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Logan's Love: Dark Side Vampires Vol. 2

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by B. A. Stretke



  Dark Side Vampires

  Vol. 2

  By. B.A. Stretke

  Copyright © 2020 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.


  “Don’t stay out late tonight. You need to be here by eight in the morning to help your father prune the fruit trees.” Ashton’s mother never made requests; she only made demands. He’d left home right after high school in the hopes of getting out from under their control, but at twenty-one, he still struggled to live his own life. His parents were sucking the will to live right out of him, and he didn’t know how to make it stop.

  This was the first he’d heard of having to help his father prune trees. His father was a difficult man to please. Actually, he was an impossible man to please, and Ashton went out of his way to avoid him even if they were in the same house. He didn’t want to be stuck working with him side by side. “I thought you hired a service to take care of your trees.”

  “They did a terrible job, and your father is not happy.” She sounded pained and put out, and Ashton could only imagine what those poor workers were put through as they struggled to satisfy Jean and Allan Webb.

  “I have plans tomorrow.” He tried to stand up for himself, but it was a feeble attempt.

  “That’s fine, dear, just come here first and then go do whatever you have planned. I’ll see you at eight.” She simply hung up, clearly assuming he would do as he was told, which he would.

  Ashton closed the call and stuck his cell back into his pocket, wishing he had the nerve to ignore them, but he was compelled to follow orders for some reason. Perhaps it was the years of harsh control that made it impossible for him to deny them. If they were reciprocal in their demands giving as well as getting or even decent about his efforts, it would have made a world of difference. But that wasn’t the case.

  Jean and Allan Webb were the epitome of self-centered and never saw beyond their own needs. He only heard from them when they wanted something or needed him to do something. Everything was always about them; the world revolved around them. Never did they invite him to dinner or over for coffee or out somewhere just to visit. They only did so if they needed something from him.

  He didn’t hate them. He didn’t like them, but he didn’t hate them either. He just wanted some freedom, but he feared the only way he would ever have his freedom was to move away. St. Louis was large but evidently not large enough for him to be able to breathe.


  “I’m going to drive, so I’ll pick you up at eight. I know that’s early, but we want to get good seats. The Dark Side fills up fast, and we don’t want to be stuck standing outside all evening.” Will told him pointedly. Ashton had agreed a couple weeks ago to go out with Will and a few other co-workers to celebrate his twenty-first birthday, but now that the day was here, he was having second thoughts.

  “Are you sure you want me coming along? I’m not really Dark Side material. They may not even let me in.” Ashton had never been to the bar before, had never been to any bar actually, but he’d heard plenty about the Dark Side. His anxieties were kicking in as he twisted his fingers in the hem of his jacket.

  Will gripped him by the upper arm and pulled him closer. “We’ve been planning this for weeks, Ashton don’t back out on us now.” Ashton held his gaze for a moment and then nodded. He and Will had worked together at Knight’s Jewelry for the past year, and although he seemed a nice enough guy, Will tended to be overbearing and pushy. Will had been hired as assistant manager, and he was great with customers, although a bit highhanded with Ashton and the other staff.

  The working conditions weren’t bad, but Ashton would have preferred a little more distance between his personal life and work life. Will had apparently decided early on that Ashton needed help socially, so Will tried relentlessly to get him to go out, which Ashton had declined continuously. He had the excuse of not being twenty-one and unable to drink and not allowed into many clubs and bars, but now that excuse was gone. He didn’t want to go, yet he saw no way out that wouldn’t result in hurt feelings.

  “Be ready at eight.” He stated while shaking his finger in Ashton’s face.

  “I can drive myself.” Ashton offered.

  “This is your birthday, and you will have a couple of drinks, so I will pick you up.” Will stared at him until once again, Ashton nodded his agreement. Damn, this was getting weird. Ashton was suddenly getting a strange vibe, and his apprehension was growing.

  He would go and have a drink and then take off. He didn’t need Will to drive him home; he could get a cab easy enough. Yeah, that made him relax a little. Just a drink, and then he would leave.


  Logan finished training the new bartenders and had the area stocked and ready. They seemed to be always adding staff as the place grew in size and popularity. Friday and Saturday nights were always busy now that the Dark Side had cleaned up its image and appealed to the younger working-class crowd. He’d enjoyed the edginess of the previous business with the freedom to do almost anything, within reason and consent, of course. That included feeding on a willing donor or having sex at your table, and sometimes if you got lucky, you had both simultaneously.

  It was still edgy but was a much more tasteful place now and attracted a better class of people who had money to spend. They made well on the weekends, and John considered hiring some dancers or strippers to add to the entertainment.

  According to John's beloved Elliot, they would have to be classy, artsy strippers, and not the ones that used to frequent the joint. Those men would strip and fuck right on stage and then proceed to fuck a few customers if the price was right. But no more of that, only class acts were allowed now. He laughed and marveled at the effect Elliot Jones, a mild-mannered receptionist, had on their boss and leader John Dyer.

  It used to be just the eight of them, not a coven but a group of like-minded vampires that banded together decades ago. John had shied away from the title of Master, not wanting the baggage that comes with running an official coven, but there was always an understood hierarchy.

  John was the boss, and Race was his beta, or rather second in command. Their loose standing in the vampire world came in handy during the vampire war since they had no allegiances and could back whomever. John chose wisely, and now his property and influence had grown tenfold.

  They also grew in numbers with many from other covens deciding that looser control was a good option and requested to join John Dyer and the Dark Side group. They now numbered over two hundred and stretched from St. Louis, Missouri to Kansas City, Kansas. Life was good.

  He was wiping down the bar when John walked in and slapped his hand down onto the bar. “Looks good, Logan.” He said and ordered a whiskey. “I love the weekend. So many people with so much money to spend.” He said and downed the shot of whiskey.

  “And they spend it here.” Logan joined with a broad smile. “Making this place legal ranks among some of your best decisions.” They both knew that it was actually semi-legal since a smattering of gambling endeavors still took place on the premises. They are the Dark Side and could only be expected to attempt legitimacy, no
t to go full bore.

  “That decision belongs to my lovely Elliot, who saw a den of iniquity and knew it could be better.” John laughed. “God, I love that man. I hope that one day you all have the good fortune to find your beloved and experience the true beauty and happiness of the bond.” Logan poured them both a shot, and they toasted everyone’s good fortune.


  Ashton checked himself in the mirror and saw a poser, someone who was trying too hard. He took off his leather jacket and slipped his black sport coat back on over his white shirt. Now he looked more like himself, a nondescript average young man out for an evening. Yeah, this was better; who was he trying to kid. He wasn’t going to impress anyone at the Dark Side. He might as well just be himself. Just as he started to have second thoughts about his jeans, thinking maybe they were a bit too tight, the doorbell rang.

  It was only seven forty, but when he checked the peep hole in the door, it was indeed Will standing in his apartment building hallway. Damn, now he would have to invite him in. He didn’t like getting too friendly with his boss. It felt awkward, but what choice did he have? He certainly couldn’t leave him standing out in the hall. He opened the door, and Will brushed past him into the small apartment.

  He first glanced around the room, taking in the sparse furnishings, and then returned his attention to Ashton. Giving him a complete once over and shaking his head. “This is what you’re wearing?” His tone had a definite sneer to it that Ashton took offense to.

  “Yes.” He stated pointedly. “This is what I’m wearing.”

  Will rolled his eyes and turned his head to look disparagingly around the room once again. “Well, okay, but don’t expect to get any action looking like a library assistant.”

  “I’m not looking for action, just a couple of drinks.” Ashton tried to sound firm but not harsh; this was his boss, after all. He noticed that Will was dressed in a very tight pair of black jeans and an equally tight grey t-shirt. He was looking for action, that was obvious. Maybe he would find it, and Ashton could return home early. One could only hope.

  “Okay, well if you’re not going to take my advice, we might as well head out because the line starts forming at eight.” He sounded put out, but thankfully he wasn’t pushing for a wardrobe change. Ashton stuck his wallet in his back pocket and grabbed his keys. He had a bad feeling about this. Will wouldn’t be this keen on getting him to the Dark Side if he didn’t have something particularly unpleasant planned. Twenty-first birthday rituals should be banned. With a deep breath, he followed Will to his pristine white Dodge Charger.

  When they pulled up to the parking area about a block from the club, Will turned to him and insisted that he lighten up. “Come on, Ashton, it’s just a couple of drinks with friends. You can do it.”

  “Sure,” Ashton responded as he climbed out of the car and stood looking down the street at a line that was already quite long. Will wasn’t lying about getting there early. Until a couple of years ago the Dark Side and even this section of town were considered hazardous to your health and welfare. The city began a vigorous cleanup effort that brought in more business and more respectability.

  The Dark Side Bar was considered a criminal enterprise back then but now it took on a whole new persona. It was extremely popular and even started showing up in magazines and news articles boasting its style and quality. But in Ashton’s head, it was still the Dark Side Bar, a place that operated in shadow and mystery. It may have had some surface alterations, but down deep, he had a hunch it was still the place it used to be.

  His Uncle Larry went there to play cards once, maybe ten or fifteen years ago, and returned in the morning with a broken arm, severe blood loss, and no memory of ever being at the Dark Side. It was a spooky place, but Ashton had no intention of getting involved in anything. He would have a drink, one drink, and then he was leaving.

  Ashton wasn’t a big man at five feet seven inches and just one hundred thirty pounds, he doubted he would be able to handle himself very well if trouble arose. He and Will took their place in line and waited. It wasn’t long before they were carded and allowed inside.

  “Allison and Mike are going to meet us later,” Will announced as they stepped inside the surprisingly stylish and polished interior. It was fashion and luxury combined and completely not what Ashton had expected.

  Ashton was taking in the surroundings and apparently not moving fast enough, so Will grabbed him again by the upper arm and hauled him along. “Come on, let’s get a table.” He shouted. The noise inside the bar was loud, but not so loud he needed to shout. He didn’t need to yell like that or look so irritated. This had all the makings of a miserable evening.

  Ashton was led to a table that had two other men already seated. Will obviously knew them and began introductions. Ashton nodded and shook hands and forgot their names immediately. These were Will’s friends.

  “Why don’t you sit, and I’ll go get us a couple of drinks.” Ashton offered in hopes of getting away from all the ‘bro’ talk. Will hadn’t mentioned that others would be present, but whatever. Ashton saw himself as an add on to the evening anyway and looked forward to leaving.

  He wasn’t anti-social; he was just anti-getting social with your boss and co-workers. He would have preferred spending the evening with some of his actual friends, none of whom would have dragged him to the Dark Side.

  “No, no, you sit, and I’ll get the drinks.” Will said as he walked away from the table, leaving Ashton with these two guys whose names he could not recall.” He forced a half-smile and took a seat.


  Logan noticed him the moment he entered the bar. An impressively handsome young man looking all kinds of uncomfortable and out of place. But he noticed something else that bothered him immensely, and that was the man with him, Will Chandler. Will was a regular here at the Dark Side since the place turned respectable, and he was not someone this kid wanted to be hanging with.

  “Two vodka soda’s please.” Will placed the order.

  “Coming right up.” Logan kept glancing past Will to the man he left at the table. There was something about him that unsettled Logan. “Who’s the lightweight? Not your usual party boy type, is he?” Will always showed up on the weekends with some twink that was ready for anything. They usually ended up in one of the back rooms with the twink giving Will a blow job or getting fucked or both. Yeah, they still had the back rooms for rent by the hour. But they had dedicated security now that kept the activity consensual and safe. No one got hurt at the Dark Side, who wasn’t looking to get hurt.

  “He just turned twenty-one, and I’m going to show him a good time.” Will gave a wicked smile.

  “One of these drinks for him?”


  “I’ll need to see his ID,” Logan informed as he held the drinks. He didn’t really need to see the ID since the guy was carded at the door, and no one under twenty-one ever got inside. But he wanted to know the young man’s name.

  Will had the guys License with him. He pulled it from his shirt pocket and flipped it over to Logan. His name was Ashton Charles Webb, age twenty-one. Logan did a scan of the license for the guy’s address and then handed it back along with the drinks.

  “Have a good evening,” Logan said as he did to everyone, but this one, he really wasn’t feeling.

  “Oh, I plan to.” Will laughed as he turned and headed back to his table with the drinks. Logan continued to watch Ashton as the evening wore on. He appeared ill at ease in the company of the men around the table and continued to slowly drink the first vodka and soda, although two more drinks had been delivered to him.

  He was being extra careful and attentive with his drink and his companions, which caused Logan’s concern for him to spike. The prevailing belief that something was wrong, and this man was somehow in danger would not leave him. Nor would the belief that this man’s welfare was for some reason his responsibility.

  One of the men tried to convince Ashton to dance, but he was a so
lid no on that offer even though Will practically pushed him from his seat in an effort to get him to agree. It had been nearly an hour, and Logan still could not pull his attention away from the awkward little man. Ashton Webb, he had a feeling he was going to be saving that man before the evening was over.


  Ashton checked his watch, and it was now just past nine. It felt like he’d been there for hours. These so-called friends of Will’s were just straight-up jerks, even though Will kept laughing off their crude remarks and sexual innuendos.

  “Finish your fucking drink, Ashton.” Will slapped him on the back and pushed the drink into his hand. “You’ve been nursing that thing for the past hour.” He drank it down and set the glass back on the table as Will set another in front of him. “Now drink this one. You don’t want my friends to think that you’re ungrateful, do you? They both bought you a celebratory drink, and you should have the good manners to drink them.”

  “When are Allison and Mike arriving?” Ashton wanted to change the subject and hoped that his other two co-workers would arrive soon, taking some of the attention off him.

  “Allison called, and they won’t be able to make it. They send their apologies.” Will looked too calm. He hated when plans didn’t go the way he intended, and the fact they baled so late would have infuriated him. It was clear that he never intended for them to join the party; it was just Will, his gross friends, and Ashton.

  Ashton raised the glass to take a short sip, hoping to satisfy Will for a while as he considered how he was going to leave without Will making a big deal out of it. This wasn’t his scene; he preferred the atmosphere of a small pub or a bar-restaurant setup. He wasn’t interested in clubs. They tended to be too highbrow and fast-paced for his liking.

  He glanced over to the bar again, noticing the bartender. He appeared to be watching him, but it could be his imagination. He was a handsome man, tall and dark and built, but then all the bartenders were handsome. Must be a prerequisite for hire. His mind was off on this tangent when Will slapped the bottom of his glass and forced a portion of the drink down Ashton’s throat and the rest on his face and shirt.


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