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Deception Page 8

by Toni Goode

  “Do you not understand that there is a warrant out for your arrest.” She said in shock. He didn’t seem affected by her words. “Where’s that maker of yours?” She said dryly. She couldn’t believe he was here. She was pissed.

  “It’s a long story but she cant hurt anyone now. How did you? Who made you?” He continued, and she shook her head at him.

  “What the hell is that suppose to mean that she cant hurt anyone? “ She said with anger.

  “Natalie when I saw you that day in Scotland I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. It was too dangerous. I had to fix things. She was out of control. The FBI and CIA got involved and they helped me. She cant hurt anyone anymore.” He said as she blinked in shock. “But you’re a vampire now. I wasn’t expecting.” His words trailed.

  “What weren’t ye expecting Aidan?” Demetri said angrily as he came next to Natalie and put his arm around her. “ I would appreciate if ye stay away from me wife.”

  “Your wife? You married him?” Aidan said with a crushed look and Natalie didn’t know what to say. She was confused and didn’t know what was happening. How was Aidan there and what did he mean by the FBI had helped him.

  “She dinna need ta answer ye. Come on sweetheart lets go back inside.” Demetri lead Natalie back into the church as she looked back at Aidan.

  “He said the FBI helped him to get rid of Caitlin?” She said in shock as Demetri looked at him.

  “We can talk about that later. Right now, we have ta pay our respects ta ye uncle.” He said as she sighed and shook her head.

  Natalie sat in confusion as she stared up at her Uncles coffin. Aidan was back and was working with the FBI? None of this made sense. How was his maker suddenly gone and why did he have to look so damn good to her. She hated how her body deceived her. Demetri squeezed her hand as she sat there, and the priest spoke. Her mind was on Aidan and why the hell he was back!

  By the time the funeral service was over everyone began to leave as Natalie stood there staring at the coffin with Demetri on one side and Sam on the other.

  “I would like a moment alone with him.” Natalie said to Demetri who nodded his head and began to leave. Sam turned to leave too. “Sam.” She called out as he walked over to her. “Stay with me.” She said softly as they both stood in front of the coffin.

  Demetri got outside, and Aidan was pissed as he walked over. He had gone through hell over the last few months and the FBI had helped to capture Caitlin and keep her for questioning and then lock up. He was also being held responsible for the deaths, but his charge was much lower as he was compelled by her to kill. Having a supernatural world working with a mortal one was tricky. Rules were not the same for everyone and because Vampires could compel others to do their bidding it made everything tricky. Aidan got a hefty fine as well as community service. He had to stay in the states and he was technically on house arrest but more like state arrest. He had to wear an ankle brace that monitored him. He picked Pennsylvania to stay because that is where Natalie was, but he wasn’t expecting to see her married and a vampire. He was beyond pissed.

  “Ye dinna need ta be here Aidan. Ye need ta leave.” Demetri said as a crowd of people began to form around them.

  “I don’t take orders from you. What did you do to her? You forced this on her didn’t you!” Aidan yelled angrily.

  “Ye be tha one that tossed her out like she twas nothing. Tis yer fault not mine.” Demetri said seriously.

  “You knew I was being compelled. You knew what Caitlin was doing and you used the opportunity to swoop in and take advantage of her.” Aidan snapped at him.

  “She wanted ta be with me Aidan. Ye canna just come back and pretend like nothing happened. She be me wife now and I wilna let ye upset her.” Demetri stepped closer to him.

  “Yeah well we will see about that. I’m not going anywhere and when she comes to me and I know she will, then I won’t be walking away without a fight. Trust me.” Aidan said as he stood there and then quickly left as Natalie walked out of the church with Sam. Everyone was staring at her and she felt her walls closing in on her.

  Demetri rushed over to her. “I need to get out of here.” She said with worry in her voice.

  Natalie didn’t know that vampires could have a panic attack but that’s exactly what it felt like to her as she paced the bedroom in the hotel suite they were staying in while in town. She had too many things going on in her head. First her Uncle and now Aidan was back!

  Demetri knocked on the door as she stopped pacing. “I need another minute.” She called out.

  “Lassie I dinna want ta see ye upset.” He said, and she sighed as she opened the door.

  “I’m Not upset. I mean I am, but I’m just a little overwhelmed with everything and I cant even sit with Eve without wanting to drain her.” She said seriously.

  “I am here Lass, Ye dinna need ta worry about anything anymore.” He took her hand into his and she relaxed some.

  “Why did Aidan say he was working with the FBI. He said Caitlin was gone. You didn’t know that he was working with the FBI, did you?” She asked as Demetri pulled her close.

  “How could I have known anything. I have been with ye Lass. Dinna let him confuse ye. He may have gotten away with murder this time but he wilna fool me.” He said seriously. “Ye are safe with me. Ye be me wife.” He pulled her against him and she sighed against his large chest.

  “Are we really legally married though?” She asked, and he looked down at her.

  “We are more married then mortals my sweet wife. We be joined by blood, tis forever. Ye are me life and I be yers.” He kissed her forehead and she held onto him. She wanted so bad for her odd feeling to go away but she couldn’t help but wonder if Aidan was staying in town.

  “Can I see Eve, I really want to talk to her and let her know about everything before she hears it from someone else.” She said as she pulled her head from his chest.

  “Anything ye want I will make it yers.” He kissed her slowly and then the heat between them became scolding as her hands went into his short hair. The connection was undeniable, and she deepened the kiss as he spun them around the room until her back fell onto the soft mattress. He pulled his lips from her and his eyes burned with desire.

  “Ye are tha most beautiful bride in tha world.” He said before tearing their clothes off and entering her body swiftly.

  Aidan paced as he looked at Sam. “How could you let this happen?” Aidan was pissed as Sam looked at him.

  “Listen I cant be my sisters keeper ok. I tried to watch out for her, but she is stubborn.” Sam huffed.

  “No shit and now she is a vampire and married.” Aidan shook his head. “This is bullshit, I did not go through all of this crap to lose her all over again!” Aidan yelled as he punched his fist into the wall of the living room and it left a huge hole.

  Natalie rolled onto her back as she grinned and looked at Demetri. “Ye are amazing.” He said to her as he touched the side of her face.

  “I never knew it could be that good. Is it always like this?” She asked with curiosity.

  “Always Lass.” He smirked and then began to get dressed.

  “And we don’t sleep, like ever?” She asked as she sat up. It was odd not feeling tired anymore. She actually felt like she had too much energy at times.

  “Ye wilna miss it. Tha world is yers ta hold. We can go anywhere ye want and fer however long ye want.” He said softly as she got out of bed. “We can stay a few more days and then we can have that honeymoon I promised ye.”

  “A honeymoon sounds so nice right now.” She said honestly.

  “Ye just wait and see.” He grinned as he walked over to her. He only wore a pair of jeans and he looked sexy as hell. She could definitely see now how being around her personal maker would leave her breathless time and time again. It was like she was totally drawn to him in a way she couldn’t describe.

  She touched his bare tattooed chest. Her eyes lingered on his nipple piercings. The air between th
em was thick with lust. She got lost in his green eyes. “When ye look at me like that I want nothing more than ta bury myself inside ye.” He licked his lips seductively. “But ye should talk with Eve so we can take that vacation.”

  “Where can we go?” She asked as she continued to be lost in his eyes. It’s like she couldn’t function properly when he was around.

  “Anywhere ye want.” He smiled and brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it softly.

  “Ok.” She said softly as she smiled.

  “There be a few things I need to wrap up here in town, so I can drop ye off by Eve. I wilna be too long wife but twill miss ye every second we are apart.” He grinned, and she smiled bigger.

  “Ok husband.” She smirked as they shared a soft kiss.

  Demetri dropped her off at the bar as Eve met her at the door. “Nat!” She hugged her quick and then she began to cry as they hugged. “Your Uncle was a great man, he was like a father to me.”

  “I know Eve, he was a father to all of us.” Natalie said softly but the smell of Eve’s blood began to trigger her, and her fangs descended. She quickly spun around from Eve as she covered her mouth.

  “Nat? Are you ok?” Eve said with worry.

  “Yeah I just um. Eve there is something I need to tell you.” She said softly.

  “Ok. You’re worrying me.” Eve said seriously as Natalie turned around slowly with her hand still on her mouth an Eve gasped in shock. “Oh my god Nat, is that what I think it is? Are you married?” She said in shock and Natalie looked at her a bit confused and then she remembered the ring on her finger. “You and Demetri?” She said in shock.

  “Yeah um, things just sort of happened but that’s not all of it.” Natalie said with a shake of her head and then she lowered her hand and opened her mouth some and Eve’s eyes got wide as she gasped even louder.

  “Oh my god Nat!” Eve said in shock.

  “I know. It’s well. That’s why I have been gone.” Natalie said honestly.

  “Holy shit Nat, that is the coolest thing ever! I have a vampire best friend!” Natalie blinked in shock.

  “What? Your not freaked out?” Natalie was sure that Eve would have freaked out over the news.

  “I’m dating a werewolf Nat, of course I am not freaked out!” Eve laughed and then hugged Nat again. Natalie’s body stiffened as she fought the urge to bite into Eve’s neck. Eve pulled back. “Nat?”

  Natalie backed up quick. “I’m sorry I um, I’m trying to work on my control.” She said honestly.

  “Control?” As in?” Eve said with confusion and then her eyes got wide. “Oh shit, you mean the whole biting thing!”

  “Yeah, sorry. I wont bite you, I promise.” Natalie said quickly.

  “I’m sorry but that is like the coolest thing ever. Did it hurt? Did Demetri do it? Is that when you got married? “ Eve began to ask a ton of questions.

  Natalie couldn’t help but laugh. Eve was definitely taking this better than Natalie had thought she would. “Um, lets grab a seat inside.” Natalie said quickly.

  “Ok and I will get us drinks. Do you still drink?” Eve asked quickly.

  “I haven’t practiced that yet, maybe another time.” Natalie said with a shake of her head.

  “Right. Makes sense. I will be right back.” Eve ran up to the bar as Natalie got to a table in the bar and she sat down.

  Once Eve got back to the table Natalie began to tell her how it all began. She started with the date at this very bar and then the events after that changed her entire world. Eve listened with shocked eyes. Natalie explained everything and when she mentioned Aidan, Eve gasped.

  “He was working with the FBI?” Eve said in shock.

  “I know, it doesn’t make any sense.” Natalie began with a shake of her head.

  “That’s crazy that he is back. So, he is in the clear now, even with all the deaths?” Eve said with confusion.

  “I’m not entirely sure. I mean I didn’t talk to him for long. I was shocked to see him.” Natalie said honestly.

  “Well speak of the devil, there he is.” Eve said in shock as Natalie turned and saw Aidan coming into the bar. His eyes locked with hers and he began to walk over towards her. She quickly looked back at Eve.

  Chapter Nine

  Natalie looked at Eve as Aidan walked over. She finally looked up at him. “Hi Eve.” Aidan said and then he looked at Natalie. “Hi.” He said to her and she swallowed hard. The air around them grew uncomfortable.

  “Hi.” The girls said awkwardly.

  “Um. I’m going to just . Um, Go over there for a moment.” Eve got up quick and walked over to the bar as Natalie sighed.

  “Hey, do you mind if I sit?” He asked as he looked at Natalie. Before she answered he sat down. “About earlier.” He began.

  “Aidan you don’t need to explain yourself ok. I got it. “ She said quickly.

  “No actually I do, so please just hear me out ok. I have been waiting months to have this conversation with you.” He said seriously ,and she swallowed hard.

  “Ok.” Natalie finally said.

  “I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I am not trying to take all of the fault off of myself, but Caitlin is my maker as I’m sure you know by now and she was dangerous. I couldn’t risk her knowing how I felt about you. She would have used it against me but when I saw you at the bar that night. It killed me to see the look on your face.” He said honestly.

  “Yeah well, shit happens I guess.” She said quickly, and he sighed.

  “No, shit doesn’t just happen Natalie. I loved you. I never wanted to hurt you.” He said softly.

  “Well things change I suppose, people change.” She began, and he rolled his eyes.

  “I don’t believe that for a second. I mean what the hell Natalie, you’re a vampire? Like how did this even happen and with Demetri?” He said in shock.

  “Don’t raise your voice with me ok. I looked for you for months and then I finally find you and you basically tell me to go to hell. Don’t tell me that you loved me cause you have no idea what that even means. It destroyed me to see you like that.” She said angrily.

  “So, you run off with Demetri to get back to me, is that it?” He said angrily.

  “To get back at you? No. I care about him and this was my choice.” She said as she stood now. She was getting incredibly agitated now. “You cant just come back and assume that things will be back to the way they were, nothing is the same ok. Nothing!”

  “You were suppose to be with me Damn it. I was supposed to change you, not him. You barely know him.” He yelled.

  “How do you know? He was there for me when no one else was, ok. “ She snapped at him.

  “He took advantage of you. He knew I was working with the FBI, your Uncle had found out a few weeks back and he let Demetri know so that you wouldn’t come looking for me while they were getting intel on Caitlin.” He said with a shake of his head.

  “He didn’t know, I asked him. He would have told me.” Natalie said angrily.

  “No, he used it to take advantage of you and change you. Would that have changed how you felt about me? Would it had made a difference?” He asked as he lowered his voice now.

  “No, your wrong.” Natalie spun from him now, she was beyond pissed.

  Aidan grabbed her arm and yanked her back so that she was inches from him. “I still love you and I know you still love me.”

  “Don’t you dare try and tell me how I feel!” She yanked her arm back.

  “Fine, then say it. Say it right now that you don’t love me at all.” He said seriously, and she spun around from him. “You cant say it because you know I am right. Ask Demetri when he knew Natalie. Ask him why he didn’t tell you!” He yelled as Natalie took off in the blink of an eye as Eve ran over to Aidan.

  “Why the hell did you have to get her all worked up like that!” Eve snapped.

  “Because I lost her before, I am not losing her again Eve. I love her. I wont sit by and watch her play house with him.�
� Aidan said seriously.

  “Forcing her to admit something is not the way to go about this. If you really love her Aidan, then give her space.” Eve said softly now.

  “Space? I have lost too much time as it is. Demetri knew Eve. He knew, and he did what he had to, so he could change her.” Aidan said seriously. “If she knew she wouldn’t have married him, you know that don’t you?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I know but I do know you cant go around all macho man and expect her to fall into your arms. She was wrecked when you were gone. I saw that. I had to watch her like that. She never gave up on you until she saw you that day at the bar and even then, she still had hope.” Eve said softly.

  “I wish I could go back and change all of it, but I cant. I wont lose her again Eve. You have to make her see.” Aidan pleaded with her.

  “I cant do anything ok. She is stubborn, she wont listen to me.” Eve said seriously.

  “That’s bullshit. She trusts you like none other. I love her.” He said softly.

  “She’s different now that she has changed.” Eve said with a sigh.

  “She doesn’t love him. I know she doesn’t. I could see it. “ Aidan said as he walked past Eve.

  Natalie moved around the town fast as she let her emotions take her over. Seeing Aidan like that and being around him stirred so many feelings. Ones she hadn’t wanted to think about. His words went through her head about Demetri. There is no way he would have known, he would have told her? But what if he hadn’t told her? The thought made her feel sick and she found herself on the roof of one of the buildings. Memories flooded her mind of last time she had been up there.

  She walked over to the edge and looked down. It was at least six stories down. She stepped on the ledge and held her arms out by her side as she let the breeze hit her body but within seconds she was being pulled off by strong arms as she spun around. Aidan stood there. “What the hell!” She snapped at him as he looked at her with wide eyes.

  “It looked like you were going to.” His words trailed as he looked at her.

  “Jump? Yeah I don’t think so.” She rolled her eyes as she walked past him. He had gone up there to clear his mind and then he saw her. It looked like she was getting ready to jump. He reacted.


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