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Deception Page 5

by Toni Goode

“Let me guess, the lad is yer brother?” Demetri said towards Natalie.

  “Yeah how did you know?” Natalie said with confusion.

  “You have the same scent, well Sam’s is a bit different then yours but its still connected if that makes any sense.” Lana grinned.

  “Makes no sense at all.” Natalie said honestly.

  “I met Lana almost a year ago. Ye still with that other group?” He asked.

  “Nah, I am solo now. Sort of.” Lana grinned and then looked at a none too pleased Sam. “He is a friend, Sam” Lana said reassuringly.

  “Sure. Why the hell are you here and what are you doing hanging out with my sister!” Sam said angrily towards Demetri.

  “Ye got a lot of fight in ye Lad. I will give ye that but ye shouldna make it a habit to attack others stronger and older than ye.” Demetri said seriously.

  “Who the fuck is this guy?” Sam was annoyed.

  “He is just a friend ok. I met him in Scotland.” Natalie interjected as Sam looked at her with shock.

  “This is the person or better yet vampire who was helping you in Scotland?” Sam said in shock.

  “He can kick ass Sam.” Lana grinned. “ I still remember what you did to that rapist vampire.” She smirked at Demetri.

  “He got what he deserved.” Demetri said seriously.

  “Ok, so you too have fought together?” Natalie couldn’t help but ask.

  “Not exactly.” Lana grinned at Demetri and Natalie felt sick. Had they slept together or not!

  “Ye still a feisty wee lass.” Demetri smirked.

  “Can you come with me for a second?” Sam said to Natalie, but he didn’t wait for her to answer as he pulled her off to the bedroom.

  “Sam can you just stop already. I got it, your angry.” Natalie huffed.

  “I am not just angry Nat. I’m connected to Aidan now and I know you don’t understand what that means but I am telling you Nat. He isn’t in his right mind and he shouldn’t be punished for that.” Sam began as Natalie sighed. “I’m serious Nat. I did some research on that Caitlin chick, she is old as hell and rumor has it that she is Aidan’s maker.” He said as Natalie blinked in shock.

  “What? No way. How is that possible?” Natalie said with a shake of her head.

  “Listen I usually don’t put any stock into rumors but when your maker is around, well your literally at their mercy. And that chick is pure evil Nat, I can feel it. Aidan doesn’t need to be killed. He needs our help.” Sam said seriously.

  “I know you want to believe that Sam, but no one can make you do something that you don’t already want to do.” She said honestly.

  “It’s not like that Nat. When your maker orders you to do something, you have to do it even if you don’t want to. It’s like you have no control over your own body. Aidan isn’t a killer, you know that.” He sighed heavily.

  Natalie rolled her eyes as she sighed. “Murder is murder Sam.”

  “So, is this new attitude because of Scottish vampire in the living room?” Sam said dryly.

  “What? No. I am allowed to make my own decision without it being because of a guy Sam! God that is so ignorant of you!” Now she was getting mad.

  “Hey, I call it as I see it. Do you even know anything about this guy or you just don’t care about anything anymore?” Sam said angrily.

  “You need to leave Sam.” Natalie said angrily.

  “Wow and your my sister. Thanks for nothing!” He snapped at her as he stormed out of the room. Natalie stood there for a moment as she heard the front door slam shut hard. She closed her eyes. Sam didn’t understand and apparently, she couldn’t make him.

  “Ye ok Lass?” Demetri said as she shook her head.

  “My brother is stubborn.” She sighed.

  “It’s a family trait then.” He smirked as she rolled her eyes at him.

  “Very funny.” She rolled her eyes playfully. “Thanks for the coffee by the way.”

  “Ye verra welcome Lass. Yer brother just wants ta protect ye and keep ye safe.” He said softly.

  “Yeah well he also needs to understand that my relationships are none of his business. I don’t get him anymore, it’s like now that he is a vampire he knows everything.” She huffed.

  “Tis not that Lass. Being a vampire heightens senses and Tis not just physically. He worries about ye, nothing wrong with that.” He said seriously.

  “Now you sound like him.” She said sarcastically as he walked over to her. He looked so good in front of her. He wore broken in jeans with a black t-shirt and black boots. He really was beautiful.

  “Ye know tis dangerous ta look at me like that Lass.” He closed in the distance and she swallowed hard.

  “Look at you like what?” She said with a raised eyebrow.

  “Like ye want me inside of ye. Like ye want my hands on ye.” He said seductively.

  “Is that such a bad thing?” She swallowed hard as he touched her face. His thumb ran across her bottom lip.

  “No Lass tis not.” He moved his mouth closer to hers, but he didn’t kiss her. “I canna help meself when I am around ye.” He licked his lips. “I canna lie, I want ye verra bad. Ye make me knees weak.” He gave her the cutest of smiles before his mouth landed on hers in a soft kiss. He pulled back and she groaned in protest. “Ye need ta eat.”

  “I’m not hungry for food.” She smirked as she began to pull on his shirt, but he stopped her with his hand and she sighed heavily.

  “Ye need ta eat Lass. Ye need some meat on ye.” He smirked, and she rolled her eyes at him.

  “You have a big piece of meat that I want.” She smirked and then she grabbed him through his jeans. He groaned deep as he looked at her.

  Within seconds he pulled her close as his mouth attacked her and even quicker he pulled their clothes back off again before he tossed her on the bed. His weight was pressing into her before she could react and then he was entering her hard fast. She arched her back as he drove into her relentlessly and then his fangs sank into the sensitive flesh right above her breast. She cried out passionately as he drove into her wildly as he drank from her.

  Natalie laid in the bed staring up at the ceiling as Demetri laid next to her. Both naked and sated for the moment.

  “Ye know I could get use ta this Lass.” He said as he rolled his head to the side and she did the same as she looked at him.

  “This?” She said as he reached over and touched the side of her face.

  “I dinna know what ye do ta me Lass. Ye sure ye aren’t a witch putting a smell on me?” He smirked.

  “Maybe I am.” She smiled back at him. “I like you Demetri, but you don’t want any part of what I have to offer. The fact of the matter is, I am broken.” She sat up now and so did he.

  “Tis a good thing that I know how ta fix ye.” He smirked at her.

  Natalie rolled her eyes as she got out of the bed and she began to grab her clothes from the various parts of the room they ended up by. “You deserve someone who has more to offer.” She added as he got out of the bed now.

  “I dinna want another Lass in my bed. I want ye.” He said as she looked over at him and shook her head.

  “You say that now. I know how this ends. “ She pulled her jeans back on and then her shirt.

  “Tis a shame ta throw away something fer fear that it wilna end good.” He said seriously as he pulled on his jeans and she watched him. He was just too damn hot.

  “It’s easier that way Demetri. I don’t want to lose our friendship.” She said honestly, and he walked over to her. Barefoot and shirtless.

  “I dinna want ta lose ye. I didn’t just come here fer yer Uncle, Natalie. I came fer ye too.” He said seriously. She blinked in shock at him. Had she heard him, right? “I dinna care about no case, I care about ye. I want ye not just in my bed. I want ye always.” He said as she stood there in shock.

  “I’m sorry, what?” She shook her head. She was sure she was hearing him wrong.

  He closed the distance between them. �
��Ye be stubborn like yer brother.” He smirked. “I want ye ta be mine, forever.” He said seriously, and she blinked in shock some more.

  “I don’t understand what you are asking me. I don’t um. “ She began to ramble some as her heart raced. He pushed her chin up some to look at him.

  “I want ye. All of ye. Let me make ye like I am. I want ye ta be mine, always.” He searched her eyes.

  She couldn’t believe he was asking this. Her heart raced with excitement and fear. “Are you asking to make me a vampire?” She couldn’t believe she was speaking those words. It’s not something that had ever really passed through her mind. Sure, after she found out that Sam was changed she was more curious about it but still.

  “Ye dinna need ta answer right away but I am serious bout it. I want ye in me world. I want ta give ye the world.” He said as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He pulled back slowly. “I’m in love with ye Natalie.” His words took her off guard as she stood there. She was beyond shocked.

  Natalie sat in her office at headquarters. She was still in shock over Demetri’s declaration. She honestly didn’t know how to feel. It was overwhelming to say the least and definitely not something she expected to hear from him. He wanted to turn her into a vampire and he was in love with her. Talk about shocking!

  She looked at the paper on her desk that had all of the Aidan sightings on it. How could she ever allow herself to fully trust another man after what she had been through? It was frightening to say the least.

  She flipped through the papers and stopped on one that had a blown-up picture of Aidan. It had been taken from inside a club in Texas right before him and Caitlin nearly drained all the people there. So much death and for what?

  Natalie knew the world was not ready for the truth. It would cause chaos and fear. Her mind went back to Demetri but a knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts as she looked up and saw Eve standing there looking incredibly hung over.

  “Next time don’t let me drink so much.” Eve said as she came in and slumped into the chair across from Natalie’s desk.

  “You know you do this almost every time we hang out. “ Natalie smirked.

  “Well no more. I’m turning over a new leaf.” She smirked. “I had fun though.”

  “Me too.” Natalie smiled.

  “So how did things go with you and Demetri?” Eve asked, and Natalie couldn’t help the roll of her eyes. “I’m serious, he stared at you all night long.”

  Natalie felt herself blush. “I doubt that.”

  “Uh huh. So, I want details.” Eve smirked at her.

  “Details? There are no details.” Natalie lied. She contemplated telling Eve what had really happened this morning, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to tell anyone including admitting it to herself.

  “Bullshit. You slept with him.” Eve laughed, and Natalie shook her head. “Oh my god, you did!”

  “Ok Geez, can you keep your voice down. I may have slept with him.” Natalie got up and quickly closed her office door.

  “And?” Eve said with big eyes.

  “And nothing. I like him.” Natalie admitted.

  Eve smiled big. “This is so exciting, so are you two officially dating?”

  “What? No. I mean I don’t think so.” Natalie sighed heavily.

  “Oh no. What’s wrong?” Eve looked worried.

  Natalie decided to just go for it and let Eve know the truth. At least then she could have someone to talk to about it. “He sort of, well. Hmm. “ She tried to find her words.

  “Spit it out girl!” Eve laughed.

  “He said he was in love with me.” Natalie said quickly as Eve’s eyes got wide as she looked at her. “I didn’t say it back because I don’t know how I really feel and its all just too much.” She said honestly.

  “Wow, pretty intense but you have to admit it is very sweet that he came all the way here just to see you.” Eve added.

  “Yeah it is.” She smiled some.

  “And? What are you waiting for girl!” Eve laughed.

  A knock on the door made them both look. “Come in.” Natalie called out as a guy stood in the doorway with a huge bouquet of flowers that were all different colors. There were red, blue, green and orange flowers. They looked exotic and the bouquet was so large that it damn near blocked the young guys face as he held them.

  “Are you Natalie?” He asked as she got up now.

  “Yes, these aren’t for me though.” She began. This must be a mistake. It had to be. She had never gotten flowers before.

  “If you are Natalie then these are yours.” He began and then he sneezed like crazy. “And I think I am allergic to them, so take em.” He said as Natalie quickly grabbed them and the guy ran out of the room sneezing.

  “Oh my god Nat, those are gorgeous.” Eve said as she got up and looked at the flowers. “Who got them for you?” She grabbed the small card that was on top.

  “Hey!” Natalie protested.

  “You are more beautiful then these flowers.” Eve read out loud and then she grinned. “Of course, they are from Demetri.”

  “Really?” Natalie inhaled the scent. She couldn’t help but smile.

  “Oh my god, where did you get those flowers!” One of the girls passing by said as she came into the room and she inhaled deep. “They smell amazing.” The girl grinned.

  “Natalie’s got a not so secret admirer.” Eve smirked.

  “No, I don’t Eve, I really don’t have a secret admirer.” Natalie said with embarrassment.

  “Holy shit look at the size of that bouquet.” James said as he came into the room. “Who are they from?” He asked with wide eyes.

  “A secret admirer.” The other girl in the room said with a smirk.

  “I don’t have a secret admirer.” Natalie shook her head as she blushed some.

  “Those are some serious flowers. They don’t even look like ones I have seen before.” James said as he looked at them.

  “That’s because they are from Scotland.” Eve smirked as Natalie shot her a look.

  “No, they are not.” Natalie said quickly. “They really aren’t from Scotland.” Natalie was bright red now as more and more people came into the room. Soon her office was packed with so many people that they were all squeezed together.

  “Why was I not invited to the party?” Her Uncle said as everyone turned and looked at him and then began leaving the room. “ Oh, wow those flowers are amazing, who are they from.” He asked as he got into the room.

  “No one. No one got them.” Natalie said quickly as she looked at Eve who was laughing now.

  “Uh huh, keep telling yourself that. I will see you later.” Eve said with a smirk as she left.

  Natalie finally put the flowers on her desk as she looked at her Uncle. He had a huge smirk on his face. “Do I want to know?” He asked.

  “Not really.” Natalie shook her head and laughed nervously.

  “Ok then.” Her Uncle grinned. “I actually came by because I am going to be taking a few days off for a mini vacation and I want you to make sure everything keeps running smoothly.” He said seriously as he looked at her.

  “A mini vacation? Nice. Where are you going?” Natalie asked with surprise. Her Uncle never took vacations not to mention she had never ever seen him with a woman either.

  “A cruise to the Bahama’s.” He smiled.

  “Wow, a cruise. You feeling ok? She smirked at him.

  “I know, I know. I haven’t had a vacation in forever.” He said with a smirk.

  “Seriously I don’t think you ever have. Are you going alone?” She asked, and he rolled his eyes.

  “Absolutely. I like my privacy.” He grinned. “ So, about the flowers?” He smirked as he looked at the flowers and she rolled her eyes.

  “It’s nothing, really.” She said with a shake of her head.

  “Well whoever they are from is a lucky man and I hope he knows that.” Her Uncle grinned.

  “Thanks.” Natalie rolled her e
yes playfully. She gave her Uncle a hug and she felt how thin he had gotten. He tried to cover it up with baggy clothes but hugging him now told a different story. “I love you Uncle Joe.” She said softly as they pulled back from the hug.

  “I love you too sweetheart. Let your vampy brother know I said to be safe ok.” He smirked as he left the room. At least everyone knew about Sam now. She had hated keeping that secret. She looked back at the flowers and picked them up. Where the hell was she going to keep them. She didn’t even have a vase big enough. She laid them by the window for now and she grabbed her phone as she texted Demetri. Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful. She smiled as she looked back at the window.

  Demetri texted her back. I am glad you like them. Can I see you tonight?

  Natalie smiled as she texted him back. She felt like a giddy school girl. Maybe. She sent the message and smirked.

  I still owe you a dance. He replied, and she laughed a little.

  Yes, you do. Dancing it is! She smirked as she sent the message.

  I will pick you up at 7 pm. See you then beautiful Lass. He texted back, and she couldn’t help but swoon.

  Was this all really happening? Was she possibly, maybe, almost falling in love with Demetri? She blushed just thinking of it.

  Chapter Six

  Natalie looked at the flowers as they sat by her window. She had found a vase in the building and now they sat pretty by the window. She couldn’t help but smile. The rest of her day went fast, and she headed home for her date. It had been a long time since she actually had a date and she was excited and nervous.

  She decided on a short denim skirt and a white halter top. She finished off the look with a pair of black wedge sandals. She couldn’t decide on what to do with her hair, so she put it in a low pony tail as she tossed it over one shoulder.

  It was nearly 7 pm and she was so nervous. She couldn’t believe how nervous she was to see him. She decided on a beer as she paced her apartment. The sound of her phone buzzing snapped her out of her thoughts as she looked at it. It was a message from Demetri. I am running a bit late. Can you meet me at the bar? Natalie sighed as she saw his message.

  Sure. Will wait over there for you. She sent the message and sighed as she put down her unfinished beer and she took off for the bar. By the time she got to the bar it looked oddly empty as she pulled into the parking lot. There were no cars around at all and that was odd for this time of night. She began to worry as she stood outside the bar but then she headed in. It was even weirder inside. There was no one there and only one light was on, it was really dim in there and quiet. “Hello? Anyone?” She called out. She expected Frank the bartender to come out from the back but there was no one. She stepped over by the bar and then she went to look in the back room where Frank’s office was but the sound of music playing made her stop.


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