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Diary of a 6th Grade Spy - Book 1 - Zero to Hero

Page 3

by Katrina Kahler

I feel really sorry for him. He must be terribly worried about his daughter, Gazania. I am sure the last thing he wants to talk about is herbs.

  “Welcome,” says the King and with a wave of his royal arm he invites us to sit by his throne. The conversation is difficult as the King keeps trailing off and forgetting what he is saying. Lupa gets up and I follow his lead. It is time to leave.

  We make our way out of the castle and follow the path outside into the gardens.

  I feel the dark clouds gathering in the sky and there is an air of gloom over the land. I am very nervous.

  It is time to go but how do I get back to the library? Oh and there’s Uncle Bert! My mom’s brother was coming for dinner and he will be waiting to get into the flat. Reality check!

  Lupa seems to read my mind.

  “I can sense you need to get home,” he says with a sigh. “You are a brave boy, I wish you could stay and help us solve our problems. We need someone like you from the outside world who is clever and courageous.”

  I am honored a large white artic wolf is calling me brave. Ha, I wish Miss Sorrel could see me now!

  Suddenly a large winged creature flies by and just misses my head! The sun is going down and the light is getting dimmer. What was that creature? A bat? No it wasn’t quite big enough...maybe a night owl. No, too early for owls.

  Lupa looks worried and pulls his ears back. The sound comes back again and this time there are two of them. Winged creatures making a terrible whirring sound with their wings, I am sure I even heard one squeak.

  “What was that Lupa?” I ask with a tremble in my voice.

  “We think they are giant moths that have come from the dark side but no one is sure. They are very scary as they dive at your head and squeak like bats but we know they are not bats. Everyone goes inside at night, the people of Gardinia are afraid.”

  Giant moths that squeak like bats! Suddenly I am afraid too. It really is time to go!

  We have reached the place where I landed several hours ago. So much has happened and my head is buzzing with stories of giant moths and the dark side of Gardinia. Lupa is anxious to return to the castle too.

  “Do you have the stick you arrived with?” he asks.

  The browsing stick from the library is tucked into my belt a bit like a sword. I take it out to show Lupa and as I hold it up in the air everything turns upside down again and I spin round and round. I feel the falling sensation. I gasp for breath and find myself sitting on the library floor again.

  Back where I started.

  I pick myself up feeling a bit dazed but no broken bones. The sound of the home-time bell rings in the background. A quick dash takes me to the front of the library. Careful not to draw any attention to myself I leave the library silently. I’m anxious to get home and think about the afternoon I spent in Gardinia.

  I hope Uncle Bert hasn’t been waiting too long. Mom’s brother was a forensic entomologist. He helped the police detectives find clues to crimes through the bugs and beetles that were on the crime scene. What a cool job. He doesn’t like to talk much about the work he did. Kind of secret police work but sometimes he has something interesting to say. Mom says he’s too clever for one he should have been twins!

  Perhaps Uncle Bert may have something to say about giant moths.


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