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Best Friend's Sister (Slade Brothers Book 5)

Page 2

by Alexis Winter

  I drive through town and find nowhere to go other than a bar. With it being a Friday night, there are already several cars in the parking lot. I pull up to the side of the building and climb out, heading inside. The sound of loud country music fills my ears as I walk in. The smell of stale beer washes over me. I take in the place, noticing a few guys playing pool in the back, a couple of people sitting at the tables around the room, and a few older men sitting at the bar.

  I take a seat by myself and order a beer to kill some time. I was hoping to run into some old friends, but it doesn’t seem like many are left. Most of them went away to college and I can only assume that once they finished, they moved on to bigger cities for their dream career or to start a family of their own. Sitting alone makes me wish that I’d asked Brad to join me, but I’m sure he probably has to work tonight.

  I sit and drink beer after beer, randomly talking to the men at the bar and, sometimes, the bartender when she throws in her two cents. There’s no serious talk. It’s all just random shit about the town or the shape of the economy and the state of our county. The place never fills up, but I keep an eye on the door, watching as people go in and out.

  I can’t help but notice when a woman walks in. I’ve never seen her before, but when my eyes meet hers, something familiar I can’t place washes over me. She’s tall and thin. She has dark hair that’s stick straight and hangs down to her round ass. Her dark eyes are almond-shaped, and her plump lips turn up into a grin as she takes me in.

  My eyes travel from her tanned legs to her big tits, which she’s managed to trap under her tight white tank top. She comes to a stop beside me, setting her purse on the bar as she digs out some money while ordering a drink. When the bartender comes back with a pink drink, I slide a twenty over to her.

  “It’s on me.”

  The woman at my side smiles. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” I nod in her direction. I turn my attention back to the beer in my hand and tip it back, taking a long drink.

  She scoots over, taking the empty barstool between us. “I’m Danielle,” she says, holding out her hand.

  “I’m Hudson.” I shake her hand and the moment we touch, every hair on my body stands on end. “You from around here?”

  She shakes her head. “Nah, I live in Denver. I just graduated college. I’m just here spending the summer with some family before real life kicks in.” She offers up a smile of her perfectly straight, white teeth. Her lips are painted a deep red, making her teeth sparkle that much more. “What about you?”

  “I was born and raised here. I managed to get out for a few years. I was in the military. But I’ve been discharged and just got back today.”

  “Mmm, I’ve always loved a man in a uniform,” she says, running the tips of her fingers around the rim of her glass.

  She’s flirting with me, and it makes my dick harden. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a woman—at least six months since the last random fling I had back in Germany. I wish I had a place to take her to, but it’s not like I have my own apartment yet.

  “Wanna dance?” she asks, looking at me from beneath her long, dark eyelashes.

  I down the rest of my beer and stand up, holding out my arm for her. She slips her arm around mine and follows as I lead her to the dance floor. The song is soft and slow as I spin her around to face me. She lands perfectly in my arms and I pull her close. Her big tits press against my chest, and I breathe in her scent of jasmine and vanilla.

  She wraps her arms around my neck and her breath blows across my neck, only teasing me more. Every muscle in my body hardens as I try to hold off the flood of need and want that holding her brings on. It’s been so long, I would fuck her in the bathroom if she’d let me. With that thought, my dick twitches.

  Her eyes widen and leap up to mine. She must have felt me harden against her. Her tongue comes out, wetting her bottom lip. “Wanna go someplace a little quieter? Just the two of us?” Her fingers thread into the back of my hair. Her touch is so soft, my eyes want to flutter closed.

  “I just got into town. I don’t have a place yet,” I say, wanting to kick myself for letting Drake talk me out of getting that motel room.

  Without warning, she presses her lips to mine, her tongue coming out and pushing its way into my mouth. My eyes close as my hands pull her closer. She kisses me fast and hard, one hand tugging at my hair while the other falls down between us, fisting around my shirt.

  My hands move from her hips around to her ass, which I squeeze. She lets out a gasp before pulling away.

  “You drive here?”

  I’m breathless from our kiss, but I nod.

  She flashes a teasing smile. “Then let’s go.”



  The moment I walk into the bar, my eyes land on Hudson Slade—a guy I’ve had a crush on for as long as I can remember. He and my brother were the best of friends back in high school, back before Mama moved us to Denver. I was only a little girl then, someone that wasn’t even on Hudson Slade’s radar. It’s easy to see that he doesn’t recognize me. If he does, he doesn’t let on. Instead of telling him my first name, I give him my middle name and he seems to accept it. I know that if I tell him my first name, he’ll place me in a heartbeat. Not many girls have the name Deven. I don’t know if he and my brother are still close, but I know he won’t ever go for his old friend’s little sister.

  But it’s not like I’m expecting a lifelong relationship here either. I just want the one thing I never thought I’d get. Him, for one night. It’s been years since we’d seen one another, and I grew up a lot in that time. I’m no longer the geeky little girl with braces and Coke-bottle glasses. My ugly duckling phase is over, and it seems like Hudson is turned on by the swan I’ve become. If I was still the good little girl he remembered, I’d insist on a real date: dinner, dancing, a bed. But I’m not that good little girl anymore. I’m an adult now. I’ve had more boyfriends than I can keep track of and more hook-ups than I should be willing to admit. Leading him out to the parking lot, I only have one thing on my mind: showing him what I’ve become.

  He seems to pick up on where I’m going. He tugs my hand, spinning me around to face him. In the same second, he pulls me to his chest, his mouth finding mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him hard and fast, blind passion boiling between us. His strong hands find my hips, and he picks me up against him, where my legs wrap around his waist. He presses my back to the cool metal truck door, giving his hands the chance to tour my body.

  The side of the bar doesn’t have any lights, so it’s rather dark compared to the front of the building. There’s only a little light that makes it to the far back corner, just enough to give a little glimpse here and there. But with his mouth on mine and his hands touching my body, I couldn’t force my eyes open if I wanted to. Hudson Slade was the sexiest guy I’d ever laid eyes on, and time has only intensified his good looks. His dark hair is kept shorter than he used to keep it, but I’m sure that’s more about the military than his personal preference. He’s tall and thin, but rock hard, his biceps nearly the size of my thighs. And they’re covered in black and gray ink. His face, that’s what’s always gets me though. His eyes are blue, the bluest blue I’ve ever seen. They’re like ice water on a hot summer day. His angular jaw has a five o’clock shadow that gives me goosebumps when it scrapes against my soft skin. Hudson Slade has always been untouchable to me, and just knowing that he’s soon going to slide into me makes me want to come undone with the slightest touch.

  He opens the passenger side door of the truck and lowers me on the seat with him between my legs. His hand slides up my inner thigh, making me call out. My hands find the hem of his shirt, and I pull it up his chest. He breaks our kiss for a moment, just long enough to pull the shirt off and toss it into the footwell, then his mouth is back on mine.

  As his hand climbs higher up my thigh, I pull my tank top over my head. Our kiss slows and breaks completely. He watches with fir
e in his eyes as I unclasp my bra and let it fall to the floor. He swallows, causing his Adam’s apple to bob in his throat. He wets his lips, and without warning, he moves in, capturing my nipple in his mouth.

  My head falls back as a moan leaves my lips. He sucks my nipple before flicking his tongue against it. While his mouth stays busy on my breast, his hand moves up, finding my panties and pulling them down my legs. I lift my hips up, allowing him to slide them off me. He tosses them into the floor next to the rest of our clothing.

  “Do you have a condom?” I ask, breathless, enjoying the way his mouth works.

  He pulls away completely and reaches behind him for his wallet. Seconds later, he’s taking out a foil packet and tossing his wallet onto the dash. After checking around us, he unbuttons his jeans and lowers his fly. Ripping the package open with his teeth, he removes the condom and pushes his jeans past his hips. His long, thick cock springs free.

  My muscles tighten in anticipation as I watch him roll the condom over his length. Seconds later, his hands are back on my hips, pulling me to the edge of the seat. My skirt slides up to my waist as he positions himself at my entrance. With his mouth on mine, he pushes into me, making me gasp at the pain and the pleasure that surges through my body. He lets out the softest of moans into my mouth before sliding out and pushing back in.

  With each thrust, I get closer and closer to my release. Every time he pushes into me, he uses more force. My arms, which are stretched out behind me, supporting me, give out and I have no choice but to lay back in the seat as he claims my body. Waves of pleasure wash over me, lighting my body on fire and causing tingles to spread over me. I tighten around him and he doubles his efforts, pushing me over the edge. My release hits me like a brick wall. I crumble and give in to the pleasure coursing through my veins. I can’t do anything but hang on for dear life as I ride out every last wave of my release.

  He pulls out of me quickly and for a moment, I’m worried that our time is over, but then he flips me over so I’m bent over the seat with my feet on the ground and he slides back into me, claiming me in a whole different way. I call out his name. In this position, he feels even bigger than before. He thrusts into me forcefully, never slowing or easing off. Before I know it, I’m coming undone again. He lets out a deep moan as his hips become more erratic, less precise. With one last grunt, his hips come to a stop and he bends over and rests his head against my back to catch his breath.

  I’m completely breathless, my heart pounding a million times a minute. I can’t move, can’t feel my toes. It feels like every hair on my body is standing on end, like every nerve ending is tingling and vibrating. Without warning, he removes himself from me. I feel cold and empty without him, and a little sad that our one night together is over. I pull my skirt back down into its rightful place as I watch him remove the condom. He tosses it into a trash can at the corner of the building before replacing his clothes.

  I pull on my bra and tank top as he turns to face me.

  “Do you need a ride home?” he asks, grabbing his wallet off the dash and sliding it back into his pocket.

  “No, I have my car here,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around myself. I suddenly feel a chill as the summer breeze blows against my sweaty skin.

  He nods once. “Okay, well, I should get going. It’s getting late, and I’m crashing at my brother’s. I don’t want to come in late and wake them up.”

  “Okay,” I say, nodding as well. Things feel awkward now. I wonder if he’s realizing who I really am.

  “Thanks for the good time. I hope we run into one another again in the future.”

  I force a smile onto my face. “Me too,” I reply, backing away from his truck, toward the front of the building where I parked my car.

  I turn around to make the journey a little quicker, and I hear his loud truck start up, the roar of the engine cutting into the quiet night. I suddenly realize that I’m not wearing my underwear, but when I look up, he’s turning out of the parking lot. I guess I’ll never get those back.

  I wake in the morning when Brad makes it home from work. He walks into the apartment and slams the door closed behind him. I’m asleep on the couch, so I jump awake.

  “What the hell, man,” I mumble as I rub my hands over my face.

  He looks down at me on the couch and then to his watch. “It’s going on seven. Why are you still in bed? I thought we had an agreement?”

  “I know, I know. I was just up late. I have my alarm set for seven-thirty,” I promise. “I’m going job hunting today.”

  He snorts. “I hope so. I can barely support myself, let alone you too. You want to crash here, you’re going to have to help out with the rent.”

  “I know. We already talked about this, remember?” I roll my eyes as I swing my feet off the couch and onto the floor.

  “I may have a roommate. He’s coming to check out the place this afternoon, so get your shit out of there, will ya?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I mumble, pushing myself up from the couch and heading for the bathroom.

  I quickly take a shower and get out before Brad comes banging on the door. He works midnights at the brewery, and he always comes home in the mornings, eats breakfast, then takes a shower before going to bed. I know me taking a morning shower could really interfere with his routine, and I’ve listened to him bitch enough lately.

  I wrap myself in a towel and head to the guest bedroom to get dressed and fix my hair and makeup for the day. I hate job hunting, but Brad is right. He can barely afford this place on his own, and I’m an adult now. I shouldn’t expect him to take care of me. I’ll find a job and help pull my weight around here until I have enough saved up to get a place of my own. I just need a little time, that’s all.

  I dress in a pair of skinny jeans and pull on a brown pair of knee-high boots. It’s probably way too hot out for jeans and boots, but I don’t think going job hunting in a pair of cut off jean shorts will help me land a job. I find a cute short-sleeved top and pull it on before checking myself over one more time. I add a little makeup, but not a lot. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard.

  By the time I’m leaving the apartment, Brad is already in bed and the place is dead quiet. I close the door behind me as silently as I can before rushing down the stairs to my car. When I start my car, I see that I only have a quarter of a tank of gas left. I open my purse and dig out my wallet, finding fifteen dollars and sixty-four cents. That’s all the money I have.

  I let out a long breath and shift into drive to hit up the gas station. I put ten dollars’ worth of gas in my tank, leaving me with five dollars and sixty-four cents for breakfast. I know the diner will cost more than what I have, so I settle with a small cup of gas station coffee and a sleeve of mini donuts. After everything is paid for, I have exactly twenty-three cents to my name. I climb back behind the wheel and drop the change into the cup holder.

  I pick up my phone, thankful that the bill was just paid, and start looking for any place in town that may be hiring. As I scroll, I sip my coffee and nibble on my donuts. A car pulls up behind me and honks their horn, suddenly reminding me that I’m still parked at the gas pump. “Okay, sorry,” I mumble, even though I know they can’t hear me. I drop my phone into my lap and start up the car to pull away from the pump.

  I drive down Main Street, looking at all the businesses. I decide to just pull over and go inside to ask if they’re hiring or if I can fill out an application. I pull to the side of the road and finish up my breakfast before getting out and going into the nearest business.

  I spend my morning walking up and down Main Street. I fill out application after application, talking with managers and business owners. All of them promise to call as soon as they have something come up, but nobody is in need of help right now. I feel dejected as I’m walking back to the car down the street. When I look up, I notice a little boutique that I haven’t been in yet. The store looks cute with its dressed-up mannequins in the window. On the other side of the door is
another window that holds a big table full of sparkling jewelry. This looks like the perfect place for me.

  I look both ways before crossing the street and heading inside the boutique.

  “Welcome to Destiny’s Boutique,” a little blonde says from behind the register.

  I smile and head for the counter, noticing that the woman behind the register is holding a baby to her chest. “Aw, how cute!”

  She smiles. “Thanks, he just fell asleep. Let me lay him down and I’ll be right with you.”

  “Take your time,” I tell her, moving down the counter to look at the racks of earrings.

  Everything in this little store is adorable. There’s jewelry, shoes, purses, perfume, candles, and clothes. I wish I had my own store like this. I want to laugh at that thought. Maybe I’ll open one with the few cents I threw in my cup holder.

  “How can I help you?” she asks, moving back to the register. “Are you looking for anything specific?”

  “Yes, actually,” I say, heading back her way to stand directly in front of her. “I’m looking for a job. You wouldn’t happen to be hiring, would you?”

  “Actually, I was just about to start looking. One of my girls had to leave, and I’m looking for fill her position. Have you ever worked at a clothing store before?”

  I nod. “I’ve worked at a few stores in the mall back in Denver.”

  “Denver? Are you planning on staying here a while?”

  I nod again. “Yeah, I recently made the move here. I’m staying with my brother right now, but I’m wanting to get my own place…sooner rather than later.”

  She holds out her hand. “I’m Destiny. This is my place.”

  I shake her hand. “I’m Deven. It’s nice to meet you. I’m really loving your store.” I look around at all the cute clothes I wish I could buy.


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