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Mysterious Destiny Bright Lights and Thunder Part I

Page 43

by D. J. Holmes

Jon hears his conversation device ring once again. Hoping that it is Julia again, he quickly answers. Shocked, at the sound of a low male voice on the other end, he quickly looks at the visual. “Blue Cloud, how is everything going with you and Snow Flower?”

  “We arrived at our destination one day ago,” Blue Cloud announced. “I wanted to tell you, that the blanket that Daniel put in our bag is wonderful! It makes you invisible.”


  “Yes. When we get back, I’ll tell you how Snow Flower and I found out what it does. It was quite funny.”

  “What a great gift. I am sure that it will come in handy with the situation that we find ourselves in.”

  “What is the matter?” Blue Cloud asks.

  “Nothing…now…we have found, Running Deer. If everything goes as planned we will be on our way back to the portal in a few days.”

  “You found our son? May I see him?”

  “Of course, Blue Cloud…Pierre will you come over here?”

  “Pierre? Who is Pierre?”

  “That is the name that, Running Deer is using in this dimension.”

  “Oh. What a strange name.”

  Pierre cautiously walks over to Jon. “Pierre, this is your father, Blue Cloud. He would like to talk to you. Are you willing to do that?”

  “Of course…” Pierre says softly, wondering if this is really happening.

  Seeing the visual of his son, Blue Cloud is overcome with emotion, “My Son. You have grown into a young man.”

  Looking at the picture of his father, Pierre is taken back. “You look a lot like I do, Father.”

  “Yes, we look a lot alike. …I know that our time is short, but I just wanted to let you know that I look forward to seeing you. Wait a minute….” Blue Cloud smiles as he looks at Snow Flower. “Your mother is pulling on my sleeve. She wants to talk to you also.”

  “…My Mother?”

  “Yes, Running Deer. Here is Snow Flower, your Mother.”

  Anxiously grabbing the communication device from her husband, Snow Flower asks, “How have you been, Running Deer? Have you been taking care of yourself?”


  “Yes, Running Deer. How have you been my darling son?”

  “Mother, you are so beautiful. You look a lot like Jehanne also.”

  “Who is, Jehanne, Running Deer?”

  “She is a great French Commander. I have been fighting the English by her side.”

  “She sounds like a wonderful person.”

  “Yes, it was Jehanne and her family who took care of me when I first arrived here.”

  Daniel breaks in. “I can hear your conversation in the Security Room. I’m sorry to interrupt. But I wanted you to know that you can each use your own communication device. The pictures, along with the voices will stream over through all the communication devices. Blue Cloud, if you will take Snow Flower’s device off of her arm, while she is using yours, you’ll all be able to see and talk to each other all at once.”

  “Thank you, Daniel. Did you hear that, Jon?”

  “I did.”

  “Mother and Father, I would like to introduce you to, Jehanne. She and her family are very special to me.”

  As Jehanne walks over to Running Deer, both Blue Cloud and Snow Flower can see Jehanne’s face. “I am glad to meet you, Jehanne,” his mother says with a quiet, shocked tone in her voice.

  “You are right, Running Deer. Jehanne and your mother look a lot alike,” Blue Cloud agrees.

  “You are Pierre’s parents?” Jehanne questions as she looks at their visuals.

  “Yes,” they both answer.

  “I am honored to meet you,” she says.

  “Thank you for taking care of our son,” Snow Flower gratefully acknowledges.

  “It has been our privilege. He is a great warrior and a wonderful person.”

  Blue Cloud interrupts, “I just noticed a ship sailing toward us. The pirates are arriving back at the island. We will have to continue our conversation another day, so that we can hide.”

  “Until that day arrives, Sir,” Jehanne says as the conversation is ended. She hands the amazing device back to Pierre, who then hands it to, Jon.

  “Thank you for telling me about the invisible blanket, Blue Cloud. Have you had a chance to use anything else that Daniel provided for our use?”

  “Not yet…I’m sorry, but we have to go before the pirates hear us.”

  “Tell Snow Flower ‘good bye’ for me. We will talk again soon.”

  “Good bye, Jon. Bring our son home safely.”

  “We will.”

  “What a miraculous device,” Jehanne states with wonderment in her eyes.

  With extremely wide eyes, Pierre asks, “What is a pirate?”

  Jehanne answers, “Oh, that’s just a thief that uses a ship on the water, rather than a horse, to steal your possessions….”

  “…Really? I hope Blue Cloud and Snow Flower will be all right.”

  “Daniel taught us about the cultures of the different dimensions that we were going into. He taught us the languages, the attitudes of the people and most importantly, he taught us how to defend ourselves. They will be fine, Pierre. We will all return to the Beach House, and to Daniel,” Jon assures him.

  “Our biggest concern right now is, Julia. We need to continue on our way,” Jehanne says, trying to bring the attention back to their present situation.

  “You’re right, Jehanne. “Getting back to, Julia, do you know anything about Picardie?”

  “Yes, it’s beautiful.”

  “And…what about the Luxembourg Castle, do you know anything about it?”

  “She’s correct when describing it as highly fortified.”

  “If that’s the case how are we going to free, Julia?”

  “Don’t worry, Jon my angels will help me.”

  For the rest of the night all that Jon can think of is, Julia. When he met her again at the Beach House, he had told her that he never wanted to be parted from her again. Would there be a way to free her? How could this be done with just three people going against hundreds of enemy soldiers? Questions continue to come to his mind throughout the night and into the early morning.

  As the sun begins to rise in the sky, Julia looks forward to being able to walk in the garden and to feel its warm rays on her face.

  Finally the time has arrived with a knock on the heavy wooden door, “Jehanne, are you ready?”

  “I am ladies,” she says, eager to escape the confinement of the stone walls.

  Walking through the gardens with her new found friends, she rarely speaks. Julia thoughtfully listens to the news they are discussing concerning the continued war between the English and the French.

  “Since we took you prisoner, Jehanne, the English have been winning their battles again. They have been taking back the lands from the French that you had won. What were you thinking being a woman and going onto the battlefield with all those men?”

  Not answering the question quickly enough, Auntie answers for her.

  “There have probably been so many French men killed, that we may perhaps see other French women taking the place of their men on the battlefield. Is that right, Jehanne?”

  Looking at them she smiles.

  “She is smiling. That probably means the French are short of men, and the women are needed to take their place.”

  “The sun feels so good and the flowers are beautiful, ladies. I can’t thank you enough for this opportunity to walk amongst such beauty. I hope that we will be able to do this again tomorrow.” Jehanne expresses trying to change the subject.

  “As do we, Jehanne,” they all chorus.

  “Good. Do you mind if we walk a little longer tomorrow?”

  “What a wonderful idea, Jehanne, we will come at the same time. So be ready all right?”

  “I don’t think that I am going anywhere Ladies. You can be sure that I will be ready.”

  Looking at each other the ladies excitedly state, �
�Just think, we have the pleasure of walking with the famous French Commander, Jehanne d’ Arc.”

  “Yes. And to think she is here in our home!”

  Julia quietly hides a smile as she listens to their conversation and wonders what they would say if they knew that she was not the real, Jehanne. That she was not the famous French Commander after all.


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