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Beasts and Beauties

Page 4

by Lora Darc

  Afterward, she had kept her composure for the most part. She checked on him throughout the day, still keeping to her chores around the house, fixing meals and making potions. He seemed to sleep most of the time but after a few days, he stayed more and more awake and took to watching her as she worked. His glare got to be too much at times and she had to leave, but she always came back to examine him. When she tried to feed him the first time he growled and hissed at her, turning his head away like he didn’t want it but eventually he gave in to his ravenous hunger and let her feed him pieces of chicken from her hand. He flinched and went rigid whenever she touched him to re-clean and re-bandage his wounds, grumbling every once in a while but, to her relief, he never tried to stop her.

  Her fear lessened of him eventually and she grew more curious, more intrigued. Though he was terrifying, she couldn’t help reflecting on the parts of him that were quite attractive. His skin was smooth and firm, his body was solid as stone, with muscles tightening and flexing as he shifted where he lay. He was truly a magnificent beast and to Jaslene’s unease, she soon found her body growing hot at the sight of him. She tried to ignore the forbidden responses she was feeling towards him, but as he seemed to grow more at ease around her, looking at her with less hostility and more with a hunger for a different sort of flesh, she found her desire growing no matter how much she tried to bury it deep down.

  He’s a monster, Jaslene. He’d probably tear you to shreds if he had the strength.

  With that thought running through her mind, she always pushed the lustful thoughts away and tried to keep busy with her work. Eventually, however, she found the silence stifling between them and she tried to communicate.

  “My name is Jaslene. Do you understand?” She said to him one night. The orc had looked at her with narrow eyes but hadn’t responded. She shrugged, thinking he must not until he responded with some orcish tongue she couldn’t comprehend. Wide-eyed, she stared at him in shock, till he repeated his words and touched his chest.


  That she understood. He was telling her his name was Mergoth. Mergoth, the Ravager.

  “You are Mergoth?” Jaslene whispered in disbelief.

  The orc had nodded.

  With that Jaslene turned from him so that he didn’t see her paling face. The orc general himself was in her barn and she was taking care of him.

  She barely slept that night, uncertain then if what she was doing was the right thing, but by morning she had made up her mind that it was and so she continued to help him. If she could get through to the general himself, maybe she could even stop the war.

  For the rest of the day, she began to work on the potion made from Aris flowers. She could tell the orc was still uncomfortable, even in pain and she knew the flowers could help quicken his healing. She sat by his side as she worked the concoction, talking aimlessly to him and he seemed to listen intently even if he didn’t completely understand. For whatever crazed reason she told him her life story (as if he cared to hear) about her being orphaned then apprenticed to a healer until she was able to make it on her own. He murmured a few times to her in his strange tongue but said very little.

  When the sun began to set, the potion was finished. Jaslene let it settle before she spooned some into a small wooden cup. She slid over to sit beside the orc and brought the cup to his lips.

  Unlike before, Mergoth shot his hand up to quickly snatch her wrist. Jaslene gasped and nearly dropped the cup as his hand tightened.

  “Merzeef na rargerif,” he growled. Jaslene shook her head not understanding, her hand shaking as she gripped the cup. He repeated his words and looked down at the cup.

  “It will help you. It will help ease the pain, make you less tense,” Jaslene said hoping he understood anything she said. He bared his fangs and looked at her with uncertainty for a long moment. Jaslene only nodded her head, trying to reassure him.

  He looked down at the dark liquid then back at her and finally seemed to trust her enough to take a sip.

  He winced a little but didn’t seem to hate it too much for he drank the rest down in one full swig. He grimaced and lay back and closed his eyes. Thinking he meant to sleep, Jaslene began cleaning up, storing away the rest of the potion for later. At the corner of her eye, she saw the orc stir and she looked over she saw him shudder. Brows furrowing, she went back over to him and lightly placed her hand on his shoulder. He was hot but not in a feverish sort of way, just that it seemed he was always burning with some strange fire. Now the heat radiated from him and his breath began to quicken.

  Frowning, Jaslene watched him while reaching her hand over for the jug of water on his other side. As she did so her hand brushed against something hard and, when she looked, she saw his cock had swollen and risen of its own, the cloth that had been covering it now on the ground.

  Jaslene gasped, her hand clamping to her mouth. She looked back at Mergoth and saw his nails digging into the ground, a low growl escaping him.

  Heat rose up Jaslene’s neck into her face. The Aris flowers were said to be a minor aphrodisiac, but she never saw a reaction like this.

  Carefully she placed her fingers on the orc’s hard stomach and the orc gritted his teeth his cock growing harder. Sweat began to glisten on his chest and he writhed under her. Somehow the potion was affecting him more than it should.

  Fearing that he was in pain, Jaslene cupped his face in her hands and forced him to look at her. “Mergoth, tell me what’s wrong. Are you in pain?”

  He took hold of her wrists and arched then started speaking his orcish tongue at her.

  Jaslene shook her head. He repeated the words then, taking his time to say it right, he said in a thick accent, “Agony.”

  “Agony?” Jaslene repeated. “You are in pain then?” Impossible, she thought. The Aris flowers were supposed to do the opposite.

  He shook his head then his eyes shifted down and licking his lips and then his fangs he said, “Release.”

  Jaslene stilled. “Release…” she whispered. She followed his eyes down to the hard length of him. Mergoth nodded and when they locked eyes, she could see him silently pleading, searching her face. He let go of her wrists and Jaslene straightened. She watched him for a moment, her mouth turning dry, the heat in her face now sinking down to her belly, between her legs.

  “I shouldn’t have given you the potion. This is my fault,” Jaslene said softly, mostly to herself. She had chosen to help him and he hadn’t even asked, now he was in this vulnerable state that she had put him in. Jaslene chewed her bottom lip. If she left him to suffer it wouldn’t be fair.

  Jaslene placed her hand flat on his stomach once more and nodded. “All right... I will... ease you.”

  Mergoth bared his teeth, watching as she slid her hand down his abdomen, her fingers trailing his sides. His cock twitched as Jaslene took a firm grasp of it, realizing her hand couldn’t fully wrap around, her fingers unable to connect because of his giant size. A wave of heat rushed over her and her heart began to race. Mergoth hissed and lifted back his head when she began to slowly stroke her hand against him.

  Mergoth rose his hips a little and bent his legs up slightly, parting his thighs. A throaty growl escaped him like a purr as Jaslene began to stroke faster. A blush rose in her but she didn’t stop. A dark desire blossomed in her and she had a sudden intense urge to mount him. But no, she couldn’t, she still feared him despite everything. He was like a wounded tiger or wolf that only remained docile through its injuries, but once recovered might strike and bite her. He might lash out if she were to go too far.

  Mergoth groaned as Jaslene rubbed up against his shaft and grazed a thumb along his tip. She felt the sticky wet of his need beginning to trickle out making her movements slicker. Soon he began to tense and his groans grew louder and Jaslene felt his cock throb in her hand and his balls clench. His need shot out, thick and hot, some spilling onto her hand, the rest on to the hay nearby. Mergoth shuddered, his muscles tightening and he led out a low ro

  Jaslene was shocked into silence by the intense orgasm she had just witnessed. She had been with men before and pleased them in similar ways, but never had she seen pleasure so raw and bestial, so vigorous. It turned her so hot she felt a wetness between her legs, dripping down her thighs.

  As Mergoth finally began to relax, Jaslene released her hand from him, taking up rag nearby and wiping her hand. She saw him watching her with slitted eyes and for a moment he seemed to reach for her until his head fell to the side and his eyes closed and not long after she heard him snoring softly.

  Still in shock at what she had just done, Jaslene gathered her things and turned to leave. She looked on Mergoth one last time, taking in his naked body. Her hand tightened on the door, and she trembled slightly then forced herself away.


  Mergoth was in awe of this healer who cared for him. His little nurse he liked to call her secretly. After the other night, he started to fully believe that she meant to care for him not for some dark, sinister reason as if to gain her fortune, but because she actually wanted to help him recover. She was a sweet thing. Innocent and kind. He was growing more fond of her by the hour. It baffled him to learn that such humans existed. All he had ever known was hate and violence of her kind. But she was so completely different.

  When she came to him the next morning, he almost yipped with joy. She gave him a sweet little smile but he could see she was suddenly too shy to approach him. She wouldn’t look him in the eye as she placed a pot of hot water next to him along with a towel and clean bandages.

  “I... um, will need to clean you,” she said softly, still not looking at him, a soft blush growing on her cheeks.

  Mergoth frowned. No, this wouldn’t do at all. She was shrinking from him. Perhaps embarrassed about last night. He would have to remedy that.

  He watched as she dipped a rag in the steaming water then, as she knelt beside him, began to carefully peel away his old bandages. Mergoth began to lift his hand to grasp hers when she began to speak.

  “I’m sorry... about last night. If I had known how you would react to the potion... I’m sure you’re not exactly pleased at being touched by me like that…”

  Mergoth stared at her in confusion, then realized what she was trying to say and nearly laughed. The poor thing thought he hated her for what she did. She thought he must be disgusted and humiliated when in fact he wasn’t. Just the opposite.

  He wanted more.

  Not just her hand, but her whole body. He wanted her softness against him, caressing him. He wanted her mouth on him. To bury himself deep inside her.

  With her hands on him now, washing his thighs and up his stomach, and with the images now running wild in his head, he felt himself growing hard again, his cock swelling and rising with every brush of her little hand against him.

  “Oh…” he heard her whisper. He looked over at her and saw her face grow red once again as she looked down at him. Slowly he rose his upper body. She looked over at him, her eyes wide, and dropped the rag beside her as Mergoth reached over and gently brushed his fingers along the side of her face and neck.

  “It’s all right. Don’t be afraid,” he said to her in his own language. She stared at him, her lovely lips trembling. Mergoth clenched his jaw trying to think of the words in her language that would be best fit what he wanted to say. He rolled his tongue and could only think of one word.

  “Want,” he said to her in human. He grasped her delicate hand and placed it to his chest. “Want…”

  She stilled and tensed a little, but didn’t try to free her hand. Slowly he drew her hand lower. He growled deep when she allowed him to press her hand to his swelling cock. “I want you. I want ... Jaslene.”

  And he could see in her expression she understood. Her eyes, though wide with shock, sparked. Her breath quickened and he thought he could hear her little heart fluttering. She paused for a single moment, then firmly grasped his thick cock and he shuddered, a low groan escaping him.

  He saw her shiver then nod. She stroked him again and his cock pulsed and hardened more. Mergoth hissed. Mindless with need, he grabbed the back of Jaslene’s neck, wanting to pull her to him. Instead, to his ultimate delight, she lowered herself on him and he felt her lips press against the head of his cock. He let out a soft moan and felt heat rip through his insides. He opened more for her and Jaslene placed herself before him, on her knees, and, with a short pause, Mergoth felt her mouth slide down his shaft.

  Her mouth was forced wide open in order to take him but she didn’t seem to mind. Jaslene went slow but surprisingly deep. Her head went up and down and Mergoth clutched a fist of her hair at the back of her head wanting badly to quicken her pace. But he forced himself to be patient, as he knew he was of a size she likely wasn’t used to. He unclasped her hair and stroked her head instead, deciding now it was much better to be gentle. When the time came and he was fully recovered, he would take her hard.

  Jaslene lifted her eyes to him and he studied her. She lifted her warm, soft lips up him and he felt her tongue swirl against his tip. She removed her mouth from him and licked her lips.

  “I confess I want you too, Mergoth,” she said, timidly. She straightened up and Mergoth fixed her with a puzzled frown. She got to her feet and before his very eyes, he watched her loosen her dress and slide it down her body, letting it fall to the ground.

  Naked before him, Mergoth couldn’t help letting out a soft whimper. She was divine. A beauty like nothing he had ever seen. He wanted to lick every creamy part of her. To feel her soft body under him as he drove hard.

  Cautiously she came back to him and knelt between his legs. She took his cock in her mouth again and went as deep as she could then drew away once more. Her breasts brushed against his cock and Mergoth nearly lost it.

  “I want to feel you inside me…”

  Mergoth licked his teeth and nodded. He could see she was very nervous, he was large and she was quite small, but she seemed determined nonetheless. He lowered his legs so that she could straddle him and, carefully, Jaslene lifted herself and pressed her center against him. She slowly began to lower herself but he could see her struggling.

  “It’s so tight, ah,” she breathed. “I don’t know if it will fit.”

  Oh, it would, he would show her.

  He gripped her hips and guided her down. Jaslene winced a little then gasped as she slid down him, goosebumps rippling over her skin and her nipples hardening. Mergoth hissed himself as he felt her hot, wet center encompassing him, clenching and tightening around him.

  When Jaslene could go no further, she shifted a little, then began to relax. She smiled at him and placed her hands flat on his chest. Mergoth lowered himself fully, his hands now on her thighs, stroking his thumbs against her.

  She didn’t move at first but when she did, Mergoth had to keep himself from climaxing too soon. She went slow then quickened her pace, thumping against him. He watched completely entranced, allowing her to move and feel him as she so pleased. Her body bobbed lightly on top of him and he admired her sweet little curves and swells. He cupped one of her breasts and squeezed gently then rubbed her nipple with his thumb.

  He knew if he moved on Jaslene it might be too much for her. Even when he shifted his hips slightly, he saw her wince a little. He too couldn’t help flinching in slight pain as his wounds were still healing. If he didn’t think he would accidentally tear up his body once more after everything she had done for him, Mergoth would have thrust hard into her, beating into her with what strength he had.

  But, not wanting to harm her or himself, he stayed mostly unmoving; greatly enjoying watching this bewitching girl move no him, taking her pleasure.

  “Oh... oh… oh gods,” Jaslene moaned as she moved deeper against him. She arched her back and lifted her head and Mergoth gritted his teeth, clamping his hands to her thighs, his nails digging into her. She moved faster on him and Mergoth could feel her tightening even more. She was close to her climax and Mergoth wa
nted to join her. He growled and felt the pressure building in his shaft, his cock pulsing. Jaslene’s expression grew pained with want as she too must have felt it and rolled her hips, taking him deeper.

  “I’m going to come... oh, gods, I’m going to come,” she said in agony. “Please, Mergoth.”

  She ground against him. Mergoth could see her wet dripping down his shaft. She was trembling, ready to burst. Unable to control himself any longer, with one swift motion, Mergoth moved his hips up to meet her. And with that, he felt her shatter on top of him.

  Jaslene cried out and Mergoth felt her constrict around him. With her orgasm, he too felt his release. His need shot through her and his cock throbbed. He heard her gasp just as he roared.

  They came together for a brief moment until, eventually, Jaslene collapsed on top of him. She was panting heavily and he could feel her little heart racing. He placed an arm around her and breathed deeply, taking in her lovely scent.

  She lay on him for some time, her body warm, and he rubbed her back, even braving to kiss her forehead. Eventually, Jaslene sighed and rose up on quivering limbs to look at him.

  She smiled at him, placing a lock of hair behind her ear. Sweat glistened between her breasts and on her forehead.

  “Wow, Mergoth, “she said. She slipped herself slowly from him then rolled to his side, panting. She wiped her brow then sat up.

  Mergoth went to sit up with her but she pushed him down.

  “Stay.” she grinned. “Rest. I will cook you some food.”

  Mergoth did as told and lay there, watching Jaslene put back on her dress and, with new energy, begin setting up a fire.

  He gazed at her, in awe once more. His little nurse.


  He lay there, a little stunned at the thought, but then quickly welcomed it. Yes, she would be his now. He would claim her. Never would he have dreamed of making a human his mate but he swore on it now.

  He would take her and no one would stop him.


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