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Best Friend's Sister (Slade Brothers Book 5)

Page 9

by Alexis Winter

  “That’s good,” I say, reaching out for her, needing to feel her against my chest, my lips.

  She quickly pulls away. “What did I just say?” she asks around a smile. “Rule number one is…”

  “I know, I know. Don’t touch unless we’re in my room. I wasn’t thinking. I’ll do better.”

  She laughs. “Look at you. From never breaking a rule to breaking the number one rule five seconds after it’s made,” she jokes.

  I laugh. “Yeah, yeah. Lock the door and let’s go to my room.”

  She quickly rushes to the door, locks it, then jogs past me, smacking me on the ass as she goes.

  “God, that fucking mouth of yours can work miracles,” I say as her head bobs up and down, taking more and more of me into her hot mouth.

  For the last four hours, we’ve been locked away in my room, never leaving the bed and never not touching one another. We have sex, rest, and then start the process all over again. We cuddle, kiss, tickle, talk, and tease, which is how we always end up repeating the vicious cycle.

  I come harder than I’ve ever come before, and she swallows it down like the fucking godsend she is. When she pulls away, her lips are red and swollen, glistening from sucking me off. Her eyes are sparkling, and her cheeks are flushed. I place my hand on her jaw, my thumb moving back and forth across her pink cheek. “Come here,” I tell her, watching as she crawls up my body. I direct her lips to mine, and I can taste myself on her. I want my taste on her tongue, my cologne on her body, my hands in her hair. Nobody else’s.

  I kiss her deeply, taking things slow. There’s no way I can go for another round, but for the first time in a really long time, I’m kissing her just because I enjoy it. I’m not pushing for more. I’m just taking what’s mine. She pulls away and lays herself down at my side. Her head rests on my shoulder while her hand runs up and down my stomach. I watch as her fingers rise and fall as they trail over my abs.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of licking these abs. I’m glad I finally get to check that off my list.”

  I let out a chuckle. “How long you been thinking about it?” We haven’t been doing this thing we’re doing for too long.

  “Since I was young enough I shouldn’t have been thinking about it,” she admits.

  “How old were you when you lost your virginity?” I ask, and I feel her tense beside me.


  I shrug. “I was just wondering. I want to know you. Everything about you. The good and the bad. I want to understand why Brad treats you the way he does.”

  She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I was thirteen.”


  She nods but doesn’t look up at me. Something tells me she’s ashamed. “Yep. I was thirteen and my boyfriend was sixteen. We dated for a whole week. Then he said that if I didn’t start putting out, he’d break up with me for Jenna Garcia. He said that nobody liked a prude and it wasn’t that big of a deal; I just needed to let loose. So I did it. I gave him my virginity and then two days later, he broke up with me and started dating Jenna anyway.”

  I roll over, causing her to lie on her back and look up at me as I loom over her. “He’s fucking stupid,” I tell her, pressing a kiss to her jaw. “Who was this Jenna girl, and why was she so special?”

  “Jenna was the it girl back at my old school. She was sixteen at the time and had just blossomed into a woman the summer before I got there. So while most girls were still skinny and flat, she had curves for days. It didn’t hurt that she was extremely popular and rich. She was just better than everyone. In a teenager’s eyes, anyway.”

  I shake my head as I watch the expressions on her face change.

  “After that, he told everyone that we had hooked up, and it was like everyone was bidding for my attention. But after him, I was done with the popular jock type. So, I went after guys that I shouldn’t have. I figured, hey, why not? I dated a good guy and he treated me like shit. Surely the cute bad boys couldn’t do much worse, right?”

  I don’t talk. I don’t think she needs me to.

  “Anyway, that was my downfall. I got in with the bad kids. We’d skip school, drink, party, get into trouble. By the time I was sixteen, I had been kicked out of school and had to go to the loser school with the rest of the troublemakers. Going there was only worse for me. I no longer had the option of being good. Everyone there was into partying and drinking and sex. And then, it was only worse with the guys, because at sixteen, I had started to fill out. The girls hated me—I quickly grew bigger and better. And the guys, well, they loved me even more than they had before.”

  “Does all this have something to do with getting kicked out?” My hand is on her stomach, trailing up and down from the bottom of her breast to her hipbones and back.

  “Sort of. I had been giving my mom a lot of trouble for years. She didn’t deserve the way I treated her. I mean, I was young and just wanted to do what I wanted to do. She was trying to protect me, but I hated her for it. Then came her boyfriend, Marco. Marco was a loser. He had had a good job at one point in time, but he got hurt and got a huge settlement. The money went straight to his head. He bought a big mansion, fancy cars, and spent thousands of dollars at clubs to impress everyone. That’s where he met Mama. She was waitressing at a club.”

  “Your mom?” I ask, unable to process this story. Her mom was always good-looking for an older, married lady, but I’d never think of her dressing skimpy or working at a club.

  “Yep, Mama changed a lot after Daddy died, and she did what she had to do. Anyway, in walks Marco. He’s attractive, charming, and he has money. It didn’t take him long to win her over. Then came the day that we got kicked out of our shitty apartment for not paying rent. We moved in with him, but my attitude had only gotten worse. And with Mama occupied with her new boyfriend, I was free to cause even more trouble. Like I said, I had grown a lot over the years, not mentally, but physically. And those bad guys, they weren’t the only ones to notice. So did Marco. He’d say things to me when Mama wasn’t around. Innocent things to start with. He’d tell me how pretty I was, how I was much more mature than other girls my age, how any guy I chose to be with should consider themselves lucky. But that changed to dirty things, and then came the night when he came home drunk and thought that I’d have sex with him.”

  I feel my body tense with anger.

  “I was asleep in my bed and he came in. He woke up me and covered my body with his. I had just gotten home from a party, and I was drunk and high. I kissed him back because I thought I was still with my boyfriend at the time. But then he slid his hand up my nightgown and touched me, and that’s when I realized that I was at home, and it wasn’t my boyfriend who was touching me. I freaked out and pushed him off of me. He was pissed and called me a tease. I cried myself to sleep that night.”

  I’m clenching my teeth so hard that pain surges through my jaw.

  “In the morning, I was planning on telling Mama everything. I didn’t know if she’d believe me or not. I mean, I was her out-of-hand, slut of a teen, and he was her saving grace. But when I went downstairs to tell her, he’d already beaten me to it, and instead of telling her the truth, he flipped everything around. He said that I came in wasted and came onto him, tried seducing him. My mom flipped her shit. She yelled at me, called me names, smacked me, and kicked me out. I cried the way whole way here. If it weren’t for Brad, I don’t know what I would’ve done.”

  I squeeze her closer. “And you didn’t tell Brad any of this?”

  She shakes her head. “I was scared. I was scared that he would drive over there and kill him. I was scared to lose him because he was all I had left. But a part of me, deep down, was scared that even he wouldn’t believe me, that he’d believe the same thing that my mom did, and I couldn’t bear to have him see me that way too.” A tear slips from her eye, and I use my thumbs to wipe it away.

  “You did nothing wrong, Deven. You hear me?” I force her to look at me. “You couldn�
��t have stopped any of it. You didn’t bring it on.”

  “But the way I acted,” she starts out between sobs, “I was stupid. I shouldn’t have been messing around the way I was. He thought I was a whore and figured he could treat me like one.”

  “No, nobody asks to get assaulted, Deven. This wasn’t your fault. Your mom not believing you, that’s her problem. Especially if she can’t see the real dick that she’s with. And Brad, you know Brad will believe you. You could tell him you saw a purple unicorn riding a skateboard outside, and he’d rush to the window. Your brother loves you. He sees past the mistakes you’ve made in the past and knows that you’re starting over. He’s proud of the woman you’re becoming.”

  Her tears stop falling. “You really think so?”

  “I know so,” I tell her, rolling back on top of her as my lips find hers. I slide between her parted legs, and she wiggles her center against my hardening cock. Fuck, I don’t know how many times I can get off in a day, but we’re testing it today. Today puts my teenage years to shame.

  A part of me doesn’t even want to think about sex, especially now that I know her story and what she’s been through, but I can’t stop myself. When we kiss, when we touch, my body comes to life, needing her. There’s something deep inside of me that calls to her. I don’t know if it’s because we seem to click on a deeper level, if it’s just purely sexual tension, or if it’s love. Fuck, I can’t love her already. We haven’t been together long enough for that. Have we? How long does it take to fall in love with someone? Is this love that I’m feeling? I’ve never been in love before.

  Love. That would explain the reason I haven’t been able to ignore her and keep her at arm’s length. It would be the reason I can’t resist her. Here I was thinking that everything between us was just physical. But this warmth in my chest has nothing to do with sex. It has everything to do with the way she makes me feel: protective, scared, demanding, giving, yearning. What else could this be?

  Her arms wrap around my middle, her nails scratching up and down my back as she wiggles herself against me. With one roll of my hips, I’m filling her again, this time, with nothing between us. The moment we connect, she sucks in a breath that turns to a moan, making my dick twitch inside her.

  “Have you ever had sex this way?” I ask her, slowly moving my hips.

  “No,” she whispered. “I’ve always been careful. What about you?”

  I shake my head. “There’s never been anyone that I needed this badly. I want nothing between us, Deven. I want to feel you and only you.” I rock my hips against her, and she lets out a moan before our lips find one another again. This time, it isn’t like the rest. This time, it’s soft and slow. It’s not hard and fast and rushed. This time, I want to feel every inch of her body with mine. I want to make it last as long as possible. Just thinking about getting off and having to pull out of her has me slowing my efforts even more. With her, getting off isn’t the objective. Being with her, showing her love, passion, and protection—that’s what I want. I may not be her brother, but I’ll protect her like she’s my own because that’s exactly what she is.




  Oh, Hudson Slade. I knew he’d be better than I could ever imagine, but I never thought he’d be this good. Everything about him is perfect. His smile, his eyes, his hard body, his skills in the bedroom, his protection, his love. I don’t know if he loves me, but every time he touches me, it feels like love. And with every touch, every kiss, every innocent caress, it makes me fall further and further over that line we’re not supposed to be crossing.

  We’ve spent the last six hours locked away in his bedroom now and, to be honest, it feels like no time has passed. I wish we could lay here forever. I wish our time would never end. I wish I could stay wrapped around him all night. I wonder what it would be like to wake up next to Hudson Slade. That will never be something I get to experience because we always have to part before either of us can fall asleep to ensure we don’t get caught.

  It’s going on three when I finally stand and pull my clothes on. He sits up, the sheet covering his naked lap, as he reaches for me, tugging me back to bed. He rolls us over so he’s hovering above me again.

  “Stay,” he whispers, a soft smile spreading across his sleepy face.

  I bite my lower lip, wishing he wouldn’t tease me. “I can’t. You know I can’t. We have these rules for reason.”

  “Screw the rules.” He lowers his magical mouth to mine and for a moment, I forget the rules myself.

  I push him away. “How is it we’ve switched places so easily and without either of us noticing?”

  His brows furrow together. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean me, the rule breaker, is trying to do this right, while you, goody-two-shoes, throws caution to the wind?”

  He laughs. “I have no idea, but suddenly, I like living on the edge.” His grin widens, and I push him away before he can kiss me again and distract me.

  I stand up and start pulling on my clothes. “We have to do this right, Hudson. I don’t know what I’d do if Brad found out about us. I don’t want to lose you…or him.”

  He pulls me closer and wraps his arms around me, hugging my waist. “I know, and I promise you won’t lose either of us. I won’t let it happen. You’ve lost enough. You won’t lose anything else because of me.”

  I run my fingers through his dark hair and he looks up at me, his striking blue eyes finding mine. “I hope not,” I say, pulling away and leaving his room with him watching after me.

  Walking out of there feels like I’m leaving half of myself behind. I feel lonely, cold, off in ways I can’t understand or explain. I feel a tear sting my eye just from thinking about losing him or my brother. I don’t know what I’d do without either of them. They’re both a huge part of my life, and losing either one would be like losing a part of my body. I may recover from it, but I’d never get over it. It would always be there, nagging me, creating an ache inside of me that will never be filled.

  I grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to shower off before bed. Just as I step behind the stream of water, Hudson walks in, sliding in behind me. I spin around to face him. “What are you doing?”

  He shrugs. “I need a shower too. The opportunity presented itself.” He smirks. That’s the smile I love.

  “What if Brad comes home?”

  “He won’t be home for hours. Come on. Let’s get cleaned up.” His hands tangle into my hair as he leans my head back to let the water rush over it. Once it’s thoroughly soaked, he applies shampoo and brings it to a lather before rinsing and adding conditioner. As my conditioner sets, I wash both of bodies while he washes his own hair. Finally, he rinses his hair and spins us around to rinse mine.

  When we’re both clean, he bends over and turns off the water, kissing my stomach as he does. It causes that fire in my belly to blaze, despite how many times it’s been fed. He grabs two towels and wraps one around me before drying off himself. He wraps it tight around his hips, then leans in, giving me one last kiss.

  “Good night, Deven.”

  “Night, Hudson,” I reply, watching him exit the bathroom, leaving me alone.

  I quickly pull on my pajamas and brush my hair before laying down on the couch. I turn on the TV to keep me company and drift off to sleep within minutes, dreaming only of him.

  I wake in the morning and find Brad and Hudson in the kitchen sharing a pot of coffee. Instead of hanging out, I go for my shower and to get ready for work. When I come out of the bathroom, Brad is already in bed, and Hudson is dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and a baggy T-shirt that hangs from his strong frame perfectly. The gray T-shirt is loose around his toned, narrow waist, but it’s snug around his wide biceps. His dark hair has been gelled, giving it that messy, I-just-got out-of-bed look. His angular jaw is freshly shaven and begs me to place my hand on it so I can draw him closer for a kiss.

  I pour some coffee into my to-go cup and spin a
round to find him watching me.

  “What?” I ask, unable to hold back my smile.

  He leans back, glancing into the living room. “You look beautiful,” he says, stepping toward me. His hand lands on my jaw as he brushes his lips quickly against mine. His rich cologne hits me and it causes my head to swim. He pulls away before I’m ready and I almost want to pout, but I don’t. I know the rules, and they’ve already been broken.

  “Thank you,” I reply, moving my eyes up and down his hard body. “You’re looking pretty good yourself.”

  He glances down at himself before his blue eyes return to mine. “I figured if I’m just going to be sitting in front of a TV all day, I may as well be comfortable.” He gives me that grin that turns my body to mush.

  I shake my head as I grab my purse off the table, double checking for my keys. “You’re going to have to stop doing that.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Giving me that sexy little grin. Every time you do, I just want to rip your clothes off and have my way with you.” I pull my purse strap over my shoulder and turn to face him. “And unless you want to get caught, we can’t be doing shit like that.”

  He lets out a long breath as his hand moves up to the back of his head, rubbing it up and down. “I know. One of us needs to get our own place. Sooner rather than later.”

  I nod. “I’m working on it. I gotta get going.” I walk past him, but he catches my hand and jerks me back to his strong chest, his lips finding mine easily. My lips part, welcoming his kiss, not caring if we could be caught right now. His tongue moves with my own. He tastes of sweet mint. The only thing I can think of is holding him down and sucking all that sweetness off his tongue.

  My hand moves up to cup his jaw, never wanting this moment to end. I nip his lip playfully, and he reaches up and pinches my nipple lightly through my top. I squeal and giggle as I pull away.


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