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Mysterious Destiny Bright Lights and Thunder Part I

Page 27

by D. J. Holmes


  In Lyon, brothers Jean and Pierre have been fighting extremely hard for the French nobles in that region. Both of them have been made captains of their own troops, because of their knowledge of war tactics.

  This particular day, the battle in Lyon has been long and hot. Finally it is night, and the soldiers are now able to take a respite from the stress of battle.

  “Jean, I just heard that Orleans has fallen, and the English have left that part of France.”

  “I heard something about it. My troops have been talking about a woman that is leading them.”

  “What is her name?”

  “I don’t know. I was concentrating on plans for the battle we will wage tomorrow. I didn’t hear the rest of what they were saying, but it seemed to breathe a new sense of courage into my troops.”

  “The same thing has happened with my troops. Do you have time to go ask some of your soldiers what they know about this woman?”

  “Sure. I’ve been working so long on these plans that my head is going around in circles. Maybe we could both learn how she is doing it?”

  Walking up to a group of soldiers, they hear, “Can you believe it? She took Orleans in ten days. Something the French nobles had been working on for eight months.”

  “How big is Orleans anyway?” another soldier asks.

  Sitting closer to the fire they are all gathered around, an older soldier answers, “It is ten and a half square miles. And the British had that area full of castles, and troop encampments…”

  “Only someone who is favored of God could have accomplished what she has,” declares a soldier standing behind the older soldier.

  Sitting down on a log, Jean asks, “Do any of you know her name?”

  “You don’t know her name?” a soldier questions as all of the others look at both Jean and Pierre in amazement.

  “No, do you?”

  “Her name is Jehanne.”

  Shocked, but not fully comprehending what he has heard, Pierre asks, “What is her last name?”

  “Her last name is d’Arc, the same as yours.”

  Looking at each other, both Jean and Pierre don’t know if they should smile with pride, or question why a woman….. Jean’s thinking stops as his mouth begins to speak. “Just a minute, her last name is d’Arc, and her first name is Jehanne? Jehanne d’Arc?”

  “Yes. That’s what we have heard. Do you know her?”

  “If she was born in Domremy, then she is our sister!” Pierre states trying to make sense of everything he is hearing.

  “Yes. Jehanne was born in Domremy. It is said that she is the maid that has been foretold would save France from the English.”

  Looking surprised and shocked they whisper, “Our sister…the maid that is supposed to save France?”

  “And, Pierre,” one of the soldiers calls out his name, looking at him strangely, “there is a man that is with her in all of her battles…his name is Pierre. Isn’t that kind of funny?”

  “Yes, that does seem a little strange. But then again, this is France. There are a lot of Frenchmen called Pierre.”

  Jean interrupts, “What are her tactics?”

  “I have been told that she is magnificent. At the beginning of each battle they kneel in prayer. Then as the battle begins she rides at the front of her troops leading them right into the battle. On the battle field she encourages them to fight on through her example and through her shouts of encouragement. And her standard flies throughout the whole battle showing where she is on the ground floor.”

  Jean and Pierre turn to their right as another soldier begins talking. “Her standard is made of white canvas with the Archangel Saint Gabriel and Saint Michael on each side of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Toward the end of the standard there are Fleurs de Lys’.”

  On the other side of Jean and Pierre another soldier begins to speak. “Her armor is white.”

  “Yes… and her horse is dapple gray.”

  “Is her horse a stallion?” Jean asks.

  “No, it’s actually a ‘Rouncey’.”

  “Jean, that’s father’s horse. We need to go help her, Jean. She’s our sister. She needs our protection,” Pierre states with concern.

  With wide eyes and his hands out to the side, Jean responds, “She needs our help? Pierre did you not hear that she took ten square miles of French land back from the English? In ten days….something that the nobles had been trying to take for eight months!”

  Pierre has no response to his brother. He is still trying to understand that a woman doesn’t need their help. Not to mention that this woman is their little sister.

  “Pierre…Pierre, look at me,” Jean continues, while holding his brothers shoulders so that he can look straight into his eyes trying to make a point.

  “There are many fronts to this war. If we stay here, and Jacquemin stays where he is, with Jehanne also on another front, then we will finally be able to defeat the English. If we go to where Jehanne is, the English will gather all of their forces to that one field of battle. But if we remain here, the English will have to split their defenses. We would be more help to Jehanne by staying where we are.”

  “What if she needs our help at a later time?”

  “Then we will find out, and we will go to her.”

  “You make a good point, Jean. We will do our part here.”


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