Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series

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Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series Page 6

by Michelle Areaux


  That evening, I found myself roaming the halls with Jordan and Lain. Eden and Donovan were having a late dinner with their father, while the rest of the students were watching movies or working out in the gym.

  “Where is Zane?” I asked Jordan, feeling a bit shy as I asked.

  After gym, Zane had left me with Jordan and Lain and I didn’t see him at dinner either. I knew it was wrong to long for him, but I felt myself feeling like I was missing something when he wasn’t around.

  “He had to work on some security detail in the back part of the property,” Jordan stated, in his matter of fact like tone.

  “How big is this place, exactly?” I asked.

  Other than the gym field house and the main part of the school, I hadn’t been allowed to venture very far outside.

  “We own around two-hundred acres. The lake on the north part of the property ends our land on that side,” Lain added, keeping his eyes focused ahead. I noticed over the last few days that he never looked me directly in the eyes. I wasn’t sure if that was part of him, trying to keep me safe and keep his eyes focused on any danger, or if it were because he despised me as much as some of the other Vampires did. Either way, it was a bit disheartening.

  “Wow, this place is huge,” I admired.

  Just then, two guys who I had noticed from my gym class came out of the shadows. They had been walking down one of the long corridors, but had turned and stood where the overhead lights were dimly lit and it was hard to detect who or what was lurking in the shadows.

  Their quiet conversation and quick glances around them caught my attention. If my time here at the House of Shadows had taught me anything, it was that everyone seemed to have their own secrets.

  There were enemies, friendships, and loyalties that I still didn’t understand and, to be honest, I wasn’t sure if I ever would.

  “Sure is,” Jordan murmured, a strange emotion clouding his face. It struck me as odd, but I just brushed it off. Everyone around here was strange, no need to really overthink it now.

  I watched the two guys as Jordan rambled on about the property and rule about not venturing far from the school. I nodded my head when appropriate, but I just couldn’t seem to allow myself to lose sight of the two guys.

  Suddenly, Zane walked up and whispered something to both guys.

  “Hey, there is Zane,” I said to Jordan, pointing to where the three boys stood. “Who are those guys he’s talking to? I’ve seen them before, but I don’t know their names.”

  Jordan’s eyes followed where I was pointing and when he spotted Zane, red flashed through his features. “That is none of your business,” he snapped. “Stay away from Marcus and Alex, they are none of your concern.”

  I jumped at his harsh tone, unsure of how to respond. “Sorry, I just wanted to show you that I see him,” I stuttered, afraid for the first time of Jordan.

  Shaking his head, Jordan attempted to calm himself, but a fiery rage still remained. It was odd and caused alarm to rise within me. Why would he snap at me for pointing to Zane? And, what were they talking about that made him so wary of me hearing or questioning? As my eyes refused to look away, I noticed that Zane’s eyes held a yellow glow as he talked. They all remained serious as they talked privately before the two rushed off in the opposite direction.

  Curiosity was piqued and I wanted to follow them, but knew I couldn’t.

  Seeing us, Zane sauntered over to where Jordan and I were still standing.

  “Hey, Audrey,” Zane said, a wide smile on his face. His hands wrapped around my waist and he pulled me close to him.

  “Hi,” I replied, trying to act as though I wasn’t totally freaked out by what had just happened.

  His quick change in demeanor seemed to surprise me at first. When talking with the other two guys, he was serious and held a strange authoritative manner. Now, he was relaxed and acting as though he didn’t just have a conversation within the shadows of the halls.

  Okay, it was settled now. I had to figure out what was going on.

  Jordan gave Zane a strange look and, I swear, there was an unspoken conversation floating between them.

  “Let me get you to your room,” Zane stated, after the pair stopped their intense stare-off.

  “Sounds great,” I lied.

  As Zane waked me to my room, I made sure to pay careful attention to my surroundings. Students were moving along, all unaware of the human who was now cautious of their strange behaviors. When I first arrived, I had no idea how much of an outcast I would truly be.

  Arriving at my bedroom door, Zane unlocked the door for me and slowly opened the door. Checking to make sure everything was safe, he walked me inside.

  “Thank you so much for walking me to my room. I know it’s your job, but I really do appreciate it,” I added.

  While I was still unsure of what Zane had been doing earlier, I still couldn’t deny the fact that my heart was still longing for him. He was mysterious, gorgeous, and held a bit of danger. I guess he was the ultimate bad boy.

  Sighing, Zane ran a hand through his loose, dark hair. “If I am completely honest, I asked to be your protector,” Zane admitted.

  “What?” I asked. “I thought Dean Sullivan selected you along with Jordan and Lain.”

  Shaking his head, Zane sat down on the chair at my desk. “He asked Jordan and Lain because they both are interested in law enforcement. I volunteered because when I first saw you, I felt this strong connection to you. Like, I had to protect you and get to know you,” he said.

  “Why would you do that? I am just a human,” I said softly.

  My heart fluttered from the warmth that was now filling me. I should be wary of a guy like Zane. I mean, he’s a freaking Vampire. But, I can’t seem to stop this emotion pulling at me.

  Taking my hands in his, Zane looked at me with conflicted eyes. “I know I am breaking so many rules by falling for you, but I just can’t help it.”

  Oh my!

  If we were going to be honest with one another, I had to ask him about what I saw earlier. And, I had to know why Zane didn’t get along with Eden and Donovan.

  Keeping my hands in his, I found the courage inside of me to ask my dire questions. “Zane, I feel something for you, too, but. I don’t understand it. I know it is all wrong, but I can’t help how I feel. But, before this goes any further, I have to ask you a few questions,” I said, my voice shaking.

  Smiling, Zane almost seemed relieved to hear that I, too, held feelings for him. “Ask me anything,” he prompted.

  Taking in a big breath, I began. “Ok, so I know that Eden and Donovan seem to have an issue with you. What is that about?” I asked.

  Zane looked down for a moment, shame seeming to read on his face. “A few years ago, I dated one of Eden’s friends, Macy. Donovan had a crush on her, but she was into me. I know it seems farfetched, but Eden and Donovan had been my friends. Macy and I began to date and Donovan blew up at me one night. We got into a huge fight and it not only ruined my friendship with Donovan, but Eden took her brothers side. It caused Eden and Macy to stop being friends, too.”

  Eden had never mentioned that, but I could see that happening. But, I hadn’t met a Macy yet.

  “Where is Macy now?” I asked.

  “She moved with her family to Italy last year. She wanted more from her life than just learning how to adapt to the human world. Last I heard, she was traveling through Italy,” Zane finished.

  I nodded, allowing that information to sink in. Now that was settled, I still needed to know about the secret conversation I saw.

  “Last question,” I began. “I saw you talking with two guys earlier. When I told Jordan, he snapped at me,” I stated.

  I noticed Zane’s jaw tighten and the same red face that I spotted earlier flash across his rigid features. “Ok, what you witnessed earlier was me warning two young and naive Vampires to follow the rules. They have found themselves in trouble a few times and I was making sure they understood
that their defiant behavior wasn’t going to be tolerated any further,” Zane said through gritted teeth.

  “What did they do?” I asked.

  “I can’t disclose that to you. I wish I could. All you need to know is they are harmless. Just forget you saw anything,” Zane said.

  I hinted anger in his voice and wasn’t sure if it were directed at me or at the idea of the two boys. Either way, it didn’t settle with me.

  I opened my mouth to ask another question, but Eden decided to interrupt our conversation. Walking through our bedroom door, her smile faltered when she spotted Zane sitting in our room. Her eyes traveled down to our joined hands, and I swear I heard her let out a small growl.

  “What is he doing in here?” Eden asked, strutting over to her dresser.

  She refused to even look at Zane.

  “He walked me to my room, we were just talking,” I said, sheepishly.

  For some reason, I felt like I had been caught doing something wrong. But, I was innocent.

  Zane stood, slowly releasing my hands from his. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss to my cheek. His lips were so cold against my warm flesh and I felt a shiver race down my spine. I smiled, relishing in his touch.

  “I will see you first thing tomorrow. Remember, don’t go anywhere without your guards,” Zane stated.

  “She’s safe here with me,” Eden joined in.

  We both turned and looked at her. Eden glared at Zane and he gave her the same hatred filled look.

  “Ok, you guys have to stop this,” I yelled. “Eden is my friend and Zane and I are… Well, we are getting to know one another,” I stated. “Whatever happened between you two shouldn’t affect me,” I finished.

  “Don’t worry, our relationship won’t be affected by Eden,” Zane said, before slipping through the door and locking it behind him.

  “I can’t believe you like him,” Eden shrieked, throwing her hands up in the air.

  I turned on my heel, facing her head-on. “Why not? He is nice and gorgeous,” I argued.

  “You don’t know him like I do,” Eden countered.

  She sat on her bed, pulling her knees up to her chest. In that moment, she looked so young and sweet. Almost afraid.

  “Look, Zane told me what happened between you all. I know you don’t like him, but I do.”

  “What exactly did he tell you?” Eden asked, hurt flashing across her face.

  “He told me about Macy picking him over Donovan. And, how that caused a fight that destroyed your friendship with Macy and Donovan and Zane’s friendship to end,” I said.

  I sat down on my bed and turned to face her. I hated that we were arguing. She was my friend and I didn’t want my feelings for Zane to get between us.

  Letting out an angry laugh, Eden threw her head back and a forced smile appeared over her thin lips. “That’s what he told you? Wow, I knew Zane was a creep, but I didn’t realize what a huge liar he was. You want to know the truth? Donovan was dating Macy. Zane made a pass on her, tried to get her to go with him to some weird human bar. When she told Donovan, the boys got into a huge fight. Before I could even talk to her, she was gone from the school,” Eden said, tears filling her eyes.

  Now, I wasn’t sure what to believe. Both of their stories seemed possible, but could they both be getting some of the facts wrong? I mean, when emotions run strong, sometimes people remember the events differently.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I began, but Eden cut me off.

  “There is nothing to say. I wish you would stay away from him, but I know that’s not possible. He’s one of your guards and, clearly, you have feelings for him. You will discover the truth eventually, but please be safe,” Eden said, before rolling over and picking up a book to read.

  She was done with this conversation and so was I. Hopefully, I will find the truth somewhere between both of their stories.

  Chapter 11

  The gym was packed. Loud voices echoed throughout the massive complex as students worked on their physiques and others stood around talking.

  After my night, I was ready to let off some steam and what better way than working out. Zane had met me as soon as the sun was shining. To my surprise though, when I awoke, Eden was already gone. I knew Vampire’s really didn’t sleep, but I couldn’t help but feel a bit bummed that she had left without saying anything.

  I knew I had my guards stationed outside our door, but still, it hurt that she would just leave.

  Standing in my black shorts and maroon tank top, I made my way over to a row of treadmills. My gym instructor had given me permission to create my own workout plan for the class. Obviously, I wasn’t needing the same hunt training as the other students. Being given this special treatment, I knew some of the students would have an issue with it, especially, Brie.

  As I stepped onto the treadmill, I began stretching. Jordan and Lain were lifting weights while keeping a close eye on me. Zane had left once I was safely inside the gym. He had meetings and classes to attend, so we agreed to meet up at lunch.

  “Looks like the human is becoming Zane’s little pet,” Brie sneered, as she stood beside the treadmill.

  “What do you want, Brie?” I asked, exasperated.

  Her snarky attitude was getting old. She was the true definition of a mean girl.

  “Well, other than the fact that it is totally unfair that you seem to get special treatment here since you showed up at our school, you seem to be adding to an already bad situation,” she said, her menacing stare causing me to go stiff.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about,” I began, punching in my time and workout level. As the treadmill began to move, I began walking at a brief pace. Brie was getting on my nerves and I could feel the adrenaline bursting inside of me. Little did she know, she was only fooling my workout.

  Laughing, Brie placed her hand on the side of the treadmill, her strength causing the machine to slouch under her touch. My eyes went wide, but I tried to remain calm, as though she weren’t affecting me at all.

  Even though she totally was.

  “I’m on to you, human. I don’t buy your innocent act. I mean, we have strict policies in place to ensure humans don’t get accepted into this school. But, here you are and you are placing yourself in the middle of an ages old battle between Zane, Eden, and Donovan,” she spit out.

  “Do you think I really want to be here?” I asked, turning to look at her. “I thought I was going to a school I had dreamed of attending my entire life. Being around Vampires who clearly hate me is not what I consider to be fun,” I snapped back. “And, I don’t know what happened between Zane, Eden, and Donovan, but it is none of my business. It is old news and. clearly, you are the only one who wants to keep it going,” I said, even though I knew that wasn’t entirely true.

  It was clear to everyone that the trio hated one another. Resentment still swirled around them, but to save relationships, I was trying my best to stay neutral.

  Suddenly, the doors to the complex opened and Donovan walked in. He was wearing a pair of navy basketball shorts and a tight, white tee. My breath hitched as he sauntered into the building. It wasn’t lost on me that even through his scowling and anger, Donovan was beyond breathtaking. All eyes seemed to follow his movements as he made his way over to the weightlifting area.

  I knew he spotted me and Brie, but his eyes remained anywhere but on us.

  Leaning in close to me, I could feel Brie’s cold breath on my neck. Fear coursed through me, but I tried my hardest to act as though she wasn’t freaking me out. “I’m going to find out why you are really here, human. Someone brought you here for a reason. Maybe you are part of it, maybe you aren’t. Just know, I am watching you,” Brie sneered.

  I continued walking, keeping my eyes locked on her as she walked away. Hair swaying back and forth, it was almost hard to believe someone so angelic looking could be so devilish.

  I finished my workout and then showered before moving on to my last morning class. As much as I tr
ied, it was hard not to allow Brie’s warning to ring through my head.


  Walking into the cafeteria, I spotted Zane waving me over to a table. Jordan and Lain were next to me, but I told them to go on and eat. As I made my way over to Zane, Eden rushed up to me.

  “Hey, I heard Brie was giving you a hard time in gym,” she said, rolling her eyes as she said Brie’s name.

  “Yeah, she was being her normal pleasant self,” I said, sarcastically.

  Laughing, Eden placed a hand on her hip. “Well, don’t let her get to you. Brie is just jealous because people are talking about you,” Eden added.

  “That’s what I don’t understand,” I began. “There is nothing to be jealous of. Other than you and Zane, most students here hate me. Plus, she seems to think I was part of getting into this mess,” I finished, letting out a laugh of my own. It was all so ridiculous, it was hard not to laugh.

  “To Brie, any attention is good attention. Regardless if people love or hate you. She’s just mad she’s not the topic of conversation.”

  “How did you hear about Brie?” I asked, realizing I hadn’t talked to Eden yet today and it didn’t appear that any of the other Vampires at the gym even noticed us.

  Eden paused for a moment, and her silence gave me the answer. Donovan.

  “It was Donovan, wasn’t it?” I asked.

  Remembering him at the gym, I thought he wasn’t paying any attention to us, but clearly, I was wrong.

  “He might have mentioned it,” she said.

  Zane waved again, and I looked past Eden. Noticing this, Eden turned and spotted Zane. “Ugh,” she protested.

  “Play nice,” I warned.

  We walked over to the table. I sat in the middle while Eden perched herself at the far end of the table. A few more students arrived and everyone began gathering their food and talking.

  “Are you alright?” Zane asked, as Eden was lost in a conversation with a boy from my theatre class.

  “Yes, I assume you are talking about what happened in gym?” I asked.

  “Yeah, Jordan and Lain called me. They kept an eye on Brie, but I told them not to intervene unless you were in danger,” Zane said.


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