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Dirt Queen

Page 5

by Nora Blake

  I nodded and looked down at my phone. I almost squealed when I saw a message from him.

  Kait came over to my bed and sat beside me. “What does it say?”

  Aaron: How was dinner, Dirt Queen?

  I showed it to Kait.

  Me: Good. My best friend ended up coming over too. You having a good night?

  Aaron: It’s fine. Just exhausted. Remember when we used to ask each other random questions?

  Me: Yeah, why?

  Aaron: Ask me something.

  I smiled down at my phone.

  Me: Is your favorite color still red?

  Aaron: Yep. Yours still pink?

  Me: And black. Like my heart.

  Kait got off my bed and walked to my bedroom door.

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “I’m gonna head home and let you two catch up.” She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows before leaving.

  I rolled my eyes before waving goodbye. Then I laid back against my pillows and stared at my phone.

  Me: Am I allowed to ask deeper questions?

  Aaron: Sure

  Me: If you’ve been separated a year, why did you just take your ring off three weeks ago?

  Absolutely none of my business, but I needed to know. We used to tell each other everything. There were no boundaries when it came to honesty. Well, except for how I really felt about him. That was off limits.

  Aaron: It was stuck.

  I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

  Me: It was stuck for a really long time then. How’d you finally get it off?

  Aaron: Finally found someone who could cut it off.

  Me: I promise I’m not laughing.

  Aaron: You’re still a terrible liar. You’re totally laughing.

  I took my glasses off and wiped the tears from my eyes. I put my glasses back on and messaged him.

  Me: Pretty damn hard.

  Aaron: I’m glad you’re amused. Nick almost peed himself he laughed so hard.

  I couldn’t stop smiling.

  Me: So, tell me more about your kids. Do they like racing?

  Aaron: They’re amazing. They both love racing. They even have their own little suits.

  Me: That’s awesome! When is your next race and is it at 34 Raceway again?

  Aaron: Next Saturday night, and yeah it is. You comin’?

  Me: 7:00?

  Aaron: Yep. What’s your favorite food now?

  Me: I’ll try to make it, and pizza. Sushi is a close second. You?

  It took him a bit to respond, so while I waited, I went upstairs to my parents’ kitchen to get something to drink. I saw Mom on the couch watching TV and Dad sound asleep in his recliner. She looked in my direction when she heard me.

  “Hey, hun. If I give you a grocery list, can you pick up some things after you get off work tomorrow?”

  “Sure. No problem.” I went into the kitchen and grabbed a water. I headed back to the basement and smiled when I saw another message from Aaron.

  Aaron: Pizza and wings.

  Me: Last question, then I’m gonna head to bed. What are you afraid of?

  Aaron: Missing a lost opportunity.

  Me: I guess mine is kind of the same. I’ve always been afraid of choosing the wrong path for my life and being old and regretting it. I think that’s why I haven’t moved out on my own or have figured out anything yet.

  I stood and went to my dresser. I changed into a tank and some pajama pants. When I crawled back into bed, I noticed he hadn’t responded. I looked at the time, it was getting close to ten. I turned off the lamp next to my bed and set my laptop on the nightstand.

  Me: Night, Aaron.

  Aaron: Night, Dirt Queen.

  I took off my glasses and set them on my nightstand along with my phone. I still had a smile plastered to my face. Talking to him again meant the world to me. Things felt more complete than they had in a long time. Kait was right. I needed to let things be what they would be and figure out the rest on the way.



  I had just gotten off work and was about to take a shower when Nick came rushing into my house.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, it started pouring on my way in.” He laughed, and then I noticed his wet hair and soaked shirt. “I ran into Sarah’s dad today. He came into the hardware store when I was there to get things for the farm. While he was waiting for his paint to get mixed, he asked for your number.” He took off his shoes and wet shirt and sat on the couch.

  “Did he say why he wanted my number? And did you give it to him?”

  “Yeah and yeah. He wants to get back into helping with racing. He said he’s been told he can’t race himself and said Sarah mentioned something about you saying he could help out.”

  “Yeah, I did. And I could use the help. I’ve gotten rusty.”

  “I know nothing about technique or I’d offer. All I’m good at is helping you in the garage with the painting and building part. I just yell at you when you make mistakes as if I know what the hell I’m talking about.” My phone dinged with an incoming text. Nick swiped it from the arm of the couch before I had a chance to grab it and grinned. “Sarah messaged you.”

  I walked over and took it from him.

  “Wow, look at that grin.”

  “What?” I felt my cheeks heat up.

  “You still got it bad. You ever gonna tell her?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him and looked at the message. “I think I kinda did.”

  “You did?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I told her she had a nice ass.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “Either she kind of knows, or she just thinks you’re a pervert.”

  “Go take a shower. You stink.”

  “Touché, bro.” He left the room singing, “Aaron and Sarah sitting in a tree …”

  I looked at my phone.

  Sarah: I have a problem. Are you busy?

  Me: Nope. What’s up?

  Sarah: My car is stuck in a ditch. I’d call my dad, but he hurt his back while painting today. Nothing serious, I just don’t wanna make it worse. I thought maybe you and your Chevy could help me?

  Me: Just tell me where you are, and I’ll be there.

  I grabbed my hat and went to the bathroom. I opened the door slightly, steam from the shower rolling out. “Sarah’s car is stuck. I’m gonna go help her get it out.”

  “Is that all you’re gonna do?” he asked teasingly.

  “Yes, that’s all I’m going to do, idiot.” I laughed.

  “How long has it been again since you got laid?”

  “I’ll be back later,” I told him, avoiding the question.

  “It’s been forever. I bet the poor little guy has forgotten how to work.”

  I laughed. “Shut up. And he isn’t little and works fine. Also, do you honestly think I’d go and try to screw Sarah?”

  “Hey, you did go on and on about how hot she was last night.” I heard something fall in the shower and him curse.

  “That’s what you get. Anyway, are you staying here tonight?”

  “Stupid fucking shampoo bottle, and yeah, I haven’t been grocery shopping, and I figured you’d have something. If not, we can have something delivered. I’ll buy.”

  I looked at the message with where she was. She was off on a backroad that was always flooding after we had a lot of rain.

  “Sounds good. I’ll be back.” I shut the bathroom door, grabbed my truck keys from the counter, and ran through the rain to my truck.

  It didn’t take long for me to get to where she was. I backed up as close as I could and got out. I grabbed the tow rope and hurried over to her car. The rain was thick and heavy, making it hard to see. I motioned for her to stay inside before attaching the chain to her car.

  Of course, she never listened and got out of her car anyway. “I can help,” she shouted over the pouring rain.

  I took my hat off and put it on her head. “Go drive m
y truck.”

  “Please tell me it has four-wheel drive so you don’t end up stuck too!”

  I nodded and made sure everything was ready.

  She hurried into my truck, and I could see her watching through the side mirror waiting for my signal. I got behind her car and motioned for her to go as I pushed. After a little bit of a struggle from the heavy downpour and mud, we finally got it out and onto the side of the road. She put the truck in park and got out.

  “Thank you!” The rain eased a bit but still ran steadily down both of our faces and soaked our clothes. “I’m sorry I got you out in this, Aaron.”

  I smiled. “I don’t mind. You got plans for dinner?” I wiped some water out of my eyes.

  She took off my hat and handed it back to me. “I don’t.”

  “Nick and I are ordering dinner. You want to come over?”

  The rain was now just a light mist. She wiped her eyes and stared at me.

  “Nick will be there?”

  I nodded. “He comes over to keep me company a lot.”

  “Sure. Since I’m close to my house, I’ll go change and head that way. Message me the address.”

  “Will do. Is pizza okay? It’s our go-to dinner when we can’t decide on anything else.”

  “I’d never turn down pizza,” she said before getting into her car.

  After untying the rope still connecting my truck her car, I hopped in my truck and messaged her my address. I called Nick as I headed back home.

  “Don’t tell me you’re stuck, too.”

  I laughed. “No, I’m not stuck. I’m on my way home. Have you ordered anything for dinner yet?”

  “No, I was waiting on you. What do you want? Did you get Sarah out?”

  “Yeah. She’s on her way to change clothes, then she’s coming over to hang out with us. Order wings and pizza.”

  “She’s coming over? Ooo la, la.”

  “Shut up and order the food. I’ll be there soon. I’m gonna try to get a quick shower and change.”

  “I’m on it.”

  “Oh, and please don’t make this weird. Okay?”

  “I will try to be on my best behavior.”

  “Niiick,” I warned.

  “I promise I’ll behave.”

  “You better.” I hung up and headed home.

  The entire drive there, my head was a mess. I thought about all of the different things that could happen tonight. Each time I met up with Sarah, I could feel myself getting closer and closer to admitting everything. It was actually painful not to and to keep it in. If I have learned anything over the years, I have learned just how fast time really goes and how things can change so instantly. I didn’t want to waste time anymore. I didn’t want to live with regrets ever again.



  I pulled up to Aaron’s house and parked on the side of the road. The red brick house was set off from the road a bit and super cute. I could tell by the well-manicured lawn and the flowerbeds full of shrubs and pretty flowers that a woman once lived here. This was once their house, and it felt like a knife in my heart.

  I got out of my car and walked down the front sidewalk to the front door. I smiled when Aaron opened it. “Hey.” I looked past him as he let me in and saw Nick sitting on the couch.

  As soon as he saw me, he was up wrapping me in a tight hug. “Sarah!”

  I laughed and hugged him back. “Hey, Nick! The last time I hung out with you, you were nine and annoying the piss out of everyone,” I teased.

  He let go of me and chuckled. “Haven’t changed much.” He motioned for me to go to the kitchen. “I ordered every pizza they had. We didn’t know what kind you liked, so, we thought, why the hell not?”

  I set my purse and keys on the counter and looked at Aaron after seeing all the pizza boxes and laughed. “You could’ve just messaged me and asked.”

  “What’s the fun in that?” Aaron asked with a bright smile. He grabbed some plates and handed them out.

  “Thanks.” I watched Nick open all the boxes. There was literally every single kind. When I saw the wings, I went straight for those. I grabbed two and then went to find the cheese pizza. “Okay, I have to admit. This is pretty awesome.”

  “Hell yeah, it is,” Nick said as he got one of every piece.

  I looked at Aaron. “Will he eat all that?” I asked quietly.

  “Sadly, yes. I swear it all goes to his big ol’ stupid head.”

  I laughed and followed them into the living room. Nick sat on the recliner, leaving the couch for Aaron and me. With slight hesitation, I sat down, and Aaron sat beside me.

  “So,” Nick said between stuffing his face, “I hear you and Aaron have been playing that question game you guys used to play.”

  I took a bite and nodded. “A little I guess.”

  “Can I play?” Nick asked.

  I laughed. “Maybe. What’s your question?”

  “Got any sisters?”

  I laughed and tried to keep my food from flying out of my mouth. “No. Got an older brother, though. Want me to hook you up?”

  “If he’s hot, sure,” Nick teased.

  I burst into laughter. “Sorry, I don’t think you’re his type.”

  “How is your brother?” Aaron asked.

  I shrugged. I felt bad that this was the first time in a while that I’ve even thought of him or remembered I had a brother. We were never really close, and he was so much older than me. He was in college when Aaron and I were in high school. He hated our small town and swore he’d leave and never look back. I don’t think my parents nor I had seen or heard from him in at least three years. “Fine, I guess. He lives far away, and we don’t really talk much.”

  “I hate that.” Aaron looked so apologetic.

  I shrugged. “It is what it is.”

  Nick nodded at Aaron. I think he could tell I didn’t really want to talk about it. “Your turn, bro.”

  Aaron chewed slowly as he thought for a moment. “Favorite spot you’ve ever taken a photo?”

  “Just recently in California. My mom and I went to see the Redwoods. It was amazing. I took some crazy awesome photos. The weather was perfect. It was really great. Have you ever been?”

  He shook his head. “Haven’t strayed far from here, actually.”

  “You should really take your boys sometime. California is a pretty amazing place. The beach, mountains, and the Redwoods are worth seeing.”

  “Your turn, Sarah,” Nick announced before shoving yet another slice of pizza into his face.

  I looked at Aaron. “Where’s your race car?”

  “In the garage. I can show you after we eat.”

  “He has it all set up in there like a real shop. It’s pretty impressive. Messy, but impressive,” Nick added.

  I smiled and nodded at Aaron. “That’d be great. It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten my hands greasy. I miss being in Dad’s shop working for hours.”

  “Well, you can hang out in mine any time you want.”

  “Speaking of your dad, did he tell you he saw me?” Nick asked.

  “No, he didn’t.”

  Nick smiled. “He asked for Aaron’s number. So, I gave it to him. He mentioned helping Aaron with racing.”

  I looked at Aaron. “Has he called?” That made me so happy to hear. Dad missed racing so much, but now that he was older and couldn’t, he needed someone to live his dream through.

  “Not yet, but I hope he does. I could use the help, and my dad is busy enjoying the retired life with Mom.”

  “I bet they love that!”

  Aaron nodded and shrugged. “Yes and no. Dad more so than Mom. She misses working the ER.”

  "Thank you for offering to let my dad help. He really misses it."

  Aaron nodded. “No problem. I’m looking forward to it.”

  After we were done eating, Aaron and I headed out to the garage. I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face if I tried. The smell of gasoline, oil, and tires made my heart speed
up. I forgot just how much I missed it.

  I looked at Aaron, remembering the last time we hung out in my dad's garage. It was the same night Aaron and I spent the night in the garage, knowing it was our last before the moving truck came the next morning. I could still see Aaron standing in the road watching us drive away.

  I hated we didn't keep in touch. All those years we could've been together, lost. I couldn’t help but wonder who he and I would be if I never moved away.

  “It’s been a long time since we were in a garage together.”

  “Too long,” I answered as I admired his car.

  “I agree.”

  I tapped the hood of the car. “So, anything wrong with it?” I rocked back on my heels, hoping he’d say it was completely fucked up so I could get my hands dirty.

  “I’m needing to replace a motor belt. I put a new one on, but it broke. You want to help?”

  I nodded excitedly.

  He laughed at my enthusiasm and raised the hood.

  I grinned at him. “I’m probably going to say this a billion times tonight, but I have missed this so much.”

  I hadn’t felt this at ease with him yet, but that was my own fault. This was our thing, our groove, and our past. He was still Aaron, and I was still Sarah. I needed to do my best to push past the tension of the more-than-friends feeling aside and just live in the moment.

  He went to start working, but I stopped him. “Let me do it. You tell me if I’m doing something wrong, but be nice, it’s been a while.”

  He handed me the belt. “Go ahead.”

  I stared at the engine for a bit, replaying my dad’s voice in my mind, remembering when he taught me how to do this. I smiled and got to work.


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