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Rogue Games

Page 23

by Angie A Huxley

  There was the knee-jerk reaction to downplay it, tell her how he had gotten in such a shape, but Alejander was too exhausted to even try. He rolled onto his knees and double-checked Hera was still breathing.

  “I need to get her clean,” he muttered, running a hand over her neck gently. “If it wasn’t for her, I’d be dead for real.”

  Sardonya raised her eyebrows. “I doubt you’d be tackling dungeons like this if you didn’t have her. To be Level 10 – congrats, by the way – so quickly is only thanks to her.”

  “You’re hurting my feelings there. I’m good too, you know! But you’re right, I owe her.” Alejander could see the makeshift camp was adequate for a night and sighed. “Think I’ll have to stay here ‘til we’re healed.”

  “Probably a good idea.” Sardonya handed him a bowl of water and a cloth. “Here. This’ll keep her clean until then. I’ll be relieved in a couple of hours, but I’ll watch over you till then.”

  Alejander gave her a tight smile as he started to clean Hera’s fur. “You’ll wake me then?”

  “Sure,” Sardonya said with a shrug, and left him to it.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Alejander awoke a few hours later, Sardonya shaking his shoulder. For the first time, he hadn’t bothered to log out of the game and it was a weird feeling to wake up after having actually slept in-game.

  You have replenished: 165 HP and 45 stamina.

  It wasn’t as much as he would have liked to regain, but it was great for only a few hours’ sleep. Sardonya was kneeling next to him, already decked out in her armor and a sword at her back.

  “I’m heading out,” she said, mouth quirking up in the corner. “You looked so cute, I almost didn’t want to wake you.”

  Alejander cussed her out and sat back up, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes. Sardonya was laughing softly and Alejander couldn’t find it in himself to be mad.

  “You know,” Alejander said, climbing to his feet and shaking off the last throes of sleep. “You should smile more often.”

  Sardonya snorted. “Nah. It would ruin my reputation.”

  “Uh-huh.” Alejander peered down at Hera, who was clean and sleeping, coat looking healthier than it had when they tumbled out of the dungeon. He was surprised by how affected he had been with her condition the night before, especially knowing that she would recover. It was startling to admit that he had come to appreciate and love her, and he needed her with him. It wasn’t anything that he had expected when he’d first decided to take her with him.

  Sardonya was staring at him. “So,” she said pointedly. “I need to get outta here. What’s your plan?”

  Alejander didn’t know why she was asking but decided to humor her. He stared down at his belongings, that had been left well enough alone, and then at the purple-horned humanoid sitting next to the fire and poking at it. “I’m gonna heal up the rest and then head to a town with a bank. I can get onto that tenth level now.”

  “Good for you.” It was spoken deadpan but Alejander could read the sincerity on Sardonya’s face. “Is that it now?”

  Frowning, Alejander gave her an intense look. “Of course not. I’m going to need to collect stuff here and there to sell. This isn’t just a means to an end.”

  Alejander was startled to realize it was true. He wasn’t ready to leave the game just yet. He might eventually, but for now, he was content to keep playing. Matthew had no intention of abandoning the game until he was comfortable with the amount of money in his bank account.

  Sardonya seemed to relax at that. “I know a couple of towns.”

  “Given how long you’ve been in game, I don’t doubt it.” Alejander didn’t know where Sardonya was going with this, though part of him wondered if she was tired of working alone. Across the camp, Greta was still asleep, head resting on the ground, and body thick and glossy. She was clearly not suffering anything from their journey. “You want to travel with me?”

  “No,” Sardonya said immediately. Her cheeks were red, but she looked truthful. “Doesn’t mean I don’t wanna meet up with you at some point.”

  It was clear that Sardonya was well-equipped for fighting and protecting herself. Alejander had no doubt that if she met up with him and Hera, they could do some damage and get further than he could on his own. Matthew was not accustomed to working with someone however, and Alejander was reluctant to extend the offer to stick with him. Especially since, with her high level, she might not have anything to gain from grouping up. “Sounds good.”

  Sardonya nodded decisively. “I’ll send you an internal message when we’re ready to meet up.”

  They parted with another handshake, and Alejander nodded at the purple-horned guy currently perched on a log.

  “You gonna go back to sleep?”

  Alejander pouted his lips. “That alright?”

  Nodding, the guy said, “My name’s Akan. I’m a Troll.”

  Alejander raised his eyebrows. Akan definitely wasn’t what he would have expected from a troll. He looked more like an orc, only purple – and with longer horns. “Aren’t they supposed to be ugly?”

  “Appreciate it,” Akan said with a laugh. “Kinda liked the whole nose ring and badass hair when I chose.”

  “Fair.” Alejander settled back down on the ground next to Hera. She didn’t seem to mind that he used her as a pillow, always willing to wait until he was ready to move to shift out from under him. It helped that she was larger now and that her fur was softer. “Human.”

  Akan huffed a laugh and leaned back against his log. “Anytime you want me to wake you up?”

  Alejander waved a hand. “I’m sure Hera will let me know it’s time to get moving.”

  “Alright.” Akan poked once again at the fire.

  Closing his eyes, Alejander made sure the staff and his belongings were underneath him, still wrapped up and close enough to Hera that if someone tried to steal something – not that he suspected Akan would – she would wake him up.

  It felt like only moments later when he was being woken by Hera’s whines and a wet tongue against his ear. Shoving at Hera’s head, knowing how dirty and disgusting he felt already, and didn’t need anything else to wash off.

  You have replenished: 180 HP and 115 stamina.

  Alejander felt much better for having slept through and stretched. Akan was still in the camp, currently talking to two other players. They were a gnome and a green-skinned creature that looked like an Orc but were as small as the gnome. Alejander assumed it was a goblin. They looked decked out in their adventuring gear. Alejander hadn’t seen anybody else going into a dungeon before and he was fascinated. The goblin had a staff though he wasn’t wearing clothing Alejander usually associated with magic users. Then again, he had a staff. The gnome had a bow and arrows. The two of them seemed at ease with each other so they were clearly companions.

  Seeing them together made Alejander wonder whether traveling with Sardonya would be as much of a detriment as Matthew suspected. Either way, he would have to wait until he was in a better position and had more to offer. Once he had leveled up a few more times and had improved his gear, then he would send a message to Sardonya. They would be able to challenge much higher-level monsters together, especially if they had a leveled-up Hera with them as well.

  Turning, Hera was sitting back on her haunches, tongue lolling out as she waited for him to get himself sorted. He ran his hands over her neck and gave her the customary morning rub and scratches. She whined and pushed against his hands. “Wanna travel with some more friends?”

  Hera cocked her head. Alejander didn’t know why he was asking; it wasn’t as if she had any way to communicate with him. Sighing, he pulled back. His stomach rumbled, and he noted how hungry he was. It had been a long time since they’d last eaten.

  “Come on,” he said, climbing to his feet. He picked up his satchel and the staff from the floor and headed to where Greta was still tied up, rope loose enough that she was hap
pily munching on grass while she waited. “Hey, girl.”

  Greta whinnied as he approached, accepting the neck strokes and muzzle rubs. There was enough food to last them, but Alejander didn’t want to eat them while at a dungeon camp. He waved at Akan, who paused in his explanations enough to return the gesture, and gathered up Greta’s reins. Hera was happily following, looking better now that she’d had a night’s sleep. Her coat was glossy and grey once again and he felt his shoulders relax a fraction.

  “Should have some food left in here,” he told them both. The path back to VARDIGA TOWN was ahead but he didn’t want to go back there. He was too far away to reach KLISTER quick enough to make it worth his while. He would just have to push on until he hit the closest place that had a trading post and a bank.

  Once he had a small fire going and half of what was left of the meat on the fire, he broke out the map, having a look for the nearest place to get what he needed done. Hera was busy sniffing amongst the grass and tail flicking as she went. There was the town of UMRAO not far, though Alejander was fast learning that he might not necessarily get there before nightfall.

  “Another journey ahead of us,” he said, sliding the map back into his satchel. The meat was sizzling in the pot and he grinned, the smell causing his stomach to keep rumbling. “Grubs up.”

  Whether summoned by the words or the smell, Hera trotted over, snatching the other half of the meat out of the air. It was still raw, probably didn’t taste particularly nice, but Alejander would make it up to her. He’d find something else to grab experience from. He needed more supplies for himself and for Greta, though she seemed happy enough to snatch tufts of grass.

  Alejander waited only as long as it took to finish the food and gather up the rest of his belongings. UMRAO looked almost as large as KLISTER on the map, so Alejander hoped that meant it would have somewhere he could get the staff checked out as well. He managed to tie the clothing around the staff, so nothing could touch Greta, and then strapped it to the saddle. Climbing back into the saddle, he whistled for Hera to follow.

  The path wound away from the forest and back out onto the heather-filled plains, and he urged Greta into a canter, wanting to cover as much ground as possible. Greta relished the stretch of her legs, thundering over the ground. She shook her head and snorted, ears pricked forward in attention and Alejander felt his own chest loosen. Knowing where had had come from, he was amazed at how quickly he’d reached level 10 and he couldn’t wait to get to UMRAO and get his money sorted.

  Everything was starting to look better.

  Which was probably why he didn’t notice the creature until it was upon him, sending him tumbling to the ground. He immediately came up into a crouch and saw a familiar orange blur currently snarling and snapping in unison with Hera.

  Saber-Toothed Lion

  Level: 11

  Description: With tusks almost as strong as steel, a saber-tooth lion has nerves almost as strong!

  Hit Points: {294}

  Damage: 30 {Bite} 35 {Claw}

  Reach: Close

  Though he was careful to stay respectful of the Saber-Toothed Lion, he couldn’t help but think of what he could get from the defeat of the creature. It would put some money in the bank. He used that thought to propel himself forward, snatching both daggers from his belts, and cut down against the back of the lion. It snarled and slashed out, claws snagging on Alejander’s cloak and tearing through cloth and flesh.

  You have lost: 35HP

  Alejander felt a flash of irritation about the cloak, but wasn’t particularly concerned with losing the HP. He rolled out of the way, the lion pouncing over the top of him. The tusks were huge and hit the ground either side of his head. Hera took the opportunity to leap onto the lion, doing her customary move of sinking in teeth and shaking. Alejander wondered if that was how her attack worked, and though he was fascinated to find out whether that was true, he focused back on the fight. The lion’s tusks smacked into Alejander as he was shaken back and forth. Alejander grunted and sliced upwards with his dagger, making a deep cut on the lion’s throat. It wasn’t as impactful as he would have liked, and his frustration was compounded when the lion’s tusks grazed his own neck.

  You have lost: 10HP

  The lion let out a roar and a rumble, and leapt away from Alejander, trying to wrestle with Hera. Hera looked far more powerful than she ever had, and when they were done with this, he would have to check up on her stats.

  With the lion tied up, Alejander dug around in his satchel for the poison he’d acquired in the dungeon. Coating both daggers, he kept one eye on Hera and the lion as he stowed the bottle back in the satchel. He was careful not to let the tips of the daggers touch him, so he left the satchel on the floor and whistled. The lion whipped its head around, but it had the added benefit of Hera backing off. It was the first time he’d tried it and was surprised by the results, but he made a mental note to use it again when he needed Hera to stop attacking. Not that he could envision a time when that would happen, but it was worth remembering.

  Now that the lion’s attention was on him, he dove forward, grinning manically when the lion lunged, teeth flashing white. Alejander jabbed one of the daggers into the lion’s mouth and, though it jarred his arm – and one of the lion’s canines sunk into his shoulder – he slashed the other down the lion’s front leg. The lion howled and dropped away, shaking its head to try and rid itself of the weapon.

  You have lost: 15HP

  There was still some poison on the dagger in his hand. Instead of throwing it or trying to attack the lion, he whistled again, Hera immediately throwing herself at the lion and digging her claws down the lion’s back. Alejander joined her, waiting until the two of them were locked in a battle of teeth and claw before he struck again with his dagger, cutting through the flesh on its side and haunches.

  One of the lion’s front claws hacked across Alejander’s chest before he could dive out of the way, desperate that he was to get his dagger sinking into the lion’s flesh and have the poison work as quickly as he needed it to.

  You have lost: 35HP

  The lion tried to get its jaws around Alejander, haunches taking Hera’s weight as she jumped on its neck. Between them, they managed to wrestle the lion to the ground, Alejander thrusting the dagger down again and again. Unfortunately, with both of them attacking at the same time, Alejander was forced back, another bite from the lion tearing his side. He grunted, swallowing down the pain, which was much easier when he still had so much HP left.

  You have lost: 35HP

  Hera snarled angrily, digging her claws into the lion’s back and finally getting a grip on the nape of its neck. At the same time, Alejander slashed across the lion’s face with his dagger. A combination of the poison, Hera, and Alejander himself must have finally finished the lion off because it tried to climb to his feet, but flopped back, tail thumping and head rolling back.

  When the interface didn’t indicate that the lion had been killed, Alejander inched forward, but the lion snapped out one last time, one fang sinking into his leg.

  You have lost: 15HP

  In retaliation, Hera shook until the lion let out a growl that petered off into a strangled gasp.

  Saber-Toothed Lion (lv 11) has died

  You have earned 2000 experience points. Congratulations!

  You have lost: 50 Stamina

  Sinking to the ground, Alejander let out a breath and covered his face with his hands. He could hear Hera panting next to him, and the soft fur touching his face when she sat down next to him. There were things to do with the body; he needed to get the pelt and the tusks, but he wanted to catch his breath first. He was also a little irritated with himself for letting the lion sneak up on them, given how often it had happened before.

  “I need to get better at this,” he said, reaching out a hand and stroking whatever part of Hera he had there. When he opened his eyes, he grinned to see her head cocked next to him. He kept stroking the t
op of her head and scratching gently. Hera whined low and he wondered why they hadn’t done this before. Granted, there was a lion dying only feet away, but he hadn’t taken time to just appreciate the fact that he had Hera and Greta. He had spent so long fighting and going through dungeons and didn’t let himself appreciate the world he now found himself in.

  The game itself really was amazing. It had started as a means to an end to get some money – and that was exactly what he was still aiming for – but there was a part of him that wanted to keep going, even when he had money to get a job or a house in the real world.

  Turning his head, Alejander grinned as Hera flicked out her tongue and swiped at his cheek. He closed his eyes, shoved her face away, and laughed as she tried to nip at his fingers. Pushing himself into a sitting position, he rubbed at Hera’s head and sighed. “I guess we should probably get moving with this thing.”

  Greta was munching on grass, her reins trailing, and Alejander left her to it as he wiped off the poison on the grass. When he was sure they were clean, he approached the dead body of the lion and set to work in taking what he needed from it.

  Hera happily watched him, perking up when Alejander sliced off a part of the lion’s thigh and tossed it to her. She tore into the fresh meat, blood on her muzzle, and Alejander rolled his eyes that she would need to be cleaned off. Taking a lot more of the meat, he pulled off his cloak and tore it into strips. Rolling up the meat in the shreds of cloak to stop it from bleeding over the rest of the things in the saddle bags.

  Grabbing hold of Greta’s reins, he loaded up the lion’s pelt and meat, along with the two tusks, and gave her neck a few pats as he waited for Hera to finish her meal. Though he suspected she would like to rest now, he wanted to get as far as he could towards the city before they stopped for the night.

  “We can settle later,” he told her, scratching at her head once and using the last of his water to clean off her muzzle. Hopefully they would run into a river, lake, or tavern to stock up.

  Mounting Greta, Alejander whistled for Hera to follow, and he urged Greta down the path, leaving the rest of the lion behind. The sky was starting to darken and Alejander felt a couple of drips on his face before the rain came down harder and he guided Greta off the path.


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