In Between Heartbeats (Hearts in Waiting Duet: Book Two)
Page 19
“Follow me!” Willow says. She grabs my hand and practically skips right through the sitting room, around the corner, and straight into the dining room.
I stop short at the sight of my mom’s dining room table front and center in the large room. I hesitate only a moment before slowly walking over to it, reaching out to run my fingers across its hard top, tears fogging my gaze as I take it in. “Oh my god, Chase. How did you do this?” My hand is shaking as I cover my gaping mouth. “When did you do this?”
He sidles up beside me, a grin proud on his face as he wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tight.
Shock still radiating through me, I can’t even bring myself to look away from the table while he sets up the baby seat and plops Canon in it.
“Actually, I’ve had it for a few months,” he says. “I thought we’d be closing on the house way sooner than we actually did, so Drake has been hiding it in his garage.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I say with a laugh. “This is so incredible, Chase. I don’t even know what to say. Just…thank you.”
“I’m going to go find my room!” Willow yells, darting from the room.
“Be careful!” Chase and I both yell.
“Are you excited?” he asks. His lips nuzzle against my neck and his hands slide down my hips, grabbing ahold of my ass and lifting me up on my tiptoes for a kiss.
“So excited! I can’t believe it’s finally happening.”
“I know, baby.” He reaches up to tug on the end of my ponytail. “A fresh start with my three favorite people.”
“You know what this calls for right?”
“Oh yeah,” he draws out suggestively. “Time to practice for kid number three.”
“I was going to say pancakes,” I guffaw.
“Oh, come on, pancakes for dinner? Again? How about pizza?”
“Well, we could take a vote, but you’re just going to lose. You know Willow is Team Addison all the way.”
“Uh, no,” he says, finger in the air. “Willow is Team Pancakes.”
“Right, well, that’s one and the same,” I explain.
“I’ll make you a deal. First, you get your pancakes.”
“You have my attention.” I grin up at him, joining my arms around his neck.
“Then, later, I get my baby-making practice.”
“Sex, Chase. You can just call it sex.”
“Ughhhh, fine. Sex.” He makes a goofy face, as if in pain. “Eventually, I’ll wear you down and get that third baby.”
“Yeah, eventually.” I tip my head, letting him drop little kisses along my neck.
“I know,” he whispers. “First comes love, then comes marriage…”
“Maybe after you give me that country wedding you’ve been promising me.”
“Funny you should mention that.” Chase grins, bending at the knees and ruffling through Cannon’s diaper bag. When he pops back up, a velvet black box sits in his palm.
“Then comes marriage!?” I say excitedly.
He laughs and shakes his head, grabbing one of my hands that’s flying through the air.
“Addison, I love you and I love our family. No matter how unique it may be, it’s perfect to me. We’ve dealt with so much this past year. But if there’s one thing it’s taught me, it’s that together, we can do anything, and I’m so hopeful for what’s to come for us. I’m sure there will be plenty of tears and heartbreak and laughs and happiness, but all that matters to me is that you’re there. In between every moment and every prayer and every heartbeat.” He pops open the lid with a grin, a simple solitaire sparkling up at me.
“Yes!” I squeal, reaching out to grab the ring from its velvety bed.
Chase laughs and snatches it right back out of my hand. “Now hang on just a damn second. I didn’t ask you anything.”
“Chase! You better put that gorgeous ring on my finger right this instant.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he says with a laugh, grabbing my left hand and sliding the ring on slowly.
“It’s perfect,” I gasp, admiring the way it sits on my finger.
“It is. And so are you.” His hands wrap around my middle, pulling me snug against him. “The best damn vacation girlfriend a man could ask for.”
“You mean vacation wife,” I correct him, with a smile I feel all the way in my soul.
This is the point in the book where authors thank all of the incredible people who made their book a reality.
I don’t really have a big team behind me.
I don’t have any of those fancy people with the fancy titles that so many others do.
Instead, I have a Christina, and she’s pretty badass.
Christina, thank you for always pushing me to be a better writer and to break past the excuses I use to box myself in. You’ve taught me so much in such a short period of time. I will forever be thankful for your dedication to making sure I put out the best book I possibly can.
Without you, this book wouldn’t be a reality. I feel like I said that at the conclusion of my first book as well, so maybe I need to get my shit together enough that you don’t have to hold my hand throughout the entire process of the next one too.
Here’s to hoping.
To every reader who has taken a chance on my work: Whether you’ve patiently waited six months to read the conclusion of Chase and Addison’s story, or you’re a new reader who enjoyed the first book enough to give the second a try, thank you. I can’t even put into words how incredible it is to hear someone say they enjoy your work.
P.S. It always seems kind of weird to write a thank you before the book has even been released, so send me an email, DM me on Instagram, stalk me on Facebook (just please not in real life…), so I can thank you properly. Your support means the world to me.
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