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Mysterious Destiny Bright Lights and Thunder Part I

Page 37

by D. J. Holmes


  After the Coronation, Jehanne asks Pierre, “What was your favorite part of the Coronation, Pierre?”

  “Standing by you and watching your excitement.”

  Smiling at his comment, Jehanne says, “My favorite part was when the Dauphin swore to respect ‘Justice and the Law,’ and to defend the Church and his people, especially the widows and orphans from all enemies, both domestic and foreign.”

  “Yes, that was good. To protect widows and orphans from all enemies is very important indeed. But my favorite part was still looking at your face as you watched the whole coronation.”

  “Part of my happiness, Pierre, is that we can go home now. We can go back to mother and father and live with them as we did before.”

  “It has been an exciting time, Jehanne. It has been my privilege to fight by your side. Now I’ll be able to take you safely home, as I promised your father I would.”

  “Yes, Pierre you have come to my aid many times. I thank you for that. Tomorrow I will ask the King for permission for both of us to return home, but for now, let’s get some sleep it has been a long day.”

  Jehanne looks out her window and greets the morning sun with, “I’ll be going home today, ole friend. I’m so excited!” Pierre and Jehanne meet with the new French King. During their meeting Jehanne says, “I have completed my mission, Charles, and I am seeking permission for Pierre and I to return home to our family.”

  Shocked, King Charles VII responds, “But, Jehanne, how can you go home? Our country still needs a great commander like you. In all of our history there has never been a commander that is loved by all of their soldiers. We have had commanders that have had respect, but you, Jehanne are loved by our people. I want you to stay here, and continue to help us to reclaim all of France from the English.”

  Disappointed but willing to serve her King she says, “I am your servant.”

  “Jehanne, you have done so much for France, what can I as King of France do for you?”

  “I would ask that you grant Domremy, my village, respite from ever having to pay taxes again. I also ask that Pierre be given permission to continue to be by my side.”

  “Is that all that you ask Jehanne? Don’t you want anything for yourself?”

  “I can’t think of anything that I need, my King.”

  “You can ask for lands, castles, riches…. What can I give to you to reward you for all that you have done for France?”

  “Thank you for your graciousness, but the Lord gives me everything that I need.”

  “If that is all that you desire, Jehanne, your wishes are granted. Domremy will be forgiven of any taxes, past, present or future. As for Pierre, he is a great soldier, and everyone has profound respect for his skills on the battlefield. I give him permission to always be by your side.”

  “Thank you my King. If you will excuse us, we will ride to our next battle.”

  “I will be glad to see both of you when our country is free of the English….”

  “We will be glad to see you then also.”

  Leaving the Kings presence, Jehanne and Pierre walk out of the Royal Court Room to their horses. Before they begin to ride, Pierre asks, “What kind of a man is he, Jehanne?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t been around him very much. All I know is that he is the person that the Lord chose to be King of France.”

  Slowly riding their horses, Pierre continues, “I only ask because I felt that there was something missing. All during the coronation it seemed to me that he was only doing it because he had to, not because he wanted to.”

  “He had to want to, Pierre or he wouldn’t have gone against the Treaty of Troyes that his father signed.”

  “Maybe he wanted to be King, but there is something. I can’t put my finger on it, Jehanne. But something is going on that he isn’t sharing with anyone.”

  “That is his problem, Pierre. We have our orders. Shall we ride faster so that we can get to our destination quicker?”

  “Yes commander. I will continue to be by your side.”

  Looking over at, Pierre, Jehanne laughs. “Ha, let’s see if you can stay up with me then.” And with a slight touch of her boot, her horse begins to gallop as fast as he can. Knowing Jehanne as he does, Pierre allows his horse to gallop also thus staying right by her side.

  After a short distance, reining their horses back to a fast walk Jehanne senses, a stillness in the air. “The birds are not singing Pierre.”

  “Yes, I noticed.”

  “I don’t see anything, Pierre.”

  “Let me check something.”

  Slowing to a stop, Pierre gets off of his horse and puts his ear to the ground. Looking back in the direction they had just come, he sees several horses on top of the ridge overlooking the valley that he and Jehanne had just entered. Pointing toward the ridge he sees the English standards and states, “The English, Jehanne. They must have been watching us from the time we left Reims,” Pierre says as he quickly remounts his horse.

  Showing her disdain for the English, Jehanne quips, “Yes, the cowards. They followed us until we were out in the middle of nowhere by ourselves.”

  Jehanne and Pierre lean forward, quickly giving their horses a swift kick. Pierre notices that Jehanne’s horse is not riding as fast as his and yells, “JEHANNE GIVE YOUR HORSE IT’S FULL STRIDE!!!” as he keeps his horse’s stride controlled, not wanting to leave Jehanne behind.

  “I AM, PIERRE!” she answers, looking up and over to her right.



  “GET UP HERE BEHIND ME,” as he pat’s his horse’s back just behind his high back saddle.

  “AND JUST HOW DO I DO THAT?” Jehanne quickly answers thinking that he is a bit crazy.

  Extending his left hand toward her, Pierre demands, “JEHANNE, TAKE MY HAND. STAND UP AND GET BEHIND ME.”


  “MOVE NOW! WE HAVE NO TIME TO LOSE.” Watching the English from the corners of both eyes, Pierre notices that they have begun to come up on both sides, “JEHANNE! NOW!” he desperately yells.

  Still galloping, Jehanne quickly stands up on her saddle. Pierre positions his horse slightly forward so that it will be easier for Jehanne to get up behind him. Instantly letting go of the reigns, Jehanne makes the transition. Swinging her right leg over to sit down behind Pierre, she feels the excruciating pain of an arrow finding its place in the flesh of her thigh.

  Many more arrows pass them. Not realizing that, Jehanne has been hit, Pierre kicks his horse giving it full reign and finally the freedom to go as fast as it can.

  With their speed accelerated they easily leave the English behind. Coming to a small village, Jehanne finally says, “Pierre I need to rest.”

  Still looking forward and pressing his horse to go as fast as it can, Pierre answers, “Jehanne, we don’t have time to rest. The English will be looking for you. They will be looking for both of us.”

  Feeling her begin to slump to his left side, he quickly moves his left arm back and behind him catching her. Realizing that something must be wrong, he pulls back on the reins to slow his horse down and rides to a nearby cottage.

  “Hello in there,” Pierre yells. “Can you help us?”

  Opening their front door, the occupant asks, “What do you need?”


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