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Truth About Men & Dogs

Page 36

by Andrea Simonne

  After the kiss, we held hands, and I figured I’d give him a proper tour of Sullivan House. I didn’t get very far though, because we were surrounded.

  “You must be Philip!”

  “It’s nice to meet you!”

  “We’re so happy Claire’s found someone!”

  “My goodness, don’t you make a dashing pirate!”

  That much was true. Philip looked hot. All that indomitable energy poured into pirate garb was definitely working for him.

  He shook a lot of hands and responded to everyone’s comments politely, then firmly when they tried to get too nosy. Most people meant well though. Living in a small town wasn’t always easy, but I knew they wanted to see me happy.

  “You look sexy,” I told him when we had a moment to ourselves again.

  He chuckled. “I had a feeling you’d like it. Oh, that reminds me.” He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a couple of items, handing them to me. “Sam told me you’d know what to do with these.”

  I examined them both. One was a bandana that matched his coat, and the other was a black kohl eye pencil. “Are you willing to wear eyeliner?”

  He shrugged. “Sure, why not.”

  I thought about where to put this on and realized I couldn’t take him to my bedroom, since everybody would notice. I wasn’t willing to be that scandalous.

  “Come on.” I grabbed his hand and led him toward the small bathroom near the kitchen. It was the only place I could think of with a mirror, and I doubted anybody would be using it.

  As soon as we were alone inside the small space, Philip pulled me against him. “Finally,” he murmured. “I have you to myself.”

  We kissed like we were on fire, both of us grabbing each other with a crazed passion, until he had me pushed against the bathroom door. “We can’t do this right now,” I said in a fluster. “It has to wait until later.”

  “Just let me have you once,” he growled. “I want you so much.”

  Desire tumbled through me like a kaleidoscope. My body was saying yes, but my brain was saying no. “I have to get back out there. People will notice if I’m gone too long.”

  He pulled my skirt up with impatience. “Trust me, this isn’t going to take long.”

  I laughed. “You really know how to woo a girl, don’t you?”

  There was a flash of white when he grinned. “I’m just telling you the truth.”

  “Well, that’s not going to convince me.”

  “You need more convincing, do you?” He stroked my bare bottom. “Shall I sweeten the deal? Add an extra addendum?”

  I didn’t reply because his fingers had slid lower and were stroking me right where it mattered. My breath caught.

  Philip was watching me.

  Then he looked down, and I knew what he was going to do.

  “We shouldn’t,” I said, though it sounded weak even to my own ears.

  He sank to his knees on the floor in front of me, pushed my skirt up, tugged my panties aside, and put his mouth right on my clit.

  My eyes fell shut. I tried not to moan as he gently tongued me, but a whimper escaped anyway.

  “This isn’t fair,” I said, though it was the last thing I said, because when I opened my eyes, I remembered there was a mirror next to me. For the first time in my life, I watched myself being serviced by a pirate.

  Let’s be honest, it wasn’t exactly an unfamiliar fantasy. I may have had it a time or two.

  The more excited I got, the more excited Philip seemed to get. He gripped my ass with one hand, grunting when I grabbed his hair. When he slipped his fingers inside me, I began to come, moaning and pushing my hips out. He was groaning against me just as noisy as I was, probably even more so. The whole thing was dirty as hell.

  In the next moment, he was on his feet. I was loose limbed, barely recovered, but he was all business. He retrieved a condom from his wallet though his hands were shaking.

  “Bend over the sink,” he told me.

  I did as he asked, watching him in the mirror behind me—his jaw flushed beneath that stubble, his dark head bent in concentration. A hand grabbed my hip, and when he thrust into me, it was over the top. Erotic pleasure spiraled through me, lighting me up.

  But then his movements slowed, stopping altogether. His gaze found mine in the mirror’s reflection. I could hear party sounds in the distance. People laughing. But here we were alone together.

  His eyes softened, his voice rough when he spoke. “God, Claire.”

  I nodded, because I knew what he meant. This was so intimate. So intense. So good.

  He slowly began to move again at a measured pace, trying to make it last. He was doing it for me.

  “Don’t,” I said, urging him on. “Take me hard.”

  His face changed at that. His mouth closed, stifling a groan, and then he began to pound into me. He shook his head as the climax approached, trying to deny it, but his body wouldn’t let him.

  Afterward, he spun me around, pulled me in close, and kissed me deeply.

  He held my head as we gazed at each other.

  “You’re the one,” he whispered. “The only one.”

  “I love you, Philip.”

  His breath went still. I saw my words working their way through him until he nodded with understanding. “That’s what’s changed.”

  “Yes.” My voice shook. “You and your sneaky ways.”

  A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth. “It’s about time.”

  I rolled my eyes, though they were brimming with tears. “It’s crazy. I haven’t even known you very long.”

  “That doesn’t matter.” His voice was quiet, his gaze steady and true. “We’re meant for each other.”

  We spent the next hour of the party holding hands, sneaking kisses, and acting like the kind of lovesick couple that was annoying to be around.

  I introduced him to more people, friends and acquaintances. We hung out with Leah for a while before she went over to talk to the owner of the local yarn shop. Eliza found us and introduced us to her date, a skinny young actor named Will who spouted Shakespeare in a pompous voice, calling her his Juliet. After Will recited his fifth sonnet, Philip scowled at him. Unfortunately, with the black eyeliner, it made him more intimidating than usual. Will ran off to get something to eat and never came back.

  Philip noticed himself in a mirror. “Maybe I should wear eyeliner more often,” he said to me after Eliza left to go search for her date. “I’m enjoying the effects.”

  “You scared that poor guy half to death.”

  He chuckled.

  “That’s not funny.” Though my reprimand would have carried more weight if I hadn’t been laughing too. “You should feel ashamed of yourself for chasing him away like that.”

  “Believe me, I’m doing him a favor. If he scares that easily, my sister will walk all over him.” He popped the last bit of food from the paper plate into his mouth. “Besides, that guy was annoying as hell.”

  I had to admit he was.

  “Would you like more punch?” Philip asked, noticing my cup was empty.

  “That depends. Are you planning to get me drunk and take advantage of me later?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then okay.” I handed him my cup, and he left to get more. My eyes followed his broad shoulders as he disappeared into the crowd. I had to admit I was having a great time. It was like the universe was finally smiling on me.


  I turned at the sound of my name. To my delight, it was Daphne. We hugged each other, and her lemony perfume surrounded me. “I’m glad you’re back from Seattle. It’s about time.”

  She smiled her shy smile and looked as pretty as always. Her strawberry blonde hair was curled and flowing around her shoulders. She wore a long peasant dress with multicolored beads around her neck. “It’s good to be back.”

  Behind her stood Doug, dressed in a billowing white pirate’s shirt and black pants, his hair slicked back in a style I’d never
seen before.

  I said hello to him, but he only nodded.

  My eyes flickered between the two of them, pleased to see them together. It was obvious they were a couple.

  “So have you talked to your mom?” I asked. “I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to know you’re home.”

  Daphne told me she’d spoken to her briefly, then gushed about all the decorations for the party and how she wished she’d been here to help. She told me how Doug’s mom had changed her mind about moving out of her house, and that was why they were able to come back.

  The whole time we talked, Doug kept fidgeting beside her, watching me, though when our eyes met, he looked away.

  Daphne asked me how business was going. “My mom said you lost clients because of Ivy.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t say I miss them. They were—”

  “I can’t stand it anymore!” Doug burst into the conversation. “I’ve just got to say it, Claire.” He took a deep breath. “I’m real sorry for everything.”

  My brows went up with surprise. He looked miserable, though to be honest, that was how he always looked. “Sorry for what?”

  “I didn’t mean for it to happen. Honest, I didn’t.” He swallowed. “It’s just that Daphne and I hit it off with each other. I hope there’s no hard feelings.”

  “Um… that’s okay.” I was confused, then decided he must have been talking about how he had to leave town, how Philip had to finish my room. “I totally understand.”

  “You do? I’m glad to hear that.” He nodded his head bobbing. “You’re not upset?”


  “Because I still think you’re a sweet girl, and I wouldn’t want you to think I led you on.”

  It dawned on me then that he was talking about our canceled movie date. I’d completely forgotten about it. “Don’t worry. I’m happy for you and Daphne.”

  Just then I glanced behind him and saw Philip coming toward us with my rum punch.

  He didn’t seem to notice Doug as he bent down to kiss me. “Here you go, sweetheart,” he said, handing me the cup. “And you’ll be pleased to know I coaxed Will out from where he was hiding in the bushes. I think he’s less afraid of me now.”

  “Look who’s here,” I said to him. “It’s your cousin.”

  “My what?” He turned to Doug, who was standing there with a strange expression on his face. Philip went silent. When he spoke, his voice sounded forced. “Hey, Doug. How’s it going?”

  Doug didn’t reply. His eyes had grown as big as saucers, and he was staring at us with his mouth hanging open.

  “It’s been a while.” Philip smiled, but seemed uncomfortable. He cleared his throat, then glanced at me.

  Meanwhile, Doug’s face had turned bright red as he continued to gawk at us.

  “So, uh, is everything settled with your mom?” Philip asked. “We should get together soon and go over the changes I’ve made to your business.”

  “You… you,” Doug stammered, pointing at Philip. He was breathing so hard he seemed on the verge of hyperventilation. “You… betrayer!”

  A few people turned in our direction as his voice carried. I was confused. Doug was obviously upset, but it made no sense. From everything I’d seen, he should have been grateful. His construction business was running like a well-oiled machine.

  “Traitor,” Doug spat again. “I trusted you!”

  Philip put his hand up. “Look, it’s not what you think, okay? Calm down.”

  “Not what I think? It’s exactly what I think!” He grew even more agitated, his hands clenched at his side. “You’ve been lying to me this whole time.”

  “Let’s talk about it rationally.”

  “I’m not talking to you! You’re a damn liar. A backstabber. I’ll never trust you again!”

  “There’s more to the—”

  Doug punched Philip in the face. A loud smack with a crunch as his fist hit skin and bone.

  I gasped, and I wasn’t the only one. The blow knocked Philip to the side. He didn’t go to his knees, but stumbled backward.

  The whole room seemed to go silent. Even the DJ’s music stopped, though I was pretty sure it already had. I’d never seen anyone punched in my life.

  I rushed over to where Philip stood rubbing his jaw. I wondered what I should do. Was he all right? But he barely even noticed me. Instead, his eyes narrowed in on Doug. Their pale blue had turned to icy glaciers.

  Despite Philip being the one who had gotten punched, I was more worried for Doug. I glanced over at him. He looked worried too. In fact, he looked terrified, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet like a jangly marionette.

  “You… you… deserved it,” Doug gulped. “You know you did!”

  Philip was still rubbing his jaw in deadly silence.

  I was ready to tell Doug to go run and hide in the bushes, that maybe I could try to talk Philip down. I couldn’t understand why he’d punched him in the first place. Had he lost his mind?

  But then something surprising happened, something I could barely believe.

  Philip smiled.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  ~ Philip ~

  “That was a helluva punch,” I said, rubbing the part of my jaw where Doug’s fist had just landed. Pain radiated up the side of my face and into my mouth.

  He nodded with obvious uncertainty. “I… I… guess it was.”

  “A few inches higher and you would have broken my nose.”

  “You think so?”

  “I do.”

  Doug looked scared, and he had good reason to be. Two seconds ago, I was ready to knock his head off.

  “Are you going to kill me?” he squeaked.

  “No.” I smiled again, though it hurt. “I’m not going to kill you.”

  “Okay… thank you. I’m real glad.”

  “The fact is you’re right.” I studied him. “I deserved that punch.”

  He didn’t reply, probably too much in shock over what he’d done. Hell, even I was in shock. I could sense people watching us. Claire was at my side, but this was between my cousin and me.

  “I’m impressed,” I told him. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  He stood up straighter. “Well, I guess I do.” His chest puffed out. “It… had to be done.”

  Claire’s sister Daphne was there. I noticed the way she moved to Doug’s side. The way she slipped her arm through his. They were obviously together.

  Good. I was glad for him. “Are we straight with each other now?”

  He seemed to ruminate on the idea, glancing at Daphne. “Okay.” He nodded. “We’re straight.”

  The crowd, sensing the drama was over, seemed to lose interest. Claire was speaking to a few people, telling them everything was fine. I nodded and tried to smile reassuringly despite the pain. Somebody mentioned getting the police, but I shut that down quickly.

  Daphne led Doug off somewhere, her gaze admiring. I noticed how he seemed to walk taller beside her. He looked happy, the happiest I’d ever seen him.

  Meanwhile, Claire was studying me with concern. “Should I take you to the hospital?”

  I moved my jaw around a little. My molars felt strange, and I checked to see if they were loose, but they weren’t. “No, I don’t think it’s necessary. I could use an ice pack though.”

  I followed her into the kitchen, ignoring the stares from people. I could tell Claire had questions too, but to her credit, she remained silent, intent on getting me what I needed first. Afterward we headed down to the beach. She led me to a secluded spot near a fire pit that hadn’t been lit yet, and we both sat on some blankets.

  “Are you in a lot of pain?” she asked, twisting the cap off a bottle of water before handing it to me.

  “Let’s just say getting punched in the face hurts like hell.”

  “Is there anything else I can get you?”

  “I’m okay.” I put the bottle down and held the ice pack up to my jaw, reliving the whole thing with amazement. “I can�
�t believe Doug had the balls to punch me.”

  “You almost sound like you’re proud of him.”

  “I guess I am.” I thought back to when his fist came in my direction. The surprise of it. I’d moved my head but not fast enough. At least he got me in the jaw instead of the nose.

  “I can’t believe you’d feel that way. Especially after everything you’ve done for him.”

  “Trust me, I had it coming.” As odd as it sounded, I was glad Doug stood up for himself, glad he had the backbone for once, even if it meant I had to take a punch.

  “But why? What was he so mad about?”

  I turned and studied her, so pretty out here under the summer sky. “You, sweetheart.”

  “Me?” Her golden brown eyes widened, clearly trying to make sense of it all.

  I nodded. And then I told her the whole story, or most of it. I took a few shortcuts because my jaw ached when I talked.

  Claire seemed dumbfounded. “You were helping Doug win me over? But I was never romantically interested in Doug to begin with.”

  “I know, but he thought he was in love with you and enlisted my help.”

  “That’s crazy. He barely even knows me.” She gazed out at the water. “I only agreed to go to the movies with him because he begged me, and I felt sorry for him.”

  I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is I told him I’d help him win your heart. Instead, I decided I wanted you for myself.”

  “Doug and I would never have been romantically compatible. This whole plan you guys cooked up was doomed from the start.”

  An amused snort escaped me. “Isn’t that the truth. Turns out you’re way too much woman for Doug.” I shifted the ice pack. “Too much for most men, actually.”

  She raised a brow. “Is that so?”

  “You’re lucky I came along. At least I don’t back down from a challenge.”

  Claire moved closer so she was directly in front of me. My eyes flashed lower, admiring her cleavage, but then they moved up to her face. She wore a teasing smile. “So I’m not too much for you to handle?”

  Her hair fell in waves around her shoulders. The gold flecks in her eyes sparked. Everything about her moved me. Turned me on. Mesmerized me.


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