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Ms Patriot- Into the Labyrinth

Page 2

by Don Ship

  “Haha! Ms Patriot, did you know that once you go spider, you are forever a spider rider?”

  “I will cut your head off!” Ms Patriot cried. Then she felt the arachnotaur flood her poop chute with seed. “Aaaagggghhhh!”

  The arachnotaur finally relented. She pulled out of her ass, shuffled back on eight legs. Then she bit her left tit! Her dripping fangs penetrated either side of her nipple, and she felt her vile poison oozing in. The effect was immediate. Coldness infused Ms Patriot's spectacular body, and everything went limp. Her bladder and bowels released, which was mostly arachnotaur cum.

  Slack-jawed, Ms Patriot was fully awake and alert as the arachnotaur pulled her out of the web, and began cocooning her. She worked fast, and quickly had the poisoned super heroine completely wrapped in white web and gently laid her in the corner out of the way.

  Time meant nothing to the dazed super heroine during that time. Whether she was cocooned an hour or a month, she couldn’t tell. All she knew was about the time the poison worked its way out of her body, the arachnotaur returned and ripped open the cocoon.

  “Hello, Sleeping Beauty. Have a nice nappy?” Dr. Chun Fang said through unseen speakers. “If I were you, I’d poop a billion baby arachnotaurs real quick. Otherwise someone is going to get knocked up again.”

  Ms Patriot tried to get her still groggy mind to wrap itself around the idea that Dr. Chun Fang put in her mind. When it hit home, it hit hard.

  “Ugh! Not again! Never again!” the voluptuous super vixen cried and kicked straight up. Her sharp stiletto heel struck a fang, breaking it off. The arachnotaur cried out, shuffling back. Ms Patriot went into attack mode, grabbing one of the arachnotaur's front legs and leveraging it against her foot to snap it off. Then the enraged vigilante leapt upon the arachnotaur with a cry of rage and disgust, driving the sharp piece of chitin into the arachnotaur's eyes and head over and over until the beast gave up the ghost. “Uuughh. Ack! So disgusting.”

  Ms Patriot wanted to puke. She was slathered in arachnotaur ichor. Her gorgeous silken black hair was saturated in it. It was even on her lips, and in her mouth. So disgusting.

  "That was so wrong. Wait until I tell PETA what you did, Ms Patriot. Shameful," Dr. Chun Fang said.

  The huffing and puffing heroine just glared up at the ceiling as she used her hand to lathe ichor off her boobs and belly.

  “Hey, are you naked?” Dr. Chun Fang’s merry voice echoed through the cavern. “I hate to say it, but you might be the only one capable of pulling off the ole boots and belt look. You go girl.”

  Ms Patriot's baby blues narrowed. She stood tall and proud, striking a classic super heroine stance.

  “I killed your stupid arachno-spider,” Ms Patriot said in a dangerously low voice.

  “Arachnotaur. I have another. Actually, I currently have thirty-two. That was the second to smallest one,” Dr. Chun Fang said. “Would you like to meet the biggest one?”

  “Not today,” Ms Patriot said, turning away and heading on down the corridor. She wouldn’t escape the labyrinth by sitting on her butt. Heroines didn’t sit around bemoaning their lot in life. They took command and shaped their own fate. “Bite me.”

  “I’d enjoy that. Maybe next time. If there is a next time, Ms Foolhardy.”

  Two more turns of the labyrinth’s cavelike tunnel, and she again had the light of the green phosphorescent lichen. It wasn’t much, but it was all she had.

  “A dead end?” Ms Patriot said, coming to a stop before a small pool of brackish water.

  “Not exactly,” Dr. Chun Fang’s voice said. “I don’t want my fiendish pets to mingle, so I have to ensure they cannot cross into each other’s domain within the labyrinth. The arachnotaurs I created can walk on water, but they cannot go under water. That pool hides a short tunnel, to another pool on the other side.”

  “And if I don’t feel like swimming?”

  “How do you like arachnotaurs?”

  “I see. I could use a bath anyway,” Ms Patriot said, wading into the water.

  It was frigid. Too cold to waste time, so she plunged down and down, and through the thankfully short tunnel. After washing the ichor off her shapely body and out of her long hair, she pushed her hair straight back and wrung it out, and then emptied her red thigh boots. Then she moved on down the labyrinth.

  Soon, she started noticing the lichen was thickening. Or so it seemed. The light stayed the same…dim. Suddenly she stepped out of the close quarters of the tunnel, into a cavern as big as a basketball court. But it wasn’t empty by any measure.

  “Great Freya. What kind of plant is that?”

  The chamber was filled with a pulsating, greenish gray mass that covered the floor, walls and ceiling. Tendrils hung from above, and more tendrils rose up, swaying, from the floor. One of the nearby tendrils quivered, pulled back a leafy foreskin to reveal a large, pink phallic protrusion, dripping with viscous fluid. It leaned towards her, as if it heard her voice.

  “This is going to be super fun, my super friend,” Dr. Chun Fang cooed with delight. “I can’t wait to start.”

  “My Goddess, is that one of your inseminoid plants?”

  “Yes! I’m impressed. You’re not nearly as bimboequely stupid as you look, Patriot,” Dr. Chun Fang said.

  “Is there a way to get past it without, you know, getting nailed?”



  “You really expect me to tell you? Maybe you are as bimboequely stupid as you look.”

  “I’m not amused.”

  “I am.”

  Ms Patriot looked around for a weapon. There was no wood, despite there being a vast plant before her. But she did find a pair of fist sized rocks. Bashing rocks.

  “What do you expect to do with those?” Dr. Chun Fang asked.

  “Smash your pathetic plant to mush.”

  “First time you hit one of the tendrils, the whole plant will go berserker,” she said. “Remember, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”


  Dr. Chun Fang sighed dramatically. “You are so dense. Okay, but this is the last time I help you. If you attack the plant, it will attack you. If you are nice to the plant, it will be nice to you,” Dr. Chun Fang said.

  “So I should talk to the stupid thing?”

  “No. Talk is cheap. It’s an inseminoid plant. It thinks with its cock, like a man,” Dr. Chun Fang said. Ms Patriot glanced at the plant again, confused. She spotted another tendril exposing a phallic appendage, and then pulled it back in. And it dawned on her. “I see you are figuring it out.”

  “Oh my Goddess, you don’t mean I have to give the disgusting thing a blowjob?”

  “Blowjob, pussy, anal, it just wants to get some,” she said. “If you give it up freely, it will not try to force the issue.”

  “You are crazy! I’m not going to have willing sex with that monstrosity,” Ms Patriot cried. “I have my virtue to think about! I’m an icon of virtue, a role model for millions of young women. I can’t just…”

  “Stay where you are?” she said. “That’s your only other option. Put out, willingly or forced, or die where you are.”

  Ms Patriot gazed out across the “field” of living plant. How many blowjobs would she have to give? One? A dozen? She couldn’t just stay there. Then she spotted a camera to her left bolted to the ceiling, and then another to her right, and another thought crossed her mind as her face screwed up.

  “I suppose no matter what I choose to do, you will be beaming it out blow by blow on the internet,” Ms Patriot said. The thought disgusted her. Her enemies and perverts throughout the world would watch and whack off to the sight of her sexual ordeal, her shame and humiliation.

  “Sweetie, we’re live as we speak, and have been nonstop since you entered the labyrinth. No matter what you do, we are going to be watching with bated breath.”

  Ms Patriot looked across the cavern. She could see the pool that was her escape route. The plant went all the way
to the shoreline. It completely covered the floor, walls and ceiling. There was no getting around it. If she wanted out, she had one way and two choices.

  “Dr. Chun Fang, I cannot wait to get my hands on you,” Ms Patriot said, stepping up to the edge of the inseminoid plant. One of the hanging tendrils turned slowly her way, and its phallic appendage emerged once, twice, three times. It was close enough to see it was thicker near the end, with a tiny hole to emit some sort of excretion. Semen? Highly potent semen, so that meant she’d have to try to keep it strictly oral.

  “Oh my God, you really are going to do it,” Dr. Chun Fang squealed with delight. “I never believed you would willingly give yourself to a inseminoid plant. I mean, it is your best chance at getting through, but still. You are Ms Fucking Patriot, too proud to be bright.”

  “Pour it on, bitch,” Ms Patriot snarled. “Throw more gas on my fire of vengeance.” Dr. Chun Fang just laughed. “Anything I need to know?”

  “Lots. I doubt I’ll share all of it with you. Hahaha!”

  “Thanks for nothing.”

  Heart racing insanely, the sexy super heroine placed a stiletto heeled boot on the plant and slowly put her weight on it. The plant didn’t seem to react. So she took another step, and the hanging tendril turned toward her again. She stopped, holding her breath. It moved slowly towards her. Her baby blues went wide, mouth watering, and twat aching terribly. Even her sphincter felt like it puckered up tight.

  “Be slow and gentle, Ms Sweet Sucker.”

  Licking her full red lips, the beautiful super heroine waited to ensure the tendril would reach her. It did. So she gentle reached up and wrapped her left hand around the tendril, just below where the phallic appendage came out. The foreskin immediately peeled back, and she caught a big whiff of its heady stench.

  “Oooh. Nasty,” she groaned. A viscous drop of something started to ooze out of the end. She held her breath and slowly pulled it over to her face. Ms Patriot slowly stretched her tongue out. She gave the tip of the phallus a firm lick. It quivered in her hand, and her belly quivered. The taste. Exactly like cum. Maybe a bit sweet. So she gave it another lick. And another. Finally, she pressed her full red lips to the tip, and sucked it into her mouth. “MMmmmghh.”

  “Good girl. You give good plant.”

  While she bobbed her head on the phallus, the sexy super heroine cut her eyes left and right, looking for any sign she was riling up the plant. But true to Dr. Chun Fang’s word, the rest of the plant remained calm.

  “Mmmmgggh.” Slurp. Gulp…Sluurp. “Mmmgg. Hummmggh.” Gulp. Gulp. Ssslurp. “How long must I suck it?”

  “Until it comes, Sugar Lips.”

  One difference between it and an actual cock. The phallus produced a steady stream of oozing pre-cum. She’d was afraid her stomach would fill before she finished the first one, so she stopped swallowing and let it dribble out around her mouth. Disgusting, but necessary. Soon her titanic tits were drenched with the viscous, sticky stuff, and it was dribbling down across her flat belly.

  “So disgusting,” she whispered. Slurp. Slurp. “Nngh. Ugh. Mmmmmmmm.” Then it convulsed, releasing a torrent of milky, sticky semen. It ballooned her cheeks, and flowed down over her spectacular naked body. “Ack! Gak! Nagh!” Cough! Cough! “Hhhggghhh.”

  “That’s how you do it, Sweetie,” Dr. Chun Fang said.

  “I hate you,” she whispered. Ms Patriot released the phallus and it pulled away toward the ceiling. She looked around carefully. None of the other tendrils seemed interested. So she took a tentative step. And another. And another. She got a good fifteen feet before another tendril turned toward her, its phallic appendage sliding out. This time it moved quicker towards her. “Here we go again.”

  The beautiful vigilante took hold of the exposed phallus and guided it to her mouth. Like before, she started by licking it, then sucked it in. This time she tried stroking the base with one hand while giving the tip intense “head.” She got the “climax” out of it she was looking for, but it didn’t come any faster or any easier. Once she finished, though, another phallus was poking at her naked rump.

  “Oh! Not there,” she said, gently taking hold of the tendril and pulling it up to her mouth. It was one of them attached to the ground, and a short one. Ms Patriot had to bend over at the waist to suck it. “Mmmmmmgggghhh.”

  That phallus fooled the panting heroine. After five minutes of pretty intense head and head bobbing, it shot barely a mouthful into her. She dutifully swallowed, and released. Then it exploded in her lovely masked face. It drenched her face, neck, and tits in thick, white cum. Dr. Chun Fang roared with laughter.

  “Money shot!” Dr. Chun Fang said. “You should’ve seen the look on your face, Ms Patriot. Classic.”

  Ms Patriot just stood up straight, tilted her head back and sighed wearily. The things she endured to serve the people so heroically. Then she took a moment to lathe off as much of the cum as possible, using just her fingers and hands. So disgusting.

  The vigilante vixen zeroed in on that escape route. Reaching that little pool was her only hope. She was at about a quarter of the way across. The tendrils grew more closely packed as she went. They were the thickest closest to the water. The tendrils were a couple of feet apart at her current position. Near the water they hung inches apart. That didn’t look good.

  Taking the path with the thinnest concentration of tendrils, the sexy super heroine made it halfway before another rose up to challenge her passage. Ms Patriot took it soft and sweet, and gave it the best blowjob ever. Like with a man, the better the blowjob the faster the ejaculation. Right? It wasn’t working out that way, but she tried anyway. Better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all. She was happily sucking away, when two more tendrils slid out their phalluses to either side of her face. Suddenly she had a situation. One mouth, three phalluses.

  All she could to was quickly switch between all three. While she sucked on one phallus, she used both hands to stroke the other two. That way she kept all three content for the ten minutes it took to satisfy them. In that time, her body went from tingly to liquidy hot. She fought the outward signs of high arousal, afraid Dr. Chun Fang would use it to further humiliate her. She managed to have each one in her mouth at the time of their different ejaculations. Wasn’t easy.

  “Impressive,” Dr. Chun Fang said. “I thought it had you there, Ms Amazing Mouth.”

  Ms Patriot glared up toward the source of that taunting voice. Breathing heavily, she took a second to daydream about beating her to a bloody pulp. The sound of her begging for mercy would be so sweet.

  “Well…,” Ms Patriot started to retort, when another phallus poked her butt cheeks, probing and trying to push up between them. “Oh no. It’s a short one, too.”

  Turning around Ms Patriot took hold of the horny plant, took a deep breath and bent over. She sucked it down right off, and started bobbing her head. The plant stiffened and quivered.

  “Uuuuggghhh. Mmmgggh. Nngnghh,” she groaned, really getting into it. It was becoming harder and harder to rein in her body’s need and desires. After a few minutes, though, something bad happened. Another phallus started probing her pubic mound. A quick glance showed it was already stretched out to reach her, and couldn’t be pulled close enough to suck off both phalluses at the same time. “Oh no.”

  “Oh no is right. If that little fellow doesn’t get some hot plant in girl action in the next few seconds, it will become distressed and sound the alarm. The result will be you getting ‘planted’ to that spot for the rest of your inseminoid bearing life. Hahaha!”

  “Great Freya, I’m going to have to let it…ugh,” Ms Patriot groaned. So she quickly sucked on the first phallus to keep it happy a few more seconds, then turned her attention to the second. “Nothing to do but do it.”

  Ms Patriot guided the phallus away from her fertile pussy, and to her butt hole. Can’t get pregnant there. Relaxing her butt as much as possible, she guided it in.

  “Uuugggh, so bi
g,” she groaned, trying her best to stay loose so the plant could easily impale her butt. It quickly pushed up and up, and forced itself all the way inside her poop chute. As it began pumping in and out, Ms Patriot turned back to the first phallus. She quickly gobbled it down. “Mmmmmggghhh.”

  That’s when she noticed two more tendrils moving in towards her. One on each side. She reached out and gently took hold of each, beginning to stroke them, trying to appease them long enough to get the first one off.

  “Wow, you really are a super heroine. Four inseminoids at once, and here comes number five,” Dr. Chun Fang said.

  Ms Patriot’s baby blues widened. She glanced left and right, but couldn’t see anything. Then she felt it. Another from below. It was poking wetly at her pubic mount, and quickly figured out where her slit was. The curvaceous super heroine froze. The vivacious vigilante didn’t know what to do as the phallus rubbed up and down her slit, which was already wet and slippery from her unwanted arousal. It pushed harder and harder.

  “Mmmggghhhh,” Ms Patriot groaned as it finally penetrated. "I can't…ugh…believe that…oooh…am being double penetrated like this."

  It stretched her out so sweetly. Her insides were so hot and mushy. Her pussy was throbbing, achy and tingling. Heart hammering, she felt so hot and sweaty as she strained to keep up with the horny plant tendrils.

  Dr. Chun Fang was crowing merrily some taunting insult or another, but Ms Patriot didn’t hear her. Her blood was thundering in her ears. Her incredible body was very quickly shiny with sweat from her ordeal and arousal. She was panting hard through her nose as she continued bobbing her head and stroking two more phalluses. The legendary heroine was at her limit, and on top of that her body was about to explode with erotic pleasure.

  The phallus in her mouth erupted. Cum ballooned her cheeks. Ms Patriot gagged and cough up cum, which went down the wrong pipe. As she was gagging and hacking, the other phallus in her ass came, and filled her ass up.


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