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The Line: The Complete Series

Page 15

by Nikki Rose

  “You needed it.” He stood up and moved to sit on the side of the bed but his movements were hesitant.

  “Something about being kidnapped seems to have that effect.” I smiled.

  He leaned in and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

  “Thank you...for saving me.”

  He frowned and looked down. “I’m the reason you were in that mess, to begin with.”

  “I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I looked around, wanting to change the subject to get away from his guilt. “Where are we?”

  “This is my apartment.”

  “You’re apartment? But I thought—”

  “The cabin is mine too but this is my primary residence.”


  “Addy, we need to talk.”

  “Are you going to lock me up again? Because I ran.”

  “Lock you—?” He sliced his hands through his hair before meeting my gaze. “Damn it, Addy, don’t you see I was just trying to protect you? You have the power to destroy me. I’m not talking about exposing who I am or what I’ve done. I’m talking deeper than that. I’m talking about heart and soul. I saw something in you the first time I laid eyes on you. And when our eyes connected for that first time, it was like I could see into your soul and it reminded me that there are things in this world worth fighting for—things worth protecting. I knew if anything ever happened to you, I couldn’t live with myself. That’s what you did to me, Addy.”

  I sat stunned, unsure of what to say.

  “I know you think I’m a monster and maybe in some ways, I am. But I need you to know the whole truth before you make up your mind about me.”

  “Okay?” I looked at him expectantly and he seemed to calm down.

  “Do you need something to drink or eat before we talk?”

  I shook my head and turned to better face him. This was what I’d wanted to know for so long yet now, after everything, I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear it. Hunter had always been kind to me but there was no denying he’d killed a man. I watched it happen and I wasn't sure there was anything he could say that would change that.

  “Addy, I work for the government.”

  I furrowed my brow and let the words sink in. “Like the CIA?”

  “Something like that. I get rid of people who can’t be dealt with otherwise.”

  “An exterminator.” My voice was very matter-of-fact.

  “As I said before.” He nodded.

  “So, the judge?”

  “The judge was corrupt. We had proof but it wasn’t anything admissible in court. He’d slipped through our fingers more than once.”

  “Corrupt, how?”

  “He was giving passes to traffickers in exchange for a cut.”


  “Yeah. These traffickers were kidnapping girls in the U.S. and selling them overseas. We caught on to a pattern. Somehow every case fell through. Either it was missing evidence, a witness suddenly changing his or her mind, disappearing, it was always something.”

  “How did Daniel play into everything?”

  “He worked for the judge and the traffickers. They had him doing a lot of their dirty work covering up crimes or disposing of witnesses.”

  “He seemed so nice—so normal at first.”

  “Yeah, but then so did I, didn’t I?”

  “Good point,” I smirked at him and nudged his shoulder with mine. “Why didn’t you just tell me? Why keep me locked up like some captive? If I had known—”

  “The agency wouldn’t let me. I had to keep my cover so I wouldn’t risk the case. And, I needed to keep you hidden from the agency or they would have locked you up in one of their facilities until they knew you wouldn’t compromise me or the case.”

  “And now?”

  “Stevenson blew my cover for me. After all that, you deserved the full truth from me.”

  “Are you going to be in trouble for telling me?”

  He smiled. “You let me worry about that.”

  “So now what?” All this information was more than my mind could process. I had no idea where we went from here.

  “A team swept both of Daniel’s residences and found a lot of information about the people he was working for. Seems he had a burn book in case he ever got into trouble and needed to make a deal.”

  “So, he was disloyal all the way around.”

  “Lucky for us. My team is working fast to wrap this all up before any word of his disappearance makes it to the people he worked for. We should have them rounded up by the end of the week. Then you’ll be safe to return to your home.”

  “Home,” I muttered more to myself than to him. After so much time away, would it even feel like home again? It had barely begun to feel like home before I was taken away. “And what about you?”

  “I’ll move on to the next case.”

  I nodded, feeling an overwhelming sadness that this was all about to be over. What was wrong with me? All I’d wanted when he’d held me captive was to go home. Now that I was close, I didn’t want to leave. This must be what Stockholm syndrome feels like.

  “I got you something.” Hunter pulled out a white box from under his bed.”

  “You got me a present?”

  “Sort of. It’s more for me than for you.”

  I raised my brow and looked at him skeptically. “That’s usually what guys say when they just bought a girl lingerie.”

  That made Hunter laugh. “I promise it’s not lingerie.”

  I eagerly opened the box to find a gun and holster inside. “A gun?” I looked up at him bewildered.

  “For protection. I can’t always be around to keep you safe and this will give me a little peace of mind.”

  “You sure you want to give your ex-captive a weapon?” I fought the urge to grin.

  “I’m sure.” He inclined his head toward the box. “There’s more.”

  I moved the gun to find a plain white envelope and looked at Hunter suspiciously.

  “Go on. Open it.”

  I opened the unsealed envelope with ease and unfolded papers. The top one was for six months of gun training and the others were the gun’s registration.

  “You need to know how to shoot properly if you’re going to be safe.”

  I never liked guns and holding one in my hand made me nervous but the idea of learning how to use one properly after everything I’d been through gave me a sense of comfort.

  “Thank you.”

  “Come on. Leave that here. I want to show you something.” Hunter helped me out of bed, wrapped a throw around my shoulders, and had me slip on a pair of his oversized slippers.

  He led me through the living room and out the sliding glass doors to the balcony. “This is my favorite place in the city.”

  “Not much of a view.” I looked out at another city building across a plain alleyway.

  I usually come out here at night to look up at the night sky. It reminds me that we are all just a small part of something much bigger. It’s a good way to unwind after a rough mission. Then I found an even better view.”

  “A better view?” I raised my brow and studied him curiously.

  “Look down. Third floor, fourth window from the right. Recognize anything?”

  I followed his directions and my gaze fell onto the open deep green curtains I’d hung just after moving into my apartment. “You were watching me?”

  “It wasn’t on purpose—at least not at first.” I raised a brow and pressed my lips together tight, unsure of how I felt about the fact that Hunter had been spying on me. “I was sitting out here like I always did when this perky brunette bounced past the window as she unpacked her boxes. My world was so structured and serious. Seeing you happy and carefree intrigued me. I was enthralled by you.”

  “So, you just sat watching me through my window like a stalker?”

  “It wasn’t like that. Honestly, I was mesmerized by you. I wanted to meet you, but I wanted it to happen organically. I was waiting for the r
ight time but then...”

  “Then I saw you on a mission when you killed that judge and—”

  “And the rest is history.”

  “I’ll have to remember to pick up some blinds before going home.”

  “I’ll pick them up for you. I only showed you this so you’d know—I’m always here for you, no matter what.”

  “Thanks.” As much as I tried to be upset, I was grateful to have Hunter watching over me. The corners of my lips turned up and Hunter’s eyes lit up with his own smile.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Hunter’s phone rang and he pulled it from his pocket. “I’m sorry. I have to take this.”

  “Of course.”

  He walked inside while I stayed outside, staring out at my apartment window. I’d be going home soon. Soon, this would all be over and I could return to my old life—though, I wondered how my apartment was still mine. It hadn’t occurred to me that WITSEC would keep it when they relocated me.

  It wasn’t long before Hunter returned from his call. “That was Chris. His team is rounding up the last of Daniel’s employers tomorrow then you should be good to go home.”

  “Does witness protection usually keep a person’s old residence?”

  “What?” He joined me at the railing.

  “How do I still have my apartment after they relocated me? I wouldn’t think they would spend their money on that.”

  “They don’t.”

  “Then h—you?”

  He nodded with a half-smile before looking away from me. “I’d taken so much away from you after you witnessed the murder. Whenever you returned home, I didn’t want you to have lost everything. I wanted you to have your old life back.”

  “Wow. Thank you.” I turned and hugged him tightly.

  He hesitated for a moment, obviously stunned, before wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my head. “It was the least I could do after everything I put you through.”

  He pulled me away from him and used his finger under my chin to lift my gaze to his. “I am truly sorry for everything I put you through. For kidnapping you, locking you up, for everything. I’m sorry.”

  Tears stung my eyes but I fought them back as I crushed myself against him once more.

  “I should start cooking dinner soon.”

  “Dinner?” His change in direction surprised me and I pulled back enough to look up at him.

  “It’s our last night together. I thought I’d cook us dinner then maybe we could watch a movie like we used to?”

  Our last night. I forced a grin. “Sounds good. Can I help?”

  “If you’d like.”

  He led me back into the apartment and into the kitchen. I clasped my hands together and looked around the well-equipped kitchen. “So, what are we cooking?”

  “Spaghetti and meatballs.”

  I twirled around to look at him and he smirked up at me as he spread out the ingredients on the counter. He continued with his work, starting to chop the green pepper

  I gave him a knowing look. “Spaghetti and meatballs? Really?”

  “Without the ropes and cuffs this time.” The corner of his lips twitched, fighting back a laugh but he didn’t look up.

  “Pity.” I cast him a glance and slid past him to pick up the red pepper.

  He fumbled with the knife and barely missed his finger. I smirked. This is fun. I fought to keep a straight face as I chopped my pepper, gently bumping or rubbing against his shoulder every now and then.

  He set aside the chopped pepper and pulled out the garlic while I still worked on my pepper. He was obviously very skilled with a knife. He moved from the counter, coming up behind me, suddenly he gripped the tops of my outer thighs and dragged his hands slowly up to my hips.

  My breath caught in my throat and my heart pounded as I tipped my head back and let out a breath. His breath caressed my ear as he whispered softly. “I need to get the garlic press.”

  Not what I was expecting. He gently shifted my hips out of his way to reach into the drawer in front of me and pulled out the garlic press. For a moment I’d thought I imagined the whole thing until a glance his way revealed the heat in his eyes and the slight twitch of the corner of his lips.

  I licked my dry lips and turned back to finish the pepper. He was working the garlic press. I’d always wanted to try one of those but had never had the chance. My mom always used the powdered stuff and since living on my own, I hadn’t done much cooking.

  “Can I give that a try?”

  “Sure. Never used one before?”

  I shook my head.

  “Okay. Here.” He moved behind me and placed the press into my hands with his hands on top. “It’s fairly simple.” He leaned down so his mouth was close to my ear and his body pressed against mine. “You just place the clove inside.”

  “Here?” I put the clove in and turned to look at him, my face only inches from his.

  He paused and had to clear his throat before continuing. “Yeah. Then you just close the press and squeeze hard.”

  I squeezed with his hands still over mine to guide me. “Like this?”


  I turned my head so that our faces were close and whispered. “I have strong hands.”

  “Oh, I know.” He breathed out, letting his palms run from my hands to my arms and back again. He took the press from me and dropped it on the counter with a loud clunk.

  He gripped my shoulders and twirled me around to face him. His body pinned mine to the counter and he dove in for a kiss. My lips parted in a small gasp and he took advantage, slipping his tongue between my lips. I entangled my fingers into his hair and kissed him eagerly.

  He grasped at my pants, desperately peeling them from my body. His large, strong arm swept across the counter, sliding everything out of the way before he hooked his hands at the crook of my knees and lifted me onto the counter.

  He trailed kisses down the column of my throat and across my collarbone as he pulled off my panties, leaving me bare from the waist down.

  “I need you. Just one last time before everything changes.” His voice was a husky plea and I couldn’t fight the desire pooling inside me. I needed him as much as he needed me.

  I pushed my hands between us, struggling with his jeans until he pushed my hands away and unfastened them himself. He fisted his hand into my hair and tugged softly, guiding my lips to his. In one forceful thrust, he pushed into me, spreading and stretching me until I cried out into his mouth. He paused, panting as my body adjusted. With his hand still in my hair and his other hand gripping my hip, he began to feverishly thrust in a feral rhythm.

  My body ached as he pounded into me but it was the most exquisite ache I’d ever felt. I wanted him as close and as deep inside me as he could get. I soaked in every touch, every sensation. His hand sunk down between us and flicked the tiny little bundle of nerves that sent my body over the edge. My back arched and my head tilted back as a cry ripped from my throat.

  I rode the wave of pleasure until I collapsed back against the counter in a trembling, panting mess.

  “I’m not finished with you yet, beautiful.”

  With my back against the cool countertop, my head almost off the other side, Hunter gripped my thighs and pulled me to the edge, thrusting back into me again. My body slid on the counter, but he pulled me back each time he thrust in. The unrelenting pace set my body on fire. White fireworks exploded behind my eyes and my body spiraled in the dark behind my eyelids. I gripped him desperately. I was out of control and I wasn’t sure how much more pleasure I could take.

  “Hunter, please?” I begged but I wasn’t sure if it was for him to stop or to never stop. I didn’t think I could take anymore but at the same time, I never wanted it to end.

  Pleasure built like waves—one on top of the other. He thrust again, letting out a loud roar as his body went rigid. My insides clamped around him. We crashed together, riding out the waves of ecstasy until we both collapsed against the counter.
His head rested on my breasts and we both panted to catch our breaths.

  “We should have cooked together more often.” He smirked up at me and I chuckled.

  I let out a loud sigh as he pulled off of me and helped me off the counter.

  “I’m sorry, I just had to have you one last time.”

  I hushed him, placing my finger on his lips before bringing my lips to his. “I was right there with you,” I whispered against his skin before pulling away.



  I sent Addy to the master bath to clean up after our little impromptu romp in the kitchen. I’d had no intention of having sex with her again but being so close to her, I couldn’t contain myself. I needed one last taste before things went back to how they had been before this all began.

  Tomorrow she’d be ready to get on with the life she’d planned before I ever turned her world upside down. I could tell there was a part of Addy that cared for me, but every time she started to get close, she pulled away. Too much had happened between us for her to ever see me as anything but the monster I was. I hoped when she looked back on our time together that she would remember the good and not just the bad.

  I cleaned the counter and started dinner while she took her time in the bathroom. I’d turned my back on the door to the kitchen, adding all the ingredients into the saucepan when there was a knock on the door. I turned the stove on simmer and wiped my hands on a dishrag before heading to the door.

  I looked through the peephole and was surprised to see the female agent I hadn’t seen since the movie theater. I unlocked and opened the door.


  “Hello, Hunter.”

  I stood there looking at her curiously. It was highly irregular for agents other than Chris to just show up at my door unannounced. I didn’t even know this woman’s name and yet here she was in her tight red cocktail dress and 50s style makeup—red lips and all.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  I moved out of the doorway and motioned for her to enter. “Please, come in. I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage. I never caught your name last time.”


  “What brings you to my home this evening, Olivia?” I led her to the living room and motioned to the couch. “Please, have a seat.”


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