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Down Time

Page 2

by Holly Ardent

  I drew my mouth away from her to watch her nipples stretch after she gave a quick gasp. A minute later my head dipped back down and I roughly sucked her clit into my mouth, tugging it away from her body. That was enough to push her over the edge and she had a minor orgasm.

  I quickly switched women, placing my mouth between Rita's legs with one hand on her breasts. My second hand stretched over to Molly, alternating between stroking her pussy or clit and moving upwards to pinch and stretch her nipples. Rita orgasmed in just a few minutes because of the attention I'd been giving her while I played with Molly.

  “So,” I said, “I think you two were saying something about a forfeit before I left for the market this morning?”

  “Uhhh...” Molly said, trying to draw her mind back from wherever it had gotten to.

  “You were going to tell me right when I got home, I thought you said. I understand why you didn't, but I think it's time now.”

  Molly shook her head, then she looked at Rita.

  “See what I mean about needing help with him? He's got a one track mind.”

  Rita nodded but stayed silent.

  “Alright Tim, we really couldn't think of anything super interesting that you and I haven't done. In most cases repeatedly, so here's what we decided.”

  She stopped and stared at me for a minute. I waited, impatiently.

  “What did you decide?” I asked, finally.

  “Well, I'm a little nervous about it now even though it seemed like a great idea when we thought of it.”

  “Just tell me.”

  “Eight hours,” she said quickly, “We're both yours to command sexually for eight hours, broken up however you like. We have to follow your commands during that time, as long as they won't cause us damage.”

  She looked over at Rita before her eyes flashed back to my face.

  “Rita insisted on that last clause, I didn't think it was necessary,” Molly said.

  Molly looked nervous as my eyes glittered with anticipation.

  “Is that it? What if you don't follow my commands?” I asked.

  “We will. If we don't, then you'll just have to determine some form of punishment,” Molly said.

  Rita looked a bit nervous. Evidently they hadn't discussed that possibility and she wasn't too sure about Molly's solution. She didn't say anything though. So, I decided to take advantage of the situation like any red-blooded, non-impotent man would.

  “Okay,” I said. “Here's my first command. Molly, you're my personal slut for the rest of the night and will act accordingly. You'll have no inhibitions and will do whatever I command or request or even just suggest of you. Say yes if you understand.”

  “Yes,” Molly said.

  “Rita, you like Molly, right? And you want her to be happy?”

  Rita nodded.

  “You know by now that sex is one of the things that makes her happiest. For the rest of tonight, if either Molly or I tell you to do something sexual with her you'll do it. Say yes if you understand.”

  Silence greeted my statement.

  “Rita, do you have a problem with pleasuring Molly?”

  “I'm not a lesbian,” she said.

  “No, you aren't,” I replied. “You'll notice that there are both a female and male involved here. A lesbian would never allow the male involvement. The appropriate word would be bisexual. Even that's not quite accurate, what you're going to do is help me please Molly.”

  She sighed.

  “You and Molly agreed to follow my commands didn't you?” I asked.


  “Help me out here. I really want to satisfy both of you, but it's been a busy day so I'm going to need some help. So, if Molly or I tell you to do something sexual to her, what are you going to do?”

  “Help you.”

  “And how are you going to help me?”

  “By doing what you ask,” Rita said slowly.

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  The two of them just looked at me for a moment. Molly's eyes were filled with lust, while Rita's looked more nervous than anything else.

  “Molly,” I said, “crawl up into the center of the bed, get on your knees there, back straight, hands over your head. Don't say anything until I tell you that you can.”

  Our bedroom's been rearranged many times over the years. The only thing I left in the same spot each time we rearranged was the eye bolt in the ceiling from wherever we'd had our rope chair last hanging. After numerous rearrangements, there were now three eye bolts in the ceiling. One we used for the chair and the other two I left in place for playtime. One of the eye bolts was conveniently located directly over the center of the bed.

  I grabbed a couple of things from a drawer on my side of the bed and crawled up behind Molly. I bound her wrists together first, using the handcuffs I'd gotten from the drawer. Next I passed a thick silken rope around the chain of the cuffs a couple of times, drew her arms high above her head and told her to go from kneeling to an 'L' position with her calves forming the bottom bar of the 'L'.

  After I tied the rope to the eye bolt there was a touch of slack left so she could spread her legs and still be supporting her weight on them instead of her arms. I looked over at Rita and asked her what she thought.

  “Ummm, I don't know? I never did any bondage or anything, but it looks interesting.”

  “Interesting as in you'd like to try it yourself some time or interesting as in you don't know what to say?”

  “I don't know what to say... but I might want to try it some time.”

  “Well, here's my plan. We're going to tease and torment Molly here while she's helpless to resist us. Oh yeah, I need one more thing to ensure that.”

  Rather than a spreader bar, which was uncomfortable to have my shins across, I took another short pair of ropes, tied one end to each of Molly's ankles, and ran them off either side of the bed to the eye bolts we'd placed in the bed frame for just such situations.

  I pulled just enough on each that her legs were spread to the widest point where she could support her weight on them instead of her arms. This left both Molly's front and rear available for use and even provided enough space for me to slide under her if I wanted.

  “Anyway, as I was saying. We're going to tease Molly while she's helpless to resist us. When I think she's had enough I'll fuck her. After I cum, you'll get me hard again and I'll take you. What do you think?”

  “Okay, I can do that, I guess.”

  “You start by sucking on her nipples while I pull out a couple more toys.”

  Rita blushed but leaned over and started gingerly licking at Molly's nipples.

  “Not like that, watch me.”

  I leaned over and took Molly's entire nipple and areola in my mouth. I sucked hard and drew back from her breast, stretching it. Molly gave a quiet gasp and her nipple grew even more erect in my mouth. I let go and her breast snapped back to its normal position, bouncing a bit before going still.

  “You don't have to do it just like that, but she told me she wants it rough this evening. Plus, you might try what you like having done to your own breasts on her. That tends to be a surefire way to get it right.”

  Rita leaned over again and this time took the nipple into her mouth. I could see the suction she was creating as her cheeks drew in slightly.

  “Better, much better,” I said.

  I leaned over the bed and pulled three dildos out of the drawer. One was a small vibrating style and the other two were much larger, but with no vibration.

  I sneaked up behind Molly and positioned the largest one under her cunt. With a forceful upwards shove, I buried it halfway inside of her. Her pleasured gasp told me exactly what she thought of my idea.

  As her cunt flooded with lubrication I withdrew the large dildo and replaced it with the smaller one. Moving it around inside of her I got it as slick as I could. I withdrew it and placed the tip against her ass. With a slow gentle movement I pushed it inside of her. I continued to push until it disappear
ed inside of her ass. Going back to the larger dildo I did the same thing, making it disappear in her pussy.

  “Now slut,” I told Molly, “you are not to allow either dildo out of your body until I remove it. If you do, I'll figure out an appropriate punishment at that time.”

  I moved around Molly to get to Rita.

  “Here, we're going to put this inside your pussy,” I told her. “It'll vibrate and hopefully make you loosen up and lubricate. It should feel pretty good too.”

  This vibrator/dildo was attached to a belt that would keep it in place. I didn't think Rita would have any problem keeping it inside with as tight as she was, but I also didn't know if she'd be able to remember it was there once we got going. I placed the vibrator inside of her and snugged the belt down to hold it in place.

  Rita was still sucking on Molly's nipple, barely varying what she was doing. While I loved the sight, I figured we could get more interesting still.

  “Rita, you're supposed to be giving her pleasure, not a hickey. Why don't you do to her breasts what you like having done to yours. I'll watch, if it gets a good reaction from her I may see what doing it to you does.”

  Rita drew back from Molly's breast and ran her fingertips across it repeatedly. After the third repetition Molly gasped. I looked closer and realized that Rita was drawing her fingernails, not her fingertips, across the flesh. Little red lines formed on Molly's skin, trailing behind Rita's fingernails. They faded quickly so I knew there was only minimal pressure involved, but Molly's reaction was quite satisfactory.

  I reached out my own hand and did the same to Molly's other breast. With her arms stretched above her head as they were, her breasts was already relatively taut. As I drew my fingernail gently across it, the nipple and areola hardened, drawing in even more of the normally slack flesh on the surface of her breast.

  As her areola thickened, ripples and ridges were plainly evident on its surface. I ran the fingertips of my other hand across it, losing myself in the texture, while my first hand continued its gentle scratching.

  My hand went to the underside of her breast, continuing with the gentle fingernail drag. My tongue reached out to savor the texture of Molly's areola in its stiffened excitement, occasionally flicking against her stiff nipple as well. After losing myself in the taste and texture of my wife's thick and rough areola for several minutes I drew back, remembering the promise I'd made to Rita. I saw that she'd taken my lead and was sampling the ripples and ridges of Molly's areola with her mouth, just like I'd done.

  I removed my hands from Molly and faced Rita. When I noticed her closed eyes, I gently placed both hands just barely above the skin of her breasts. Moving the last fraction of an inch together, the fingernails on both my hands scraped the skin of her breasts gently, startling her out of the moment. Her nipples and areolae were already rigid when I touched her so it seemed that she was enjoying herself already.

  Unfortunately her nipples were more normal than Molly's and while her areolae thickened and hardened, the accompanying texture I enjoyed so much on Molly just wasn't there on Rita. Far be it from me to turn down a breast to play with though. I placed Rita on her back, positioned myself at her side, and instructed Molly to open her eyes and watch what I was doing. I continued to tease and torment Rita's breasts for several minutes, ensuring that Molly watched the whole while through.

  I leaned back from Rita and told her to suck my cock. Meanwhile I locked eyes with Molly and let her see the pleasure that Rita was bringing me.

  “Molly, what would you give to be in her position? You may speak.”

  “Bastard! I'll get you for this. I'd love to be in her position, but you know damn well that by this point I'd be trying to pin you down and impale myself on your cock.”

  “That is why you're up there and she's down here.”

  “Fuck me, you bastard. I want to feel your cock inside of me!”

  I looked down at Rita and back to Molly. I pointed one hand at Rita's head and made little licking motions directed at Molly's pussy with my tongue. Molly shook her head vigorously. My only response was to nod mine just as vigorously while directing a wide smile at her.

  “Rita, I need your help,” I said.

  With a twinge of regret regret I pulled her mouth up off of my cock.

  “Rita, I'm going to manhandle Molly's breasts. You slide under her, use a pillow to prop your head up high enough, and eat her pussy the same way you like to have your own eaten.”

  Rita winced before pausing with a thoughtful look on her face. After a moment, she calmed and reached for a pillow.

  I attached myself to Molly's breasts like a leech. My tongue stroked her areolae, alternating with my lips grinding down on her nipples. Whichever breast my mouth wasn't on at the time was getting crushed in my grip, its nipple pinched, pulled, and stretched.

  The wonderful thing about this position was that my face was looking right down at Rita, who was eating my wife out with great vigor. Molly began to shudder repeatedly and, after several minutes of that, I drew back and told Rita to stop.

  I checked to make sure that the the dildos were still trapped in Molly's pussy and ass. Although the one in her pussy was almost sliding out, it was still buried deeply enough for Rita to have been eating her without it getting in the way.

  I looked at Molly, who seemed near comatose with pleasure, and decided that it was time to give her what she'd asked for. I untied the knots in the rope that held her up and the ones that kept her legs spread. She collapsed on the bed and I stretched her out on her back and withdrew both dildos. Leaning myself over her in the classic missionary position, I penetrated her. She was incredibly wet and loose.

  I loved that about her pussy, when she was relaxed it was loose enough to fuck her for hours without feeling any urgency to cum. When she wanted it tight, it was tight enough to provide friction and urge me to cum quickly. Since she was almost passed out from our play she was now loose. That let me simply spread her legs and slide into her. I angled my body to allow access to her clit and told Rita to reach in, find Molly's clit, and pinch and pull on it.

  Molly was soon orgasming again, despite being only semi-conscious. While that tightened her pussy it wasn't a bad thing. I wanted to cum soon since I still had Rita to do. Withdrawing from Molly's pussy, I entered her ass instead.

  Regardless of how loose her pussy might be sometimes, her ass never failed to clench down on my cock and speed my ejaculation. I pumped her ass for less than five minutes before filling it with my cum. Then I withdrew my cock and moved around her side, telling Rita that she could stop stimulating Molly's clit.

  “Molly, are you conscious?”


  “You still want to suck my cock?”


  She turned her head sideways and let her mouth gape open. I slid my slowly softening cock into her mouth and felt her clamp down and start sucking. Little licks from her tongue brushed along my cock here and there.

  “Get my cock good and clean, then if you wake up enough you can watch me fuck Rita if you like,” I said.

  Over the next several minutes Molly slowly became more alert as she sucked my cock clean. I gave her a couple more minutes of sucking on me before pulling my cock loose. She was unwilling to let go of my cock so even with me mostly soft there was a gentle pop as I pulled out of her mouth. I leaned over to nibble on her neck for a moment and whispered in her ear.

  “Okay Molly, feel free to give Rita suggestions while we fuck.”

  Molly beamed at me as I gave her license to do what she'd originally wanted me to bring home another partner for. I could tell that she still loved the idea of being in control.

  “Rita, time for you to get me hard,” I said. “Do it however you like, although we might give you some suggestions.”

  I laid down flat on my back and waved her over to me. She crawled over and reached a hand towards my cock. Encircling my softened cock with her hand, she applied gentle pressure as she stro
ked me up and down. After several minutes of that with no visible results, she bent over and began to lick my cock gently, using her tongue to brush against me as lightly as a feather.

  There was some minor stirring from that and she proceeded to suck me into her mouth. I knew she wasn't as good as Molly at oral and hadn't even expected that much reaction. She just wasn't that good at it, she wasn't bad either though. Don't get me wrong, there's no such thing as a bad blow job (unless injury is involved), but Molly was exceptionally good at oral so I was a bit spoiled regarding oral sex. After several minutes with no additional reaction she leaned up, looking disappointed.

  “Rita dear, why don't you try playing with the little section of skin between his asshole and his balls. He's very sensitive there,” Molly said.

  Rita looked over at Molly, nodded and reached down. There was a definite reaction as she reached between my legs to stroke and pinch that small sensitive area.

  “That seems to work some, but I bet you'll get a better reaction if you slide a finger inside his ass. Lubricate it in your pussy first to make it easier,” Molly said.

  Molly knew that I liked having my ass played with and, in the past, had been less than willing to comply. As she got Rita to do it, I thought for a moment that with the way things were now I might soon be getting more attention there than I had in the past.

  The results from Rita sliding her finger into my ass and gently starting to stroke in and out were quite visible and her face brightened as my cock became noticeably more erect.

  “You're almost there dear, one more thing ought to do it,” Molly said. “Tongue fuck his ass, I guarantee that will give him enough of an erection to fuck you.”

  Rita's face fell, but as she stared at my cock she must've been building her resolve. She gritted her teeth and leaned over.

  Molly was right, as Rita leaned down and began to lick around my asshole my cock hardened more. When she finally plunged her tongue inside of me, I was plenty hard enough to enter her. I didn't tell her that though and just laid back end enjoyed the attention. Molly noticed but was considerate enough to wait several minutes before informing Rita.


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