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Beckett: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance

Page 10

by Kathi S. Barton

  After she hung up, she felt better about this entire scene. She’d leave this one set up, in the event there were any questions about it, and moved to the next table. Allie loved having this much work to do. It kept her busy and also kept her mind off things that she didn’t want to think about right now.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” She glanced at Beck, then went back to work. “You’ve been stressing out about something since last night. Why don’t you tell me so you can work through it? I promise you, I will only listen unless you ask me a question.”

  “It really doesn’t have a great deal to do with me. A little, mind you, but not nearly like it does for Tru. Her kids being hurt when I was at the school.” Beck told her he knew about it. “Yes, well, she found out yesterday that the school board is going to rehire the people she had arrested. Some of them are still pending a trial, but according to the information she got yesterday, their jobs are being held for them for when they return. Even with the threat of her not supporting the school anymore, they said that it’s fine; they’ll just get other supporters. Then, when she threatened them with a lawsuit that would hit the papers, he pointed out to her that she couldn’t do that according to her contract with the school.”

  “What is it that you want us to do?” She turned to him, wondering how she’d gotten so lucky to have someone like him in her life. “You have it all worked out in your head. I know you well enough to have figured out that part of you. Not only do you have it planned out, but I have a feeling you might well know what the outcome will be.”

  “I don’t know for sure the outcome, but I have a good idea what I’d like for it to come out as.” She sat on the bench she’d been using to stretch out on. “You will help me, right? I mean, a great deal of my outcome will depend on your help.”

  “I will do whatever you need for me to do. So long as I get to brag about it to my brothers.” She smiled at him. “Thank you. That alone, and bragging rights, makes me want to do anything you want.”

  Allie told him of her plan. The entire way she had it laid out. Beck asked her questions about some of the things she had in her mind and corrected a couple more. Since she had little dealings with the sort of people she was about to go up against, she was glad for his input. As soon as the two of them had it all lined up, they went to see Tru.

  She would only know the outline of what she was going to say and do to these people. Tru was jealous again of her way of thinking. She also begged her to take a gun. Finally, relenting only in that she’d take it if it was the only way Tru would allow her to go, she put it in her back pocket. Tru had a way of getting guns into places that wouldn’t normally allow them to be present. She loved working with these women.


  “All she told me was that we’re to stay right here with you and watch the monitors. There was mention of her getting the members to turn over some of their stock in the school, but she was really vague on how or why she was doing that. I guess we’re going to find out.” Tru didn’t know a lot of details, but having Allie go to the school instead of her might save a few lives.

  It had made her feel as if Allie wasn’t going there with the intent to kill. However, having her armed would make sure that she’d at least have some way of defending herself if the shit were to hit the fan. And it was Tru’s thoughts that usually the shit did hit the walls, people, and anything else around when it came to stupid people.

  Enrolling her children in the pack school was working out better than she could have hoped it would. It wasn’t that she hadn’t trusted the pack school, but she had been afraid that someone would come for her kids to make her do something she didn’t want to, and that would kill a lot of people. The private school had things in place that would keep not just her boys safe, but the teachers and anyone else there as well. It never occurred to her that her kids would be harmed more inside the school walls than out.

  “Do you know why they’re having this meeting?” Tru looked over at Rogen. “You looked like you were about to get physical for a minute, and I thought I’d pull you out of it. But do you know why they’re meeting today?”

  “No. The only reason she was able to figure it out was that Thatcher hacked into their system for us yesterday when she came to me. By the way, Thatcher is getting really good at this kind of stuff too. I think he just needs to relax more and have a little more confidence in himself when he finds something.” Rogen said she told him that all the time and he just told her that he loved her. “Sounds like Houston.”

  Anna wasn’t working with them today. She had some work she was doing with Morgan. The two of them were forever working together on things that would improve the way families were able to get funding when they needed it. With the colder weather coming up, Anna was seeing that people signed up for energy help as well as anything else that might be out there for them. Next year, they were hoping to have a lot of these people working at full-time jobs.

  “Look, there she is. I thought Beck was going to go with her.” Tru told her that was what she’d said, then asked her to turn it up. She didn’t want to miss a word of it. “I’m recording it too. I know she told me not to, but if it’s needed—like she has to kill them all—then I want to be able to say they started it.”

  “How old are you? Five? They started it?” The two of them laughed, and she watched her new sister-in-law. “She’s looking very confident. Oh, before I forget, we’re not allowed to speak to her. She thinks it will make her second guess what’s she’s doing. So we’re just to watch and keep our traps shut. Not her words, but that’s what she meant by it.”

  “I’m sure she did. She’s so outspoken like that.” They watched her as she entered the room. The volume was turned up loud enough for them to hear. Tru decided that Allie’s soft-spoken voice should scare a man to death if he knew what lurked under her pretty hair. “She’s not going to get what she wants. She’s not showing enough force. But it is fun to watch her try.”

  Tru didn’t know, but she thought Rogen was wrong, not that she’d tell the other woman. Even with as good friends as they were, Rogen could still take her down. Laughing a little to herself, she watched Allie play with the men in the room with her.


  “What the blue blazes are you doing in here? This is a private meeting, and you’re not invited. Who the hell let you in anyway?” Allie told the man, who she thought was Clarkson, that she’d invited herself. “Well, you can just uninvite yourself. This is a meeting you’re not invited to.”

  “I know you.” Allie nodded at the man next to her. “You used to work for us—the cook or something. If you want to keep your job, you’d better get your butt out of here right now. This meeting is to discuss who is staying and who isn’t.”

  “Good. I’d hate to have crashed a meeting on how you’re going to be spending the money that you’ve stolen. I guess stolen isn’t the right word for it. Misappropriated, perhaps? Or embezzled? Both those words apply, don’t they, Mr. Clarkson?” He told her he didn’t know what she was talking about. “Sure, you do. You have several accounts all over the country that you can get to at a moment’s notice. Then there is the account in the Cayman Islands.”

  Allie reached out to Beck, the only one of the Robinsons she wanted to speak to while there, and told him to contact Rogen now. She only hoped this would work. Beck told her that if she got him to think about something, they could search his mind for the information and use it against him.

  He has three accounts in the Caymans. I’m having Rogen look for them now. Good job. Also, there is money in ten different accounts around the country, just like we thought there would be. Allie was feeling better now that things were finally coming together. Also, you should know that they’re recording this so that if anything happens, they have proof. I’m sure they can edit out what they don’t want seen.

  Okay. I’m working, so be ready. She was sure it was going to come to th
e point where she needed his help. Actually, she was looking forward to having him come in with guns blazing, so to speak.

  “Mr. Clarkson, you’ve been taking money from the school since its inception. That is the main reason you’ve been hiring below standard teachers.” Clarkson told her she didn’t know what she was talking about. “Don’t I? Three of the teachers on staff have criminal records of child abuse. One of them has a conviction for bank robbery. The first-grade teacher, Miss Mann, should have retired years ago. Having a teacher in her seventies is wonderful, but only if she is able to make it to the bathroom on time. She’s incontinent most of the time, and there have been complaints of her smelling during parent teacher meetings.”

  Allie had a list of each of the teachers that worked at the school. Even when the others started taking notes on what she was saying, she was still nervous. Looking up at Clarkson when she finished with her list, she smiled at him.

  “This is the plan that you are all going to follow. Each of you owns twenty percent of the school. You’re going to each sell me half of what you have. Clarkson? You’re going to sell me eleven percent of what you have. Now.” He told her he was off her rocker. “Am I? No. I don’t think so. What I am is a great deal smarter than you are. Not only that, but I have resources that will put you all behind bars. As part owners of this sham of a school, you’re going to be held as responsible as he is. So how much do you want for your shares?”

  “You’re not getting shit from any of us. No one can sell their shares unless it’s approved by all of us. And I’m not budging.” Allie asked him if he was sure. “You bet your sweet little ass, I’m sure. This has been a moneymaker since we started it. I’m not going to have some little twit come in here and start telling us what you want to do. Nor will I put any of the money back in the school. It’s working out just fine for me.”

  “What about us?” She had to think who this woman was when she turned and smiled at her. “Issa Johnson, Allie. I want it on the record that I had no idea about the teachers or the money being taken from the school. That’s no excuse, but I’d like to know how that money he has wasn’t shared with the rest of us. Not that I would have taken it if I knew what was going on, but he’s been stealing all along from every one of us.”

  “That’s very true. I’d like the same question answered. Why haven’t you told us what you’re doing? Like Issa, I don’t want the money, but knowing that you have taken it all without our approval is something I had no idea about either.” Mr. Cable told her his name. “Also, I’d like for Allie here to answer how much money he stole from us.”

  “Since, as I said, its inception, he’s taken just over six million dollars in cash, and another three million in things such as houses, a few boats, and lavish vacations that he takes his mistress on, and not his wife and children.” The information was being fed to her from Beck. She supposed he was getting it from the others. The other women were helping but leaving her alone to her tasks. “You might also want to know that there are four million dollars in insurance claims that he’s made on your behalf. When a student or teacher is harmed, he is keeping that money for himself. The teachers say nothing about the hospital charging them when there was a claim because they haven’t any idea that he’s doing it. He’s—pardon my language, but he’s fucking you guys all the way around.”

  “You lie.” She told Clarkson she didn’t. And she could get them proof should they want it. The other four members said that they did. “I’m betting it’s all fabricated. She’s in with the other Robinsons. They’ll steal from anyone if they think they can make a buck.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. If I was stealing from someone, I’d be making money. Moron. So, lady and gentlemen, are you going to sell me your shares or not?” Clarkson again said that he wasn’t, so they weren’t. “If you say so. I have my husband here. He has a few things he wants to show you as well.”

  Going to the door, she had to pause for a second or two to breathe. This was going to be the scary part. Someone could seriously be hurt. Opening the door, she winked at Beck before he allowed his cat to take him. When he moved into the room, he leaped up onto the conference table and walked along it to Clarkson. They were forehead to forehead, and she thought it was the best thing that could have happened today. The man started screaming right away.

  “Enough.” When one of them stood up, Allie cautioned them. “If you run, he’ll chase you. All cats—and Beck here is no exception—will chase you down and think you’re his new play toy. Don’t run or make any sudden moves, or he’ll hurt you. Now. As I was saying, you’re going to sell me half of your shares, or else. I’m going to let that dangle out there for a moment while my husband here shows you his paw. It’s quite impressive, isn’t it? Now, darling, show them your claws.”

  “I don’t want anything to do with this place after today.” Mrs. Johnson smiled at her. “I think that once you and your family gets ahold of this place, not only will it be a wonderful place to work, but it will also be the safest one around. I’m donating my shares to you because I think this place will only improve with you and your family at the helm.”

  “We’ll pay you for the shares, Mrs. Johnson.” Shaking her head, Mrs. Johnson pulled her shares out of a file that she had brought in with her and signed her name to them. “Thank you for this. I promise you, this will be a safe place for all people.”

  “I’m going to call my attorney right now. There is a fax machine in this office. I’ll have him send you a copy of my shares as well. I find myself no longer wanting to be a part of something so terribly wrong. That gives you forty shares.” Mr. Cable turned to the man on his right, Mr. Parker, who was the only person who’d not spoken. “What do you think Margaret would say if she knew this was what her money was being used for, Alford? I would bet right now she’s rolling over in her grave. Margaret would be coming here right away if she knew what this bastard has done to her school.”

  “She would at that. I was just seeing how I could get my attorney to come on down here and turn mine over to her as well. What are you going to do, Patrick Gibson? I know we have the same attorney. Should I have him bring yours down as well?” Gibson said to do it. Mr. Parker looked at Clarkson. Beck was still staring at him. “If I were you, Ben, I’d give it up. She’s got all she needs now to run you out of town. And if she doesn’t, well then, I guess it’s been nice knowing you. Mrs. Robinson, is this really Beckett?”

  “Yes. My husband.” The man scratched Beck behind the ear. “I don’t think he knew you were on this board, Mr. Parker. He said he would have done this differently if he had.”

  “Nope. The way you two did this is the perfect way to have brought us down. If you’d not mind, with a full background check, if you will, I’d like to be on some of the committees that the Robinsons will have installed here. You’re part of a good family, ma’am. In the event you’ve not figured that out as yet.”

  “I have. Thank you for your help.” He said it was his pleasure. As he left the room with Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Gibson wasn’t far behind, going out with Mr. Cable. She now had eighty shares of the school—more than enough to fire Clarkson. “Well, well, well, Clarkson. It looks as if you’re the only holdout. Not that it matters one hill of beans. The Robinson Foundation owns more than enough to get you fired.”

  “You can’t fire me, you little twit. I started this project and intend to get as much out of it as I can. There won’t be any stopping me either. I know for a fact that this room has a recording in it. It’s how I kept the others in line. You see, you have nothing. It’s your word against mine about what transpired today.” The phone in the middle of the conference table rang, startling all three of them, including Beck. “Answer that. I’m sure it’s one of my people saying they’ve changed their minds.”

  “Hello, fucktard. My name is Rogen Robinson. I wanted you to know that as of ten minutes ago, I’ve not only emptied your bank accounts but also that y
our home is being gone over by some very smart people. You won’t be able to stay there, I’m afraid. They’re going to be taking whatever they want and going over it.” Clarkson asked Rogen what she thought she was going to find. “Find? We’ve already found a great deal of things, as a matter of fact. Not just the bank money, which, as I said, we’ve taken, but also your porn. While it’s not your run of the mill sort of porn, I wonder if you realize that having porn on a computer that you’ve told the IRS is only used for work is wrong. Also, and this I find so funny I nearly wet myself, they’ve found the ad that you put into newspapers all over the country to hire sex offenders for the school that you no longer work at. I think it’s safe to say that you’re going to be gone for a very long time.”

  The Feds didn’t say a word to Allie or Clarkson as they gathered him up with the computer and other electronic devices in the room. No one even commented on the fact that there was a large tiger stretched out like a tiger rug on the table. After they were gone, the room silent except for their breathing, Allie looked at Beck. He yawned hugely, and she burst out laughing.

  “I’m sorry. Did I take you from your nap time, Beck? Or does this sort of thing happen to you so much that you find it boring as fuck?” He told her he loved her and was very proud of her. “That didn’t answer my question, but it was a good save. Do you think Tru will be all right with how we did this?”

  “I fucking love you, girl. Christ, that was epic.” Allie had forgotten about the phone, and it still being on. Tru laughed as she continued. “I nearly shit myself when Beck walked along that table. Holy fuck balls. That was great. I’m so happy right now that I could fire off my gun until it just snapped that it was empty. Wonderful job, Allie. Your plan was perfect. And I have to admit, your way not only got us the school that we can work with, but it also made us some very important friends in the process. We’ve already gotten calls from three of the attorneys of the people there that are pledging their support to any way we reopen the school. They’re also volunteering to testify against Clarkson and to help us in any way they can to make sure nothing like this happens again.”


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