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Deception Page 6

by Toni Goode

  Natalie turned quickly, her heart racing and then she saw Demetri standing by the jukebox with a grin on his face. “What the?” She said in shock as she began to walk over to him.

  “I know tis not tha best idea but tis a small town and me choices were limited.” He smirked, and she looked at him confused.

  “Where is everyone?” She asked, and he smirked even bigger.

  “Just a party of two tonight Lass.” He licked his lips as he walked over to her seductively.

  “You did this? It’s just us tonight?” She was in shock. She didn’t know if she wanted to cry or jump for joy. No one had ever done anything like this for, not ever.

  “I owed ye a dance.” He said as he closed in the distance to her. “Ye look delicious.” He looked her up and down.

  Natalie couldn’t help the blush that formed on her face. “You had the place closed for the night? How? “ She was still in shock.

  “I have me ways Lass.” He grinned as his hand came up to her face. He ran his fingers down it and he stopped at her lips as he ran his thumb over them and she playfully bit it. He groaned deep before pulling her against him hard as his mouth attacked hers in a heated kiss. He pulled back too soon though and she protested with a whine as he grinned. “I have something else, wait here.” He said with a look of excitement on his face. It almost made her laugh because he seemed so giddy and for his large size it was pretty hilarious.

  He went into the back room and then came back out with a plate that had a burger on it and some French fries. She smirked as he put the plate on a table. “Now before ye get too excited, Frank made this. I dinna cook well.” He smirked.

  “I cant believe you went through all of this trouble.” She said honestly.

  “Tis not trouble fer ye Lass.” He said as he pulled a chair out for her.

  She took a seat and he sat across from her. “It looks great and it smells wonderful.” She grinned as she took a bite. “Do you miss eating food?” She asked him as he shrugged his large shoulders.

  “Twas a different time fer me back then. We dinna have tha luxuries that ye have now.” He smiled softly.

  “How did it happen, when you got changed? I mean you must have been scared to death.” She said with curiosity as she continued to eat her burger.

  “I was twenty-five when I was turned. Twas a dark time fer me people. Famine was high and a group of us had set out ta find better land ta build crops on. Scotland was a verra different place back then. We were still recovering from the big war of 1745.” He said seriously. “Redcoats were still lurking. Twas verra dangerous ta be out and about but about ten of us went looking fer land. That was where she found us. We dinna know how evil she was at tha time. Her looks were verra deceiving. “ He sighed heavily. “I havena talked about it in a long time.”

  “You don’t have to Demetri, it’s ok. I get it.” She said quickly. She could see that it was upsetting him.

  “No, I want ta tell ye everything about me.” He said seriously. “She was pure evil, but we were just wee men and she needed help. Thomas was tha first ta disappear. We dinna know it was her that was killing. She bewitched us and one by one she killed us, or she thought she did. I was tha only one left alive but barely and she changed me. I loved tha power it gave me, and I did verra bad things fer a verra long time.”

  “But your not like that anymore and that is all that matters.” She said softly.

  “No, it still matters lass. I hurt a lot of people in my quest ta find meself.” He said honestly.

  “We have all done things we are not proud of.” She said softly.

  “Tis true but I changed me ways a long time ago but it wasna until I met ye that night that I felt truly alive. I wasna expecting ta see ye, I smelt ye blood and it called ta me. Then I saw Shamus draining ye and I knew I had ta stop him.” He said softly.

  “I’m glad that you did.” She said honestly.

  “I twas not lying Lass when I said I want ye ta be mine. I need ye and I want ta show ye me world.” He said with a smile.

  “I never really thought about changing. It sounds silly cause I have been around immortals for so long and I never thought about becoming one, well not until Sam did.” She said with a sigh.

  “Ye would make a verra strong vampire and a sexy one.” He grinned at her.

  “I could end up being a bad one. Maybe I would start World War three or something.” She said with a smirk.

  “I dinna think that would be possible Lass.” He said honestly. “Ye world would be verra different.”

  “Ok, so what would be so different besides not being able to eat food.” She smirked.

  “Things smell different and certain scents are stronger than others like blood and sex.” He licked his lips seductively.

  “Sex, huh?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Everyone has a different scent depending on their mood, and if ye are sexually excited tis a familiar scent. Intoxicating.” He grinned, and she blushed. So much for trying to keep certain things hidden. “Ye dinna have ta be ashamed. I like ye scent verra much, twas one of tha reasons why I wouldna get ta close ta ye back in Scotland. Ye scent would go straight ta me loins.”

  “Good to know. I thought you were just freaked out by me.” She smirked.

  “I was.” He smirked now. “But I also wanted ye verra bad. Ye dinna know how much I have ta hold back when ye share me bed. Vampires are passionate in nature, but they can be quite destructive to. Ye dinna even know how much I want ta lose control with ye but if I did ye would die fer sure.” He said honestly, and she swallowed hard. She had never thought about that. “All sensations are amplified as a vampire. Touch and taste can be overwhelming.” He added. “Ye can move verra fast and yer strength tis magnified. Ye can sense emotions too and once ye are made then the bond between the maker is unbreakable well unless there is death involved.”

  Natalie thought about Aidan and his maker. She hated that she went back to thinking about him. “What about your maker?” She asked.

  “She was killed by a slayer back in the early 1900’s, twas the best thing ta happen ta me.” He said honestly.

  “You didn’t care for her?” She asked with curiosity.

  “For awhile I did but she was blood crazy like most old vampires are. I was happy ta see her gone. I changed me life right after that.” He said honestly. “Ye wonder about Aidan and if he is being forced.” He said, and she blinked in shock as she looked at him. “ I know ye still care fer him Lass and maybe he is being forced by her but at tha end of tha day he still has ta live with his choices.”

  “I wasn’t trying to think of him.” She said apologetically.

  “Tis ok Lass. Being in a relationship with an immortal is verra different than being in a normal one. Ye feelings are normal but he is not yer only option. Life is too short ta wait around fer someone especially when there is someone right in front of ye, wanting ta give ye tha world.” He said seriously.

  Natalie swallowed hard. “ Have you ever changed anyone?” She asked.

  “No, I never wanted to before ye.” He said honestly. “I am over 150 years old and there has only been two women that I have ever loved. The first one was Alana and then ye.”

  “What happened with her? I know you kept those letters, but you never explained what happened.” She asked, and he smiled softly.

  “Twas a different time when I knew her. I was returning back to Scotland when we met. She was a nurse and she was helping all tha wounded soldiers. She dinna know I was a vampire and when I finally told her after a year of courting her. Well lets just say that she dinna take it well. She called me a monster and she hated me so much. Twas my first heart break, I vowed ta never allow myself ta fall in love again but here I am, breaking me own rules with ye.” He smiled. “I could make ye verra happy Lass.”

  “ I know you could, it’s just. I don’t know. I’m scared I guess.” She said honestly.

  “Tis ok ta be scared, tis normal ta feel that way.” He said honestly.r />
  “I’m just not use to opening up to people, the last time I allowed myself to. Well, we all know what happened.” She said seriously.

  “Do ye care about me?” He asked, and she shook her head.

  “Very much.” She answered honestly.

  “Then ye dinna need ta think about it, all ye need ta do is feel. I love ye Natalie. Ye never have ta worry with me.” He reached out and touched her hand and at that moment she almost wanted to cry because all of her life she had wanted this very thing and she always felt like it was out of reach for her but here he was, asking her to complete her life with him. He stood up now and walked around the table, what he did next had her sitting frozen in shock. He pulled a box out of his pocket. She knew what was in it, but she couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. He got down on one knee and she felt her heart racing. He opened the box and a beautiful diamond ring sat in it. “There would be nothing that would make me happier than spending my life with ye. I offer ye my body and soul fer always. Will ye be mine Natalie. Will ye marry me?”

  To say she was in shock would be an understatement. She looked at him as he stared up at her with green waiting eyes. She made the choice she never thought she would. At that moment nothing mattered. Not the pending supernatural war or the half-eaten meal before her. All that mattered now was the man in front of her and the words came out just above a whisper as she looked at him. “Yes.” She nodded her head as tears threatened to drop from her eyes.

  He smiled longingly at her as he took out the ring and slid it onto her finger. “Time wilna have its hold on us, Lass.” He said as he leaned up and kissed her lips softly. She moved her hands into his short dark hair and she kissed him deeper. Soon he was standing and bringing her with him as their mouths attacked hungrily.

  He lifted her as her legs went around his thick waist and then he was planting her onto the pool table. His mouth tore from hers as he pulled on his shirt and she pulled on hers. Both of them tossing the articles of clothing on the floor. He unzipped his pants as they dropped to the ground by his boots and then he was reaching under her skirt and yanking her panties off as he pushed her back on the table. He entered her hard and fast as she cried out passionately. His hands stayed on her hips as he drove into her and then his mouth leaned down to hers. He kissed her passionately and then he pulled back as his fangs descended. She moved her neck off to the side and he licked against her flesh before biting into her and she orgasmed right then and there but then he was pulling his mouth back from her and she protested immediately. Something coming over her and she spoke the words he had wanted to hear.

  “Make me yours, Please. Make me yours now.” She pleaded as he looked at her with a drop of blood on his lips. She leaned up as he stayed inside of her. His erection impossibly hard as he pulled her even closer. “Please.” She gasped as she touched his face and he opened his mouth and bite back down on her neck as he continued to thrust into her body. The feeling was amazing, and she felt herself clenching around him. He groaned as he found his release, his mouth still on her neck, draining her as everything got foggy and blurry. The feeling rushing through her was euphoric and then she saw darkness. It called to her, it welcomed her and then she saw nothing.


  It was the sound of voices that woke her from the deep sleep that she was in. She could hear Sam yelling and her eyes shot open as she looked up at the canopy around the strange bed she was in. There was a light sheer curtain around the bed she laid in and her eyes focused on a small piece of thread that dangled on the edge of the curtain. She sat up and reached for it but then she saw her hand. It seemed alien to her as she looked down at the small hairs on it. Everything was so clear, like super hi definition. She reached for the sheer curtain again and the second it came in contact with her fingers she gasped at how incredibly silky it was. The feeling was like none other and then she heard the voices again. They were getting closer.

  “You bastard if you hurt her I swear to god I will kill you myself!” Sam yelled as she jumped from the bed, but she stumbled. It felt like she had someone else’s legs and not her own. The door opened, and she nearly fell but Demetri was rushing over to her as he steadied her.

  “I told ye she is fine.” Demetri said angrily towards Sam who stood in the doorway. He had a look of pure shock on his face.

  “Oh my god, what did you do to her? What did you do!” Sam went to jump at him, but Natalie spun quick and got in front of Demetri.

  “Stop it now Sam! Jesus!” She finally yelled as she blinked her eyes some more. Everything sounded too loud. She wanted to turn the sound down. It was an overload of senses. Sight, smell, touch and hearing. She grabbed onto her head and groaned.

  “Ye going ta upset her. Now ye saw she was fine, now ye go!” Demetri yelled at Sam.

  “How is she fine, she is a god damn vampire!” Sam yelled, and Natalie looked at him now. The words confusing her as she blinked at her brother. “Nat, it’s ok. You’re going to be ok.” Sam said with concern. She was so confused as she stood there.

  “Ye need ta leave and let me tend ta my wife.” Demetri said as Sam shook his head.

  “You forced her into this. I know you did!” Sam yelled.

  “Stop yelling! For the love of god my head is pounding!” She snapped as she stood there. “I need an aspirin or something.” She said as she held her head.

  “I cant believe you did this to her. You destroyed her.” Sam began to pace the room.

  “Ye ok Lass, ye just need ta feed.” Demetri said as she looked at him. Nothing made sense.

  “Feed?” She said with a shake of her head and then she looked into his eyes. They were so green. Had they always been this green? She felt lost in them and her mouth came closer to his. “God your beautiful.” She said as she let her lips touch his softly at first and then she was kissing him harder and faster.

  “Oh, come on! Really? I’m still in here!” Sam huffed, and they pulled their mouths back as Natalie looked at him.

  “Sam, what are you doing here?” She began as she looked around. “Where am I?”

  “Ye back in Scotland, in our home.” Demetri said softly as he touched her face.

  “She doesn’t even know what happened. Look at her!” Sam yelled.

  Demetri walked past Natalie now and over to Sam. “Tis be me house Lad, now either ye respect that or ye leave. I wilna let ye disrespect me or Natalie in our home.” He said seriously.

  “Why is everything so weird. I mean look at my hand and this is so soft.” Natalie began as she touched things in the room and the guys watched her. She saw a mirror across the room and she was drawn to it as she walked over slowly. It was then that she saw a strange image looking back at her. It was her, but it wasn’t. Her hair was shinier, her skin clear and almost looked porcelain. She touched it and gasped. Her mouth opened, and she saw fangs. “Oh my god.” She gasped as she backed up and Demetri rushed over to her. “Am I?” She said with shock in her voice though she was not afraid to hear the answer.

  “A vampire? Yes. Tha most beautiful vampire bride in tha world.” He said softly as he brushed a long piece of hair from her face.

  “I feel. Um.” She swallowed hard as she stood there.

  “Hungry?” Demetri said, and she nodded her head. “Ye need ta feed Lass.” He said softly and then he looked at Sam. “Well dinna just stand there, go into tha fridge and grab two bags of the blood.” He said to Sam who looked worried as he stood there but then he quickly left the room.

  “Blood? I don’t want to drink blood.” Natalie said with a shake of her head.

  “Ye need it Lass. Trust me.” He kissed her forehead and she couldn’t help but run her hands over his strong chest. It enticed something in her as she looked at him. “Ye eat first then I give ye me body.” He said as he licked his lips.

  “This is so bad, so wrong. Our Uncle is going to freak out.” Sam said in shock as he came back in the room and he held two bags of blood.

  “I. I don’t wa
nt that.” Natalie said as she turned from him and he handed them to Demetri.

  “Tis not as bad as it looks Lass.” He began as she shook her head.

  “I don’t understand what is happening?” She began but then her stomach began to ache something horrible and she bent over in pain as she cried out. “Oh god what is happening, this hurts so bad. I cant move.” She cried loudly.

  “Ye need ta feed Lass. Drink and it will take away all ye problems.” He said as he held out a bag to her.

  “No, not that. I don’t drink blood.” She gasped and then cried out more. The pain in her stomach was unbelievable. She had her appendix removed as a child and this pain was a hundred times worse then that. She yelled out as she hunched over more.

  “Please Lass, twill help, I promise ye.” Demetri said as he knelt down by her and held out the blood once more.

  Natalie looked at the bag of blood and her eyes began to take in the detail of every blood cell in there. She could see all the way down to the cell body. It was wild. She reached out for the bag and suddenly she wanted nothing more than to drink every drop. She leaned down and tore off the top as blood sprayed onto the floor. She put the bag to her mouth and she drank like she had never drank before. It tasted amazing like sweet and salty. Almost like candy. The pain in her stomach went away quickly and she began downing the bag of blood. She held her hand out for the other bag and Demetri gave it to her as she ripped off the top and drank it greedily.


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