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Beasts and Beauties

Page 2

by Lora Darc

  “Oh, Vivian, I forgot to mention, Reece called again while you were taking a nap,” her mother called from the other side of the boat. “Says he really needs to talk to you. Wouldn’t tell me what for. Something about a favor I think? Or had a question for you, I think maybe having to do with helping him with a project.”

  Oh, I’d like to help him all right, Vivian thought. Help him out of his clothes and into my bed.

  Vivian shifted a little in her seat, heat rising in her neck and her heart fluttering. He was desperate to talk about what she saw. She knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid him forever. In the end, she didn’t want to, but fear gripped her too tightly. Fear of being rejected by him, and of his anger. He might likely hate her for all she knew, after what she saw... and what she did. She shouldn’t have trespassed and watched him. She shouldn’t have snapped that photo. It was all heinously disrespectful not to mention unethical and partly illegal. He had every right to be furious even if he was hiding his emotions behind a calm and friendly facade.

  “Are you talking about your neighbor on the other side of the woods?” Aunt Alica asked, intrigued.

  “Yes, Reece Clement. He has the large property behind us. Nice man, though keeps to himself mostly,” her mother answered.

  Aunt Alica turned onto her side. “He so handsome. Does he not have a wife?”

  Mom shook her head. “No, nor a girlfriend, though I’ve seen him with dates before at Tooleys. But he’s a sort of lone wolf.”

  Vivian squirmed uncomfortably. If only they knew.

  “Vivian, you really should get back to him,” her mother said, puppy-eyed. “Or come out to Tooleys. I’m sure he will be there.”

  Yes, that was true, he might. If she could get over her panic at the idea of facing him, it would be the perfect opportunity.

  “I’ll... think about it,” Vivian said.


  In the end, Vivian chickened out. She told her mother she was still feeling unwell and just couldn’t be forced to go. Her mother, though disappointed, didn’t try to pressure her. Vivian’s father who had just come back from his fishing trip with Uncle Jeff merely shrugged with indifference.

  “We will probably be out pretty late,” he told her. “Till the bar closes likely.”

  “It’s fine.” Vivian smiled dryly. “I got some projects I want to finish. Or I’ll just veg on the couch watching the flix.”

  “We will call you when we’re driving back,” her mom said, opening the front door. “Assuming you’re still up.”

  “It’s okay if you don’t,” said Vivian.

  They left and that was that. As Vivian watched them disappear down the road, she began to feel the first pangs of guilt. Not long after, regret set in.

  She should have gone. She was a spineless fool for not. Right now Reece could be there, possibly looking for her (even if it was for reasons that didn’t pertain to her own desires) or he might be chatting up some gorgeous woman, enticing her to come back to his place.

  Her cell was in her hand ready to dial her mom, telling her to come back, but she paused then groaned, dropping the phone on the kitchen counter. She was ready to tear her hair out from her head. The last thing she needed was to go there assuming Reece would want to get with her after her awful stunt on his property. More likely she would be threatened into never speaking a word about what she saw and never speaking to him ever again, then watch him pick up other women after he dismantled her with savage words. She had to be realistic. She was staying in no matter how badly she wanted to see him.

  Grumbling, Vivian plopped down on the sofa and turned on the TV. She flipped through several streaming sites and through a list of movies till she chose a random comedy, letting it play without really paying attention. She grabbed a chip bag and a soda from the kitchen then sat back, prepared for an uneventful night.

  Her eyes watched the screen but her mind wandered. Her thoughts always turning to Reece. Halfway through the movie, she turned the TV to mute. She got up slowly and carried herself over to the sliding door. From the glass, she stared out into the dark woods beyond but they were pitch-black. No signs of lights in the distance.

  The back porch lit up suddenly and Vivian flinched only to see the small end of a cat’s tail disappear into the brush. After a few minutes, the light turned back off.

  Sighing, Vivian turned, gazing around the room, then she glanced up to the second floor. Chewing on her lip, she made for the stairs, pausing on the first step, then rushing upwards. A moment later she was back downstairs with her portraits of Reece, her sketchbook, and her toys. She set everything on the couch and flipped off the TV.

  Her parents said they wouldn’t be back till way late which meant she had a long night to herself. Maybe she felt a little pathetic, but she didn’t care. Maybe if she got herself off enough, she’d lose her mind over Reece, forcing her to finally face him. Plus, she was lonely and miserably bored.

  She didn’t take her clothes off right away. She wanted to take it slow, get into the mood. She looked over her drawings then grabbed her phone and looked at the original photo. When her fantasy flowed back into her mind, she slid a hand down her shorts and rubbed at her hot center. Quickly she began to ache, her core pulsing, heat coiling around her. Fumbling for her vibrator, she spread out her thighs and slid the toy to her most sensitive spot.

  She gasped and lifted her head and could feel her center clenching when a loud bang sounded near the front door.

  Vivian let out a quick cry and leaped from the couch. She dropped the vibrator and whirled around toward the front door, heart pounding.

  “Wh—who’s there?” she called. There was no window to the front door, only a small peephole. Vivian cautiously approached the door and looked through the hole. She saw only darkness.

  She backed away from the door and moved toward the kitchen when a flash of light caught her eye. When she looked over she saw the back porch light turned on.

  She hesitated, then slowly made her way to the sliding door. She looked out, her eyes searching the yard and dark woods beyond but she saw nothing.

  Another loud bang struck a window in a room down the hall. Vivian shrieked. Someone was trying to break in. She went for her phone and with shaky hands unlocked it. She started to dial for the police when she froze. There was a strange yet familiar scent in the air. Like that of lavender and wood-smoke...

  Behind her, Vivian heard the sliding glass door open. Her phone shook in her hand then dropped to the floor. Vivian turned slowly and was met with a cold pair of green eyes.

  “Hello, Vivian,” said Reece, in a soft voice.

  Vivian didn’t respond. Only gazed at him in shock.

  Reece smiled. He took a step toward her and Vivian stumbled back.

  “Reece…” she choked. “How did you…?”

  “You left the back unlocked.”

  Vivian frowned. “Why didn’t you just come to the front and knock?”

  Reece too frowned, his eyes narrowing. Then he shrugged indifferently. “I didn’t expect you to let me in, honestly.”

  Vivian wasn’t so sure.

  Reece took a step to the side, observing her. “Guess I just wanted to extend the courtesy.”

  Vivian understood and heat leaped in her face and throat. “I shouldn’t have trespassed…”

  “No,” Reece said darkly. “You really shouldn’t have.”

  Vivian shivered and licked her lips. “Reece… I’m sorry.”

  “We really need to talk about what you saw, Vivian.” Reece moved closer. “And that picture you took. I don’t wish to hurt you. But I will scare you. I have to... to protect myself. That’s why I’ve come as I have.”

  He had come to threaten her just like she had feared.

  “I—I promise I’ve told no one. I haven’t shown the picture to anyone, I swear.” Vivian continued to move back as Reece drew closer. “I’ll delete the photo right now. I won’t say a word.” Vivian hit the back of the couch and when Reece towered bef
ore her, Vivian sat down, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

  He glared down at her and she noticed his hands clenching and unclenching into fists.

  “No one has ever seen me like you have, Vivian. I’ve remained hidden for a long time. Am I furious? Yes. I was about to grab you when you ran from me. But at the last moment, I didn’t. I let you go and tried to remain civil instead. And all you did was avoid me. But I will no longer be ignored.”

  Vivian’s mouth trembled. “I understand. I’m sorry. I was just scared.”

  “Rightly so,” Reece said coldly. “But I’ll have to keep an eye on you now, you understand, Vivian? If this ever gets out—”

  “It won’t,” Vivian shook her head. “I promise.”

  Reece stared silently down at her.

  “You understand then,” he finally said. His eyes flickered down her body then he shook his head as if to clear it and looked away from her. “Let your fear fuel your now best-kept secret. As long as you keep it well we can remain how we are, like nothing is different. You won’t come into my property again and we will remain…”

  Vivian felt so ashamed that she kept her head bowed, staring at her hands, and didn’t realize why Reece had gone silent. When she looked back up she saw him staring wide-eyed down at the ground. He then bent down and picked up one of her drawings that had fallen to the ground.

  Vivian made to open her mouth and explain but she was so embarrassed she couldn’t find the words.

  Reece stared in stunned disbelief at the drawing now clenched tightly in his hands. Then his eyes wandered away from the lone sketch and fell onto all the others on the couch along with Vivian’s toys.

  Vivian turned so hot with humiliation she could feel sweat dripping down her back and between her breasts.

  “Reece…” she said shakily.

  Reece stood rigid. “You... want me,” he said, stunned.

  Vivian’s eyes shot up at him then quickly looked away. Her hands clamped on her thighs, nails digging into her sides.

  She waited for him to laugh. Or to shout at her and leave in disgust. She could feel tears already stinging her eyes at the rejection she was certain was coming.

  However, neither came. Reece only seemed to stand there in harsh silence. That silence was growing worse than the other reactions she was expecting and she couldn’t take it.

  “I’m sorry.” Vivian rose from the couch and turned to race toward the stairs to her room when Reece suddenly grabbed her. Vivian gasped as he gripped her arm and whirled her around to face him.

  “No,” he growled. “No more running away.” He grasped both her wrists and Vivian only struggled for a moment before she stopped and locked eyes with his. “Tell me, Vivian.”

  Vivian stared up at him then nodded. “Yes. Yes, I do.”

  Reece brought her closer. “Even with what I am?”

  Vivian nodded again. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Reece brought her hands up and away from her body and looked her over. Vivian tried to press herself against him but he didn’t yet allow it.

  “Please,” Vivian begged. She felt the heat sink down to her center, her body pulsing, desperate to touch him. Her shirt felt too tight now and her she longed to have him tear it off her. She tried to arch into him but he kept her away.

  Even as he struggled, Vivian saw Reece’s eyes turn dark with hunger. A growl vibrated in his throat and she saw parts of him beginning to change.

  “Please, Reece—”

  Reece snarled and his mouth widened and his fangs elongated. Vivian heard bones cracking.

  “You still want me... even now?” his voice turned low and inhuman.

  Vivian stared at him. Though she trembled, she nodded. Reece bared his teeth and brought his face down to hers. He drew his mouth to the side of her face and Vivian waited, heart racing.

  When she felt his tongue flick against her ear, Vivian moaned and nearly crumbled to the floor. Reece caught her in time and crushed her against him.

  His face was contorted now—half human, half beast. His eyes, larger than usual, were still a brilliant green. He laid a hand at her lower back and groaned as he pressed her center to him. Vivian arched against him and moaned, feeling him swelling against her.

  Nearly mindless and desperate, Vivian brought her hands to his face. “Kiss me. Touch me.”

  Reece allowed her to pull him down. She kissed him, softly at first, until he deepened it, opening her more with his tongue. He coaxed her more, slipping his tongue against hers then biting her bottom lip, leaving her breathless.

  “Take me,” Vivian whispered. “As you are. I want you inside me. Take me. Take me.” Vivian’s voice grew louder and more desperate. Reece placed a hand around her neck, grazing a taloned thumb along her throat. He brought her down to the couch, flinging the drawings and toys to the side. Vivian arched into him but he kept her down.

  With one hand still on her throat, he took hold of her shorts and quickly slipped them off her. He then lifted her shirt and Vivian raised her arms so that he could pull it off fully. Vivian lay naked before him, squirming under him as Reece’s eyes devoured her. She saw him suddenly shudder.

  “I’ve never taken anyone like this before... in this form,” he said. “I will fuck hard.”

  Vivian licked her now swollen lip. “Yes…”

  With that Reece bared his teeth and growled. He bent down to her and kissed down her neck and then to her breasts, latching on to one nipple and suckling. He tore his mouth away then traced his lips downward. “But first I need a taste,” he breathed on her skin. His mouth drew down to her center and his mouth pressed against her core. Vivian inhaled sharply then mewled as he took her clit in his mouth and suckled then swirled and flicked his tongue.

  Vivian’s expression turned to agony at the sight of him on her. “Oh, Reece, oh god, yes,” she moaned.

  Reece lifted his head, licked his lips, and shuddered. “You taste... amazing.” It was hard to make out his words as his mouth was warped and voice turned to a deep growl but Vivian understood enough. Suddenly Reece rose and pulled Vivian up. He turned her around and positioned her so that her hands gripped the edge of the couch then he spread her legs.


  Reece smiled and traced his claws along Vivian’s rear and down her thighs making her shiver. Then he lowered himself down and spread her more. With his head under her, Vivian felt his tongue graze against her and Vivian’s legs nearly buckled. She felt his hot, slick tongue ravish under her, his sharp hands on her rear spreading her, fangs grazing her only ever so slightly. Vivian arched and lifted her head, gasping as her center throbbed against his mouth.

  He licked and sucked on her from underneath; her wet heat dripping down his mouth. The ache grew nearly painful as he swirled his thick tongue around her. Vivian moaned and whimpered, moving her hips slightly against him until they were in rhythm together.

  Vivian’s moans grew wilder, moving quickly against him until her center tightened. She came hard and quick, crying out as her body shook. She was so swept in her orgasm she hadn’t notice Reece shrug off his clothes. He mounted her from behind. He pushed his thick cock against her and Vivian whimpered as she felt it slide into her tight center, filling her until his hips hit against her rear. She heard Reece let out a sharp breath then growl low. He pushed her down on the couch, pinning her, and, when Vivian turned her head, she saw his large, taloned hand grip the side of the couch.

  He moved slowly at first but went deep. his thrusts pushing her into the couch. He placed his other hand at the back of her neck and gripped her. Then he really began to move. His grunts timed to each thrust, pounding her into the cushions. She would have lurched upward but his hand kept her in place. She let out short little cries with every hard beat of his body, feeling her innards clench around him. She was so wet that his strokes moved through her with complete ease.

  He beat faster and harder. So hard she could feel his balls hitting her core. Vivian was stunned and amazed b
y his feral movements. Eventually, he withdrew his hand and rose, clutching her rear and spreading her again so he could see all of her. Heat went up her face as Vivian felt exposed. As he continued to pound into her, Vivian felt his thumb rub her asshole, circling it, and she feared him going in her from that way. Instead, he only pressed his thumb against her and she heard him moan deep. He drew his fingers away and quickened his pace. His thick cock, hot and slick as it filled her, beat into her. The couch shook as did the lamps to either side. The whole room seemed to quack as Vivian struggled to withstand the beast now riding against her. His grunts and snarls filled her ears and Vivian lifted her head, tears pricking her eyes. Her body shook, teeth chattering, as he slammed against her.

  Heat burst from her and Vivian screamed as she shattered once more, her center tightening around Reece’s cock. Still, he plunged deep even as she came, even as she grew so tight it made it harder for him to move. She cried out and moaned.


  This time Reece joined her. With one last hard thrust, he stilled, his cock throbbing violently, hot need shooting inside her. He roared, his body shaking, gripping her tightly.

  They remained entangled as Reece continued to come, jerking and hissing, his nails digging into her skin, drawing little beads of blood.

  “Vivian,” he breathed.

  Panting, Vivian dared not move until he had finished completely. Reece let out one last groan then his body went limp. He went to the ground and brought Vivian down with him.


  “You’re sure about this, Vivian.” Reece moaned as he moved slowly against her.

  Vivian sat on the kitchen table, her legs curled around Reece’s waist, moving her hips. Her brows furrowed and she nodded. “I’m sure.”

  Reece smiled. “Being a Rougarou’s mate isn’t an easy feat.“

  Vivian smiled. “So that’s your official title?”

  Reece shrugged. “One of many. I just prefer that one.” He moved his hips in time with hers and gave her a sharp grin.

  Vivian traced her hands along his stomach and grinned back. “I think I can take it.”


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