She can’t come to the party, dear.”

  “It’s my party. If I want her there, she can come.”

  Taking a deep breath, Katriane sighs. “You stole her, my dear. You can’t just prance about with her in public whenever it takes your fancy, or did you not think of that?”

  My heart sinks at her words, wishing that there was some way I could convince Sebastian to ignore them. But already his shoulders have sunk in defeat.

  “What if someone recognizes her? What would you do?”

  I take the opportunity to plead my case. “I promise I—”

  “Silence!” Katrine doesn’t look at me, merely holds her hand in my direction as though the motion alone is enough to silence me. And it is. She takes a moment to gather herself before a smile stretches over her face again. “Besides, I’ve invited that nice little Roxy girl you’ve been seeing.”

  My heart leaps into my throat, but I know better than to say anything. Roxy will be here tonight. We will be under the same roof. If only I could think of some way to get a message to her. Some way to let her know I am here.

  “She comes from a good family,” Katrine continues, unaware of the chaos she’s just created in my head. “One we would be pleased to see you making a future with. This—” Her eyes travel over me with disdain. “This girl is nothing more than a plaything.”

  “I never gave my approval for you to invite her. I am done with her. Finished. She was never—”

  “And what makes you think I need your approval, hmm? You are my son. I know what is best.”

  Sebastian’s eyes shoot daggers at his mother as I gather what courage I can and lift myself from the chair to step between them. Resting my hand on his chest, I silently pray that some of the heat from my blood will seep through his flesh and warm his heart.

  “I won’t talk to anyone,” I promise, looking deeply into his eyes and mustering as much honesty into my gaze as I can. “I will stay by your side all night. I will tell Roxy that I am here at my own choice.”

  Sebastian’s eyes flick between his mother and me so I press closer to him, placing my hand on his cheek and directing his gaze back to me.

  “Please, Sebastian. Please, I want to be by your side. I want everyone to know that I am yours.”

  He opens his mouth, ready to say something when his mother’s cackling laugh breaks the spell.

  “You almost look as though you’re fooled by her, my son.” Her eyes dart to the door, catching a glimpse of a shadow walking past.


  He appears in the doorway, his gaze stuck firmly on Katriane and avoiding me with determination.

  “Escort this girl down to the others for the evening, would you? It’s an important night for Sebastian and he doesn’t need any distractions.”

  Sebastian has one more pathetic attempt at control. “It’s my party, Mother. I should be the one who gets to decide who is and isn’t allowed to come.”

  “It may be in honor of you, my dear, but this party is not for you. It’s for them.” She waves her hand around the room as though there is a crowd gathered around us. “It is to keep up appearances.”

  Ryker’s eyes dart to mine. It’s just a quick glance, but enough to see the anguish held in them.

  “Fine,” Sebastian concedes. “But I don’t want Ryker accompanying her.”

  Katriane walks over to Ryker, placing her hand on his chest just as I had done to her son moments before. “Why ever not?” she asks. “Do you not trust him around your girl? I can assure you his tastes are far more mature than that. Why it was only the other day that he had me pressed to the wall outside this very room.” Her hand snakes around his neck and she tugs him toward her, forcefully pressing her mouth to his. Ryker’s movements are stiff, but he returns the affection as Sebastian rolls his eyes.

  “You disgust me, Mother.”

  Still with her hand gripped around the back of his neck, Katrine runs her finger over Ryker’s bottom lip, removing the moisture left behind. “You boys are all the same. Content to lock the objects of your affection away in a room to use as you will, but you can’t even stand to hear when a woman talks about her experiences.” She sighs. “Take her away would you, Ryker, hmm?”

  Ryker steps forward, stretching his hand toward me just as Sebastian lets out a howl of rage and strikes it away. He stands in front of Ryker, shoving his face close, his body trembling.

  “Don’t ever fucking touch her!” he hisses. “You are never to touch her again, understand?”

  Ryker looks to Katriane, but she just shrugs.

  “Yes, sir,” Ryker says, turning back to Sebastian, but the smirk that covers his face only feeds Sebastian’s frustration.

  Stalking over to me, Sebastian wraps his hand around the back of my neck, gripping into my skin painfully and jerking me towards him. His kiss is rough and painful. A glance in the mirror shows the smeared red lipstick left behind. He doesn’t need me perfect anymore. Pressing his hand into the small of my back, he shoves me toward Ryker.

  “I will come and get you later tonight.” There’s an undeniable threat to his tone and it causes a shiver to tremble through me. Ryker notices, his eyes narrowing in on the sheen to my cheek. But then he turns and walks out the door, expecting me to follow.

  Ryker doesn’t speak until he’s sure no one is aro
und and then he pulls me close, wrapping his arms around me and pressing kisses into my hair.

  “I’m getting you out of here,” he breathes, pulling back, his eyes darting over my face as though trying to take in every detail. A single finger strokes over the tenderness of my cheekbone. “Tonight. Later. When everyone is either drunk or occupied with the auction, I will come for you.”

  “But how?” My voice breaks.

  “Are you okay?” he says, concern deepening his brow and causing the lines I love so much to rise. “Your voice…” He pulls away from me when a noise startles us both.

  “I’m fine. But how?” I say again, quieter this time, quiet enough so he won’t notice the cracks to my tone.

  “Don’t you worry about that. Just know that I will come for you.”

  “But what about Everly? What about—”

  He cuts off my questions with a kiss and I wrap my fingers into his hair, pulling him closer, wanting to get lost in him. I don’t think about the risk of being caught. I don’t think about the punishment. Only the way I feel with his mouth on mine. The erratic beating of my heart. The coil of desire that threads its way through me in a way that only happens with him.

  Threading his fingers through mine, he tugs me after him as we continue down the hallway. “I can’t talk right now, Senior’s waiting on me, but know that I will be back for you tonight, okay? I will get to you before he does. Just don’t say a word to anyone.”

  I allow myself a small laugh at his choice of words. “Don’t worry, I’m good at that. You’ve trained me well.”

  He stops in his tracks, turning back to take my cheeks between his hands, his eyes boring into mine intensely. “I will never forgive myself for the role I’ve played in all of this. Never. And I know I can’t ever make it up to you, but I hope at least to be able to grant you your freedom.” Letting go of my cheeks, he curses and rubs his hands over his face.

  “What?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Nothing. It’s nothing.” He attempts a smile, taking my hand again and leading me to the doorway which I know houses Senior’s girls. “Just wait for me, okay? Wait here. I will come for you.”

  I smile wearily. “Like I have a choice.”



  “Mia!” Daisy leaps from the couch and throws her arms around me as though it’s been days since we last saw each other instead of a few hours. Once she untangles herself, a frown passes over her face. “I thought you were going to the party?” Her frown deepens. “And what happened to your makeup?” She rubs the stain under my bottom lip.

  “Sebastian’s mother pointed out the absurdity of bringing someone he’d kidnapped to a party.” I shrug as though talking about these things is normal. And I suppose it is now.

  Lily appears in the doorway to her room, leaning against the frame. “That boy has always been more of a creative than a logical thinker.” She brings a glass of wine to her lips and drinks heavily. Her eyes are glazed, and as she pulls herself away from the doorframe, there’s a slight sway to her steps.

  “Where’s Iris?” I look around, noting the open door to her room, but no sign of the girl.

  Daisy plops herself onto the couch. “I told you, remember? Ryker came and took her away. We don’t know where she’s gone, do we, Lily?”

  A tight smile stretches across Lily’s face, but there’s something in her expression which says that she hasn’t told Daisy the truth. “I’m afraid Iris didn’t quite live up to Seb’s expectations.” She shrugs as though it is a normal occurrence and lowers herself, clutching onto the arm of the couch for support. “Ryker would have just been acting under instruction.”

  “But he didn’t need to be so mean about it.” Daisy pouts, crossing her arms over her chest like a sullen child.

  “Mean?” I ask, hoping my interest doesn’t come across as anything other than an effort to make conversation.

  “He tossed her over his shoulder and carried her out of here like a sack of potatoes. She was crying and pleading with him, but he wouldn’t listen.”

  “And what did you expect him to do?” Lily snaps. “It’s hardly as though he could defy orders, now could he? The girl physically assaulted Seb, and while I admire her fight, I’ve been here too long. I know it’s pointless.”

  Daisy widens her eyes and motions drinking with an invisible cup, nodding over to Lily.

  “Yes, I’m drunk,” Lily growls. “Sometimes it’s the only way to survive.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” Daisy snaps back. “I don’t get the privileges that you do, remember?”

  “Like you would let me forget.”

  I let out a low whistle and sink onto the couch beside Daisy, squeezed between the two women. “Do you know where she’s gone?”

  “Probably to auction,” Lily says while taking a sip of her drink. “It’s where they all end up.”

  “All except you,” Daisy shoots back.

  Lily lifts her glass as a salute. “All except me. It will be your turn one day, Daisy. You’ll do something to piss him off, or he’ll just grow bored of you and you’ll be the next one kicking and screaming as they drag you out of the room. Ironic, isn’t it? We come in kicking and screaming and we leave the same way.”

  Daisy leaps to her feet, hands planted on her hips. “You take that back!” Her whole body trembles.

  “Why?” Lily shrugs. “It’s true. I’ve been the one to see it happen time and time again. But it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe you’ll get sold to someone nicer, someone kinder. Then again…” She tilts her head to the side, leaving the rest unsaid.

  Tears gather in Daisy’s eyes. “Why are you so mean today, Lily?”

  Lily lifts her gaze to blink at Daisy. “Oh, it’s not just today.”

  Daisy balls her fists at her sides, glaring at Lily through tears until she storms off into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

  Lily leans toward me. “Sorry about that.” She takes another sip of wine. “She can be a little sensitive at times.”

  “I don’t blame her,” I say, moving away a fraction now that there’s more room on the couch.

  “There’s no point in shielding her from the truth. It will be her turn next. Seb won’t find that childish charm appealing for much longer. I’m the one who sits here and watches them come and go.” She drains the last of her wine, peering at the bottom of the glass as though she wished she couldn’t see it.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, watching her as she continues to stare at her empty glass.

  She swings her head to the side and attempts a wink. “Don’t tell the little one, but it always gets to me when they go. They’re the only family I get to see.” She snorts. “Well, that’s not true either, but it doesn’t really matter. I’m trapped here for life. I’ll never get to leave.” She gets to her feet, swaying slightly as she spins in a slow circle, lifting her arms. “This is it for me. This. This is my entire world. Yours too now, I guess.” Walking over to her bedroom, she returns moments later with her glass full again. “I was Seb’s first. Seb senior,” she corrects. “You’re Junior’s first. If he’s like his father, he’ll keep you around forever too.”

  Forever. It used to be a pretty word. I will love you forever. Heaven is forever. It brought about a feeling of happiness, of life rather than death. But now, hearing it fall from Lily’s lips, forever takes on a whole new meaning.

  Forever. I am to be Sebastian’s forever.

  Ryker’s words come to mind.

  I’m getting you out of here. Tonight. Later.

  Did he know Roxy would be here too? Was she some part of his plan? I didn’t dare to hope it could work. It would be too cruel to ignite my hope like that just to have it dashed later. All he asked me to do was wait. I can do that without thinking and wondering about him. I can do that without the pain of hope.

  Hope was what I felt when I heard that Roxy would be here, could be here, right now. Hope made my heart soar and then let it crash to th
e ground again. Hope is a pointless state of mind. Hope hurts too much.

  “Can I ask you something?” I say, turning to face Lily.

  She shrugs. “Sure, why not. You and I might just have to become good friends, you know? Despite the fact that I’m old enough to be your mother. How old are you, anyway?”


  “Just a baby.” Lily whistles. “I really could be your mother.” She half laughs. “My youngest is only just younger than you.”

  “You have children?” She nods. “Have? Had?” She shrugs and takes another sip of wine. “They’re safe. I made sure of that.”

  “You left them with their father?”

  “I didn’t leave them with anyone. I didn’t leave at all. I was taken.”

  “Of course, I didn’t mean—”

  “My daughter’s father is a married man. I made a deal with the devil to keep her safe.” She leans close to me, lowering her voice to a whisper. “That’s how I know I’ll be here forever, the lock that keeps me imprisoned.” She looks around the room as though the walls are made of bars. “I promised Seb I wouldn’t try to escape this time. I promised him I’d be his forever.”

  I frown, confused by the information. “Senior knows you have a daughter?”

  Lily narrows her eyes as though I’ve suddenly stumbled across information that I shouldn’t know. Finally, she just nods and lifts her glass to her lips again. “What did you want to ask me, anyway?”

  I shift uncomfortably. “It’s stupid, really.”

  “Ask it anyway. I’m fine with stupid.”

  “What was it like, coming back here after you were free?”

  Lily lifts her brows and the lines of her forehead deepen. “Well, that wasn’t the question I was expecting.”

  “What did you expect?”

  “How did I escape? How did I manage to stay hidden for all that time? That’s what all the other girls ask first.”


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