Book Read Free


Page 25

by Aleatha Romig

  Claire decided the articles would concentrate on her life with Tony, not his hidden past. She didn’t believe it was her place to disclose that information. For some reason, someone wanted her to know his secret history. If they didn’t, she wouldn’t have received the mysterious box. Although, Claire struggled to understand the reasoning, she didn’t feel sharing it with the world was her place.

  The haunting questions that infiltrated her thoughts continued to be... who sent the box? Why did they send it? And what did they hope to accomplish?

  Merely moments after she hit send on her email to Meredith, her iPhone rang. The excitement in Meredith’s voice reverberated through the cellphone. Meredith made it clear she was more than willing to travel to Palo Alto as soon as possible to begin their interviews. During their conversation, Claire recognized a desire to travel. Since Harry’s near miss of an accident, she’d been stressing about everyone and everything. She needed a break. Meredith lived in Long Beach, and would be in San Diego during the next three days on business.

  “Meredith, I think I’d enjoy a get-a-way. Could we meet in San Diego?”

  “Really? Sure! That would be great. We can get started right away!”

  They agreed to meet in Claire’s hotel suite, the next night. Claire promised to text Meredith her accommodation information as soon as she booked a room.

  Claire assumed text messages were less traceable than emails. It was only an assumption. Phil Roach would probably know the minute she booked the flight and room. She sighed and started her research, purposely checking multiple destinations and dates of travel.

  She found three different flights leaving tomorrow, but purposely decided to wait until first thing in the morning to book one. This gave Phil less time to follow. She also found multiple acceptable places to stay. That too could wait until the morning. She made a list of flights and rooms. Pensively she wondered, would she ever be able to live without constant surveillance?

  During dinner, Amber presented Claire with an interesting proposition, “So, there’s this big fundraiser gala in a couple weeks. It’s a joint endeavor between many of the top gaming companies in Silicon Valley. We all pledge a percentage of certain sales. Individually it’s very minimal, like a quarter of a cent per download, but the cumulative amount is surprising. This money all goes to fund the National Center for Learning Disabilities.”

  “That’s nice. I didn’t know you did that.”

  “Well, it’s something Simon was passionate about. There are studies showing people with learning disabilities can benefit from some of the electronic games. Hand-eye coordination and sequencing... it’s all very interesting.”

  “I think that’s great.” Claire said with a smile. She remembered Tony’s regard for philanthropic funds and thought how nice it was to have people donate, for the right reason.

  “Yes, well here’s the thing, I don’t enjoy fundraisers. I mean, I’ll do it, sometimes. But honestly, I don’t do the chatty small-talk thing that well.”

  Claire sensed a question coming. She smiled and raised her eyebrows.

  Amber grinned, “So, I was wondering if you’d be interested in representing SiJo Gaming for me?”

  “I’d be happy to do it, but do you really want me representing your company?”

  “Don’t be silly. Why wouldn’t I want you representing SiJo?”

  “Well, I don’t know, maybe because I have a dubious past.”

  “Seriously, you’ll be talking to the top two percent. Each plate is $30,000. Everyone there has a dubious past!” Then in a quieter tone, “If you’re lucky and someone has too much to drink, you’ll get to hear one or two of those stories. Some people like to be very chatty and the information can be quite entertaining!”

  Claire smiled looking at Amber’s expectant expression. She was thrilled to be able to do something for Amber, after all she’d done for her. “Then yes. I’d be honored to represent SiJo Gaming for you and for Simon. Am I going alone, or will there be someone else with me?”

  “SiJo has two tickets. I kind of assumed you’d want Harry to go with you, but if you have someone else in mind.”

  Claire’s eyes flitted to her plate to avoid Amber’s direct gaze, “No, I’m relieved to have someone I know. I thought there might be another SiJo representative you wanted there.”

  Amber giggled, “Harry’s been avoiding these things for years. After Simon died I tried numerous times to get him to accompany me to formal events. I like the idea of manipulating him into going.” Her smile indicated possible knowledge of Claire and Harry’s increasingly familiar relationship. Nonetheless, she didn’t verbally acknowledge it, she just said, “I’m sure Harry will be relieved you don’t have another companion in mind. And, it’s formal so he’ll have to wear a tuxedo.” Amber’s voice flowed with unbridled excitement at the prospect of making her brother dress formally. “Now, if that doesn’t deter you, there is one more thing you should know before you totally sign on.”

  A sudden feeling of foreboding settled over Claire, she hoped it wasn’t anything that would make her retract her offer. “And what would that be?”

  “One of the companies well represented at this festivity is Sheds-tics, a subsidiary of Rawlings. It was the company where Simon started. He was always fond of his start and stayed close with the local executives. The two companies have shared a table in the past.”

  Claire’s stomach twisted at the prospect of sharing a table with Tony. Her mind went over the numerous formal events she attended with Tony over the years. Her eyes squinted as she processed, “I don’t remember this being an event Tony and I attended while we were married.”

  “I checked. He hasn’t attended in three years, since May of 2010. And Shedis-tics hasn’t submitted their attendees for this year. They have four tickets.”

  Claire’s mind went to May of 2010, “He went to this in 2010?”

  “Yes, that’s the information I saw. Why? You weren’t married until December right?”


  “Well, he was there with someone else, early May. I didn’t recognize the name of his companion or remember the exact date. But it was in 2010.”

  Claire thought about being in his house while he attended events with other women. Why had she never thought of that before? It wasn’t until late May of 2010 that she went to the Symphony with him. All those lonely evenings and nights when he was busy. Unconsciously she clenched her teeth. Oh, she didn’t want to go there. Claire tried to focus on Amber. “Oh, I guess... I’ll still do it. I owe you this and more.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. However, I was thinking if he does come, wouldn’t this be a great opportunity to be seen near him, in public? You know, since he spoiled your plans for visibility during your dinner.”

  Claire shrugged. “I suppose it could be.” Slowly a smile spread from her lips to her eyes, “And if I knew he was to be there, but he didn’t know I was... hmm,” she pondered, “I think this could be good.”

  “I won’t have Liz send your and Harry’s name in until the last minute.”

  “Thank you.” Claire leaned across the tall kitchen table and asked, “Tell me, is this an occasion for a new dress?”

  “Oh girl, do you need an occasion? Seriously, you’re welcome to borrow one of mine. Check out the closet in the spare bedroom; any one is fine.”

  By eight fifteen Friday morning, Claire sat comfortably in the wide plush leather seat aboard a non-stop United flight to San Diego. If she stayed true to her schedule, she’d pick-up her rental car and be in her hotel suite before noon. Claire felt devious and clever, booking her flight at four thirty in the morning, and not confirming her hotel until she was in the first class lounge awaiting her flight. Undoubtedly, Phil Roach would follow, but the momentary slip fortified her ability to manipulate the people who worked tirelessly monitoring her every move. She relished the brief reprieve from knowing eyes.

  Just before take-off, Claire sent a text to Meredith proposing dinner in
her suite while they discussed the impending journalistic expose. She hadn’t received confirmation and now that the plane was in the air, her iPhone had to be off. With the scrutinizing eyes of the seemingly friendly flight attendant, Claire followed the rules and kept her phone neatly stashed in the pocket of her purse. She’d check for Meredith’s response once she landed.

  Preoccupied with following signs to the luggage carousel and retrieving her larger suitcase, Claire didn’t remember to turn on her iPhone until she was standing in line for her rental car. When she turned the telephone on, she saw multiple emails, text messages, two missed calls, and one voice mail message. She opted for the voice mail. After entering the necessary information she clasped her hand over her ear, trying to shut out the noisy airport clamor and listened to the voice coming from her phone. She needn’t worried. The voice was loud and clear.

  “I hoped you could answer this phone, since you refuse to answer the number you know I know. I will assume you have a good reason for not answering but will call me back immediately. Shelly just called. I expect you remember she’s my publicist. We need to talk. If I do not hear from you by noon, my time, I am boarding a jet and heading to you. The choice is yours.”

  Claire didn’t realize she’d been holding her breath, until the voicemail ended. Finally she exhaled. Looking to the screen she saw the time, 9:57. She tried to remember the time difference. Shit, three minutes. Why did everyone want to talk? That word no longer held a positive connotation.

  Claire stepped from the line and indicated for the next patron to progress toward the counter. She wasn’t surprised Tony called her iPhone. She knew once she and Emily started communicating through it, it’d be easy prey. Honestly, at that moment she was happy he had. If he’d left this message on her other phone, she probably wouldn’t have heard it until he was already in California.

  Claire dialed Tony’s number, while simultaneously sifting her emotions. Fear was among the top contenders; she wasn’t stupid. Nonetheless, it held a mild third to determination and revenge. She’d made up her mind. When she thought Harry was the victim of Tony’s consequence, Claire knew, he had to be brought down. His power needed to be lessened. She admitted having erotic thoughts about her ex-husband, along with thoughts of lust and perhaps -- love. Nonetheless, if he could table his love to fulfill his agenda of revenge, she could do the same.

  Regulating her breathing, Claire listened to the ring of his private line.

  On the third ring she heard the same voice, less menacing than the one on the message, yet still irritated, “My, Claire, you do like to cut it close, don’t you?”

  “I just turned on my telephone. I hope I caught you before you made an unnecessary trip.”

  “I don’t make unnecessary trips.”

  “Please enlighten me. What did Shelly tell you that has you so worked up?”

  She heard his grin, “Worked up? My dear, you have no idea.”

  “I would argue, but I’m on a schedule. Could you please tell me why I called, so I can continue with my agenda?”

  “Of course, I’m sure your schedule is excessively hectic.” He paused, emphasizing his sarcasm. “Meredith Banks? Really Claire, haven’t you made that mistake before?” Though his tone was deceptively lighter, his words sent chills down her spine.

  She waved the next person to the counter. The retraction wasn’t scheduled to be released until tomorrow. Why was Claire even surprised he’d already seen it? “If you’d read the release, it states I actually didn’t make that mistake before. Which I believe I told you. And yes, I remember the accident resulting from your misconception.”

  “Are you trying to push me?”

  “No. I’d be more direct if that were my goal. I’m trying to tell the world the truth. I’ve read numerous false accounts and believe it’s time to set the record straight.”

  “Know my legal team will stop anything, including this retraction from ever seeing the light of day. You are wasting your time.”

  “Funny, I remember telling you the same thing -- recently.”

  “I warned you not to disappoint me. I recommend you reconsider your actions.”

  “I need to go. I’m in the middle of something. As always, it has been a pleasure.”

  As Claire moved the phone from her ear to hit end, she heard him reply, “Not as much as last time.” Touching end, she wondered what exactly he meant by that.

  As Anthony Rawlings ended the call with his ex-wife, he noticed the small symbol indicating an email. Despite the fact he had an untold number of people paused on a web-conference, he swiped the icon. Within the list of unread emails he saw one from Phillip Roach, dated today, received 10:23:04 this morning. Tony must have overlooked it earlier. He touched the screen and the document came into view.

  To: Mr. Anthony Rawlings

  Date: May 9, 2013

  Subject: Ms. Nichols

  From: Phillip Roach

  Mr. Rawlings it seems Ms. Nichols booked a flight early this morning for San Diego. She left San Francisco at 08:12:00, PT. Her flight is scheduled to arrive in San Diego 09:43:00. I have confirmation of her hotel booking at the US Grant on Broadway. I could not manage a seat on Ms. Nichols’ flight. I am however scheduled to arrive at 11:17:00. As soon as I learn more, I will forward the information to you.

  Smiling, Tony realized Claire did return his call as soon as she could. He immediately replied to Phillip Roach.

  To: Phillip Roach

  Date: May 9, 2013

  Subject: Ms. Nichols

  From: Anthony Rawlings

  Check to see if a reporter named Meredith Banks is staying at the same hotel or even in San Diego. I have reason to believe the two are meeting. I want to know if my suspicion can be confirmed. Contact me immediately upon learning this information, or any other. AR

  Tony knew Phil Roach wouldn’t receive his email until his plane landed in San Diego. He could wait, looking at his watch, another hour and a half.

  Suddenly, realizing he had other things to do, Anthony Rawlings resumed his seat and hit the enter button on his computer. He was once again visible to seventy-two finance officers at various Rawlings’ subsidiaries. The web-conference resumed and Mr. Rawlings performed perfectly, despite the fact his mind was elsewhere. While discussing profit strategies, he held his iPhone out of camera range and sent a text to his driver, Eric.



  All the while, he never missed a question or hesitated with a response. The web-conference progressed without a flaw.

  Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls;

  the most massive characters are seared with scars.

  - Kahlil Gibran

  Chapter 23

  Tension permeated from every corner of Claire’s luxurious hotel suite when she allowed Meredith entry. However, like vapors over warm water, the warmth of an old friendship soon rose above the cool, edgy, businesslike atmosphere. Wisp by wisp the strain evaporated and Claire and Meredith’s old relationship prevailed. This first evening was about overcoming their past and becoming reacquainted. Although it was never said, they both knew their future partnership depended upon it.

  Boldly, Meredith approached the prime obstacle, “Claire, I know I took advantage of you and of our friendship. I knew it was wrong, and I did it. I wanted the story everyone was trying to get. I’m sorry.” She looked sufficiently apologetic. Claire fought the urge to look down at her hands; instead she kept her gaze upon Meredith, as Meredith continued, “After you were arrested, I wrote another article. I meant every word, but I think in retrospect, I wrote it to rectify what I’d written earlier.”

  Claire inhaled. This wasn’t the time for her to inform Meredith of the consequence she
suffered for Meredith’s coup; it could wait. Looking her old friend in the eye, Claire chose not to see the seasoned reporter. Instead, she saw the young college student, ten years younger -- her friend. Claire said, “After I was out of prison, I did some research and found your second article. You’re one of the few people to write anything supportive of me.” She smiled her biggest smile, relaxed her shoulders and added, “That’s why I called you. I’m glad you agreed to help me.”

  Meredith exhaled on cue, “Thank you. I didn’t know if you’d read it.”

  “I did. And it means the world to me. But there are a few things you should seriously consider before taking this journey.” Meredith nodded, waiting. Claire went on, “Mr. Rawlings has a lot of connections. I know without a doubt, he’ll make this difficult. You need to know what you’re getting into.”

  “I was going to talk to you about some strange things with my retraction. It’s already met unusual editorial scrutiny. People and Rolling Stone will only agree to print the retraction, not the information regarding future information. Vanity Fair completely passed, even after they’d accepted in concept. I just received a generic refusal from them moments ago.”

  “His influence is very far reaching. Believe me; I’d understand if you want to pass on doing this article? It’s okay. We can call this a reunion and go on with our lives.”

  Claire watched the twenty year old peek through Meredith’s thirty year old eyes. Claire saw the spark she saw ten years ago when they skipped class to watch the Cubs.

  “Hell no! If my simple retraction is generating this kind of reaction, can you imagine what our series of articles will do? Besides, the world of publishing is changing by the second. I’ll blog the stuff about the impending information. My blog reaches hundreds of thousands. Then with that, Twitter and other social sites, the audience is global.” The excitement in her tone crackled like electricity through the suite. “Sweetie, it takes more than money to stop social media. Once something is viral, it can not be stopped!”


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