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Beckett: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance

Page 13

by Kathi S. Barton

  “She met up with me about six months ago. To borrow some money. I didn’t give her anything but the phone number of some people to get her straightened out. That ended badly, as she never even tried, and the courts ended up taking her kids from her. She has four.” Dawson asked him why she said he owed her. “Margo is messed up in the head. She seems to think that just because I recommended her getting clean, I had something to do with her kids being taken. They were malnourished. Underweight, as you can imagine, as well as the little one was suffering from a very severe case of diaper rash because there was never any diapers for the others to change her when she needed it. You should have seen them, Dawson. They were terrified that their mother was coming back to move them along again.”

  “What did you do with them? I have no idea why, but I have a feeling you’ve stashed them someplace that she’ll not ever get them no matter how clean she is.” Jonas told him he had and for him to leave it at that. “I will. However, if you’d like me to look them over or anything, just let me know. I won’t tell a soul. I promise.”

  “I might take you up on that. But for now, they’re safe, clean, and being fed well.” They didn’t mention it again, but he was afraid for his brother. The woman obviously knew that Jonas was a cat, but she had jumped him anyway. “It’s all right, Dawson. I’ve been dealing with this sort of person for some time now.”

  “You really do, don’t you? I mean, if anyone would have asked me, I’d have said you were afraid of your own shadow. But tonight? Well, you startled me into realizing that you’re very badassed, aren’t you?” Jonas said he’d not go that far. “However you want to see yourself, I see a man who is not afraid of danger and is willing to go out on a limb for someone. Are the children really safe? The reason I ask is, Margo looked unhinged.”

  “She is. And I mean that in the worst sort of way. But the kids are safe. If they weren’t, I would ask for help. I’m not stupid enough to think I’m invincible.” Dawson was glad to hear that. “I’ll see what I can arrange for you to see them. I believe they’re all healthy. But there might be something I don’t know that you’d see. But don’t tell anyone, Dawson. I like having people think I’m just a laid back numbers man.”

  For the rest of the night, and well into the morning after getting home, Dawson had had his phone close to his side. Every noise he’d heard, it was his brother asking for help. Just as the sun was coming up, he realized how stupid he was being.

  Obviously, Jonas had been doing this for a while now and hadn’t had any trouble. Why did Dawson think that because he knew it would turn to shit? Dawson turned his calls over to the service, with strict instructions to make sure they called him if one of his brothers called, and went to sleep. He was, of course, late to work, and that set the tone for his entire day today. Running behind was never a good thing for him.


  Tru slipped in through the door and sat at the bar. It was a nice place. Full of people, just the way she liked it, and her target was over at the pool table having a good time, it appeared. He wasn’t playing, but he was loud with his insults to the other players. She sipped her glass of wine and waited on the other person she was here to end.

  It had never been a problem for her to end the lives of people on her list, not even now that she had a family of her own. She told herself that if she didn’t take care of them, they might someday be after her or her family.

  Just as she was pushing away her glass to be refilled, the woman walked into the bar.

  “Christ.” She smiled at the bartender when he shook his head at the other woman. He was pouring another glass for her. “You’d think they’d at least take a look in the mirror before leaving their room, wouldn’t you? I mean, where did she get that outfit? Hookers are Us or something? It’s not just too small, but it doesn’t leave much to the imagination, now does it?”

  “Some people don’t care.” He told her he surely wished they did. “I agree with you there. The notion that one size fits all has gotten out of hand. I noticed now the label says one size fits most. It’s the most that I worry about.”

  She didn’t mind making small talk with the bartender. Tru had always believed they knew more than anyone in the place. If she wanted intel, she went to a bar. If she wanted to find the best place to eat, the bartender would always steer her in the right direction. Best hotel. Best show. They would have the knowledge that would mean you’d have a wonderful time.

  They were also the most closed-mouth people on the planet. The police knew better than to ask them questions. A bar wouldn’t be open long if the owner talked trash about his clients. His staff would be just as closed-mouth unless it was a murder or robbery of himself or his personnel. Then they’d only give them the details involving that. Tru had been able to hide behind a bar when some shit came in shooting. She loved the people that ran bars almost as she did doctors.

  When the woman went to the bathroom, Tru didn’t immediately follow her. She knew that she and the man would go out to smoke at some point in the night. That was where she was going to take them both. It was quick and quiet. When the female came out of the bathroom, Tru sat very still. This wasn’t her usual way of doing her business.

  “Charlie, there ain’t any paper in the ladies’ room.” Perfect, Tru thought and got up to go into the bathroom herself. Just as she was passing the female, she told her the same thing she told Charlie. “He’ll just hand it over, and I can slip it under the door for you, honey.”

  “Thanks.” Tru smiled to herself. So helpful she was.

  Going into the first stall, she sat down on the commode and pulled out her gun. Never assume. That was the first thing she’d learned. Never assume that the person you were after didn’t have a gun too. The toilet paper came rolling under the door just as the door to the bathroom closed.

  Flushing and going to wash her hands, she kept an eye on the woman. She could do her in here, but then she’d have to figure out what to do with the body. Shaking the water off her hands, she made her way to the dryer when she came out of the stall.

  “Mother fuck, it’s hot out, isn’t it? I had no idea it was this hot when we decided this would be a good place to retire. Are you here on vacation?” She mumbled about working but didn’t expect her to care anyway. “Bob and I, we’re here hiding out for a week or two. Until things die down. Got us a mess in the States that we should have been smarter about.”

  Tru pretended to be interested. All the while, she was thinking that this woman was stupider than she’d been informed. Where the hell did she think she was but in the United States? Or did she think that California was a country all on its own? As she told Tru about the mess in the States, Rogen spoke to her through their link.

  I’m to tell you that if you want to take care of her in the bathroom, you only need to unlock the window. Is there one in there large enough to get her through? Tru told her there was and that she was telling her all about her problems. I heard that she wasn’t one to keep her mouth shut. All right. You take her out, and then someone will come in and get the body. I’m supposed to remind you that you’re to lock the door. Like you’d forget something like that.

  I’ll do it as I’m pretending the leave. This place, this bar, what do you know about it? Other than what was on the paperwork? Rogen told her nothing, then asked her why. I would think that someone as smart as you would know that this place is right now filled with at least three of the FBI’s most wanted. And two more that I’m pretty sure I saw hanging on your wall. Of the fifteen people here, excluding me and Chatty Kathy here, there are fifteen wanted people. There are cameras. Tru gave her the names of the two cameras she’d seen. She knew that Rogen had the best equipment and that her facial recognition would tell her who was who before she could figure it out on her own.

  Got it. Well, well, you’re so right. From what I can see over the last couple of days of films, the place seems to be the spot to go to if you’
re wanted. I can see that this place would be better, just gone. Hell, even the bartender is wanted for espionage. Tru was sort of sad to hear that. Get out. Take her out or not, but get out. I have two flyers going by in about five to ten minutes.

  Moving out of the bathroom, she made sure that both the male and female were still inside as she ticked away the time. Rogen warned her twice at the five minute mark and the one minute mark when she was down behind one of the closest buildings.

  The building blew just as she said it would. Nothing else was targeted, and even the two cars out front of the place had minimal damage. They’d be trashed by the flames, but the rest of the street was safe. Moving toward the scene again, she kept up a running wealth of detailed information to Rogen about what she was seeing.

  Crater sized hole. Both buildings on either side are up but will need to be taken down. Two bodies that were coming out are both dead. One of them lost most of their head. There is no smell of gas that I can detect. Also, there is a sublevel here that looks as if it was set up for some kind of overnighters. Perhaps a place for the hunted to lay low. She also told her of the conversation with the female about just that thing. The alcohol is burning most of what the bomb didn’t get. I’m not sure what they’ll say when the police arrive, but I’m sure you have a handle on that.

  I do. Are you leaving tonight or in the morning? As far as anyone is going to be concerned, everyone, including you, was in the building when it blew. Don’t go by the hotel if you’re not staying. I’m making sure that you’re beyond recognition now. She told her she was going to just see if she could get a flight out tonight then. Good. They want you to go by DC if you can on your way back here.

  They both knew she would go straight home. Tru did work for the government, but she didn’t want to do things that were out of the country anymore. Speaking to the president, she knew he’d talk her into coming to work for him on all grounds.

  No one knew that she and Rogen had their own way of keeping in touch with each other. It made it nice, Tru thought, to be able to talk to someone when she needed information without having to figure out a burner phone and what to do with it when she was finished.

  As she was moving out of the way of the firetruck, she saw the male moving among the rest of the site seers.

  We have an issue. Rogen asked her what it was. After telling her, Rogen asked after the female. He’s alone. Covered in blood. I don’t know where she is, but I’m working my way toward him. If I see her, she’ll be taken care of as well.

  Rogen wouldn’t bother her again unless she spoke first. Tru would need to focus on what her task was and make sure she did her job. As soon as she came upon the male—he was leaning over and puking his guts up—she shot him once in the back of the head. He fell forward, landing nicely in his own vomit. Moving out of the way, she saw her other target. Waiting for her to check to see if the male was all right—he’d fallen to his knees and stayed there—Tru shot her too.

  Blending into the crowd again, she told Rogen where the bodies were. Tru watched two men come out of the shadows and pick them both up, tossing them over their shoulders as they jogged up the sidewalk. No one took any notice of them, as they were too fixated on the building burning in front of them.

  That was another perk that she enjoyed working directly with Rogen. There was no need for her to do a clean up when she was out. Rogen had stashes of people all over the world for just that purpose. And if they weren’t that close, she’d have them there. Just a couple of people to pick up the bodies and make sure that the room or whatever was just as un-bloodied as it had been before she entered.

  Sitting on the plane, waiting to get going, the pilot came over the PA and said that they were going to be delayed for several minutes. He was sorry and blah, blah, blah. She saw the Secret Service moving toward where she was sitting. Cursing under her breath at the shit the president did to get someone’s attention, she was glad she was still in disguise from her job.

  There were six of them, all dressed in black, wearing masks over their faces as well as their weapons out at their chest. The single man, dressed as the others but with no gun out, asked if she’d come with them.

  “Are you asking me or telling me?” He just smiled at her. “I guess you think that’s supposed to be a fucking answer?”

  “We’d very much like for you to come with us to the front of the plane and out, Agent one seven four eight.” She growled low and knew that he heard it. “The president would like a word or two with you, and he said to tell you that this way you won’t have to go see him first before going home.”

  “I think you’re well aware that I wasn’t going to talk to him at all.” He just smiled again. The woman sitting in the seat next to her gasped when she stood up. Her gun and holster were there for her to see. “It’s all right, ma’am, I’m one of the good guys.”

  “Yes, that’s what my husband used to say right before he’d blacken my eyes. Are you really supposed to go and talk to the president, young lady?” Tru said it didn’t look as if he was giving her much of a choice. “You tell him for Mary Conley that he’s doing a damned sight better job now that he’s got his head out of his ass and is paying attention to things around him. You tell him that for me.”

  “I promise you, I will.”

  She was escorted out of the plane and up the runway. She didn’t speak to the people around her. They’d not answer her questions anyway. But she did reach out to Rogen and told her what the fucker was doing to her. I want to make sure he knows better than to do this again. I’m still armed, and I’d like to make my own little statement right now.

  I’m glad to help. She could almost feel Rogen’s humor about what was going to go down. All right. The limo is out front. I’ve looked, and there doesn’t appear to be anyone in it but the driver. If you’re going to do something, I’d suggest you do it before you get out of the airport. After that, I will only be able to keep track of you and not help you out of the building.


  She pretended to twist her ankle and fell to the floor. In doing so, she took out the two men following her. Knocking them both to the floor, she was able to disarm one of them and use the gun on the second one. They were wearing vests, but at the close range, it caused them enough pain to have them out when she shot them both. With the trash can that was close to her, Tru hit the other two. Using her body, a lethal weapon she’d been told, Tru was able to not just take their guns from them, but she had one locked in her legs until he was out before she shot the other man in the chest with the gun right up to the chest plate he was wearing. All that was left was the smiler.

  “You don’t want to do this.” She said that she really did. That he’d forced her hand. “Look. We’ll just get in the car, and I’ll brief you before we get there.”

  “That’s all? You’re going to take me all by yourself without all the firepower?” He said he promised. “All right then. I’m trusting you.”

  She took his hand in hers and saw the cuffs before he got them on her wrists. Tru knew he wasn’t to be trusted any more than she was. Hitting him in the face with her foot, the man was out before he hit the floor. She put the cuffs on him and one of the downed men before getting the others trussed up too.

  All right. Get me out of here in one piece. Rogen was laughing, so she was sure she’d watched her on the camera. Moving in the direction that Rogen told her, she laughed again when Rogen mentioned that she didn’t want to be on her bad side. You get me out of here, and we’ll talk about it.

  Discarding the wig and other items that changed her features, she was pleased that Rogen not only got her out of the building but had a car waiting for her at the car rental place. Getting in it, she was glad that it wasn’t some fuddy duddy car, but something she could have a little fun with. Before starting it, however, she did ask her who was paying for it.

  It’s a freebie, of course. When you get to the
end of the lot, pull over. There are several tracking devices on that sucker that you need to disarm.

  After getting the car clean, Tru was on her way home. The only way they’d be able to find her now was if they knew that she had rented a car and under whose name. The funny thing was, no one had rented this car, and no one had paid for it. Rogen had taken it off their books and inventory. No one would know that the thing was missing, as it was never there. She loved her job.

  Chapter 10

  Jonas waited at the door for his brother to come and see the kids. He didn’t know when they’d gotten sick, but two of them had been throwing up since he arrived. The other two, including the baby, were sleeping whatever it was off. The sitter was missing too.

  “Thank goodness.” Dawson asked him where the kids were. “There are two in the bedroom sleeping. They don’t have a temperature, but they’re sticky with sweat.”

  He examined the two that he’d put in the living room with buckets. After they answered questions put to them, Jonas went to the other two children. Bobby was awake, but he didn’t feel good, he told him. Picking up the baby, Jonas changed her out of her wet sleeper and was worried that her urine was so dark. Dawson came in to check on them when he sat in the rocker to rock Sarah.

  “Food poisoning is my first guess.” He said that’s what he thought as well. “Isn’t there an adult here with them?”

  “I’m having someone find her.” Dawson checked Sarah, who was crying but not sweating anymore. “They were alone when I arrived. Thomas told me that Cindy left them two days ago and hadn’t returned. She’d better have a fucking good excuse for leaving them like this.”

  “They need to be with someone all the time right now, Jonas. Do you have anyone else that can look after them for you?” He said he was doing it for now. “Four sick kids are going to be hard on you. I don’t know if you know this or not, but if this is food poisoning, it will be a couple of days before any of them will be well enough to take any fluids in. I’m concerned for their wellbeing. Not that I don’t think you could do it, but you do need some help.”


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